For The Goddess Imperatoress!

Chapter 94: C94 Tactical

Lang Deh layed back on the bed as he started chatting with his daughter about what happened when he was unconscious, It didn't take long before his son came back empty handed.

"Dad, she already left."


Lang Deh was shocked, there really is someone who doesn't want any favors or rewards?

"Did you exchange your phone number with my benefactor at least?"

Lang Deh asked.

"I didn't"

Lang Zhi scratched his head embarrassingly.

"You... f*ck forget It I give up"

Lang Deh muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Father don't worry youre benefactor Is now a famous figure so It's not hard to arrange a meeting plus I heard that she will be attending my universities career fair apparently she is an alumni of mine"

Lang Xi explained causing her father to look at her with a smile from ear to ear.

Now, that's my girl, she's truly the future of my family as for this failure of a son of mine...

Lang Deh thought as he shifted his gaze from his daughter to his son.

... he looks like me but I'm starting to doubt if the wet nurse made a mistake by accidentally switching him with another one.

Lang Deh thought with dark lines written all over his face.


As soon as the dropship touched down on the mansion's helipad, Hope stepped out immediately once the ramp got lowered down and began cursing under her breath.

"What the actual f*ck,"

She muttered, her eyes widening in disbelief as she took In her surroundings, the once serene and luxurious mansion had been transformed into a full-blown Forward Operating Base (FOB).

Barbed wire surrounded the perimeter, a trench system with sandbags was visible behind the fence, searchlights scanned the grounds, and a fresh concrete checkpoint stood in front of the gate, she could even spot the muzzle of a fifty caliber heavy machine gun.

To top it all off, the CMC flag proudly fluttered in the breeze, and even her roof got covered with sandbags and camouflaged fifty cals.

"Drac, what the hell did those nutjubs of yours do to my home?"

Hope demanded, turning to me with fire in her eyes almost hysterical.

Bloody hell w*men, they will never understand the allure of a personal FOB.

I thought as I couldn't help but smile and give Airid and the others, who were sunbathing near the pool with empty bottles of alcohol and empty pizza boxes littering the ground, a thumbs up.

They raised their bottles in a salute, clearly pleased with their handiwork evident from their smiles that looked like "look we did a good job so give us a pat on our backs".

Auxiliary personnel, in their their fresh straight out from the factory black armored vests full of various attachments with black tactical caps and M4 rifles slung over their shoulders and pistols strapped to their hips, were patrolling the grounds.

"Looks like they've been busy, and I must say they have done one hell of a job"

I commented my face as straight as It could be.

"Busy? Busy turning my mansion into a military base and a good job?! I know you don't have an ounce of common sense but for f*cks sake Drac! Who the f*ck turns their mansion Into a military base?!"

Hope snapped.

"I swear, if they so much as damaged anything inside, I'll—"

"Relax, Hope It's just a few heavy machineguns fire nests and some barbed wire It's no biggy"

I said, following her as she stormed towards the mansion.

"Just a few heavy machine guns? Drac I swear... you know what forget It I f*cking give up"

Hope pushed open the front door and marched inside, heading straight for the master bedroom with me trailing behind.

As soon as the door closed, she began taking off her clothes, tossing them angrily onto the bed.

I couldn't help but grin, thinking I was about to get some action.

"You know If you just wanted to f*ck you could have said so"

I muttered but Hope had other plans.

"We aren't f*cking, Drac, we're going to the career fair"

She barked, pulling out a smart black work suit after she took off her top exposing her b*easts, and put on an erotic red bra.

She paired it with a white long-sleeved shirt, a black jacket, a pencil skirt, red stockings and high heels.

I groaned in disappointment.

"The career fair? Come on, Hope. Can't it wait?"

I couldn't help but complain because I was already In the mood for some rutting.

"No, it can't,"

She replied, adjusting her outfit in the mirror.

"The company building is ready, but apart from the cleaners, we have no one working there, we need people for the company, and we need them now otherwise how the f*ck am I supposed to explain who developed Lilith then people start asking questions?"

Hope added rather frustrated at my lack of common sense, hearing this I sighed, leaning against the wall.

"And what exactly am I supposed to do at this career fair?"

"You have two options,"

Hope said, fastening her jacket.

"You can either take the PMCs under my company CEOs role or the supportive and handsome boyfriend that you are role, Its your choice."

Hope explained while pulling up her red stockings which was s*xy as f*ck In my eyes.

"Will I have to change to a suit If I take the boyfriend's role?"

I asked the most Important question.


Hope answered resolutely while zipping up her pencil skirt.

"Then I'll take the bodyguard role,

I decided, much to Hope's displeasure.

"Of course, you would and let me guess you would take the boyfriend's role If you didn't have to change to a suit wouldn't you?"

She muttered sarcastically, shaking her head.

"Fine. But try not to scare everyone off."

Only to relent In the end.

"Got It let me grab my gear"

I said as I exited the master bedroom.

"Lilith, tell the boys to meet me at the armory,"

I ordered as I walked down the hallway. Lilith's voice immediately responded in my mind.

Understood, sir. They will be there shortly.

I navigated through the mansion, making my way to the armory. As I reached the door, I keyed in the code, hearing the satisfying click of the lock disengaging.

I stepped into the large room, now fully converted into this timelines state-of-the-art armory, courtesy of my battlebrothers.

Rows of weapon racks, crates of ammunition, and various tactical military grade gear filled the space.

"Lilith, good job keeping me updated on the schmucks' progress,"

I muttered.

The armory smelled of oil and metal. I walked over to a large crate labeled "Armored Vests." I cracked it open to reveal rows of fresh, straight-out-of-the-factory gear. I began to pull out the black vests and lay them out on a nearby table.

Soon enough, my battlebrothers started filing in, each giving me a nod as they entered. Airid, Darius, Julian, and the others looked eager and ready.

"Alright, boys, gear up,"

I instructed.

"We're going full tactical today."

We began strapping on the black armored vests with our preferred attachments, ensuring each one was secure and fitted properly.

Next, I opened another crate, revealing M4 rifles with various attachments—grips, scopes, flashlights, and laser sights.

We each selected our preferred configurations, attaching the necessary gear to our rifles.

"Just like the old days before we became cosmic marines huh?"

Airid remarked, admiring his rifle.


I replied, pulling out a Glock pistol with various attachments and holstering it.

"Make sure your radios and earpieces are functioning properly even though we don't need them thanks to our AIs we still have to keep up our appearances after all we don't want anyone to think that were some kind of telepaths or somenthing"

"Roger that,"

Darius said, testing his earpiece and radio.

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