Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Daenerys' Command

Aegon Targaryen knocked on the door of his brother's chambers, when no reply came, he knocked again, this time the door clicked and a figure that didn't surprised him at all appeared, Arianne was with one eye closed, her hair all over her face and wearing a gown that was so transparent, he could see all her body.


"Yes?" She mumbled.


He sighed. "I need to talk with my brother," Ari just blinked and stared at him, her eyes started to close. "Ari!"


The girl jumped. "Okay, Aegon, you don't need to yell." She said grumpily and opened the door for him to enter, he shot her a look and entered. Aegon shook his head, his brother was cloth less like the two other women beside him. Dany and Tyene. Daenerys was sleeping on her stomach, the marks on her arse told him that her rear had a busy night. 


Egg walked to the bed and took a pillow, he raised it and hit his brother face, Dae's eyes shot open. "The fuck!?" He blinked and scanned his surroundings, when his eyes landed on him, he groaned. "Oh… it's you. Why did you do that?"


Aegon shrugged and smiled. "Get up brother, you need to tell me what the sellsword said." Daenerys stiffened and mumbled something about burning someone alive. 


His brother yawned. "Now?" 


Aegon sighed. "No, tomorrow. I just came by to give you the reminder." Daemon just shot him a bored look, and got off the bed passing over Ty. 


"Would his grace allow me to take a bath?" Daemon raised his brow. 


Aegon frowned. "You look clean to me." 


"Oh I'm not, I have the drenching liquid of three different women on me." His brother smiled. Aegon sighed.


"Go on, I'll wait.".



Daemon's bath was impressively a quick one, it was morning, but it was even hot at this time in Dorne, a cold bath was extremely pleasurable. His brother left the room dressed in a white tunic, black trousers and boots, he brushed the towel on his wet hair drying it. Dae sat beside Daenerys, who was sleeping in the corner with Ty beside and Ari on the far left, he rested his hand on her cheek waking her up.


"Ari hasn't talked with her brother yet, make sure she goes." He murmured putting her hair behind her ear, Daenerys sighed and nodded, his brother lowered his head and giving her a peck. 


Dae stood up and walked in his direction. "Let's go Your Highness." He yawned, Aegon shook his head and followed his brother. Daemon guided them to a secluded balcony with two Unsullied patrolling the hall, their army had arrived before them and was already settled close to the castle.


Both brothers waited till a few handmaidens put trays with their breakfast on the table. "So, what did he say?" The king asked picking up an orange and peeling it.


Daemon picked a slice of a honey cake and ate. "Cersei is moving her army… actually she already did. Three weeks ago she sent them to Highgarden, she wants the castle." He drank his almond milk. "Perhaps more of the gold, and definitely it's resources."


Aegon breathed, he didn't hear any tantrum from Olenna about it yet, so he guessed she didn't know. "They'll be half the way there by now." 


"Probably," His brother chewed on another slice and cleaned his hand, he picked a small paper from his pocket and handed to him. "You see this red spot? That's Bitterbridge, if they are still loyal to Olenna we can use them to slow down the Lannisters." 


"Slow down? Not prevent them to pass?" Aegon brows furrowed.


Daemon shook his head. "The Reach may have a large army, but they aren't good at fighting from what Arthur and Barristan told me. From what I gather the castle is a small one, if the Lannisters want they can take it and raid it. We don't want that."


"How big is her force, and how much time we can buy?"


Dae shrugged. "Bronn said her army was at least thirty-five to forty strong, it will take a few days." 


Aegon nodded, starting to see his brother's vision. "We can send the Unsullied to Oldtown by ship, it will take a week given and take. The Tyrell army can hold Cersei's army till the Unsullied arrive, they will reach Highgarden by the same time." Daemon smiled taking a cherry.


Egg nodded, his brother really impressed him sometimes. "Maybe one of us should go, a dragon would be a great advantage." He threw the orange bud inside his mouth.


"I knew you would say that." The prince grumped. "I can go." Daemon sighed. 


Aegon smiled. "Great that we agree." His eyes went to the small map, the King scanned the lines, cities and castles for a minute, he narrowed his eyes looking at a specific name in the West:


"I don't like that face…" Daemon murmured looking at him. The grin on Aegon's face grew and he put the map on the table, he tapped his finger on Casterly Rock. Dae frowned.


"Why…?" He whined when he realized what his sibling meant it.


Egg hummed. "It will strike her pride, lower her image." 


"It's just a castle." Dae stated flatly. 


"For some, but it's also a symbol. The Lannisters' home for hundreds and hundreds of years being taken by Targaryens? That would definitely get people talking, doubting her. It's like the Starks, they lost they seat to the Boltons, their image it's not strong like before." Aegon explained.


"Neither ours. Mad grandpa, Kepa's runaway with muña, left mother, no dragon… wait we have that. But regardless, our image it's not the best." His brother lifted his brows. 


Aegon looked unbothered. "Don't care, I want Casterly Rock, with Casterly Rock we have a chance to control the West." 


Daemon nodded slowly and he could see his brother thinking, Dae took a sip of his milk. "I going to need the Dothraki, they can get to places quickly. The West is vast. I'm going to need them."


"And Dany." Aegon guessed. Daemon just raised his cup at him. 


Aegon turned his head when he saw the shadow of a person walking onto the balcony, Nymeria mocked a little bow and sat on his brother's knee, she kissed Daemon and picked one cherry from his plate. "What are you two up to?" She ate the fruit.


"Battle plans, love." Dae made a excited voice. 


"Oh. Are you done?" She asked.


"Mostly." Aegon answered. "Rhaenys and I will travel to the Stormlands, Daenerys will go with us and lead the Dothraki to the West. The Golden Company, the Dornish army and two dragons are more than enough to take the Capital." He continued.


Daemon nodded. "Am I going with you?" Nym asked.


The prince snorted. "Now that's a dumb question, of course you are going. Ty too."


"Well, I guess it's all settled. You better go talk with the commanders, the faster they sail, the better. I will talk to Olenna." Aegon cleaned his lips with a napkin and stood up. His brother just groaned and nodded again.



Daenerys rolled her eyes for the fourth time, she didn't imagine that would be so hard to make Ari talk with her brother. "I swear to every fucking God, if you turn around again I will punch you." She gritted her teeth.


Arianne made stubborn face. "Daenerys…" She whined. "This is humiliating."


Daenerys breathed. "Do you mean it? What are you going to say to him?"


"No." The Dornish princess said not even a second after Daenerys finished her phrase.


Dany blinked. "So, no harm will be done to your pride. Why don't you like him? He's your brother." 


Then again, I hated mine. Fucker try to sell me to a damn Dothraki. Even though in the end I still ended up controlling the Horselord's and becoming a Khaleesi, life was really a funny thing.


Ari shrugged. "Dunno… we were always like this, he disagreed with me, and my cousins visiting Dae, Rhae and Egg. Maybe it was my father's influence, unlike my uncle he was never attached to Daemon."


Dany hummed. "One way or another, someone will have to rule Dorne, you will come to Kingslanding with us, you are Daemon's new paramour after all." 


Daenerys liked that idea, she found the Sand Snakes attractive, but Ari drove her wild. "Hmm, just his? Not yours too?" The dark-haired woman raised a brow and held Dany's arm, she looked to her sides and pressed Daenerys against the wall. Arianne kissed her deeply making her moan, her tongue obscenely invaded her mouth and her hands went straight to her ass, Dany mewled and answered with a equal passion.


A minute later, Ari broke the kiss leaving Daenerys' lips flushed. Dany blinked. "Oh… you are definitely my lover too. Fuck…" She gasped. Ari raised a brow in victory. 


"Let's go to my chambers…" She pecked Dany's lips.


Dany rolled her eyes. "Fucking bitch, you thought that this would help you? Turn around, you still must talk to your brother." 


This time Arianne didn't pout. "At least I tried." She purred and both princesses made way to Quentyn's chambers. They stopped in front of an iron door, Daenerys knocked and seconds later the door opened.


"Oh, wow." You do look like a frog. Of course, she didn't say that part out loud, Quentyn was short and thickly build, it was quite funny.


He frowned when his eyes landed on his sister, and then they turned to her with a smile. "You must be princess Daenerys." Daenerys offered her hand and he took it, he kissed and bowed slightly. 


"Indeed, a pleasure to meet you, prince Quentyn." She said. He let go of her hand and she looked at Ari, the princess was with her hands folded and looking at the ceiling, Daenerys sighed and bumped her elbows on her arm. 


"Dear brother." She stated flatly.


"Arianne." Quentyn almost snorted.


Gods, what I got myself into.


"I hope we are not bothering you, we wanted to discuss a problem." Daenerys smiled.


He furrowed his brows. "What problem princess?"


"May we come in? I don't think we should talk in the hall." 


Quentyn nodded and stepped aside, Daenerys and Ari entered and she found his room quite simple for a prince. "What'd you wish to discuss, princess?" He asked.


Daenerys eyed a table and she sat on the edge. "My nephew wishes that your… rivalry, come to an end, we are on our way to conquer the seven kingdoms, we can't leave one of our allied families with an internal conflict." 


Quentyn's face hardened. "I completely understand, Princess Daenerys, but the thing is… my sister is the one starting our fights and arguments."


She looked at Ari, who scowled and narrowed her eyes. "Me? I don't waste my time doing pointless things and arguing with a brainless person." 


Daenerys' eyes widened, she had never really witnessed sibling bickering before, Dae and Rhaenys always teased each other, but they never got serious. Unlike Quentyn, his hands tightened in fists and he grew red. "Go fuck yourself you whore, don't you got any man to spread yourself to?!" He spat.


Oh damn…


Arianne gasped and stepped forward. "What did you say?! Your filthy pig. Frog face!" Daenerys' head went to a side to the other, both siblings offending each other by the second, her eyes went to Quentyn and she saw something that she didn't saw on Ari's face. 


His hurt…


"Shut it! Now!" She jumped from the table. The Martell's looked at her with furious faces. "Arianne, that's enough."




"But nothing! If you open your mouth again you will regret it." Dany warned, Ari shot her a betrayed expression and turned around and sat in the armchair. "Now, Quentyn, tell me. Why do you hate your sister?" She leaned on the table.


He frowned. "I don't hate my sister… I just don't like her; we don't have much in common." 


Ari opened her mouth but Daenerys' gaze made her shut it. "Hmm, so make peace then, neither of you will be leaving until an agreement is made." Both of them scoffed. 


"You two can scoff as much you want." She moved from the table and walked to the door.


"Daenerys…" Ari started.


"Shush." She passed her fingers on her lips. "Shout, scream, yell… throw tantrums. Do whatever you want. I will come back in a few hours, and when I come back you two better be hugging each other."


Daenerys opened the door and turned around when Quentyn called. "Pardon, Princess… but we are not acquainted nor close, you can't make us do something that I don't want to." He said slowly. She just laughed and a second later a roar shook the chandelier.


Quentyn's eyes widened while Ari held tightly on her chair. "I think I can, besides," She stepped out of his chambers, four Unsullied soldiers appeared beside her. "They will keep you two in place. Goodbye." And with that she closed the door. "Make sure no one enters or leaves, just allow food and water till I come back." Dany ordered and the four men hit their spears on the ground.


Daenerys breathed and walked down the hallway. Aegon wanted Quentyn and Arianne to make peace and Daemon had tasked her to make that happen but she found that she didn't had the necessary patience to do so, so why not lock both siblings till they make peace with each other? Dany now had a new task at hand, and this task had blue eyes, sandy brown hair. 


Daenerys wishes to add Daemon Sand to her little circle of lovers, Gerold was already in with Daario, but she needed a third one. Dany found it quite fair she got three paramours, her husband has four, maybe in the future she can add a fourth one. 


Maybe a Dothraki, I've heard some Khals shares their Khaleesi with their bloodriders. Yes that can work…


Daenerys shook her head and felt her cheeks burn at the thought of it, at this point she wasn't stranger to debauchery anymore but sometimes she blushed when sinful thoughts happen. The princess kept walking till she was caught by a good surprise. In front of Ari's chambers stood Daemon Sand, his hand raised ready to open the door.


"She's not there." Dany stopped and close to him.


Daemon blinked and looked at her, he bowed. "Princess, may I ask, where is Princess Arianne?"


"With her brother," His brows furrowed. "I locked them in the room together." 


"Oh." He chuckled. "I see."


She smiled and nodded. "What do you want with Arianne? Maybe I can help you." 


"I was just visiting; I've heard Prince Daemon is gathering the troops to sail." He told her.


She groaned. Well, this can't be good.


Deciding to pin this subject to later, Daenerys grew boldly and stepped even closer. "Hmm, we will find out later. Tell me, you are Ari's lover aren't you?"


His brow raised and he scanned the hall. "Yes." 


"Hmm, Arianne just became one of my husband's new paramours, did you know that?" 


He looked unfazed and calm. "She mentioned it."




He smirked. "What do you truly wish princess?"


Daenerys passed her tongue on her lips and sent him a look, a look that told him what she wanted. The bastard grinned now, showing all his white teeth, his eyes didn't leave her as he held the doorknob and opened it, he raised his hand. "After you, Your grace." 


The princess bit her lip and entered Arianne's chambers, the door closed and clicked behind her causing shivers run through her body. Daenerys barely had time to register, when she realized she was being pressed on the mattress with him tearing her dress apart like a savage.


Oh, this is going to be good.


And indeed it was, the bastard took her on all fours like a bitch, hard and deep. He finished inside her stuffing her with seed and left her panting. Daemon Sand was a good lover. At the moment she was lying on his chest waiting till Ari and her brother hopefully make peace. It was three hours later when an Unsullied knocked at the door saying that they had finally come to an agreement.

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