Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Bloodrider’s Lust

Daenerys stared at the grey clouds, from afar she saw the lightning strikes, she was lucky that the Dothraki camp was not so far below her because if she stood in the air for any more time, she could bet a lightning strike would hit her. The princess looked down to where the camp was settled, it was somewhat hidden between a forest and a mountain.


She guided her dragon down and in within a minute they landed. "Gods, how much I love land." Daario breathed as her dragon took the sky again. 


Dany rolled her eyes. "Stop whining, you should be honoured to be flying on a dragon,"


"Oh I am, I just prefer not being at the risk of falling to my death." He said then pointed to where her Bloodriders were coming from. Daenerys could see the six of them, Qhono, Moro, Rhakaro, Qarqo, Dono and Daezho, she also could see Serysa riding along with them. Most of the horselords didn't speak Westerosi so the woman alongside them were traveling with them.


"Khaleesi." Qhono greeted as they stopped in front of her.


"Qhono," She nodded to the men. "Serysa."


"Princess, your tent is ready along with a bath. We can discuss about our enemies after." The woman smiled. Daenerys smiled back and stepped back when Rhakaro handed her the reins of her horse, Dany climbed on the animal and waited for Daario to climb on Serysa's horse. 


"I want reports from the scouts." She ordered to Moro and rode to the camp.



After a warm bath, Daenerys dressed herself in a black gown and sandals, she eyed the map as Serysa explained their position. "The enemy is far, we heard that Duskendale is under Cersei's banner, the rain will delay our march but nothing more than three or four days. The Dothraki will have the best report of the lands, Qhono will be back soon."


Daenerys nodded. "Thank you, you are dismissed."


Serysa bowed leaving her with Daario, Irri, Jhiqui and Doreah. The three women were her handmaidens, she got acquainted with them after Daemon had killed Khal Jhaqo. Irri was a beautiful woman with cooper skin and black hair and a slim body, Jhiqui had the same appearance just with the difference of her wide hips and heavy breasts. Doreah was the most beautiful of the three, her skin a little darker than Daenerys' with dark hair and a slim body.


The tent flapped and Qhono entered, the bloodrider was shirtless wearing trousers and boots, his hair was somewhat wet, it was night, and the weather was a little fresh.


"Khaleesi," He gave a nod, he walked and dropped a handcrafted map on the table, Daenerys squeezed her eyes trying to decipher the drawings.


"What do you have?" She asked.


"A… castle, village too, here, few men. Riding hard we reach by tomorrow." He said thickly.


Dany eyed his map, then hers. "We are closer to Rosby than I thought! How is the weather?"


"It's going to take a few hours before it rains." Daario said.


Daenerys hummed and walked to her lover. "Do you think you can take the castle before the storm?"


Naharis made thoughtful face. "Yes, but I would have to leave now in order to so."


"Perfect. Rhakaro!" She called, the Dothraki popped his head inside the tent. "You will leave with lord Naharis and take a castle; you will listen to his commands." 


The Bloodrider nodded, Daario breathed and stood up, his eyes wasn't on her, it was on Qhono, and mainly where his eyes were aimed. "You're fast." He murmured.


Daenerys frowned, Daario pointed behind her with his eyes. "Oh! I'll explain later, it's quite funny, and amusing."


"I'm sure I will love to hear it." 


"Hmmm, remember, just kill the ones who show resistance, if you see any men raping, kill them." She ordered.


Daario gave a nod. "Your grace." Then he left.


After the sellsword left, Dany's lip raised a little, she could feel the Bloodrider gaze on her rear. Doreah had told her about the former Khal, and what he allowed, it took Daenerys by surprise when her handmaiden told her about the particular costume.


'The bloodriders, that Khal Daemon choose, look at you in that way because Jhaqo shared his Khaleesi with his bloodriders. They think Khal Daemon will do the same.' Doreah explained after she questioned about their lustful gazes.


Daenerys found that perfect, she lost her two lovers just to gain six. Well, she wasn't sure she would bed all six bloodriders.


Of course you are. She heard a voice in her head.


The princess licked her lips, her skin starting to heat up with excitement of beding a Dothraki. Making her decision, Daenerys turned to her maidens. "You three can leave… by tomorrow we will march to Rosby, so you better rest.… and close the tent after you leave." She ordered, Irri and Jhiqui nodded dutifully, Doreah eyed Daenerys and lowered her head trying to hide a smirk.


"As you command Khaleesi." They got on their feet and exited the tent closing the canvas.


The Khaleesi spun and looked at Qhono. "Did the former Khal shared his Khaleesi?" She asked walking till the corner of the tent and pouring her the fermented mare's milk. 


Not looking ashamed at all, the man nodded. "He did Khaleesi." 


Dany hummed taking a sip of the drink, it was slightly sour but quite agreeable. "Do you want to lay with your Khaleesi?" She asked switching to Dothraki tongue.


His tongue wetted his lips. "Yes." She grinned though Daenerys wasn't so drunk, she did have a cup of ale just after her bath, so that made her a little more bold and relaxed, the princess took a gulp of the rest of her drink and put it down on the small table. Biting her lip, her hand traveled to her shoulder and lowered one strap then the other, her gown fell lightly on her feet, she shuddered as the cool air made contact with her skin.


Daenerys let a low giggle when she heard Qhono groan. "What do you think of it?" She asked, she still hadn't turned to him, she wanted him to have a good vision of her arse.


Every man I lay with are fixated with my arse.


"A fat arse." He said throaty, Dany filled her bottle again then picked up another cup and filled with fermented milk. 


"Every man that I fuck loves my arse." She told him, turning around with both cups in her hands Daenerys let his eyes scan her body. His gaze stopped on the silver strip above her clit. 


Dany walked to him and offered the cup, slowly he took it and took a big sip, in fact he drained the cup. She laughed, following him, she raised the cup and took all the liquid with a single gulp, she put the bottle on the table where the maps were, he did the same. "I don't think it's fair I be the only one undressed," Her eyebrow raised.


Qhono frowned, taking her by surprise and held the back of her head and bent her over the table. Daenerys groaned as she heard his trousers being lowered, the former Queen rolled her eyes, as much she wanted to let the horseman take her, she wanted to have her fun. Abruptly she pushed him back, how his pants were on his ankles Qhono stumbled back and fell, Dany turned and look down at him, he went to stand up but Ella's roar came from above making him go still.


Daenerys smirked, she stepped close to him, she crouched down, his boots were tossed aside, the princess held his trousers and helped him take it off, she eyed his light brown hardening cock, all the skin pulled back revealing its big cockhead, as she expected it was surrounded by his bush pubic hair, his balls big and heavy, and a little hairy. Dany crawled on top of him and leaned down kissing his lips.


"I will not lie to you… I enjoy when men take me roughly, but at the moment I want to have my fun with you. So you will obey your Khaleesi, do you understand?" She said lowly.


Qhono grumped. "Yes Khaleesi." 


Daenerys grinned and held his goatee. "Don't be like that, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself." She kissed his cheek. Getting to her feet, she motioned for him to lay on her bed. He quickly stood up and walked to her bed, Dany bit her lip eyeing his firm arsecheeks.


The bloodrider laid on the mattress and she climbed up to him. "Spread your legs." She ordered, and as he did his cock began to twitch, getting harder by the second, he was very thick. Daenerys laid between his thighs and held his cock, she looked at his sack and lowered her head kissing it, soft pecks who quickly went to wet pecks, his cock kept growing on her hand.


Daenerys moaned taking his musk scent, she put her tongue out and lapped his right testicle, he gasped, smoothly she ran her tongue to the left testicle treating it equally, Qhono's hand went to her head and held lightly. The princess grinned, changing her pace, she started to kiss his ballsack hungrily like she was kissing his mouth. The bloodrider moaned and his cock throbbed on her hand, she kissed the sack for a few more seconds before she gave both balls and suck and letting go.


The princess eyed the now hard cock throbbing in her small hand, her fingers couldn't barely wrap around it, he was probably seven inches, and the main detail, he was definitely the thickest cock she ever saw. "Fuck." She cursed.


Daenerys prompted herself on her knees and moved a little more forward, she sat on her calf's and leaned and spat on her hand, taking Qhono's cock she stroked gently making sigh come from his moth and lay his head on the pillow, Dany kept stroking earning wet noises, finally getting what she desired, the princess wrapped her lips around the swollen head sucking slowly.


The bloodrider groaned and his hand went back to her head, this time gripping hard, Daenerys licked around it and stroked the rest of the length, her other hand went to between her legs and began to rub her dump cunt. For a full minute Daenerys touched herself and focused on his cock, his moan kept getting louder as the time passed, taking her hand from between her legs, Dany took her mouth from his cock and rubbed her wet fingers on the purple cockhead earning another loud moan, coming back to her task, she took him in her mouth again moaning and humming as she tasted his precum and her juices, Daenerys head bobbed up and down producing slurp noises.


Dany found it quite hard to suck him off, he was very thick and at some point her jaw started to feel sore. With a last bob, Daenerys held for a couple of seconds before she pulled back leaving his cock dump with her saliva. The princess got on her knees and positioned herself above his cock, she held his length and lined up with her tiny entrance, Daenerys lowered herself on his cock slowly, her eyes went to the back of her head as he stretched her like no man did before. 


"Big… so big." She whimpered in Dothraki, Qhono held her hips and watched his Khaleesi sink down on his cock, with all of him finally inside, Daenerys sucked her lip, she lowered and kissed him, holding on his cheeks the princess pushed her tongue inside his mouth and was greeted with another eager tongue, Daenerys rotated her hips slowly not just making him gasp but also making herself. 


His thick cock was stretching her and his length hitting a good spot, Dany bit his lip and pulled making him groan in pain, she let it go and smirked giving him a peck, the princess straightened herself and put her hands on his chest, she raised her arse till just the tip was inside. "You're so big, a worthy warrior to fuck your Khaleesi." She gasped.


Qhono groaned and smirked, the other bloodriders wanted Khaleesi but he was the one in bed with her. "Khaleesi is tight…" He murmured in pleasure as Dany lowered herself again, her tight snatch engulfing Qhono's mighty cock. His big hands went to her arse fondling it.


Daenerys swirled her hips moaning loudly, that was something she was definitely not holding back, her camp was just all Dothraki, and if she had to be honest, her new people would probably cheer if they saw her riding the bloodrider. Her speed increased and now her hips was going back and forth quickly, her moans became louder and pitchy, she was now sure that they could hear her.


Dany felt the warrior groan and throb inside her, his jaw was clenched and she knew he was holding his orgasm, Daenerys remembered something that Doreah had told her.


' Dorthraki men are… rough, if they want to fuck you they will walk to you and put you on your fours and fuck you, such things as riding and other positions are quite rare.'


The Khaleesi knew why he was so close to his peak so quickly, so she speed up even more and leaned on him. "You can cum Qhono, don't worry… you'll be inside me many other times." She whimpered and grinned, Daenerys had substimated how close he was, she just felt her buttocks being squeezed and he started to twitch and dump his seed inside her. Dany counted five shots, the warm seed and his cock engorging even more made her cum too, Qhono closed his eyes and gasped as her slickly walls surrounded him.


Seconds passed till both came down their high, Daenerys raised herself making his softening cock slip from her, she laid beside him and sighed.


"Do the others bloodriders want to fuck me?" She whispered.


Qhono swallowed and nodded. "They do, Khaleesi."


Taking her lips between her lips the princess nodded. "Hmm, I will bed them too," She decided, his seed starting to leak from her.


"You can sleep in my bed, by the morning we will go again." She told him earning a small grin.


Daenerys closed her eyes and waited till sleep took over her, by tomorrow they would have take Rosby and then Duskendale, and after that if everything went like planned, Cersei's army would be destroyed after.



Mayhem. That's what was happening. Men were running desperately trying to reach for their weapons, the Lannister's army weren't that close, and Daemon had set their defences. And of course, Lyx was batting her wings and landing in front of him.


"You two stay behind, we don't have the Tyrell army on our side." He ordered his two lovers.


"How did they reach us so quickly?" Ty asked.


"And the Tyrell army? Where are they? Are they dead?" Came another question, this time from Nymeria.


He breathed and watched his dragon land. "I don't know. And probably, they are not fighters… a weak army. Regardless, we are outnumbered." 


"I'm gonna regret it, but how much?" Nym murmured.


"We are eight thousand, they are thirty-five." Daemon gave her a tight smile.


"I'm staying in the back, I don't give a fuck." Tyene shook her head. 


He chuckled softly. "You two be careful, their leader is probably a great commander… to defeat the Tyrell and arrive here so quickly…" 


"And dumb too, we have a dragon!" Tyene hissed.


"Nobody in Westeros believed in any dragons returning sister, all they had was murmurs." Nymeria coiled her whip on her arm.


"And now they are going to regret not believing it." Daemon picked his sword from the unsullied. "Tell Grey Worm to hold the line till he sees my signal."

Both women nodded, Daemon sheathed his sword and kissed his lovers. "Any of you die, I'll find a way to bring you back and then I kill you." He smiled and walked to his dragon.


"We love you too!" Tyene shouted making him laugh.



The prince climbed on his dragon and tied himself to the saddle. "Time to burn our enemies girl." He patted her, Lyx purred and quickly took to the air. A minute later he was flying above the clouds, he flew in direction of the Lannister army till he reached the back of it. 


"That's a significant force." Daemon murmured. He leaned in and his dragon dived, Lyx roared and before he could lay fire on his enemies, two black poles passed them quickly. "The fuck was that?" He looked back, the prince didn't get the chance of a better look on what almost hit them, his dragon suddenly leaned to the side throwing him off the saddle, luckily enough the rope stretched and held him making him gasp with the pull of it.


"Lyx!" He screamed holding on the beast's spikes, Lyx roared and hovered allowing him to climb back to the seat. "Why'd you do that?" Daemon received a growl and then looked down, he frowned when his eyes landed on the gigantic weapon. 


Is that a gigantic balista?!


His eyes widened when the soldiers seemed to aim the weapon in his direction, he tightened his grip on the spikes and pulled back urging the dragon up. Lyx flapped her wings and gained height, now in a good distance where the arrows couldn't reach them, Daemon scanned the ground, it was hard due his distance with the land but he could see where their weapons were positioned.


"Are you ready girl?" The prince patted the beast, Lyx gave a mighty roar that he was more than sure that the soldiers on the field heard clearly. Daemon leaned forward and his dragon pressed her wings to her body diving into battle. Quickly they approached the gigantic bows, the first one was on the rear close to a tree, Lyx opened her wings and soared over. Daemon screamed 'Dracarys' and seconds later he felt the heat from the dragonfire being unleashed.


The other targets were more quickly, it was two ballista's who were close to each other, so with just one blow they didn't existed anymore, Lyx landed with a loud thud, searching for the other two, seconds passed and neither Daemon nor Lyx could find the other ballista's. Suddenly a loud wooden noice came from his side, a wagon had opened its sides to reveal a ballista aimed right at them. What didn't help them at all was that it had another by its side, both men pulled the lever shooting both arrows on them.


Daemon lowered himself as one arrow passed closed to his head, he heard the other one hitting Lyx neck and bouncing back like it was nothing, Dae had to admit, it was a nice attempt on killing his dragon, didn't these men know that a dragon's hide was tougher than iron? Daemon just had the chance of hold tightly as the beast abruptly swung its tail and destroyed one of the two ballistas, as she turned to destroy one, it made her head stay right in front of the one, the prince didn't have order her, the dragon turned both man and weapon into ashes.


Daemon looked to his sides and didn't see any enemies left, the only thing he could see was the Lannister army at far marching in direction of his. The prince ordered his dragon to take to air and quickly flew in direction of the enemy, when Daemon finally could see the whole army, his eyes landed on the cavalry approaching the shield wall of the Unsullied, Lyx lowered her head and let it out a mighty roar, her flames came next, laying waste on their unprepared enemy.



The battle ended quickly, Daemon didn't burn the whole army, just half of it. Now he was walking through the burned battleground, the smoke high in the sky and the smell of burned flesh invading his nose. The prince found Grey Worm alongside the Sandsnakes staring down at a man in a shiny armor.


"It's him!" Tyene exclaimed.


"Are you sure?" Her sister frowned cocking her head and staring down at the man, Daemon looked at the sand blonde man who was with a mark of blood on the side of his head.


"Who is he?" He asked.


"Oh great, you're alive. That's Jaime Lannister." Ty pointed. 


 Dae's brow raised. "Really?" 


"Yep," Ty nodded.


"What happened to him?" He eyed the man, his armor was slightly crumpled.


Nymeria crossed her arms. "He was hit by a horse…" She grimaced. 


"It looks like his own horse! Since we don't have any cavalry." Ty giggled.


"My Prince what we do with him?" GreyWorm spoke for the first time. 


Daemon put his hands on his back. "Any other lords?" He asked Nym.


"A few."


"Bind them, and put them in cells, have your best men watch over them." He ordered Grey Worm. The Unsullied nodded and called another three men to help him.


Daemon turned to both sisters. "They came sooner,"


"The Tyrell army are probably dead." Nymeria clicked her tongue.


"They're weak, they would probably cause us more problems than help us." Tyene said with disdain.


Daemon breathed. "It doesn't matter, we will find out what happened with them later, right now I need a bath, and you two..." He pointed at the two bloodied women. "…are going to join me." 


The sisters shrugged and followed the prince, by tomorrow Daemon wanted to be on his way to Highgarden and find out what the fuck happened to the Tyrell's army.

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