Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Daemon's Claim

Daemon looked down, it was deep of night and he was warging, the bird was on a branch with his eyes staring the people passing under him, a piece of wood cracked and ten men passed under the bird, he blinked coming back to his body.


"They're close." He warned them.


"Finally." Tyene shivered, the Dornish woman was wearing a thick grey fur cloak. Daemon, like her, was covered with layers of clothes and fur, he had Stark blood in his veins but nineteen years living in Essos didn't help him with the cold weather. "Gods, I can't wait to come back to our tent." She groaned, her legs moving trying to ease the cold.


"They'll be here soon." He said and the unsullied around them held their spears tightly. 


A minute passed and the man with nine soldiers appeared with torches in their hands, a grey haired and bearded man who he guessed to be Galbart Glover stopped a couple of feet away from him. "By the old gods…" The lord stared at him.


"Lord Galbart, I'm Daemon Targaryen." He offered his hand.


Galbart looked at his gloved hand then at the man beside him. He shook Daemon's hand firmly. "You are truly her son?" An older voice came from behind Galbart.


A short grey haired woman lowered the hood from her head, her eyes narrowed. 


"And you are…?" He asked.


"Answer me boy." She said.


Daemon sighed, smoke coming from his lips. "Yes, Lyanna Stark is my mother." 


The woman observed him for some seconds. "You do look like a Stark… what proves that you're not a man from the Boltons leading us to a trap?"


The prince looked at Tyene who shrugged. "I told you in the letter, I want to take Winterfell from them."


"That doesn't answer her question lad." Glover said.


Daemon stared at them for a moment. "Did you lose your tongue?" The woman barked. The prince pointed to the sky making all heads to shot up, all of them gasped when they saw his dragon flying high above them.


"Does that answer your question?" He asked slowly.


"By the gods…" She whispered, her eyes coming back to him. "I'm Maege Mormont." 


"A pleasure to meet you my lady, my lord, these are my companions. Tyene Sand and Greyworm." He pointed at the two, Glover and Mormont nodded at them.


"Why you called us here?" Glover asked.


"I don't know the North… I've gathered information about your house, you rode with Robb Stark in the War of The Five Kings, House Glover is loyal to House Stark, I don't know the numbers of the Boltons or any other information that happened in these lands, you could help us with the matter." Daemon explained. 


The old lord nodded and looked at Mormont, the woman gave him a short nod. "If you are truly trying to help us get rid of those filthy Boltons, then we will help you with what we can."


Daemon smiled. "Wonderful, I will need the upmost secrecy from you, Roose Bolton can't know that I'm here till it's the right time,"


"That can be arranged." Galbart murmured.


"Also, the houses that can side with us, and the size of Roose's army." The prince continued.


"Just a few houses truly support the Boltons, the others are still loyal to House Stark but pledged allegiance in turn for their safety." Lady Mormont said. 


"How many men do you have my lord?" The old man asked.


"He's a prince." Tyene corrected.


Galbart and Maege exchanged glances. 


"You don't support my brother?" Daemon asked holding his belt.


"We fought to depose a Targaryen from the throne not long ago." Galbart stiffened.


"Aegon is not my grandfather, neither I or Daenerys and Rhaenys. I cannot not force you to support my brother, but it's him, or Cersei." Daemon eyed them.


"We understand…" Glover swallowed looking at Mormont again. "My prince." 




Daemon gave him a nod. "Can you gather the loyal houses?" 


"I can try to persuade them, but if you wish to be discreet, it will take time for the northern are stubborn."


"Of course," A raven came flying and landed on Daemon's shoulder, an unsullied came with a small cage and the prince put the bird inside. "My men are at the shores, we will communicate through this bird, every letter must be sent by him." He explained handing the lord the cage.


Glover gave him a skeptical look but didn't say anything. 


"Well then my lords, it was nice to meet you, we will talk more in the future." Daemon clapped his hands.


"My prince." Glover said, before turning around and handing the bird to his guard, Maege gave him a last glance before she turned and left with the men.


Tyene sided with him and passed her arm under his cloak holding his waist. "You're that cold?" He frowned down at her while he watched the lords disappear in the woods.


"Yes Daemon, I can't feel my hands." She complained. 


"Let's go back." He announced holding the sand snake. "You know, you brought that onto yourself." He squeezed her shoulder.


Ty frowned at him. 


"You were the one who encouraged me to come North." 


She snorted. "You already wanted too; my opinion was just the small push you needed. But who would have thought I have that much influence on you, I could do things with that?" Daemon laughed and they continued to walk back to his camp.


Minutes later when they were almost on the camp, Daemon frowned and stopped eying their surroundings. "Do you feel it?" 


"Feel what?"


"There's someone watching us." He narrowed his eyes.


"Maybe it's Nym." Ty said.


The prince let go from his paramour and stepped forward, spinning around slowly he observed the bushes and trees. A piece of wood cracked and the unsullied quickly made a circle around them and got in defense position. 


Seconds passed before another noise came, the bushes on the left moved making the prince spun around quickly. "Who's there?" Daemon shouted. 


No response came, the bushes moved again, Daemon's eyes widened as a big white thing started to grow behind the bush. The thing kept growing till it reached the size of a horse, its head raised and two bright red eyes stared at the prince.


"Dae…" Tyene whispered.


An unsullied got ready to throw his spear at the beast but Daemon shouted for him to stop, the prince blinked and stared right into the beast's eyes. 


"Open." He ordered, the unsullied moved opening the circle. Dae watched as the direwolf walked slowly to him, the prince walked in his direction slowly and soon both of them were face to face. 


Daemon raised his hand and tentatively passed on the direwolf's face, he caressed the soft fur. "I came." He smiled at the wolf, the beast blinked and leaned on his hand, Daemon laughed softly.


"I claim this direwolf," He whispered, his hand going to under his ear and scratching. The wolf whined and closed his eyes. "Oh." Dae gasped when he started to feel the weight on the direwolf's head. "You're a good boy." He praised.


The wolf suddenly opened his eyes and looked behind Daemon, he turned and looked at Tyene. "She's a friend," He extended his arm for her, she breathed and held his hand and let him guide her till the wolf. 


"He is incredible…" She murmured, the wolf seemed to like the praise and sat, Ty raised her hand and moved on its direction, the beast sniffed her head and let her pat his head. "Does he have a name?" 


Daemon frowned. "I don't know," The wolf turned to him again. "Do you have a name?" He just stared at him. "No? Can I name you? Let's see… You've sneaked at us, and something tells me you were watching us all this time, you're silent, and white… like a ghost."


The wolf hearing the name cocked his head. 


"Do you like it? Ghost." Daemon patted him and he whined.


"Hello Ghost." Tyene grinned. 


"I guess with you by my side it will be easier to prove I am half Stark." He smiled at Ghost who was more than happy to receive the affection from both humans. 



"I simply can't leave you two alone, it's like two children!" Nymeria exclaimed loudly looking at the horse sized direwolf.


"In my defense, he came to me in the woods and each of the Stark children had one, I'm half Stark." Daemon said watching his new companion, Ghost was laid in a pile of rags and furs, the wolf seemed to enjoy the warmth and not sleeping in the cold anymore.


"He's got a point sister," Ty said walking to the beast, she leaned and rubbed under its ear, Ghost whimpered and let his head fell slowly till it reached the floor, she switched to his other ear for the wolf's delight. "And he is such a good boy! Aren't you?!" She gushed.


Daemon smiled at Nymeria. "See, a good boy."


Nym shook her head. "A fucking direwolf…" She whispered in disbelief.


"Hmmhmm, I don't see why you are so terrified, you patted Lyx one time." He crossed his arms.


"Lyx is in the air, way too far from me, he apparently is sticking around." She pointed at Ghost.


Tyene giggled. "Nym was chased by a dog once, I think it traumatized her." 


Nymeria rolled her eyes. "I'm just careful, you just met him, he can attack us, actually he can literally tear your arm from your body sister." 


Ty looked at her arm then at Ghost. "You would never do that, right?" Ghost stared at her and licked her hand.


"Completely harmless." Daemon laughed. "Come." He offered his hand to Nym, she eyed him and the wolf, she took his hand and walked to the beast.


Ghost raised his head quickly startling Tyene, Nymeria raised a brow at her. "Shut up." Ty mumbled.


"Here," Daemon knelt on one knee. "This is my other friend, see." He moved her hand close to Ghost's nose, the wolf took her scent and laid again. "What a dangerous beast, Nym." 


The dornish narrowed her eyes and painfully slowly lowered her hand till Ghost fur and passed her hand on his neck. "Maybe he isn't that scary." She murmured.


Daemon nodded and patted the direwolf's head, he stood up and untied his hair. "We will probably receive news from Glover in the next two or three days, till then stay cautious." 


"Do they know where your cousin is?" Nym followed him, he sat on the bed taking his boots. 


"I didn't ask, I didn't know if I could trust them." 


"And they thought the same," Ty sat beside her sister. "Dae had to call Lyx to prove who he was."


"They said the Boltons don't have much of the support of the other houses, we will see if is true." He laid back. 


"Stop pretending you're not spying on them with that bird." Tyene gave him sided look. Daemon just shrugged with a lopsided grin.



It was deep at night and Daenerys watched Duskendale from far, of course she could just burn the walls and her army storm the town, but Daario who was inside the town had informed her that the soldiers put the people close to the walls, he also informed her about the 'scorpions' on the ground. The Lannisters had three thousand men behind the walls, not strong enough to face them, but strong enough to defend the city.


That's were her paramour entered, he had infiltrated the Duskendale two weeks prior with ten of Serysa's men and five Dothraki, the plan was pretty simple if she was being honest, Daario and the men were going to cause a fire, then disable those scorpions and lastly open the gates. 


Daenerys waited till she saw the smoke at the harbor, she held back for a minute till she nodded to Serysa, the woman who was holding a bow and arrow with the tip of the arrow on fire aimed to the sky and let it go. "Now we wait…" Dany murmured.


At far, ten thousand Dothraki saw the arrow flying high in the sky, Moro was the one commanding them, he let a war cry urging his horse forward leading the horde of horses, in direction of another gate.


"Your grace, now it's good time." Serysa counseled.


"Go." She ordered walking to her dragon. The sellsword shouted orders and the other ten thousand Dothraki began their attack. Daenerys got on her dragon and flew above the field, her eyes glued at the gates, her army kept getting close to it and she grew anxious as the gigantic doors didn't opened.


Minutes passed and Dany breathed when she saw the gates opening allowing her army to enter the city, after that, the Lannister army fell quickly.



The princess walked on the halls of Dun Fort, the same castle her father was held captive for half a year. "Lord Rykker and his children are locked on the guest rooms, the men who yielded are in the dungeons." Serysa informed.


"My room?" She asked.


"In the end of the hall." 


"And Daario?" 


"I think I saw him somewhere… he is fine though; you want me to send someone to search him?" Serysa offered.


"No, I'm sure he will show up soon, designate someone to take care of everything, go rest." She patted the woman's arm, Serysa had being part of the battle, she was covered with blood.


She bowed. "Your grace." Then she left, Daenerys spun and walked to her chambers, she opened the door and observed the room, it was big with a large bed, her trunk was in a corner, and the balcony gave her a full view of the town. 


Dany frowned when a sound of water came from the small room, she walked slowly to the bathroom and peaked inside, she exhaled in relief when she saw who was in the tub. "How did you enter here?" She asked walking inside.


"The Door? Just few minutes ago, I washed myself then I came here and found this tub filled with this hot water… and I thought; why not?" Daario raised his eyebrows, he rested his hands on the sides of the golden tub and threw his head back.


Daenerys smiled lopsided, her eyes landed on a small bench, she picked it and put beside the tub. "I'm almost sure this was for me," she raised a brow.


Daario turned to her. "Apologies, your grace."


Dany frowned and held his cheek. "You're hurt." She scanned the bruise on his forehead. 


"Oh yes! A soldier tried to go against me, he's dead now." He shrugged. 


Daenerys hummed looking inside the water then back at him, Daario raised his brow tentatively. Dany smiled lopsided and fondled the sleeve of her dress, she put her hand inside the water and caressed his cock, then his balls making him sigh.


"Join me," He held her hand, smiling at her. "This was for you after all." 


The corner of her lips raised. 


"I have a better idea, why don't you join me?" She nodded to the bed.


He grinned weakly and gave her a short nod.


Dany stood up shaking her hand. "I need help." She took her boots off and turned her back to him, the water splashed and the laces of the back of her dress were untied moments later, Dany took her dress and spun around, she bit her lip eying her lover's wet body. She took the towel on the hanger and waited for him to step out the water. She threw the cloth at him and watched as her lover dried himself.


He finished drying himself moments later and the princess closed the space between them, she wrapped her hand around his hardening cock and moved back and forth gently. Daario sighed and held her face, he kissed her softly and deep, both tongues brushing hard against the other, Dany let go of his manhood and held his waist.


The two only broke the kiss due their lack of air, Daenerys yelped when his hands left her face and held her arsecheeks, he raised her making her wrap her legs around him, Dany put her hands on his shoulders and started pecking his face. Daario caried her to the bed and lay down above her and kissed her again, then he went to her neck. 


"I see you've been busy without me…" He murmured seeing the marks that her bloodriders left.


She smirked forcing his head against her neck. "What can I tell? My bloodriders were eager to bed me." 


He hummed and sucked her pulse, raising his head right after. Daenerys looked at him in confusion. "You know, you just have the city because of me… so I was thinking, I should be rewarded." He stated cockily.


Dany raised a brow at him. "True, I think I can grant you a reward for your bravery. What'd you want?" 


Daenerys didn't know what he had in mind, but for the look on his face she knew she would enjoy. "Hmm, it was such a high risk, you know, of death. I wish you to obey every order of mine, till the sunrise." He smirked down at her, his fingers brushing against her cheek.


The princess throbbed and shivered. "I can grant your wish." She answered after a couple of seconds.

"Marvelous." He murmured, Dany frowned when stood up and walked back to the bathroom, she supported herself on her forearms and watched it, Daario came back a few seconds later with his belt on hand.




"Sit." He said, Daenerys decided to comply sitting on the edge, her lover wrapped the belt around her neck and then passed the tip inside the buckle, the belt hugged her neck tightly, but not enough to hurt. "Hands and knees." Came the other order, she sucked her lip and got in position, the bed was surround by a thick white rug so she didn't had to bother about the hard floor.


Daario pulled the belt starting to pull her, realizing what he wanted, she thought.


Fucker is going to make crawl… I will shove my fake cock in his arse when I have the chance.


Daenerys went along and started to follow him, crawling around like a bitch. "Look at you," He murmured. Dany looked at him and his cock was growing hard quickly. "A princess crawling around for a sellsword." Dany continued to let him pull her around, she had to admit, it was definitely humiliating, but it was also making her very excited.


Daario walked around with her one more time before he pulled her up, Dany got to her feet quickly and then groaned as he climbed in the bed dragging her along, Daario knelt and tied her on the headboard.


Now she was definitely helpless.


Daario walked behind her and knelt, Dany bit her lip as he began to caress her thick arse. "I missed this…" He murmured pulling her cheeks apart, her puckered hole winked at him. He groaned and slapped her arse, the noise of his palm hitting her skin was loud, Daenerys groaned.


"Did you get yourself ready for me?" He asked brushing the tip of his finger on her wet folds and then brushing on her arsehole. 


Daenerys blushed, she got herself ready for Daario, she knew he loved to fuck her arse and would let him do it tonight as reward for infiltrating the city.


"Answer." He slapped her other buttcheek.


"Yes." She nodded.


Naharis hummed, he sucked his finger and began to circle the rim of arsehole. "You are such a whore Daenerys," He pushed the finger inside, her lips parted, and she gasped. He moved the finger in and out making her hum. He then retrieved and tapped her thighs making her move her legs apart, holding her cheeks again, the hole opened and he puckered his lips letting a drop of spit fall on her tight hole.


Daenerys bit her lip, she then mewled when his tongue brushed on the rim, he brushed his tongue around her puckered hole for a few seconds before he pushed his tongue inside, Dany moaned and her eyes rolled as she had her arsehole tongued.


Daario spread her cheeks more and shove it all his tongue inside. "Oh my gods…" She mewled, her hand went to her cunt rubbing her clit.


Daario groaned in delight as he ate her arse, his tongue brushed wildly on her walls and his cock became erect quickly, he loved eating her fat bum. 

The sellsword licked her arsehole till it was gapping and wet, he pulled his mouth from it and watched the hole wink at him. He spat on his fingers and rubbed on his cockhead, then he stood up and crouched, he aimed his cock into the target and pressed slowly.


Dany gasped and pushed two fingers inside her cunt, Daario moaned as his mushroom head was forced inside her bum, he kept pushing till he was deep in her arse. The princess fingered herself shamelessly as the sellsword began to fuck her arse, Naharis pulled back half of his cock then pushed inside again. 


Daenerys whimpered in pleasure, she loved to let Daario fuck her arse, he always started slow and gentle but then he would start to fuck her bum like she was a mere whore. She enjoyed very much act out of the formal princess and have him gapping her arsehole over and over again.


"Ahh, I felt that." He gasped when she throbbed.


"Hmmhmm, you're so big…" She moaned, her fingers getting out of her cunt and now rubbing her clit fast. His hands tightened on her waist and his thrusts increased.


"Fuckin' slut." He groaned while she nodded, she was getting close and closer to her peak.


Daario pulled all his cock back then thrusted back harshly, she gasped, and her eyes rolled, he did again and again. 


"Oh gods… you fuck my arse so good, harder! Make me cum by fucking my bum." She cried out. 


The sellsword's eyes darkened and he throbbed inside her, Daario gave her what she wanted, he fucked her arse as hard as he could with the position. His skin slapped against her making ripples appear on her skin. Daenerys moaned loudly and came, her walls clenching around him like a vice.


Daario was able to go for a whole minute before he couldn't take anymore, he dropped to one knee and reached his peak. "Fuck…" He moaned as his balls were emptied on the princess's bum. 


Five loads later, he sighed and watched as Daenerys tiredly lowered her hips, his cock slipped from her and a second later his seed began to leak out, he watched smugly her gapping arsehole wink at him. Daario moved forward and took his belt from Dany's neck, the princess sighed and rolled, her face was in bliss.


Naharis looked down at his wet cock and smirked, the man crawled on top of the princess putting a knee on each side of her, he held the back of her head and raised it, with the other he guided his cock to her lips, she opened her mouth letting his soft cock in, she closed and started to suck.


Daario smirked down at her. "That's it princess… clean my cock." He closed his eyes hearing the small noises of her mouth his length. The night was just getting started and Daario vowed to himself to fuck Daenerys till his cock was sore, yes, the rest of the night was going to be really fun.

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