Chapter 21: Chapter twenty one: Spider queen
Kaijo stands up from the fire. "I am ready!" he says to her. "Alright, I´ll lead the way." she says walking ahead through some tunnels. She uses a small flame orb to light up the surrounding area. They come across a closed rune door and Kaijo opens it using his key spell. "So that´s how you entered here." she comments leading the way further in. They arrive at a wide bridge and the caves ceiling is higher and covered in stalagmites dripping water. The cave has a huge hole with a door at the end of it that leads outside. Kaijo looks around to see a ton of spidereggs on the walls. They cross the bridge. From above the great spider queen comes crashing down. "There she is!" Kaijo says readying his weapon. The spider queen is a huge eight legged spider with spikes coming out the back wiht almost scaly skin with sixteen eyes and a set of sharp teeth and horns and long strong legs that end in a spike. The spider roars and the spiderlings come crawling out and a healthbar appears. "I´ll deal with the spiderlings you focus on the queen." she says using her pyromancy to burn the spiderlings. "Alright let´s fight!" Kaijo says going in. The spider snaps at him with it´s jaw. Kaijo dodges and manages to hit the spider queens legs but the hammer bounces off dealing one percent of damage. The spider starts using it´s legs to stomp him out. Kaijo dodges around feeling overwhelmed by the number of attacks coming at him. The spider queen jumps into the air and comes slamming down on him. Kaijo can dodge by jumping back. He uses his shield and tosses it into the spider queens head this time it deals 5% damage reducing it´s hp to 94%. He tosses another and reduces it´s hp to 89%. The spider queen roars in pain and charges at him with it´s horns. Kaijo manages to slip under her and can hit her soft underbelly reducing her hp to 80%. The spider queen slams her body down smashing Kaijo into the ground. He blocks but all his stamina is used and he took damage. "HP:20/60". The spider stands up again and stomps down again. This time Kaijo is prepared and can dodges out of the attacks giving him enough time to heal back to full. "Healing flask: 3.". Kaijo throws his shield at the spider queens eyes again reducing her hp to 75%. The spider snaps at him with it´s jaw again and Kaijo dodges it. The spider queen jumps up into the air and hangs there with her webs. The spider queen spits some acidic goo at him. Kaijo dodges and can see that the ball of goo explodes and catches fire. He dodges around and throw his shield at the string of web she is hanging off of. He hits it and the spider queen comes falling down. Giving him and opportunity to smash her skull in. He runs in and hits her head with a powerful strike dealing critical damage reducing her hp to 50%. The spider queens eyes start glowing red and her energy explodes around her covering the cave in a red light. The ground is covered in fire and pillars of fire explode out of the ground. Kaijo uses the gods armor to nullify the fire damage coming from the the ground. The little spiderlings turn red too and rush him. The spiderlings run in and explode with fire in a suicide bombing run. The fire witch which was keeping the spiderlings busy covers him in a fiery barrier to nullify the damage they dealt. "Nice one!" Kaijo says running back into battle. The spider queen charges at him. Kaijo uses his shield to bash against her and uses gigantification and pushes the spider queen back reeling. Kaijo lets his stamina recove and hits the spider queen in one of her legs with a powerful strike smashin the end of her leg dealing massive damage and flinching the spider queen reducing it´s hp to 40%. The spider queen starts crawling around and uses her webs now covered in fire to launch at Kaijo. Kaijo cuts through them using blade of light extending his reach. Now the spider launches a string and uses it to get around him faster. "What´s this now?" Kaijo wonders turning his head around to keep up with the spider queen. The queen snaps at him with her jaw and Kaijo steps back throwing his shield reducing her hp to 35% flinching her. The spider queen uses her energy to push back his next throw. "How you like this?" Kaijo asks sending a red lightening bolt down on her head reducing her hp to 30%. "You didn´t like that did you?" Kaijo asks. The spider queen crackles with red lightening and absorbs it healing herself back to 40%. "Now that´s just unfair!" Kaijo says. He runs back in and dodges her stomps charging up a powerful strike smashing another leg in reducing her hp to 30%. This flinches her and Kaijo can get another in reducing her hp to 20%. THe spider queen falls under her legs not able to support her weight effectively anymore. Kaijo hits her in the head reducing her hp to 5%. She stands up and tries to get to the ceiling using her web but Kaijo throws his shield causing her to fall back down. Kaijo charges up his last powerful strike and hits her finishing her off. "Old champion slain!" "+ 500.000 souls" "Fragment of the gods soul. New skill acquired: Fear dominion. skill description: Use the energy of fear to controll small and weak enemies for a short time." "New item acquired: Spider queens fangs. Item description: The venomous fangs of the great spider queen. The rest of the spiderlings crawl away and the ground is back to normal again and the gods armor has worn off completely. The fire witch turns back to human with her lower body of a spider turning into a human lower body. She falls down unused to her human legs. "I´m human again. Thank you!" she says crying. Kaijo throw her some cloth to cover herself. "Thanks for the help. Erm..." Kaijo says not knowing her name. "My name´s Ignis the fire witch." She says. "Good job Ignis." he says. "I´ll make a fire for you." She says launching a flame orb at the ground creating a fire on the spiderlings corpses. "Thanks." Kaijo says resting there leveling up his health to 40 leaving him wiht a total of 75 hp and stamina to 40 too. He gets out his scorpion stinger he looted and the spider queens fang and some magical ore he found. He launches the ingridients into the fire gets them out and somehow hammers them together and creates a new weapon. "New item acquired: Venom fang. Attack: 300. Special effect: Poison, bleed. Damage type: fire. Item description: A strange sword depicting a claw with a giant scorpions stinger and the spider queens venomous fangs. It´s multiple blades are optimal for ripping and inflicting poison into bleeding wounds directly into the bloodflow. This will paralyse for a brief time and deal damage over time." "A new weapon made by yours truly." Kaijo says admiring his creation. "I´m not sure how you made that thing but I won´t ask." "I need to go to the old capital now. See you!" He says going away. "Wait! I am indebted to you I need to repay you. Take this and summon me when I´m needed." she says handing him a venomous spike. "Key Item acquired: Venomous Spike of Ignis. Item description: Summon Ignis to your aid by slamming it into the ground. It´s a keepsake of her time as a half spider having broken off her spider lower body." "See you soon then!" Kaijo says. "Take care and be careful of that old demon and his army and the giants that tend to the bridge." "I will!" Kaijo says leaving for the door at the end of the cave leading to the old bridge connecting the main land with the old capital nestle in between the mountains and the huge lake at the ground surrounding it. The lake is huge and allows travel by water through the rivers at the ground of the ravines leading in.