Game of Thrones: The Long Night – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]


Since she arrived in Westeros, Cornelia had been very sensitive to the number 13. This number represented many things to her, the most direct being the beginning of everything.

She couldn't remember the exact date, so she had been extremely nervous since the first day of this year. However, when the moment finally arrived, she felt a strange sense of calm, even though it was absurd to have so many unresolved issues about to begin.

A roll of images filled with unknowns slowly unspooled, and the plot between right and wrong made her tense. She feared making a wrong step and worsening the situation. She also feared that changing too much would make the story even more complicated and confusing, leading to the loss of the narrative. Despite having an initial advantage, she wanted to be the narrator of this story.

Cornelia knew it would be difficult, but she had to face the challenge. However, even as events unfolded, she still felt a bit confused and even somewhat panicked. She couldn't distinguish what the right thing to do was.

Cornelia was very afraid of making a mistake because she knew exactly the price of a slip-up.

It all began one morning, a month after her and Sansa's birthday party.

Cornelia was following Robb and Jon as they taught Bran archery. Rickon was sitting on a wooden post, watching excitedly. Although Bran's archery skills hadn't improved over the last three years, he showed great perseverance and never thought of giving up.

Unfortunately, progress wasn't the best. The first arrow was decent and hit the target, though only on the outer edge. The second arrow, however, missed the target and hit an empty wine barrel. Bran felt a bit frustrated, but Jon whispered that his father was watching from above. With this encouragement, Bran cheered up, raised his bow again, and shot another arrow.

This time, the arrow pierced the sky and disappeared into the dense forest without a trace. Robb, Jon, and Rickon couldn't help but laugh. They didn't know exactly what had happened, but they could imagine and felt powerless.

"Of those who are laughing, who became an archer at ten years old?" Ned said, holding onto the railing. He looked at Bran's embarrassed face and, with his firm voice, made everyone stop laughing immediately.

"Keep practicing, Bran! Don't give up!" Ned nodded, encouraging his son. Bran might not be very talented with the bow, but he was a smart child and, above all, had an admirable fighting spirit. That was the spirit the Stark children should have.

Inspired, Bran prepared to draw the bow and shoot another arrow. However, Arya, who had heard the commotion and ran to see what was happening, effortlessly shot an arrow, hitting a spot much closer to the center of the target. She smiled challengingly, which made Bran so angry that he threw his bow to the ground and ran after her. Arya laughed and quickly ran away.

The two began a chase, getting into trouble.

"Run faster, Bran!" Robb cheered with a laugh, clearly enjoying himself and not taking the situation too seriously.

This time, even Ned and Catelyn couldn't hold back their laughter. They watched the scene, and despite the seriousness they should maintain, they felt powerless and amused by the children's joy.

Although Cornelia couldn't see what was happening, just hearing the laughter made her feel extremely satisfied and happy.

But happy moments are always short-lived. While they were still laughing and playing, Ser Rodrik appeared with a grave expression. He announced that a deserter from the Night's Watch had been captured and would be executed for violating his oath.

Deserters were to be severely punished!

Ned ordered Robb, Jon, and even Bran, who was only ten years old, to watch the execution. Perhaps, for Bran, Ser Rodrik's words were just an interruption to a moment of joy.

But Cornelia knew the true meaning of that event.

It had all begun!

Cornelia offered to accompany the group. She knew what would happen next, but in truth, she couldn't clearly visualize the scene during the day.

Even though she had forgotten many things, she still remembered that first scene of the story. Maybe that's why she felt she should be there.

"Lia? What are you doing here?" Ned frowned when he saw Cornelia holding the horse next to Bran. Although Bran was only ten, there were certain things he needed to experience. But how could Cornelia, a girl, watch such a bloody execution?

"Dad, you asked me to learn fencing, right? What does that matter? Besides, I can't even see it."

There were certain experiences she hadn't lived in her past life. For an ordinary girl who had never fought, these things were very distant. She couldn't stop her father from executing the deserter from the Night's Watch, just as she couldn't change a world full of death and blood.

So she could only change herself!

The weak had no right to survive in this world. She needed to understand that more clearly.

Neither Ned nor Robb or Jon fully agreed with Cornelia's behavior, but they couldn't resist her stubbornness. So, she finally mounted her horse and followed them to the execution field, on the outskirts of Winterfell.

The execution site wasn't far, and they soon reached their destination. When she dismounted from the horse, Cornelia stumbled on a stone on the ground and almost fell.

"Be careful!" warned Theon Greyjoy, who had come with them. He watched Cornelia for a moment, noticed her stumble, and quickly extended his hand to steady her.

"Thank you, Theon!" Cornelia smiled, but pulled away from his hand almost without realizing. He had been sent to Winterfell after his father's rebellion and surrender. Although he was named Ned's adopted son, he was, in reality, a hostage. They got along well as friends, but deep down, they were always on guard.

It wasn't just because of his status as a hostage, but because she knew Theon would betray the Starks. Even though she couldn't remember the exact details, she knew that he would take Winterfell while Robb led the army south, and ultimately return to a burning Winterfell.

Theon Greyjoy would be part of the destruction of the Stark family!

For that reason, how could she relate to him without resentment? Even if he was innocent at that moment, Cornelia's defensive attitude was hard to abandon. During their time together, she rarely opened up to Theon.

"Bran, come here and hold me!" Cornelia smiled, waving to thank Theon, and called Bran. Walking outside Winterfell during the day took more effort, and it would be easier if Bran guided her.

More importantly, it was Bran's first time facing such a scene. She feared he wouldn't be able to adapt.

Perhaps, in fact, it was she herself who wouldn't be able to adapt.

Bran came closer, took her hand, and guided her to the execution platform. Robb was ahead of them, while Jon followed right behind. In the distance, the sound of several people approaching could be heard. They must be the soldiers under escort.

There was no denying that Cornelia was nervous. She placed her hands on Bran's shoulders, rubbing the fabric of his clothes unconsciously. Her heart was pounding like a drum, but she knew she had to face that moment.

Her hearing had always been very sharp. Even during the day, when she couldn't see, she could compete with Robb and Jon just by listening. That's why, at that moment, she clearly heard the murmurs of the deserter from the Night's Watch approaching. He was muttering something about having seen the White Walkers.

The man had said the same thing to Ned, but her father clearly didn't believe him. Cornelia knew he was telling the truth, but she also knew that arguing with her father would be futile in that situation.

The White Walkers had disappeared thousands of years ago. Now, aside from the wildlings who lived beyond the Wall, no one in Westeros believed in their existence. To Ned, the deserter was nothing more than a man who had broken his oath.

"In the name of Robert I of House Baratheon, King of the Andals, the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms..." Ned solemnly pronounced as he drove the family's ancestral sword, Ice, into the ground. He lowered his head and recited the words of judgment. It was an ancient tradition that had survived to the present day.

Those who issue a death sentence must carry it out themselves. That's why Ned had to perform the execution with his own hands.

The words of judgment echoed in Cornelia's mind. Her head seemed to buzz, and the sounds around her grew distant and muffled.

"Don't turn your head. Dad will notice!" Jon whispered, who was right behind Cornelia and Bran. He had noticed their nervousness. It was difficult for Bran, who was only ten years old, and even more cruel for Cornelia.

But now that they were there, there was no turning back. Even if Ned didn't want Cornelia to witness it, he would never allow anyone to back down once they had started.

Jon's words reached Cornelia's ears, instantly bringing her back from her distracted state. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, forcing herself to calm down.

She still wanted to change her family's fate.

"I, Eddard of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to death!"

Ned finally finished pronouncing the sentence. He raised his massive sword, Ice, and delivered the blow. In an instant, the head rolled across the ground and blood splattered everywhere.

Cornelia heard the sound of the blade cutting through flesh and the thud of the head hitting the ground. She pressed her hand onto Bran's shoulder for a moment. Although she couldn't see, the sounds and the smell of blood in the air were enough to create a vivid, bloody image in her mind.

A coldness washed over her hands and feet. Even though she didn't physically feel the cold, it reached her heart relentlessly.

In the past thirteen years, no moment had made it so clear to Cornelia what kind of world she was living in. In that instant, she realized she was far from ready.

The scenes she had seen on television or in her memories didn't compare to what was happening before her eyes!

The real image had color, smell, and even temperature.

But Cornelia knew there was no choice!

Time flowed like water, indifferent and impartial. It wouldn't stop to wait for her to be ready.

"You're doing great," Jon said, patting her shoulder.

Cornelia snapped back to reality. When she regained herself, she realized she was gripping Bran's shoulder too tightly. Bran's body was also stiff.

"Let's go!" Cornelia said softly, trying to calm down and comfort Bran. She patted his shoulder and led him to turn and follow Robb and Jon toward the horses.

The execution site became more and more distant, but the wind still carried the smell of blood to Cornelia's nose, reminding her of the harsh reality.

This wasn't just words from a story or a fleeting moment on a television screen.

It was real blood, dripping and leaving a pungent smell in the air, enough to make any heart tremble and skin crawl.

But Cornelia could only move forward, step by step.

There was no turning back. There was no escape.


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