Game of Thrones: The Long Night – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

[Chapter Size: 2500 Words.]


The giant wolves grew very quickly. In just over a month, they had already doubled in size. Cornelia vaguely remembered when she had raised a cat: at first, it was just a small, cute kitten, but in two months, it had grown a lot. Animals seemed to be like that. When young, they grew too fast.

All the brothers and sisters loved their giant wolves. Bran named his "Summer," a name he chose as soon as he brought the pup to Winterfell. His wolf represented the opposite of the "Winter" that was ravaging their lives.

Robb's wolf was named "Grey Wind"; Jon's, "Ghost," because of its completely white fur. Sansa named hers "Lady."

"Alright!" Cornelia thought. "That seems like the perfect name for her!"

Arya, in turn, chose the name "Nymeria" for her wolf. The funniest one was the name chosen by Rickon. He was near the blacksmith's shop when he heard the dog Bob barking. Inspired by this, he decided to name his wolf "Shaggydog." It may not have been a very impressive name, but it was adorable, and of course, if Rickon liked it, that was enough.

As for her own wolf, "Winter," Cornelia considered it an unexpected surprise. She was extremely happy to have him. For over a month, she cared for and trained the pup with dedication. Robb and the others did the same with theirs, following Ned's instructions.

It was amazing. Perhaps this really was a fantasy world. The giant wolves were surprisingly intelligent and seemed to understand commands easily. They didn't need much rigorous training to show impressive results, which only added to the charm they felt for them.

Time passed quickly as the wolves were trained.

The days always seemed to fly by. Among the seven Stark children, Cornelia and Sansa's birthdays were the first of the year. Robb's and the others' birthdays were in the second half of the calendar. As the months passed, Cornelia realized they were already in the fourth month of the year.

This year had been incredibly difficult. Many of the previous events of Game of Thrones took place during that time, and she knew that the downfall of the Stark family was the first major event in the narrative. Cornelia vaguely remembered the exact time when everything would happen, but she knew that the process, from start to finish, would be too quick.

She felt a growing impatience, but she knew that in those moments, she had to calm down and proceed with care, step by step. If she didn't stay calm, everything could become even more confusing.

The first great tragedy was Bran's fall. Cornelia remembered that he had fallen from the Winterfell wall at the beginning of the story. Although he was one of the few members of the Stark family who would survive until the end, he would never walk again.

No matter how hard she tried, Cornelia couldn't remember exactly who made him fall or from where exactly he fell. She only knew that Bran loved to climb the wall. Since the previous month, she had seriously warned him several times, forbidding him from climbing again. But he was just a child, and as stubborn as he was, he didn't obey.

Still, she caught him a few times sneaking up the wall, which made her frustrated and helpless. All she could do was console herself with the fact that, at least for now, nothing had happened. She decided to keep Bran by her side in the following days to try to protect him.

Cornelia knew time was running out, but she didn't expect the moment to come so quickly. A week later, on an ordinary morning, Catelyn came to remind Cornelia to practice her violin, something she rarely did, and she obeyed without enthusiasm.

But she didn't finish that song. Deep down, she hoped no one would interrupt her performance with bad news.

In the middle of her playing, Meistre Luwin hurried in with a scroll in hand and an anxious expression. After Catelyn read the message, she had just enough time to say a few quick words to Cornelia before rushing off.

Catelyn and the others didn't explain, but Cornelia knew: the king was coming.

She also understood that her mother's promise to review her musical theory later would not be fulfilled. At least, not in the next few years, even if everything went well.

It was ironic. A second ago, Cornelia didn't want to practice or follow the requirements of etiquette. But when she heard her mother's hurried footsteps leaving, she realized she would miss the routines and demands of a peaceful life.

Without interference from the outside world, becoming a common noblewoman like Sansa might not be a bad choice.

Of course, it was just a fleeting thought. She knew her destiny wouldn't be so simple.

At lunch that day, Catelyn and Ned publicly announced the arrival of the king, and Cornelia finally understood what had happened. The king's hand had died of fever.

The late king's hand, Jon Arryn, had been the lord of the Eyrie in the Vale of Arryn, and the Protector of the East. He was also Ned Stark's mentor and the Stark children's uncle, as his wife, Lysa Tully, was Catelyn's sister.

More than ten years ago, the Seven Kingdoms were not ruled by the current king, Robert Baratheon. At that time, the Iron Throne still belonged to House Targaryen.

The Targaryens were originally from Valyria, on the continent of Essos, beyond the Narrow Sea. It was only more than three hundred years ago that the "Conqueror" Aegon Targaryen landed at the mouth of Blackwater Bay with three dragons and his army, starting a massive invasion of Westeros.

At that time, Westeros was divided into seven distinct kingdoms:

The North, ruled by Torrhen Stark.

The Vale of Arryn, ruled by Ronnel Arryn.

The Iron Islands and the Riverlands, ruled by Harren Hoare of the Iron Islands.

The Westerlands, ruled by Loren I Lannister of Casterly Rock.

The Reach, ruled by Mern IX Gardener.

The Stormlands, ruled by Argilac Durrandon.

Dorne, ruled by Queen Meria Martell.

Aegon Targaryen, with his dragons and troops, subdued each of these kingdoms and established Targaryen supremacy. He unified the Seven Kingdoms under the Iron Throne and founded the capital in King's Landing. The Starks were named Protectors of the North, the Lannisters became Protectors of the West, and the Arryns were made Protectors of the East.

As a reward for their support in the conquest of Westeros, Aegon divided the Riverlands. House Tully received the title of Lords of the Riverlands, while House Greyjoy was rewarded with the title of Lords of the Iron Islands. Additionally, Aegon created a separate region around King's Landing, known as the Crownlands, which answered directly to the Targaryen royal family.

Thus, the original Seven Kingdoms became, in practice, nine kingdoms. However, because of the old custom of calling Aegon Targaryen the King of the Seven Kingdoms, and due to the destruction of some ruling houses during the conquest, the title remained. As a reward for their loyalty, Aegon gave the Reach to House Tyrell, naming them Protectors of the South. The Stormlands, previously ruled by House Durrandon, were given to House Baratheon.

With this, the major forces of Westeros were reorganized. This war came to be known in history as Aegon's Landing. After the conquest, Westeros' calendar began to be counted from Aegon's New Year. The Targaryens were closer to dragons than any other family, and to maintain their pure bloodline, they followed the ancient tradition of incestuous marriages.

Perhaps because of this practice, many members of House Targaryen tended to go mad. An ancient Targaryen king, Jaehaerys II, once said that whenever a Targaryen was born, the gods tossed a coin to decide whether they would be mad or brilliant.

The facts confirmed this theory.

House Targaryen ruled Westeros for three hundred years. During this time, many kings became known for their insanity. The 17th and last Targaryen king was Aerys II Targaryen, also known as the "Mad King."

Aerys had a capricious and cruel personality. He was obsessed with Wildfire and enjoyed burning alive the lords who disobeyed him, which earned him his infamous nickname. He had three children: the eldest son, Rhaegar Targaryen, heir to the throne; the second son, Viserys Targaryen; and the youngest daughter, Daenerys Targaryen, known as the Mother of Dragons. Currently, Daenerys was in the continent of Essos, across the Narrow Sea, determined to return to Westeros and restore the Targaryen dynasty.

More than ten years earlier, the Baratheon stronghold was Storm's End, in the Stormlands. After the death of the former lord, Steffon Baratheon, his eldest son, Robert Baratheon, became the new patriarch of the family and Lord of Storm's End.

Cornelia's father, Ned Stark, was not originally the heir to Winterfell. His father, Rickard Stark, had four children: the eldest son, Brandon Stark; the daughter, Lyanna Stark; Ned; and the youngest, Benjen Stark, who later joined the Night's Watch as a ranger.

Sadly, Brandon and Lyanna Stark had died years ago. To honor her deceased uncle, young Bran was named Brandon Stark.

At that time, the heir to Winterfell was the eldest son, Brandon Stark. Cornelia's mother, Catelyn Tully, had not originally been promised to Ned Stark, but to Brandon, as part of the alliance between Winterfell in the North and Riverrun in the Riverlands.

When he was only eight years old, Ned Stark was sent to the Vale of Arryn, where he grew up under the tutelage of Jon Arryn, alongside the current king, Robert Baratheon. Ned considered Jon Arryn as a second father.

The relationship between Winterfell and Storm's End was also strengthened during this period. Ned and Robert were like brothers, and Robert was promised to Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark, for whom he had deep affection.

However, everything changed quickly. In the year 281 of Aegon's calendar, a great tournament was held in Harrenhal, the largest ever seen until then.

During the tournament, Rhaegar Targaryen, the eldest son of the Mad King and older brother of Daenerys Targaryen, defeated all the champions. Instead of crowning his wife, Elia Martell, he offered the crown of "Queen of Love and Beauty" to Lyanna Stark, Robert's betrothed, weaving it with white winter roses.

The worst was yet to come. After the tournament, Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark disappeared. Rumors claimed that Rhaegar had kidnapped and raped Lyanna.

Lyanna's elder brother, known as the "Wolf," Brandon Stark, was furious when he heard the news. Instead of going to the Riverlands to marry Catelyn Tully, he went to King's Landing to demand that Rhaegar return Lyanna. However, the Mad King, Aerys II, arrested Brandon for treason and summoned his father, Rickard Stark, to explain himself.

Rickard Stark was captured and cruelly executed along with Brandon. With that, the lord of Winterfell and the heir of the North were dead.

After this brutal act, the Mad King wanted to completely eradicate the threats to his reign. Upon learning that Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon were under Jon Arryn's protection in the Vale, Aerys ordered Jon to hand over their heads.

Jon Arryn refused. Instead, he raised an army to resist the Mad King. Robert returned to Storm's End to summon his forces. Ned went back to the North, took the title of Lord of Winterfell, and called the North's vassals to rebellion.

Before marching to join Robert in the south, Ned married Catelyn Tully, who had been promised to his late brother Brandon. This marriage ensured that the alliance between the North and the Riverlands remained strong.

For a time, the four kingdoms — the Vale of Arryn, the Stormlands, the North, and the Riverlands — raised their armies in revolt. Four of the Seven Kingdoms were in rebellion. The rebel armies defeated the royal forces on the banks of the Trident River, where Robert Baratheon personally killed Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. The armies of the four kingdoms then marched toward King's Landing with overwhelming force.

When the rebel armies approached the city, Lord Tywin Lannister, of Casterly Rock, arrived with the Westerlands army, pretending to be on the king's side. However, he betrayed the Mad King and ordered the sacking of the city. Desperate, King Aerys II Targaryen planned to burn King's Landing with Wildfire, but he was killed by Jaime Lannister, a member of the Kingsguard and Tywin's son. For this act, Jaime became known and despised as the "Kingslayer."

Almost all the members of House Targaryen were killed. Only the pregnant queen and the second prince, Viserys Targaryen, managed to escape to Dragonstone, protected by loyal counselors. During a violent storm, the queen gave birth to Daenerys Targaryen. The two siblings fled to the continent of Essos, across the Narrow Sea.

Thus ended the war known as the "War of the Usurpers," and the Baratheon Dynasty began.

Robert Baratheon took the Iron Throne and became the King of the Seven Kingdoms. Following Jon Arryn's advice, he married Cersei Lannister, Tywin Lannister's eldest daughter, thereby consolidating an alliance with the powerful and wealthy House Lannister.

However, Robert, despite being an excellent military leader, had no aptitude for ruling. Cornelia had heard comments that, during his more than ten years of reign, Robert neglected the kingdom's affairs, preferring to drink and have fun every day. The administration of the kingdom was in the hands of his trusted advisor and adoptive father, Jon Arryn, the Protector of the East and Hand of the King.

Now, with Jon Arryn's death, the kingdom was in a precarious situation. The king, incapable and uninterested in governing, needed someone he could trust completely. Therefore, the king, queen, and a group of ministers were traveling to Winterfell.

Cornelia felt the weight of the situation. She understood what was happening and what it meant, but she didn't know what to do. The kingdom's fate seemed uncertain, and the shadows of the past were drawing closer.

If the king faced his father and asked him to go to King's Landing to help, would he refuse?

The answer was obvious: absolutely impossible!

It was a true impasse. Even before the king's arrival, Cornelia already felt deeply powerless.

The raven from King's Landing had been sent by the king when he left. Although ravens were much faster than the royal entourage, the message would take several days to reach Winterfell. Cornelia knew the king would arrive soon.

And she still didn't have a plan.

She never imagined her father would have to go to King's Landing under these circumstances. There were many events and intrigues in Game of Thrones that she hadn't fully understood in her previous life.

She knew very little about the events that would involve her father once he arrived in King's Landing. Even when she arrived in this world with clearer memories, the political machinations had remained confusing. And now, many of those memories had faded with time.

As the events approached rapidly, Cornelia realized she couldn't find a way to intervene or change the course of fate.

A feeling of fear took over her.


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