Chapter 460
There was a lot Ajax had hoped would happen when he hit the +150 to all stats, he was also just as prepared for there to be nothing to gain. A racial evolution progressing him to Ascendant was not something he had expected in the least. That is to say nothing of the double life span he gained or the massive increase in experience that meant he would now be gaining triple experience.
Ajax almost jumped when he felt an arm settle on his shoulder. “You okay, kid?” the squad leader asked him as he looked towards him with concern.
“I’m… I’m fine.” Ajax managed to get out. “Let’s get out of here.”
That was all Ajax needed to say as he and the squad leader both entered the arch and left the Empire champion alone on the floor with even more questions. “What was that all about?” The champion couldn’t help but ask with nobody around to answer him. The more important question however was what was that oppressive feeling he felt from Ajax’s Aura? He hadn’t felt it before they stepped on this floor and while the Aura wasn’t stronger all of a sudden it did have a more domineering feel to it, one that made him feel inferior.
Unlike the previous delve the prince was waiting for Ajax at the entrance this time, more than that there was no reason for them to search Ajax since he had been escorted throughout the entire delve.
“The triumphant Duke returns.” the prince made a spectacle as he quickly moved to hug Ajax and whispered in his ear. “Get a hold of your Aura, now!”
The prince’s words were exactly what Ajax needed to snap out of the endless questions now burrowing through his mind. He quickly tried to suppress his Aura and in doing so could feel the prince’s own Aura being pushed out and forming a cover for him.
“Tone it down.” For the first time since Ajax met him Zilfallon wasn’t the cheery battle maniac he had always presented himself as.
“Don’t worry, we were just about to leave.” The prince responds as he complies with the request and subdues his own Aura.
With a moment to himself Ajax quickly took a look at his Status.Name : Ajax Hearthbound
Level :53
Experience : 122395/143300
Traits: Divine Witness, Duke, Aura
Health: 4700/4700
Mana: 4840/4840
Stamina : 3970/3970
Vitality : 397 -> 470
Strength :353 -> 426
Endurance :322 -> 397
Dexterity : 353 -> 438
Intellect : 400 -> 484
Wisdom : 400 -> 471
Mind : 400 -> 485
Perception : 322 -> 398
Stat Points : 0
Skills :
- Common :[Mathematics Lvl 37] [Stealth Lvl 60][Drawing Lvl 40][Athleticism Lvl 54] [Running Lvl 54][Reading Lvl 30][Writing Lvl 30][Cooking Lvl 40][Sewing Lvl 22] [Cleaning Lvl 29][Haggling Lvl 30][Gardening Lvl 40][Axes Lvl 71][Hammers Lvl 71][Deception Lvl 45][Sword Lvl 71][Shield Lvl 71][Bow Lvl 71][Spear Lvl 62][Throwing Lvl 53][Persuasion Lvl 41][Unarmed Combat Lvl 50][Knives Lvl 62][Skinning Lvl 52][Tanning Lvl 23][Dismantle Lvl 58][Climbing Lvl 43][Tracking Lvl 48][Heat Resistance Lvl 40] [Poison Resistance Lvl 46][Pain Resistance Lvl 44][Trapping Lvl 31][Cold Resistance Lvl 35][Conversationalist Lvl 22]
- Uncommon :[Meditation Lvl 73][Sense Mana Lvl 75][Expel Mana Lvl 75][Sprinting Lvl 50][Mining Lvl 35][Lumberjack Lvl 21][Smelting Lvl 20][Blacksmithing Lvl 15] [Chanting Lvl 12][Mana Farming Lvl 42][Increase Price Lvl 20][Lower Price Lvl 20][Danger Sense Lvl 55][Leatherworking Lvl 29][Alchemy Lvl 70][Mana Milling Lvl 55][Precise Cut Lvl 60][Precise Blow Lvl 60][Judge Threat Lvl 50][ Piercing Shot Lvl 57] [Berserker Lvl 27][Cooperation Lvl 39][Berserker Style Lvl 25][Basic Truth Detection Lvl 21][Unnatural Balance Lvl 25][Feigned Interest Lvl 17][Illusion Resistance Lvl 10][Focused Aim Lvl 21][Focused Mind Lvl 2]
- Rare : [Manipulate Mana Lvl 64][Water Aspect Mana Lvl 60][Fire Aspect Mana Lvl 60] [Air Aspect Mana Lvl 60][Earth Aspect Mana Lvl 60][Inject Mana Lvl 56][Spot Weakness Lvl 48][Residue Recognition Lvl 31] [Light Aspect Mana Lvl 60][Shadow Aspect Mana Lvl 60][Mana Skin Lvl 50][Teamwork Lvl 34][Beekeeping Trailblazer Lvl 21][Curse Resistance Lvl 27][Dungeon Crafter Lvl 51][Battlemage Style Lvl 38] [Impervious Senses Lvl 14][Alchemist’s Examination Lvl 41][Stabilize Mixture Lvl 31][Mass Production Lvl 17][Magnetic Aspect Mana Lvl 21][Assassinate Lvl 1]
- Epic : [Mana Augmentation Lvl 50][Mana Conjuration Lvl 47][Lightning Aspect Mana Lvl 50][Metal Aspect Mana Lvl 50][Ice Aspect Mana Lvl 50][Magma Aspect Mana Lvl 50][Holy Aspect Mana Lvl 48][Void Aspect Mana Lvl 50][Curse Slash Lvl 34][Reckless Researcher Lvl 10][Unstable Alchemist Lvl 15] [Empowering Restriction Lvl 5][Creative Application Lvl 2][Vibrating Strike Lvl 2][Limit Suppression Lvl 2][Alchemical Researcher Lvl 1]
- Legendary : [Mana Syphon Lvl 45][Enigma Lvl 28][Inspector’s Eye Lvl 25][Life Aspect Mana Lvl 9][Vibration Aspect Mana Lvl 2]
New :
Empowering Restriction 0 ->5
Creative Application 0 -> 2
Vibrating Strike 0 -> 2
Unauthorized usage: this narrative is on Amazon without the author's consent. Report any sightings.
Assassinate 0 -> 1
Limit Suppression 0 -> 2
Alchemical Researcher 0 -> 1
Vibration Aspect Mana 0 -> 2
Focused Mind 0 -> 2
Stealth 59 -> 60
Athleticism 53 -> 55
Running 53 -> 55
Haggling 29 -> 30
Axes 70 -> 71
Hammers 70 -> 71
Sword 70 -> 71
Shield 70 -> 71
Bow 70 -> 71
Spear 60 -> 62
Persuasion 39 -> 41
Deception 43-> 45
Pain Resistance 43 -> 44
Conversationalist 21-> 22
Meditation 69-> 73
Alchemy 67-> 70
Precise Cut 58 -> 60
Precise Blow 58 -> 60
Piercing Shot 56 -> 57
Feigned Interest 15 -> 17
Focused aim 20 -> 21
Manipulate Mana 63 -> 64
Water Aspect Mana 59 -> 60
Fire Aspect Mana 59 ->60
Air Aspect Mana 59 -> 60
Earth Aspect Mana 59 ->60
Light Aspect Mana 59 -> 60
Shadow Aspect Mana 59 -> 60
Inject Mana 55 -> 56
Spot Weakness 46 -> 48
Mana Skin 48 -> 50
Battlemage Style 36 -> 38
Impervious senses 13 -> 14
Alchemist's Examination 40 -> 41
Stabilize Mixture 28 -> 31
Mass Production 15 -> 17
Magnetic Aspect Mana 20 -> 21
Mana Conjuration 46 -> 47
Lightning Aspect Mana 48-> 50
Metal Aspect Mana 48-> 50
Ice Aspect Mana 48-> 50
Magma Aspect Mana 48-> 50
Holy Aspect Mana 47 -> 48
Void Aspect Mana 48 -> 50
Curse Slash 32 -> 34
Reckless Researcher 9 -> 10
Unstable Alchemist 13 -> 15
Mana Syphon 43 -> 45
Enigma 28 -> 30
Life Aspect Mana 7 -> 9
It had been a bit over five months since he had gained his Aura, the last big change he had gone through and his improvement told the story of what he had been through during this time.
The massive jump in stats that came from dungeons, his one hundred skills achievement as well as his recent evolution showed growth that was unimaginable to most people at his level of power.
His skill growth however told another story. While most of his combat skills had been given the leeway to grow in his constant battles not all of them had fit the model. Most of his resistance skills weren’t pushed with the protection he was given, the same could be said for tracking and analysis. [Spot Weakness] was an exception.
Most telling however was the number of skills that had gotten stuck at their Threshold. Without a good chance to properly dedicate his training to them Ajax had felt better about leaving them there to wait until this was all over and he would return to his duchy where he could give each of them the proper undivided attention and make the best selection for their threshold perk.
Surprisingly enough his experience gain had kept up with his two levels a year standard, having gained most of a level in about one third of a year showing that he had truly been pushing himself when he challenged the top floors as well as the Ettin.
“Did Clark try something?” The prince asked the moment all of them were inside one of their carriages and the privacy enchantments were functional.
“Nothing.” the squad leader that went with Ajax said. “This happened when the kid got to the final floor.”
“He feels… different.” Lexi said as cuddled closer and brough Ajax’s arm around her shoulder. “He’s still Ajax but there’s something different about him.”
“It’s in his Aura.” The prince explained. “What floor would this have been for him?”
“It was the 150th floor I cleared.” Ajax's mind finally caught up to the conversation and he answered while giving Lexi a light squeeze with the arm that enveloped her and throwing all of them a warm smile. “Sorry about that, it was a lot to take in.”
“So there is an Achievement for clearing 150 floors, I knew it.” the prince grinned victoriously, now that Ajax was back to being himself he calmed down quickly.
“Not quite.” Ajax said drawing everyone’s attention.
“What do you mean?” Anna asked. “Either there is an Achievement or there isn’t.”
“There isn’t strictly speaking an Achievement for clearing 150 floors.” Ajax hesitated for a moment as he debated on sharing the exact minutia of what happened, doing so would deprive them of one maybe even two discoveries. In the end he decided that the information was well worth the loss. “What there is however is an evolution.”
“Evolution?” Xavier asked. “Evolution of what?”
“A race evolution.” Ajax explained. “From Awakened Humanoid to Ascended Humanoid.”
The entire carriage fell silent as the grave as everyone processed Ajax’s words. Two very important pieces of information were shared, the first was that clearing 150 floors would evolve humans to the level of an ascended, the second less clear discovery was that, as they were, they were already considered Awakened Humanoids, this meant there should also be something that came before.
This was one of the lines of thought Ajax had fallen into back when he had first gotten the notification. His gut reaction was that there should be inferior humanoids, most likely kobolds, goblins, maybe even orcs who didn’t count as awakened but that would need further research to prove.
“That still doesn’t explain how there kind of is an Achievement.” one of the squad mages pointed out.
“Well, there is an Achievement for evolving.” Ajax said with a smug grin.
“What is it?” The small back and forwards between the Ajax and the mage was enough to bring the prince back into the conversation and focused on gathering as much information they could verify and not ponder on what ifs.
“I gained an improved version.” Ajax explained. “By evolving before the age of fifty. I increased my experience gain by 200%. I am essentially gaining experience at three times the rate.”
“That’s insane!” Xavier exclaimed.
“That’s great!” Lexi joined in at the same time.
“What is the reward for the base Achievement?” the prince asked.
“An increase of 150%, essentially a two and a half times gain.” Ajax answered. “But the Discoveries requirement was different between them as well. Mine took ten Discoveries while the base one needed only five. I fulfilled mine with the Researcher reward but what would happen if you only had five Discoveries available and you got the better Achievement?”
“I can’t remember but I’m sure we have that answer.” the prince said after he took a moment to think about it. “Still a superior racial evolution, that would explain the domineering aspect of your Aura. As an evolved version it’s only natural that the instinctual response to your presence would feel like that to the rest of us.
“That’s not all the evolution gave me.” Ajax said, the prince eyebrows rose as he took in Ajax’s grin.
“What else was there?” Xavier asked, getting even more excited as he knew he was also on track to gain the achievement in due time.
“It doubled my remaining lifespan and it increased all of my stats by 10.” Ajax’s words caused another round of celebrations for Xavier, Anna and Lexi as all of them were on track to gaining the same reward. The prince and the squad members present remained silent however with frowns working their way onto their faces.
“We’ll head straight for the capital.” the prince announced. “My father and brother need to make the decision on this, until then nobody is to speak a word of this.”
“What’s the matter?” Ajax asked, he and his friends were taken aback by the turn in the prince’s mood.
“This news could cause a war to start.” the prince said with a heavy sigh. “You don’t see it yet but you Ajax were already on you way to becoming an unbeatable existence, more than that your lifespan was already heading towards three thousand. It just jumped, not to six thousand but closer to eight maybe even more. This needs to be shared, but it needs to be done slowly and with care. Or you will be seen as a future tyrant.”