Gamers in Game of Thrones

Chapter 92: Chapter 92 -[The End, but not for long]

Jon gasped from his room, a few days passed since they destroyed part of the wall, but the walkers were organizing.

Jon was thinking about what to do.

Their only option was to eliminate the night king.

A few hours ago reinforcements from all the seven kingdoms arrived.

"How to win?" he muttered.

Jon sighed and lay down on the bed, he closed his eyes and was woken up by knocks.

"They are ready your majesty," a soldier said.

Jon got up and followed him.

They entered the meeting room.













They looked at him when they entered.

"It's been a few days, but they've regrouped," Robb said.

"It was going to happen whether we like it or not," Jon told him.

"What do we do?" Daenerys asked.

"The only thing we can do," he said.

"Do you have a plan?" Sam asked.

Robb looked at him curiously.

As well as the others in the room.

"Maybe we were wrong from the beginning," he whispered.

Sansa looked confused.

"We've been on the defensive since they got to the wall," he said.

The others looked confused.

"What if we attack instead of defending ourselves," he said.

The others looked at him in disbelief.

"Attack? Where? They are everywhere," Oberyn said.

Jon nodded.

"Divide the army in two. Attack the east and west...And kill the night king once and for all," he said.

The others looked at him.

"How do we do that? Do you know what part of the army he is in? " Jaime asked.

"We don't need to know that," they heard Bran.

They turned to him.

"Jon is right, defending the wall was a good option to buy time, but now the important thing is to kill the night king," he said.

"Do you know how to attract him?" Robb asked.

"Of course, the king wants me, because I am the new three-eyed crow, I am the memories of the world, wherever I go, the king of the night will follow me," he said.

"Bran will go with me, to the west, we will attack together, the others will go to the east, they will kill every walker they come across, reducing their army," Jon said.

"The king wants me, it must be me," Bran whispered.

Jon's hand reached his shoulder.

"No wolf hunts alone, always as together."

Bran smiled at him.

"Very well, we agree" Robb finished.

"Let's get this over with," Sansa finished.


The attack began and Bran looked from the sky, he could feel it close.

He looked down at the men attacking the Wraith.

That's when he sensed danger and turned to avoid an ice spear.

He looked down and a Walker was waiting for him.

Bran came down and attacked with his men, and the Walker prepared himself.

"Lighting Sword," he said, and from his hand a bolt of lightning appeared, it had a shape like a sword.

The Walker attacked and Bran stopped his attack.

The boy counterattacked and the walker staggered from behind.

Bran felt a strong blow and was knocked to the ground, a dozen Wraiths pounced on him.

A roar was heard and the Wraiths flew away.

Bran saw five Direwolves the size of bears appeared.

Gray Wind.





They looked divine and he smiled.

"Take care of the Wraiths, guys," he told them.

The Direwolves howled and leaped at the enemies.

Bran watched the Walker approach.

"Lightning," he said.

Lightning bolts came out of his hand, the Walker dodged them and ran towards him.

The ice spear and the electric sword collided.

"Die!" Bran exclaimed.

But the walker kicked him.

Bran fell to the ground and watched in horror as he raised his spear.

His horror lasted a second when a whistle was heard and a spear flew out and hit the walker in the stomach.

It fell apart and a large part of the Wraiths as well.

Bran turned to see his savior.

He was a boy a little younger than him, with blonde hair and gray eyes.

"Tommen," he murmured.

"Are you okay?" asked the former king of the seven kingdoms.

Bran blinked.

Not believing that the timid Tommen whom Myrcella spoke to him had saved him and killed a white walker.

He smiled.

"When this is over, you'll come live with me and Myrcella," he promised and then turned around.

[T/N: NAH!]

He saw him approaching.

"Go now...This is my fight," he told him.

And Tommen saw how a being approached, it was a monster in every word, white skin, with white thorns coming out of its head like a crown, and blue eyes.

Bran heard Tommen flee.


Jon saw Bran fighting the Night King, but this seemed to be a one-sided fight, Bran was barely hanging on.

He fell with his dragon and headed to Bran.

"Magic doesn't affect him," Bran said.

Jon looked at the night king, who smiled evilly at him.

Jon smiled too.

Euron taught him that his abilities could be denied.

Or more precisely, his normal abilities.

He had suspected it for a long time.

It was the reason why he wanted to confront the king of the night in private.

His brothers were strong without a doubt, but to avoid the cancellations of their magic, he was the only one, or so he suspected.

He wanted to try something, a skill that he never used, he obtained it months ago, but he didn't use it, he didn't know why or how.

'Let's see how it really works' he thought.

"Soul aura," he whispered.

His sword was surrounded by a white trail.

"What is that?" Bran murmured curiously.

"It's the first time I'm using it," Jon said and attacked.

The night king stopped his attack, but let out a roar of pain and moved away.

Jon then understood that he didn't need to hit him directly, so he attacked again.

The king attacked too, but little by little he was moving away.

With a scream the supernatural being summoned hundreds of his Wraiths and they attacked him.

"Elemental aura," Jon said and his sword turned black.

The specters attacked and saw how Jon hit them and a dozen shadows came out of the ground and trapped them.

"Shadow element?" Bran murmured curiously.

Jon continued punching the dozens of wraiths that followed him.

"Lightning!" Bran exclaimed, summoning five Specters.

"Go get him," he said.

An army arrived at his side.

"Robb," Jon murmured when he saw him.

"We support Bran, finish it," said the king of the seven kingdoms.

Jon nodded and launched himself towards the king of the night.

"Soul aura," he repeated and hit him again.

The king defended himself, but was damaged by each blow that Jon's sword hit his ice spear.

Jon attacked again.

"Total Aura" he included to increase his physical attributes.

The monster lunged at him. Jon avoided his spear and felt that everything was over if he didn't finish it soon.

"Crow...Fox...Bear...Jaguar...Crocodile...Scorpion...Mammoth...Chimera...Hydra" the boy Summoned a summon of each level.

"Attack him," he ordered.

The animals launched themselves at the king of the night.

The crow pecked his eyes, the fox knawed his left leg, the bear kicked him from behind, the jaguar bit his left arm, the crocodile bit his right leg, the scorpion pierced him in the neck, the mammoth gave him a strong blow that knocked him out. Backwards, the chimera launched a flare that hit him in the face, the hydra used its poisonous heads to attack him on the ground.

"NOW!" Jon shouted when he saw him distracted by so many blows.

He attacked with his ancient Valyrian steel sword and pierced him.

The King of the night looked at him and smiled.

"You will lose," he whispered before turning into dust.


The Starks breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing how everything ended, the walkers disbanded.

"Victory!" they heard Oberyn and shouted too.

In the distance, they could see Jon returning.

His brothers smiled at him as they saw the bastard king of Valyria who defeated the night king.

But he wasn't smiling.

The last words of the king of the night had surprised him.

'What did he mean?' thought the king of Valyria.


Jon watched attentively from his throne at his wife's side.

Robb next to him with his first wife.

The death count was around twenty thousand.

An abysmal figure, but nothing to do.

"From now on the wall will be dismantled, a new one will be created," said Robb.

"The night guards fulfilled their duty, so King Robb will give them their freedom, those who are part of one of the noble families will be welcomed into them again, those who are not will be given the position of a knight in one of them," Jon said.

Oberyn smiled, just as the king had promised when he defeated him.

Jon and Daenerys were returning home to live the rest of their lives. Although they would come to the seven kingdoms from time to time.

The boy turned to see his family.

"We'll see each other"


Jon Snow smiled as he watched the small jungle from his hunt, one of his conquests in the years that followed the defeat of the night king.

The boy continued his life in Valyria, passive experience points came to him per day, but he learned to ignore them, after a few years, he no longer wanted to raise his level anymore.

He didn't have to.

Many things had happened, his brothers, and his wife were no longer in this world.

Jon missed them very much, after the expansion of Valyria, ten years after the long night, great reforms began, some wars, other conquests without wars, currently, Valyria occupied the majority of Essos. Only the territories of Yiti and Assai were outside Valyria, but these abided by the anti-slavery law.

Jaime Lannister left Westeros after his children were safe, Brienne Tarth accompanied him with her squire on the adventure.

Tyrion Lannister would return to Valyria, his help on the wall was decisive, even so, neither Jon nor Daenerys forgot his betrayal of the king of the seven kingdoms, he was not punished, and he was given the position of Sam's assistant, although he would never be hand of the king. He lost his position as master of coin, the reason was because neither the king nor the queen of Valyria could trust him again, forgive him yes, but trust, no.

Tommen went from being a night guard to Bran's knight, both of them were going to the true north with their people to create a new and permanent city.

Sansa was going to Dorne to marry her fiancé and stay there, to be the center of the new religion.

Arya opted for something similar in going to Storm's End with Gendry.

Robb was heading to King's Landing to fulfill his duty as the king of the seven kingdoms.

Rickon would be placed as Warden of the North, and would remain at Winterfell, married to Lyanna Mormont.

His wife Daenerys got her way by putting Jon's blood in most of their cities, with Nymeria and Tyene Arena, giving him two children each. Ironically, despite being enough, they were not enough to put each of their children in their cities.

Robb had a daughter and another son with Talisa, Margaery gave him three girls, Dacey a son, and Val a girl and a boy.

Sansa had two daughters and a son. His sister spread religion, the saint of the ancient gods, and was revered for it. There were several problems with the Faith of the Seven, but after years of discomfort, the saint went to the supreme sept, discussed with the leaders of the faith, and used her healing magic in the medical centers. They did not reach any agreement, but the saint arriving and curing the sick with magic was enough to convert the little that was missing to her religion. The faith of the seven understood the plan very late. Years later they were still there but they were scarce, they had no power. 

Arya had two sons, both trained by her in the art of the sword. And she waited until the eldest was old enough to rule the land of storms, to go with her husband on an adventure.

Bran created his city, the new wolf guard. He had two children with Meera, two girls with Shireen and three boys, and a girl with Myrcella. Tommen ended up marrying a northerner, daughter of the Cassel house, years after the long night. And he created a house, with the approval of Bran, the three-eyed raven, he gave him a fortress in the east, where he lived, being constantly visited by his sister and brother-in-law.

Rickon became warden of the north, and married Lyanna Mormont, bearing him two sons and a daughter.

Valyria began to conquer after a couple of years of peace, a conquest in the few places that still had slaves in Essos, and slavery was completely eradicated.

The Valyrian Bank replaced the Iron Bank.

Trystane Martell rebelled and tried to get mercenaries to support him against Valyria, a desperate attempt to reclaim Dorne and his former fiancée. Unfortunately for him, the same mercenaries he hired revealed themselves and eliminated him, Jon liquidated them to have peace with the Martells, but he did not mourn his death, not even his cousins ​​the sand snakes did.

Today was Jon's naming day, the one hundred and twenty-fifth day since he was born.

A good number, they did not know if it was because they were the ones with the highest level or not, but their lives were prolonged.

At fifty he left Valyria and entrusted it to his son and heir, Jaerys. Who would end up marrying Robb's daughter to unite the houses more? They met at one of Sansa's name day parties when she was three and he was five. When Eloise turned thirteen, they were already crazy about each other, their engagement was quickly accepted by both.

Dorne was ceded to the seven kingdoms, after Arianne somehow convinced Sansa, the girl was manipulative, or Sansa intentionally let herself be manipulated to manipulate her later, Jon did not know, nor did he want to know.

He lay down on his bed.

Today he would die.

He knew it.

He felt it.

He was satisfied with what he did.

With what he achieved.

With how he lived.

He closed his eyes and felt a breeze.

He opened them again and found himself in the white room.

He headed to the computer.

{Game was failed.

The Players may ask a question.}

Jon blinked.

He frequently asked questions.

What do you mean by we lost?

{The dark god is coming

Players are without the sufficient skills to face it.}

Dark God?

{The god that consumes everything, the first player, who corrupted everyone in the old game. The goal of the game is to destroy it.}

And the king of the night? Wasn't it the enemy?

{The Night King was a tutorial to face the dark god. But now you have no chance of winning.}

Jon gasped.

Is there anything you can do?

{There is a possibility.

Send the dark god to a similar dimension to this one.

But the player must go with him, he will lose his memories, and you will have to recover your skills again. Improve them.

The new dimension is similar to this one, but the enemies are more difficult.

The player will have to evolve so that the skills are more powerful, and effective.

Scanning possibilities







Possibility found.

Does the player, Jon Snow, wish to start the game in a new dimension, with added game difficulty?




[T/N: HOLY SHIT! DON'T STONE ME! I didn't do it! This reminds me a lot of Dark Wolf Shiro's books. If you can't wait for the next chapter then check out my Patreon for some advanced chapters! For just $10, you can get access to over 300+ posts. That means you get up to chapter 80+ of book two and access to all my other works. I changed the pricing of tiers to be cheaper overall after a vote over on Patreon, now there is only one tier but instead of paying $10 for like 13 chapters a month, I only just realised how ridiculous that was, you can pay $10 for 50+ chapters a month. You could also just join the free membership, I always appreciate it. (*/ω\*) ]


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