Chapter 99: Chapter 7[Volume 2]
The third dungeon was an area of stone houses, Jon waited as he watched the female-like birds fly around.
The boy had eliminated some, they were weak, but fast.
Ghost was having a great time.
A scream was heard and the boy looked at the harpy heading towards him. The boy took out his bow and arrow and shot her, he had obtained it from the hunters, the arrow hit the harpy in the chest. Another attacked him from behind, but Ghost jumped and bit her leg, causing her to fall and bleed.
Jon arrived at the white room, went to the computer.
{Congratulations, you have raised a level and so has your family member.
Congratulations, you have reached level 10.
At this level, you gain the ability Communicate.
This ability allows you Communicate with other players, but
You can only communicate with one every ten levels.
At your current level you can only invite one player to your team, and at the twenty, two.
If you wish you can send an invitation to another player, if he accepts (Must be at level 10
to accept), once you or he levels up, they can be found in the white room.
Do you want to communicate with a player?
The boy did not hesitate and said yes.
{Looking for players…
Current players: 5
Ned Stark Level 8
Catelyn Tully Level 1
Sansa Stark level 3
Arya Stark Level 4
Brandon Stark Level 2}
[T/N: Ooohh, not Catelyn Stark? Interesting...]
Jon looked on in wonder, three of his brothers, his father, and Lady Stark were players, what had happened. He didn't hesitate to choose his father.
{Ned Stark selected
A message will be sent to him as soon as he reaches at level 10.
If you want to undo the invitation, choose team skills, and undo.}
The boy touched familiar.
Name: Ghost
Level: 2
Dream of wolves: It shares its consciousness with its owner, when he sleeps.}
"Interesting," he said and touched the character menu.
{Name: Jon Snow
Title: King of Valyria
Skill points: 5
Level 10: (0/1250)
Health: 1000/1000
Mana: 900/900
Attributes: Low
Skills: 2
Swordsmanship Level: 3
Summoning Magic Level: 2
The boy pressed on the Summoning Magic skill, and chose the two improvements.
You have selected level 2 summoning magic.
Do you want to use four skill points to get the two level 2 summoning magic upgrades?
The boy pressed yes.
{Summoning Magic Level: 2
Cost: 200 mana
Hunters: Skilled in hunting animals and fishing. All work they do gives experience to the user.
Blacksmiths: Builders of tools and weapons. All work they do gives experience to the user.
Upgrade 1: Reduces weapon and tool building time by half.
Upgrade 2: Reduce resource and mana expenditure by half on weapon and tool builds.
Survival: blacksmithing tools, blacksmithing blueprint, hunting tools.}
The boy left and continued on his way.
He arrived at a structure of some kind of castle. Two harpies guarded it, but they were armed with swords and armor.
"These will be more difficult," Jon said.
The wolf growled.
The harpies noticed this and took out their weapons.
" Aura of the elements," Jon said.
His sword turned white. White vapor rose from it and seemed to cool the air around it.
Jon attacked one.
The harpies flew out and counterattacked.
Jon evaded her first attack, but the other took the opportunity to attack him from behind. The boy tried to avoid her but she hit him on the shoulder.
Ghost lunged at her but the harpy dodged him.
"They're faster," Jon murmured and took out his bow.
The arrow shot out but the harpy evaded it.
"This will be difficult, partner," he told him.
Jon drew his sword again, and waited for the attack.
And this happened, but Jon was prepared and stopped the sword blow. Ghost took advantage of that and lunged at the harpy, biting her arm.
She screamed, the other harpy launched herself at Ghost, but Jon attacked her with his sword. When she was distracted, the harpy turned into a block of ice when she was pierced.
The other screamed angrily and broke free of Ghost's grip and attacked Jon.
He was able to dodge it and counterattack.
The harpy took flight and screamed louder.
Jon frowned and saw dozens of harpies arrive.
"Shit," he whispered.
And he prepared.
He and Ghost launched themselves at the dozen harpies, covering each other, as they fell one by one.
Jon sighed tiredly as he watched the last one fall and turned to see the leader.
She looked at him with annoyance and pointed her sword at him.
Jon pointed his at her.
The harpy attacked Jon before falling under Ghost's attack.
"You forgot that there are two of us," Jon told her and he decapitated her, and arrived at the white room, it was not surprising, the leading harpies were strong, and the stronger they were, the more the experience points.
The boy approached the computer and pressed character menu.
{Name: Jon Snow
Title: King of Valyria
Skill points:3
Level: 11 (0/1500)
Health: 1100/1100
Mana: 1000/1000
Attributes: Low
Skills: 3
Swordsmanship Level: 3
Summoning Magic Level: 2
Do you want to spend three skill points and upgrade the summoning Magic skill to level 3?
Jon pressed yes.
{Summoning Magic Level: 3
This skill has two upgrades.}
Jon felt his legs fail and he fell to the ground, a severe headache appeared and made him dizzy, he felt like vomiting from the dizziness, while his hands burned as if they were on fire. A few seconds later everything disappeared and the boy saw that the monitor changed phrases.
{Summoning Magic Level: 3
Cost: 300 mana per spell.
Miners: Able to obtain precious minerals from mountains and caves. All work they do gives experience to the user.
Trackers: Capable of tracking down whatever is under level four concealment, they come with sniffer dogs and sniffer eagles. All work they do gives experience to the user.
Artisans: Builders of precious objects and handling of skins. All work they do gives experience to the user.
Survival: Market blueprints, carriages, stables, mining, mining tools.}
The boy looked curious and perhaps it could be useful to them in the caves of the second dungeon.
Jon sighed and walked out, he looked at Ghost and they turned towards the guard that the lead harpies were guarding, the boss was there.
Sansa put her illuminated hands on another slave worker, her full regeneration, healing wounds, and removing fatigue, it was exhausting to use every day, but it increased her experience points and helped people.
The girl found herself in the white room again.
She couldn't level up her skill yet.
She got one point out of the three needed.
She had wondered what skill she would pursue.
At first, she thought about getting another magical ability like Arya.
But she was no warrior.
She didn't like attacking or hurting people.
She still remembered the death of the Dothraki when she arrived in Essos.
Her first time killing.
She still had nightmares about it.
She shook her head not wanting to remember.
Her father talked to her after that and she pretended to be fine.
Not that she was sorry.
She knew what would have happened to them if she didn't.
But even so, nightmares continued to torment her nights.
The girl gave a heavy sigh and left the room, and saw her father enter.
"Hello Dad," she said.
Ned greeted her and turned to Talisa.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"I've made the decision," she said.
Ned nodded and handed her a letter.
"There is enough information to know that it comes from me, tell him everything, the whole truth," he said.
Talisa nodded.
"Don't worry, Arthur," she told him with a smile.
Ned smiled too.
Jon saw her and gulped, he couldn't do anything more than that, the leader creature of the third dungeon, the harpy queen, he didn't know what else to call her, she was twice the size, her wings seemed to be made of metal and she had gold armor.
He looked imposing, even when he felt them arrive, he looked at them and raised an eyebrow.
"So you're the one causing so much trouble," Jon heard.
Jon didn't know what to think, the rest of the harpies didn't speak, they screamed and screamed but they didn't speak.
But this queen.
She didn't just do it.
Her voice was melodious.
Even sensual.
The harpy stood up.
"Well you can be a snack," she said.
The boy got into position with the wolf at his side.
"Aura of the elements," he murmured.
The sword filled with electricity, as if thunder possessed it.
"Interesting...but," she said.
And it moved.
Jon felt pain throughout his body as he was sent flying towards the wall.
It was fast, it was too fast to see.
"How about that?" she said.
He heard a howl and Ghost fell next to him.
"Damn, she's very fast," Jon said.
Standing up and getting into a defensive position.
The harpy reached him in a second, attacking with his sword, but Jon stopped it with his, the lightning immobilized her, and she opened her eyes in surprise.
"Critical hit," Jon said and launched a sword blow to the chest.
The woman screamed and fell back, but her attack did not pierce his golden armor. Even so, it hurt a lot.
It got up immediately, and launched an attack with its iron wings, Jon covered himself from the attack but was thrown back.
"So that was it, her speed is her wings, she is fast, flying not moving," the boy thought.
"Do you have any plans?" I listen to Ghost.
"One, distract her," he whispered.
The wolf howled and ran towards the harpy queen.
"It's now or never, I won't have much mana left if I fail," he whispered.
"Summon...Hunters," he muttered.
In front of him a light appeared, five people appeared, all with blades, bows, and arrows, dressed in green.
"Master," he heard.
"No matter what happens, don't stop shooting that harpy," Jon said.
The others nodded.
The harpy flew away from Ghost to be hit by an arrow.
He turned and saw the hunters, firing again and again, without stopping.
Jon took advantage of his distraction to take out his bow and aim at the feet, one of the few unarmored areas.
The shot hit her squarely, she screamed and fell to the ground.
"Now or never," the boy said and ran towards the harpy.
"Break defense!" He exclaimed.
The harpy watched as Jon arrived with his illuminated sword and attacked her. The blow was heard throughout the area, the harpy fell meters back, her armor destroyed as if it had been made of glass.
She got up furious, but two arrows hit her in the stomach and another in the shoulder.
Without armor, you couldn't protect yourself. The Harpy put on her mental wings to protect herself, but that caused her to lose sight of Jon and Ghost.
He screamed again, when Ghost bit his foot, he threw his sword at him, but he dodged it, abandoning his foot.
Jon got into position behind her and the dates continued to fire, the harpy put her metal wings back into defense and didn't see Jon prepare. Now he had no armor.
The boy launched a thrust from behind, towards her chest. He went through it easily.
I see that I was back in the white room. And he went to the computer.
He sighed tiredly and left the room, the place he arrived was an urban area.
"It will be the neighborhoods of Valyria," he murmured.
"There are no prey here" Ghost complained.
[T/N: If you enjoyed this chapter then please, leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want access to advanced chapters then check out the Patreon.]