Games of Gods

Chapter 10: The wereshark's Lair.

Rowleen, a werewolf student from the elite school in all of Kenzai , swimming through the murky waters of the Wereshark's Lair. She's on a mission to find her friend, Frankie Stein, who's gone missing.

As Rowleen swims deeper, she comes face to face with the Wereshark, a monstrous creature with shark-like features and werewolf-like claws.

"Welcome, Rowleen. I've been expecting you."Wereshark said

"Where's Frankie? What have you done with her?"asked Rowleen

"Frankie's safe... for now. But if you want to see her again, you'll have to prove yourself worthy."Wereshark answered "What do you mean?"Rowleen said

"I'll give you a challenge. If you can answer my riddle, I'll let Frankie go free."Wereshark said.

"I'm not afraid of your riddle. Bring it on."Rowleen back fired at him.

"Very well. Here's my riddle: What can be broken, but never held?"Wereshark said

Rowleen thinks for a moment before answering.

"That easy The answer is a promise."Rowleen said

"Very good, Rowleen. You're indeed clever. I'll let Frankie go... but only if you can answer one more question."Wereshark said

"What's the question?"she said sharply

"Are you prepared to face the dangers that lie ahead?"Wereshark said in an annoying manner.

Rowleen hesitates for a moment before answering. "I'm ready. Let's do this."she said frightfully

The Wereshark smiles, revealing its sharp teeth."Very well, Rowleen. Let's begin."Wereshark said

Rowleen and the Wereshark begin their journey swimming deeper into the lair, ready to face whatever dangers lie ahead.

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