Chapter 13: Chapter 13: The Chase
I had been chasing the Skrull and I saw him rushing up the stairs going towards the train station that was going to stop. As I was running I used my magic to change my outfit.
After a short flash of green light, my flashy Asgardian garb transformed into dark blue jeans and black boots, a black crew neck rock T-shirt with ACDC placed on the front. I was also wearing a red bomber jacket that doubled as a windbreaker. I had conjured two enchanted daggers but made them look more like large combat knives and had them holstered at the back of my waist.
This all happened instantly and unless one was paying close attention, they wouldn't have noticed as I was still on the rooftops. Using my enhanced physique, I jumped off the roof, grabbed onto a nearby light pole and used it to swing me onto the roof of the train station and then jumped down just in time to see the Skrull get on the train with Carol right there.
I stepped next to her.
"Hey, I see he got away, let's get after him." I said.
Carol nodded and we both jumped on the train as it was passing, punching through the glass to get inside. While we were making our way in the train, Carol looked at me.
"What?" I asked feigning ignorance.
"Your voice changed, you're talking normally now." She said as she eyed me suspiciously.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to trick you, but it is much better to be underestimated and thought to be ignorant than to have people be more wary of you. I meant no disrespect." I explained.,
"Huh, you're definitely smarter than you look. And the clothes?" Carol commented then asked.
"Magic." I answered cryptically.
Carol rolled her eyes, she was starting to like this guy(not like that)
"Anyways, let's get going." She said.
We entered the train together, everyone was giving Carol weird looks, I simply looked normal, but they wondered what I was doing with the weridly dressed girl.
As we walked through the different train cars, Carol passed by an old woman then turned to me and we shared a look as she went back to the old lady and stared at her.
The old lady smiled, Carol got annoyed and hit her in the face. The interaction escalated with the old lady and Carol fighting, some people tried to stop Carol, but I stood in their way, easily stopping them from moving.
Carol was able to throw the old lady to the floor and started to hit her. I was preoccupied so I couldn't stop the three people who had grabbed her, letting the skrull get away.
Carol saw some sort of glowing stone in the ground and pushed the people off if her easily and grabbed the stone and followed after the old lady.
After she started to walk off I turned to the people who grabbed her and me and waved my hand, using Ruler's Authority to make them float and hit their heads on the roof as I sneered.
"Idiots." I said loud enough for them to hear as I followed Carol.
I entered the next car just in time to see the skrull transform into a guy in a red sweater, shocking the actual guy who's likeness was stolen, and jump onto the roof.
Carol and I followed after the Skrull onto the roof as we tried to catch him. Carol immediately got kicked, I caught her and threw her towards the skrull. She slammed into the skrull and was going to hit him when she saw a tunnel coming.
She kicked the skrull and it was lucky enough to fall down into a gap between the cars as Carol and I made our way down into the train again, Carol simply punching a hole in the roof, me using my strength to rip open a hatch and enter that way.
After we entered we couldn't see the same person anywhere. We had decided to wait until we entered the station, but I knew that it wouldn't help. I wasn't worried, nor did I try too hard to catch the guy as I knew the skrulls weren't actually bad.
When Carol and I exited the train we couldn't see who we were looking for so we both walked out from the train station and looked around, but we still couldn't find them.
Carol went off to the side and placed the strange glowing rock into her suit and began analyzing it. She was able to see some images that I already knew to be her memories of Pancho's bar and Dr. Wendy Lawson from Project Pegasus.
"We need to find a place where we can gather intel." Carol said.
"I know just the place, but before that..." I said as I conjured similar clothes to those that Carol had been wearing in the movie when she stole the motorcycle, but made them appear over her Kree uniform.
"What was that? And what was it for?" Carol asked.
"An illusion with a little conjuration. The conjuration will last for 5 hours in that time you need to get some actual clothes as you stick out like a sore thumb." I explained.
"I see. Now about the place you said we could go to gather some information?" Carol commented.
"Right, it's this way." I explained and I took us to a nearby Cafe with computer access.
I got on one as I asked for the Information that Carol wanted to search.
She seemed reluctant as she felt that she recognized the name of Pancho's bar as it seemed to trigger flashes of memories that she doesn't remember ever having.
Eventually she decided to just tell me as I was the one who knew how to use the equipment.
After getting the Info from her that I already knew, I had to suffer through Dial up internet once more. I always loathed the buffering sound.
After it finally loaded, and we had the address, Carol and I grabbed a map and brought it outside to navigate.
Oddly enough we cane across not one, but 2 different bikers. One of them tried to hit on Carol just like the movie but she ignored him.
He seemed ready to do something, but I made an illusion that we were picked up by a car so he just parked and went Inside. The other biker who was silent the entire time, did the same.
I saw how she looked at the bike and I could tell she wanted to take it. I also saw her look at a mannequin that had bikeresque clothes.
She looked at me and nodded as we seemed to share some kind of unspoken communication at the moment.
I made an illusion that she was invisible so she could grab the clothes from the mannequin without getting caught then she went inside to change as I followed, grabbed some clothes of my own that were similar to my current illusionary clothes and changed as well.
While I was in the dressing room, I had put on the clothes and looking in the mirror and had a thought that I'd want to compare if I looked better in my Asgardian clothes or the clothes from earth.
As this thought crossed my mind, a dark smoke like Shadow covered me and my Asgardian clothes were on me again.
"Whoa, I don't think Sung could do that." I pondered aloud.
Deciding to use what I thought to call 'Shadow Equip' I just thought about being in my Earth clothes and voila, I was in them again.
"Okay that's pretty awesome, not to mention convenient." I said.
I walked out and saw Carol was already leaving the dressing room, she turned to look at me, gestured with her head at the bikes, then began to walk outside.
'This should be fun.' I thought to myself with a mischievous glint in my eyes as I planned to steal a motorcycle with Carol