GODDESS OF VICTORY: man and machine

Chapter 7: before the power station investigation part_01

4:30 pm.

"Alright, I will tell them, thanks Andersen." the commander said as he ended the call and walked over to the two members he was with, "Okay you two, i just received word from Andersen that we need to investigate the power station." he asked as Anis spoke up and looked at him.

"Andersen wants us to investigate a power station? you mean the one in the coastal city?" she said in question as Nova nodded his head.

"ok but...is this the entire team." Rapi asked as there were only three people in the area as nova looked and confirmed it with no nod, "Looks like it apparently."

Anis after hearing this started letting out an annoyed grunt as she spoke, "I can't believe this! We go through hell for them, and in return, we're sent straight back out without a word of thanks!" Anis had said as she complained.

"This is an order." Nova said in a commander response as Anis nodded and said sarcastically, "Yeah, yeah. What a good little doggie you are. Gotta please your master, am i right?." After saying that Rapi looked at her in disapproval.

Rapi: "Anis." she responded.

Anis: "... Sorry rapi... that was out of line." she said as she apologized.

Rapi nodded before turning her head to look at Novacypher as she asked, "Who is the assigned commander?"

Novacypher looked at the two and smiled as he confirmed the answer, "That assigned commander you are speaking of would be me of course." he said with a smile as it started causing both Rapi and Anis looked at him in shock, confusion and surprise.

Rapi: "What."

Anis: "This is most unusual. What are they up to?"

"is there something wrong you two?" Nova asked as he looked at the two.

"well commander Novacypher, they never assign the same commander to a nikke squad multiple times in a row." Rapi questioned as she looked at nova before continuing and explaining.

"otherwise, things tend to go south, and it usually results in infighting, and the team eventually falls apart, that's why they've enforced this rule for so long." she said during her explanation.

After the commander heard rapi say that, anis started to speak up and bring up what happened after the fight with the black smith, "you end up with commanders executing nikkes on the spot, sometimes even the other way around"

"did you really have to bring it up anis." Nova said as the memory was still burnt into his mind.

"Well commander, yes and it is precisely the best way to avoid these kinds of catastrophes." Rapi said as she nodded her head before she would continue, "that a commander and any given nikke squad can only cooperate once every three missions, so this is truly bizarre."

"What rapi is trying to say for context is that they're trying to get rid of the two of us because they want to send us two up to the surface and have us all get killed without anyone noticing what is going on." anis said with context.

Before a word could come out of the commander's mouth, shifty started to jump in on the conversation and scare the three who were in the room, "But... what reason could they possibly have for doing that?"

"Gah! You scared me! Where did you come from?" anis said as she looked at Shifty who was hearing about a new mission and wanted to assist.

"well anis, I heard that there's a new mission, so I came over to assist, and besides, if they wanted you 3 dead, you'd be dead already." shifty said before continuing. "they wouldn't bother with sending you back up to the surface, so in other words, this is just a normal operation."

"normal as can be." anis replied as the commander nods.

"well if it's an order, I'll follow it, but, commander, are you okay with all this?." rapi commented.

"I won't shoot you two, I belive in you two." nova said as he smiled with hope.

"same here." rapi said with hope as well.

"Well, for now, at least." Anis finished.

"well, let's head up you two." rapi said as her gear was loaded, armed and ready.

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