Chapter 160: Chapter 160: Not For The Faint Of Heart!: Enter Bambietta Basterbine, E: The Explode!
"Hello there viewers...Zachary is nice to see you all again...I know right it hasn't been very long has it?...But anyway viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...Now then...what do you say, that we get on with it now...okay?"
October 11, 2022
Okay, so things regarding our hopping from one anime dimension canon timeline to another? Well that had now taken a somewhat disastrous turn. As we had all just wound up, in one of the very few anime canon timelines, that Angel Bluebell had apparently been trying so desperately to avoid. The Bleach anime canon timeline.
"But viewers, if I may interject with you all for a moment...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I know that you're all more then likely having the same currently lingering question...'But Bluebell, why were you and everyone else of The Four Aces Alliance trying so desperately to avoid a couple different anime or media related timelines?'...Well viewers, let me put it to you into more simpler terms...As the Bleach anime timeline, due to its several dangerous events...classifies it as a timeline that one would like to avoid if possible...others that are not it are including, but not limited to...the timelines that are related to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse of a certain name that I dare not mention...others include...any harem related anime...such as, but not limited to...Highschool DxD...Heaven's Lost Property...Sekirei...Infinite get the gist...right viewers?...And also...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to further explain her reasoning, only for someone to now proceed to cut her off again mid statement*"
"Hey, who are you, and what are you all doing here? Wait, Rukia? Is that you? Renji, you're here as well?..." A somewhat confused sounding male voice now proceeded to speak up with.
And with me now noticing, that Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to emit a very audible sigh from her lips, she then proceeded to turn her attention towards the source of the male voice. And sure enough...
"Yes Ichigo, they're here, you're not imagining things. Now if you'll excuse me..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, only for Ichigo to once again proceed to cut her off again mid sentence.
"Wait a sec, you can see them? Just how on earth is that possible?!" Ichigo now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Angel Bluebells left eye, to once again start twitching.
And as a way to try and relieve some of my currently quite rapidly building stress...
"Rukia, would you care to help me in explaining to him, exactly why all of us can see you, Renji, and everyone else? Because I..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to try and tell Rukia. Only once again, she was then cut off again mid statement. But thankfully, it was then that the person who had now interrupted her this time, had now proceeded to help clear the confusion, that one Ichigo Kurosaki was currently experiencing.
"We can all see them, due to the fact that we like you, aren't entirely human," Super Sailor Pluto now proceeded to speak up with, as a helpful means to clear the confusion that Ichigo was currently experiencing.
"Okay, and you are who exactly?" Ichigo now proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto in response. Which he had proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto, while still sounding quite confused.
And upon realizing the currently lingering issue, I then heard Angel Bluebell now then proceed to finally try and speak up. Which she was doing, as a means to try and explain to Ichigo, exactly who we were. As since trying to explain it to him in the normal sense, would wind up with all of us being here for several hours.
And so, with this in mind, Angel Bluebell proceeded to quickly explain things to Ichigo. And what I mean by this was...
"Nearly a millennia ago, there was once a kingdom known as the Silver Millennium. The kingdom was ruled by Queen Serenity and her court, made up of the rulers of the other planets. Everything was peaceful until an ancient evil emerged, reducing the once plentiful kingdom to ruble and ashes. That is when Queen Serenity used the last of her strength to send the princess, and her court to the future to be reborn as well as sealing the evil. Now with them being reborn, the ancient evil broke free from the seal and began a search for the Silver Crystal. With the enemy rising once again, the Mau guardians began to search for the rest of their allies. Sailor Venus was the first to be found by her guardian, Artemis. Sailor Moon was next, and over time, they were able to find each other. Sailor Moon however, was the Hime, that they had been looking for the whole time but... unfortunately, she had only awakened as Princess Serenity when Prince Endymion, the one that she had fallen in love with during the Silver Millennium, protected her from an enemy attack. With him in enemy hands, they used him as a means to get to both her and the Crystal, it succeeded, but they were able to defeat them in the end..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to explain.
And she had wound up using the very same long winded explanation that Usagi herself had told to her and the Love Angels, back when they all had first met each other for the first time. Back on April 5, 1999, in the Going In Completely Blind fanfiction timeline. In what eventually would wind up helping to spawn the catalyst, that would wind up leading to all of this that was to follow.
And as for the rest of the explanation...
"There are three realms that exist, the Angels, the Humans, and the devils. All three realms once existed in harmony, but then the Devils began to revolt and invaded the Angels under Raindevila's command who was after the Saint Something Four. Both sides fought with equal strength until an devil named Uragano entered the fray. Aphrodite, Queen of the Angels, sent out her sister, me and Momoko's mother, Celeste with three other warriors also named Angel Salvia, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, but during a fight with the devils, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily were blasted away from the battle to somewhere unknown. Our mother and Angel Salvia fought against Uragano, but when Celeste and Uragano blasted each other, they both fell from the Angel World and into the Human world. My mother lost her memory, that's when she met my dad and was given the name Sakura. He brought her to the hospital and visited her everyday, eventually, after my mom recovered, my father proposed to her. But one year before Momoko was born they had and raised another daughter, who they named Shinko, who mysteriously disappeared, mom's memory returned, meaning she had to return to the Angel World," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to follow up with saying.
And she had used the same very long winded explanation, that Momoko had used to explain our history to the Senshi, also back on April 5, 1999.
And once Angel Bluebell had finally finished explaining everything. She then proceeded to look back at both Orihime and Ichigo. And as for Ichigo, well both me and her, could currently tell from his current expression, that he was having a sort of tough time believing everything that Angel Bluebell had just said to him regarding her explanation.
But as for Orihime...
"Wow, that sounded so wonderful! It sounded like you all really went through some very tough times!" Orihime had now proceeded to say in response to both of Angel Bluebells pretty long winded explanations. And she had said this while clapping her hands, as though Bluebell had just put on some sort of stunning stage performance.
And as for my response to this...
"Uh...t-thank you?" Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say back to Orihime in response. While I could now tell, that her eyes, currently now had confused like looking swirls in place of her normal eyes. To pretty much explain the clear and obvious fact, as well as help clue in to the viewers, that she was currently a little bit dazed and confused at the current moment. Since she wasn't really expecting Orihime, to respond in the chipper sort of way that she had just done.
And as for my overall thought regarding this...
"Okay, what the actual heck just happened?!...Did she always act like that in the Bleach anime?...Because now that I am thinking about that a bit more...that actually doesn't seem, and nor does it feel all that weird to me...Which given that me, Li, and Sakura, have already been through quite a bit of stuff back in our respective timeline...I don't find it to be weird to me at all...Oh, and by the way viewers...this also now marks the end of this particular chapter...Consider it a sort of reprieve from the usual action packed chapters in these three fanfics...But don't worry we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you in the next chapter...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself.
Which during me having this exact same thought, I had once again briefly turned both my eyesight as well as my attention slightly to the left of me. Which I had done as usual, in order to briefly address the viewers.
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
October 11, 2022
Okay, so as it currently stood. I had just witnessed Angel Bluebell explain. And quite lengthily I might add to Ichigo Kurosaki, of the history surrounding her, the Love Angels, and also the history regarding the Sailor Senshi. And also, Angel Bluebell had just finally recovered from Orihime Inoue, proceeding act as though she had just put on a stunning sort of stage performance in front of her and Ichigo.
But as was the current situation shortly after this. Well about that...
"So yea Ichigo, that's pretty much the whole short version of how..." Angel Bluebell began to say to Ichigo. Only once again, she was then cut off mid sentence. And, while her left eye had now once again proceeded to twitch quite visibly...
"Bluebell watch out, on your right!" Yoruichi now proceeded to call over to her with a bit of concern in her tone.
And sure enough, just as she proceeded to turn her attention, slightly over to my right. Bluebell was then once again greeted, by yet another Reishi based attack. But only this time, it wasn't from Uryu.
And once she had proceeded to once again action roll out of the way, and trajectory of the Reishi based attack. Angel Bluebell then, with her left eye still very much twitching, then proceeded to speak up.
"Alright, who just did that?! Show yourself right now!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to speak up with quite angrily. And this was while once again, the expression on her face, had now once again changed back to a similar looking expression, that would once again make Captain Unohana proud.
"Damn it! How did I miss you?!" A now somewhat arrogant sounding female voice proceeded to call out from just over to Angel Bluebell's right.
And not surprisingly...
"Well maybe it's because you're not as good a shot as you think? Also, and this is just a current question I have for you. Why are you wearing white like Uryu and that man with the mustache? Because wouldn't a stain be pretty obvious to spot on that? Oh and speaking of which, you got a bit of a..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to the girl that had just tried to attack her with one of her Reishi based attacks. And she had said this, with a cheeky sort of smile currently present on her face.
"Shut up! I don't want to hear another word from you! Why are you this irritating to listen to?!" The girl now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell with a now clearly evident amount of anger in her tone. And this not surprisingly, had now caused me to laugh a little bit. But thankfully, I was able to contain it enough, so that it wasn't noticed.
And not surprisingly, regarding Angel Bluebell's response back to her...
"Oh really, and just what are you going to do if I don't comply to your quite frankly arrogant induced statement? Because from where I am standing, it looks like you don't have a chance against me. Isn't that right Lily? Would you care to show her what I mean?" Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Angel Lily. Who from simply nodding back to her in response, then proceeded to use her Saint Spiral Whip, to attempt to make an example out of this quite clear tsundere of a Wandenreich female villain.
"Gladly Bluebell...Saint...Spiral Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out, as she summoned up her Saint Spiral Whip, with just a quick wave of her right hand over her leg band. And in a flash of light, her Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand.
Which was then followed, by Angel Lily then proceeding to lash her Saint Spiral Whip outwards, and towards the girl at an immense speed. Which as both of them had intended, wound up coiling around her torso, and restricted her, so that she couldn't move.
"Now then Mrs. Arrogant, shall I now show you why it isn't exactly nice nor polite, to try and interrupt somebody while they're trying to speak to somebody else?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Only for the girl in question, who both me and her now noticed was a slender young girl with long, straight, dark brown hair and brown eyes.
Her attire was also a variation of the same white uniform, that Uryu was currently wearing. Which consisted of a hooded cloak, a thigh-length trench coat, knee-high boots, a miniskirt, and black stockings with a red trim on the gloves and boots. She was also wearing a red heart-shaped belt buckle and a white cap with gold trimmings, which featured a black peak and the same symbol that was present on Uryu's outfit, which was emblazoned on its front.
But as for her so called response...
"How dare you talk to me like that! Do you know who it is that you're dealing with?!" The girl now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, as Bluebell then noticed that her eyes had now started to glow slightly red. And a sadistic looking sort of smirk, was now present upon her face.
"Now then, I am Bambietta Basterbine! Or as I am also sometimes referred to as...E: The Explode!" Bambietta now proceeded to say, as a few spots of the same red aura, now proceeded to appear on Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip.
And upon hearing, as well as seeing Angel Bluebell, then proceed to let out a now pretty audible sort of sigh...
"Well Bambi, that was a pretty poor decision on your part just now. But I guess we all can't be as blatantly arrogant as you can, now can we?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was just as the red spots, had now proceeded to self detonate.
But, once the explosions had settled, Bambietta was met with something that she didn't expect to see. Which was Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip, still very much wrapped tightly around her.
And not surprisingly...
"What the?! Why didn't that work?! Just who the heck are you?!" Bambietta now proceeded to say over to Angel Bluebell and Angel Lily. Which she had now said, with a now very noticeable tickmark present, on one side of her face.
"Well Little Ms. Bambi, a great magician. Or in our case, great magical girls, never reveals their secrets. Which for the record viewers, is a slight bit of a reference to the original Yugioh anime, and it was in the episode 'Face Off Part 2'...So I do highly recommend that you go and watch it. Because it's gonna be amazing!" Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say, as she then briefly turned her attention slightly over to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.
But as for Bambietta and her response...
"Who are you talking to?" Bambietta proceeded to ask Bluebell, with a bit of confusion in her tone.
And with Bluebell now proceeding to desperately hide the clear fact, that she was now fighting so hard not to laugh...
"Uh...well you see...don't worry about it you have a couple more bigger problems on your hands...For you see, you made a very bad decision to try and threaten me with that attack of yours...As I think you'll find Bambi, that like that of a certain Substitute Soul Reaper...I won't be sympathetic with having you deal with the now unavoidable consequences of your quite clearly arrogant fueled and induced actions...So with that in mind...Zachary, Keiko?...What do you say that we spring into action now so too speak...hmm?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say.
Which during this, Bluebell had briefly without turning her attention off of Bambietta. She had then proceeded to speak to me and Keiko. Which as of right now, we were already at the ready. Which was in order to help teach Bambietta, and the rest of the Wandenreich, that when you try and attack one of us, you wind up attacking all of us.
And the price that they would all wind up paying, would be as a result of their own recklessness, and arrogance.
And speaking of which. Though she couldn't see either of us with her back currently to us. Me and Sakura, both already had a Star Card of ours at the ready. Keiko and Misaka already had electricity proceeding to visibly and somewhat violently crackle and spark through the bangs of their hair.
Kuroko had a pin dart of hers already in her right hand, and at the ready. Angel Salvia had her Saint Twin Swords already drawn and at the ready. Angel Daisy had already summoned forth her Saint Rolling Boomerang, and had them both already at the ready. Super Sailor Mars, already had her Flame Sniper at the ready, with the Flame Arrow already drawn back in the Flame Sniper's fire based string.
Eternal Sailor Moon already had her Kaleidoscope Rod at the ready. Li had his Jian drawn, and one of his elemental talismans at the ready. Super Sailor Jupiter was already in one of her signature fighting stances. Super Sailor Mercury currently had her visor already activated.
And as for everyone else? Well they were also already ready, for Angel Bluebell, to just say the word. And then, what would wind up transpiring, was to wind up being known, as The Thousand-Year Blood War.
"And for the record viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the beginning of our next big fight...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"
"Well said there Bluebell...Oh right Zachary here again viewers...sorry about that...But as Bluebell just said...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"