Going to The Dungeon

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Gathering

Leaving the cave Thrain headed to the closest ingredient which was the vine trap's vines. Entering the jungle where the boys saw them last time, Thrain quickly located a vine trap snacking on one of the leaf vipers corpses.

Thrain treaded lightly making it closer and closer to the trap then in one quick motion stabbed its head, killing it swiftly. Then sliced its holding gland releasing everything inside it, making it easier to detach from the tree. Taking its remains back to the cave, then heading immediately to the next ingredient.

The next ingredient he aimed for was the calce flower which is know to be located at the top of tall trees. There was only one place that Thrain could think of, the large forest behind the pond. 

Reaching the forest Thrain could hear the chuckling now that he is aware of the dangers that lie inside. Sword and shield equipped, Thrain could feel a hot sensation swelling up inside him. Noticing the sensation Thrain pushed the feeling further down and took a deep breath.

Composure returning to his face as he walk in. As soon as he was fully under the canopy of leaves Thrain could hear the sound of wind parting behind him, turning around shield held up in response. BANG. A rock smashed against his shield. lowering the shield Thrain could see three new humanoids landing on the forests overgrowth.

Clenching his sword as tightly as he can, he walked up to them. One jumped at him claws extended, slashing at his face. Swiftly moving his blade to intercept it. His blade landed between the humanoids claws as Thrain ducked under and slashed, slicing from the claws all the way to its shoulder. Thrain ignored the thump as it's lifeless body landed.

Seeing this one of the humanoids backed up and started gather rocks, while the other one moved forward. Getting impatient Thrain slashed at the humanoid with all his might. The humanoid dodged to the right of the slash as he threw a counter attack scratching a bit of Thrains arm, as a rock also came from his left side and grazing the side of his torso as well. The humanoid that was now very close to Thrain hadn't expected it but after Thrain missed his slash, he had directed even more of his strength into his grip and changed the direction of his attack slicing straight threw it.

One left . Thrain lifted his shield up blocking the trajectory of the rocks as he pushed forward. Seeing the rocks not landing the humanoid turned to run away, however Thrain shifted his grip on his sword cranking his arm back like he was preparing to throw a javelin and threw his sword. The sword flew true and straight into the humanoids back knocking it to the ground. Walking over as it tried to get back up Thrain lifted his sword out of the humanoid before thrusting it back in, flicking the blood off his blade as he removed it again. 

There will probably be more I should move quickly. Heading to the closest tree he began to climb it. Going higher and higher untill he reached the canopy. Pushing past it he could see now see the light. Pulling him self up and looking around he quickly spotted a calce flower. Quickly he moved towards it. But then he also noticed the sound of the leaves rustling a little bit too much. Huh? Turning around Thrain could see close to 20 humanoids sprinting across the canopy. 

Thrain spun back around, starting to sprint as fast as he could. Mustering up all his strength again pushing it into his legs. He dashed. Being pursued by the group of humanoids he ran to the calce flower grabbing it as he passed hoping he didn't damage it to bad. As he grabbed it he looked forward, the edge of the canopy came into view. Well here goes nothing! Closing his eyes, holding the flower close he made the leap of faith. 


The world went silent around Thrain as he opened one eye, water rushing into it. He'd made it into the frenzied leeches lake. Holding his breath he swam out of the lake. Putting the flower on the ground, he quickly tighter his grip on his sword. However the humanoids just sat there watching from the canopy. Seeing this Thrain's tension lessened only to notice the leech on his arm. swiftly grabbing the pouch and sprinkling the dust on the leech. Its teeth letting go. Before it fell to the ground Thrain caught it remembering it contained the last ingredient he needed. Using the rest of his strength he made it back to the cave as quickly as he could.

Reaching it he quickly got to getting the tools he needed to prepare the ingredients. One sharp rock, a stone bowl and small blunt rock. He also went to the watering hole to soak the vine trap's vine before coming back to the cave. 

First step: placing the calce flower into the bowl and crushing it until it became a paste. 

Second step: slicing the leaves and the harder parts off the vine.

Third step: with the sharp rock he cut the leech from the bottom to the top, and flipping it open like a book and carefully removing its blood sack.

Forth step: paste in one hand Thrain clenched his teeth and pushed His brothers bone back into place and applying the paste to the damaged areas.

Fifth step: placing the blood sack and connecting it to the inside of where the wound occurred pumping blood to help close it.

Lastly: wrapping the vine tightly around the leg to ensure that it doesn't move while healing.

Thrain watched closely for the next couple of hours. At first it seemed like Thorin was getting worse, but now his colour is returning to his face. Seeing this alleviated Thrains worries. Now he had time to focus on his wounds, patching them up was nothing compared to Thorin's injury.

After watching Thorin for another two days Thrain knew his brother wouldn't get any worse.

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