Going to The Dungeon

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Results

The lion emerged from behind the tree. Slowly moving closer to Thrain. Observing this Thrain drew his sword and shield with a new found confidence he didn't have before his training. The lion's gaze was fixed on him as it drew closer and closer. Both of them waiting for the other to make the first move.

The wind rustling the leaves came to a stop as the world fell silent around them.

The lions hind legs compressed like a spring, letting that compression release it pounced at Thrain. Enhancing his leg he dashed to the side. The lion landed, visibly confused on where the human suddenly went, seeing this Thrain took the opportunity to attack at lions hind legs.

However, same as the last lion its tail came to life and attempted to strike him. Just as quickly as the tail came to life Thrain had raised his new shield causing the attack veered off course. Thrain nodded in satisfaction, way more durable than my last one. The lion now turned around, preparing for another attack. Thrain quickly interrupted it, using 2 strength he dashed around it 4 times successfully cutting into its hide in multiple areas.

Backing off, the lion was covered in cuts although not big enough to cause any real harm. Walking forward It took two more swings at Thrain. The first Thrain managed to take with his shield. The second seemed to have a lot more power behind it. Urgently strength travelled down through his leg to his feet this time dashing quickly under the lion reaching his tail in an instant, strength moving from his legs to his arms. Sword in hand he drew it back and then swung at the lions tail severing it from the rest of its body. This time the lion roared out in pain unlike his last attempt.

Its once calm and predatory gaze turned to a deep rage for Thrain. It rushed him, pouncing into the air. One paw came crashing down, having no time to do anything else Thrain attempts to block it. Blocking it was not the right decision, Thrain's back now against the ground. Another paw slams into his shield, Then again repeating it with the other paw. Every time Thrain could feel the hits reverberate through his arms into his body. It felt like his nerves were on fire putting everything into defending himself.

Thrain gasped out, it was becoming unbearable. He had been hit well over ten times by now, something had to change. The lion raised both paws up to try and hit him harder.

Thrain took this moment with his sword as if reaching out pass the lion and onwards to the sky, his strength gathered in his chest moving through his shoulder, down his biceps, traveling through his forearm ending in his hand, It was slow, controlled and heavy as if a tsunami of strength washed through his arm all converging at his hand as his let out a single stab. 

Poking out of the lions shoulder was Thrain's sword. Thrain gave a grimace of pain. Not only because he didn't finish the beast but because his arm had also been damaged heavily from the overuse of his strength. If he had to guess that single stab probably used two strength leaving him with only two and a half left.

Thrain ripped the blade out of its shoulder, the lion jumping back blood dripping from where his sword had once been. ripping some of his clothing Thrain wrapped it tightly around his hand that was clenching his hilt. 

Determination never leaving his eye. He dashed forward again. 



Appearing behind him, now unguarded Thrain scaled the lion. Reaching his neck, his blade lifted high into the skin. Strength filling his arm once again although not nearly as smoothly. It was as if his nerves, veins and muscles had been moved in an unnatural way. Pushing through it. His blade came down on the lions neck slicing through the muscle, severing through the spine and out the other side.

The lion, headless fell to the ground, Thrain with him.

POV Thorin

THRAIN! I yell out, reaching out as I see him frozen there in front of the humanoids.

I reach him but my hand continues on, the world around me going dark. I try to look for my brother but my eyes are shut. Its as if they had stones resting on them. I manage to push them open. Pain shoots through out my body, mainly from my leg. 

I think back to what has happened as I slowly lift my self up. Looking down at my leg, Its wrapped tightly with a vine. I reel back as memories once locked away flood back to me, the humanoids, Thrain frozen, throwing him over my shoulder, my... my bone piercing through my shin. I reach down to feel it. It feels almost foreign, as if its not right. How much work has Thrain put in for me to be able to heal and recover safely here.

A tear rolled down my cheek thinking about all the hardships I've caused my brother. I slowly move my leg, wincing from the pain but powering through it. I stand, well attempted to. Succeeding after the second time. I look around the cave, Thrain no where to be seen. I look towards the light of the entrance, taking a moment for my eyes to readjust. I limp towards it. Only imagining what Thrain could be doing. Maybe he was working out, hunting nature dear, possibly fishing. There was countless things he could be doing. It will be good to see him. Reaching the entrance after what seemed like an entirety. 

Beyond the entrance I notice a lion identical to the one who resided in this cave, on the ground headless. My heart beat intensified. The image I had in my head shattered. 

Getting closer I notice him, my brother unconscious.

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