Going to The Dungeon

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Traps, Traps and More Traps

Reaching the second waiting room, they looked towards the last path. Before heading out the boys stopped and pulled out some food they had packed before they came in. They had roughly enough for one more day. After finishing their meal the boys went down the corridor, fully rested and ready for any dangers.

"I'm so bored" Thorin whined. They had been walking down this corridor for about two hours now. Thorin was now walking through without a care in a world. Thrain was also almost reaching that point.


Two axes started to swing down. Thrain immediately reached for Thorin as he he heard the click. Barely making it. From Thorin's perspective the axes moved in slow motion as they went right past his nose. Thorin sighed at this near death experience "Maybe I should stay focused". "Yes you should, I won't be saving you next time" Thrain said in a bit annoyance. I wonder if we are in a trap corridor Thrain thought as they walked further in. 

Not even five minutes later they came across another trap. On both sides of the walls were 5 holes. Thrain looked a closer to see if there was a triggering device. There was, it was a small string that was attached to a hole at the bottom of the wall. Thrain assumed that if something was to touch the string it would pull something in the walls that would release whatever the trap was holding. Thorin also noticed this and walked up to the obvious trap. Thrain not too worried since it was hard to avoid. He reached down with his sword in his hand. Gently his cut the string and backed up. Two groups of arrows shot out, one from each side, that clashed together in the middle where whoever trigger the trap should be.

Seeing this Thrain said out loud "I think this confirms we are in a trap corridor, we should be seeing traps more often now". Thorin turned his head back "I can't wait!". Thrain picked up some arrows as they passed. Surely enough just a little bit later they encountered the next trap.

The floor in front of the boys was covered with holes. Thrain knelt down and brought his head to the ground just before the trap, "I don't see any string or raised tiles. The activation device should be apart of the trap then". Thrain reached into his bag and pulled out some of the arrows and threw them one by one into the trap.

One of the arrows that landed made a click sound. Then a whistling sound came from the holes and bamboo spears shot up from the ground. Thrain backed up a bit and the bamboo went back down. A couple tests later Thrain realized that after the spears went down they wouldn't come back for a bit and they managed to easily pass that trap as well. 

However as soon as they passed the trap the floor beneath them started to crack in multiple places and then began to crumble. "RUN!" Thrain and Thorin tried to run to the end but the floor gave out and they fell through.

After a couple of seconds the cloud of dirt and dust lessened as well as the sound of the stones rolling quieted down. "THORIN ARE YOU OK!". "Yeah barely, there's a bunch of spikes underneath the rocks". Hearing this Thrain looked around and could tell that the floor that broke landed on the spikes, at least saving them from doom. They hadn't fallen that far but enough to traumatize the boys. After calming down Thrain started to think of a plan, the only way they could realistically get out was the ground to one corner to climb up it.

So they started to move them, well Thorin moved most of them but Thrain at least moved some small ones. As the reached the top and climbed out the stones fell down making a loud crashing sound that vibrated the floor. "Ok, let's move forward got to reach floor two by the end of the day".

As the boys were walking down the corridor. Thrain began to notice that the vibration from earlier were still happening, which shouldn't be possible if all the stones fell and settled on the ground? He thought to himself.

Now they were getting stronger and stronger. Thrain noticed that the end of the hallway was also ever so slightly getting closer. This panicked Thrain a little bit however they were extremely determined to reach the next floor as soon as possible.

A bit further in and Thrain looked over to see Thorin with a sombre expression on his face. "Hey Thrain" He pointed forward "Is that a boulder heading straight for us!" Thrain squinted his eyes to see a bit further, surely enough there was an enormous boulder the size of the corridor rolling full speed towards them. "Not again!" Thrain yelled, turned right around and sprinting as fast as he could back to the pit fall trap. Thorin followed suit. The pitfall was in sight. Thrain yelled something out to Thorin and he grinned and nodded. 

A bit before reaching the trap Thorin picked up Thrain with ease and ran madly towards the trap just before falling in he leaped with all his might. At that moment Thrain pulled out all the arrows he had left and threw them at the bamboo spear trap where they were landing, setting it off.

Time seemed to slow down they were getting closer and closer to the spears, Thrain praying that the trap would retract and be put on reset.

Just as Thorin's foot was about to come in contact with the spears they retracted and Thorin landed safely with Thrain, Thrain letting out a large sigh.

The boulder that was behind them kept rolling until it fell into the pit fall trap, no longer being a danger to the boys.

Immediately they set off again down the corridor with determination, they would finally be able to rest if they got to the second fall so they pushed past all the emotions they just went through. 

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