Going to The Dungeon

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: A Whole New World

Thrain slowly opened his eyes, aches and pains shot all over his body as he was coming to.

The walls around him were a lot narrower compared to the room he was just fighting in, He was over Thorin's shoulder as he carried him down a staircase. A sigh got let out, Thrain couldn't believe he was still alive after blacking out.

Thorin hearing his brother wake up put him down on the stairs. "What happened to me when I passed out?" Thrain asked. "Well let me start with, it's been two day since the fight." 

"That long?!" Thrain questioned worriedly, he must have really used all of his energy in that last hit.

Thorin continued "After you passed out, I found a rat hidden within the suit and killed it. Then I waited a day for you to recuperate but you didn't wake up so eventually, I decided to move on because we are almost out of food. And that's how we ended up here, we are just before the second floor entrance I didn't want to open it before we went in".

"Thank you for looking out for me!" Thrain exclaimed with a huge smile while getting up from the stairs. Looking towards where the stairs meet there end, Thrain was surprised to see that instead of a hallway it was connected to a huge wooden door.

The boys both walked up and started to move it with all there strength. A huge creak reverberated as they opened the door a little. Light started to pour through the crack. Sun light? Underground? Thrain thought, opening it a bit further there was a huge gust of wind but they persisted. 

Once they opened it fully the boys were in absolute awe. The door led out to the top of a mountain in an enormous cavern that went multiple cities length in all directions. This space was seemed to be split into 3 different section which Thrain found odd. These three sections from left to right were

A large desolate ashen wasteland which if Thrain squinted he could see huge creatures moving around with lava rivers and geysers in some parts.

The middle section had multiple parts, a large jungle like forest, plains as well as large bodies of water and rivers throughout. Squinting again Thrain couldn't see because most of it was thick forest however there was some small movements in the plains. Probably some small prey animals Thrain thought.

The right most section was the complete opposite to the the ashen wasteland. There were snowfields with a small snow covered forests scattered around, large mountains with ice caps and a large frozen lake.

The boys couldn't stop staring at the picturesque landscape. Until Thrain took out his book to find out some more information about the floor, and read out loud "The wilds is a dangerous floor that most adventurers fail at. The exit to the final floor is hidden somewhere in with in the landscape around you. If your lucky the dungeon would have a small landscape, but nine times out of ten it's like a whole other world."

The boys hearts sank. 

The exit could be anywhere.

After a couple minutes of despair both the boys stomachs let out a loud rumble. "HAHAHA" Thorin laughed loudly "well there's no use worrying we may as well head down and start looking for a place to stay". Thrain nodded and they began to look for a way down.

Looking down the mountain Thrain could see there were extremely steep parts that would definitely be the end of them but there was also a lot of smooth flat ground mixed in.

They started to plan a route, Thrain pulling out his rope to tie each other together just encase. "Ok, we're ready lets go!".

Walking up to the smooth flat ground they slowly navigated there way down avoiding any really steep steps as they started to lose there breath from the long trek down, they finally reached the canopy of jungle leaves.

As soon as they went below the leaves the world went from bright and warm to dark and eerie with only small bits of light making it through in random spots. 

Reaching the bottom Thrain and Thorin walked forward surrounded by a mysterious atmosphere. "I think our first goal should be to secure a suitable shelter then food and water. I think that open grassy area we saw from up the mountain might be a nice place to start, a want to get out of here this jungle is giving me a goosebumps" 

Thrain then started to lead them through the jungle. 

On there journey they had to be extra careful of the sound of there boots against the mud as well as the sound of leaves as they pushed through. They had to be careful of this because on the way Thrain had seen the shadows of leaf vipers above whose bodies blended in too well with the leaves. As well as the vine traps that hung close to the trees that could grab them if they weren't paying attention.

Slowly as they avoided these dangers the air around them grew less eerie. They were finally about to exit. Thrain put his arm up as the light shone brightly through the leaves as he pushed he way through. Exiting the eerie jungle they entered into a huge field of tall grass that covered them up until there shoulders.

Looking around there was two things that stuck out to him. One was a clearing in the leaves a bit away which was unusual he would have to check that out later. The second thing was a large cave. "I think we should head to that cave it can be used for our shelter but we should still move carefully we don't know what's in this tall grass".

Saying this they bent down so they were below the tall grass and headed forward to the cave. This time they reached the cave without encountering anything. Peering into the cave Thrain and Thorin's faces went from excitement to a terrified expression.

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