Chapter 142: Desperate Defense
Screams emanated from the bathroom ahead of them.
Hermione lunged for the handle and yanked back the door.
A huge figure stood, poised, club raised over a scene of total destruction, and one terrified witch.
"Accio Sophie!"
Sophie shrieked. The club descended right where the girl had been crouching.
Daphne shoved by her. "Stupefy!"
The spell did nothing.
The troll turned to the door.
Lisa also shoved by her and grabbed Sophie's ankle.
The troll raised its club again.
Hermione dived to the side.
Padma leapt into the space where she's just been standing.
The club descended.
Padma opened her mouth to scream.
"Diffindo!" Hermione's spell shattered the club. Bits flew everywhere.
Sophie continued to scream her head off.
The troll looked at the useless stump of its club.
Lisa dragged Sophie towards the door. "Something else! For FUCKS SAKE!"
The troll grabbed Lisa leg and swept her into the air.
Hermione started transfiguring a nearby broken pipe into a sword.
Padma dived in between the trolls legs and pointed her wand at its shorts. "Reducio!"
Hermione started a mental countdown.
An expression of acute pain shot across the Troll's face. It roared and dropped Lisa.
Hermione leapt forward and plunged the sword into the beast's leg.
On her other side, so did Daphne with a shout and a stab.
The troll roared and lashed out, narrowly missing her.
Hermione and Daphne leapt back and the two swords turned back into pipes, ripping pipe sized holes in its thighs.
Padma scrabbled through the troll's legs, avoiding being squashed as it fell to its knees.
"C'mon!" Hermione beckoned to the Ravenclaw, now with a downed troll between her and them, and still very much in grab range.
Padma made to move, but got only a foot before being snatched up, shrieking, by her robes.
Sophie and Lisa continued to scrabble on hands and knees towards the door.
Hermione aimed her wand. "Diffindo!"
Sophie got to her feet and stumbled through the door.
The troll-held-robes split and Padma fell back on the ground with a loud whumf.
Daphne finished transfiguring another pipe-sword.
The troll grabbed a rock.
"Diffindo!" Hermione's spell hit the rock and did nothing. She ducked a troll fist swing.
Lisa turned back towards the troll.
Daphne leapt forward.
The troll hurled the rock.
Lisa whipped her wand forward "Metaprotego!"
The troll-thrown rock froze in mid-air an inch away from Daphne's head.
Daphne ducked it and made to stick the sword in the beast's chest.
And tumbled back as the troll's other massive hand slapped her away. The sword fell from her grasp.
Padma finished shuffling out of grab range.
Hermione rolled to a groaning Daphne and started to drag the dazed witch away.
The troll grabbed the damaged floor and dragged itself several feet towards them, toward the door, and towards their only exit.
A desperate Padma leapt the remaining few feet, got between the troll and door, and dived through it.
Now clear of witches, Hermione and a still dazed Daphne followed a moment after.
A heartbeat later, so did the troll.
The five witches scrabbled back down the dimly lit corridor, shooting spells and dragging each other with them. Each spell thudded into the trolls face and body. Each blow further slowing the wounded, roaring beast, now trying and mostly failing to move with two water pipes fully healed into the muscles of its probably paralysed legs.
Hermione could feel the victory creeping up. They were moving faster than it! It couldn't get to them. They weren't going to die. She could taste the success.
"Here comes the-boy-who-lived!"
Hermione goggled.
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