Chapter 20: Chapter 20. Busted
Dumbledore pretended to be disappointed with the three people in front of him.
McGonagall continued her tirade about how she found the three of them naked and engaging in inappropriate practices between staff and student.
"What do you propose, Minerva? I think a month of detention will work. Maybe with Madame Pomfrey." The headmaster said while smiling.
"Albus, this is serious!" The man took off his glasses to clean them. He looked at the woman, flushed with anger and embarrassment.
"Minerva, there is no rule that prevents staff and students... from getting to know each other," the man adopted a serious expression as he looked at the three of them. Altair and Lavender were discreetly laughing at his previous joke, while Poppy seemed to wish the ground would swallow her up. "Now, Madame Pomfrey, while it is not forbidden, it is frowned upon. Moreover, you did it during your office hours. If it had been in your free time, it would just be a funny anecdote.
"It wasn't fun at all!" Altair had to cover Lavender's mouth so she wouldn't say anything that could make their situation worse.
"It was for those involved," he put on his half-moon glasses. "Madame Pomfrey will have her salary cut in half for the next three months," Albus was lenient with her punishment.
"You can take away all my salary for the next three years if you wish. Or you can just fire me. I failed my profession," Poppy was completely ashamed of herself.
Altair and Lavender felt pity. The latter because in some way she had forced her.
"I'm sure you'll learn not to give in to carnal desires, no matter how tempting they may be," the headmaster said with his shining eyes. "As for the young people present here... I think it would be good for you to take charge of their detention, Minerva. A month will be enough. I'm sure you won't give in to temptations like Pomfrey," McGonagall narrowed her eyes as she looked at her students.
"Just one month?" she asked sarcastically.
"For indecent acts in a public place. While Poppy had a bigger problem since she was working, they were simply... exploring their youth," said Albus with a dreamy sigh. He seemed to be reminiscing about old times.
The transfiguration professor seemed to nod. Although she didn't seem happy. "I'll make sure they reflect," she said quietly. Both students felt chills run down their spines.
"Now, unless you have anything else to add. I need to continue with my paperwork," to her denial, he simply added. "By the way, Minerva, organize a special sex education class for boys and another for girls. It would be unfortunate if some interrupted their education because they are bringing another little wizard to the castle," he winked at the younger ones.
Minerva seemed to accept the idea easily: "We only have this problem with muggleborn students." Purebloods weren't interested in anything sexual," I will make sure they learn the rules regarding that topic. Poppy will take care of the rest," the matron blushed at the idea of leading another "sex class," but nodded her head.
Soon the four of them left the office. Pomfrey left quickly.
Minerva simply stared at them.
"I hope you enjoy your winter vacation," she said stiffly. "You won't enjoy my detentions," she ended before leaving.
"Sigh!", Lavender let out an angry sigh.
"You could have said something in there if you wanted a lesser punishment," Altair shrugged. It was absolutely worth it!
"There was no defense other than what Professor Dumbledore said. They caught us with our hands on your cock!"
"I remember that expression being a bit different," said the boy.
"They caught us with our hands masturbating your huge, fat, hard cock!"
"You're welcome. Now I will go with Madame Pomfrey to apologize... and for the ointment she promised, after all, you paid for it," she finished with a laugh.
"Do you want me to go with you?" she nodded.
They walked with intertwined hands towards the infirmary. Upon entering, they saw Madame Pomfrey casting a bunch of spells around the room. Her expression was determined.
"Madame Ponfrey!" called Lavender.
"Miss Brown, Mr. Asmodeus," she said professionally. "What can I do for you?"
"I, uh, came for the cream you promised me. And to apologize. After all, it was me who started with that excuse," he finished, bowing slightly.
"I'm sorry too, I should have stopped Lavender earlier," what other reason could he have to apologize?, give her the best fuck of her life?
"You don't need to apologize," she handed the ointment to Lavender. "I was perfectly aware of what I was getting into. I don't regret it, I regret being unprofessional. If a student had been seriously injured and I hadn't been able to attend to them...", she seemed to curse herself. 'Maybe I'll look for them in the future. Outside of my work hours and after my three months of penance. I don't think I can live without experiencing those sensations again'. She thought. "Now, get out, I don't want Professor McGonagall or Professor Dumbledore to ever doubt my integrity again!"
Both nodded before leaving.
"I think she would accept joining the coven."
"Maybe she will do it in the future, Lav, maybe," he replied. "You need me to put the ointment on you?"
"Do you promise not to fuck me?"
"Do you promise not to ask me to fuck you?"
"No," she whispered dejectedly. "I'll put it on myself in my room."
"You can tell Harley to put it on for you," Altair said to him.
"But... wouldn't it be weird?" she seemed genuinely confused.
"Strange? She devoured you whole," Altair was the one who was confused now.
"But you were present," the blonde argued.
"Put the ointment on you doesn't need to be sexual, you know?" Altair said.
He would be a superhuman and all that, but he wasn't omnipresent. He was He has been debating whether to let his women have sex without his presence. He dislikes the idea, however, he also doesn't want his girls to be sexually unsatisfied. The clones seemed like a terrible idea in his head too.
'I had to get a solution about that.' He thought, in his mind he didn't care about the girls playing with each other during orgys or threesomes, but without him... it doesn't feel right. 'I am a hypocrite.' He said to himself.
"You are right, its like friends helping each other." Lavender seemed to agreed. "What if we make you sleep with all my roommates and then you move in with me. It would be the perfect plan."
"And we would have detention for a year as soon as McGonagall finds out," the blonde pouted when denied.
"Speaking of Harley, you should look for her. She spent as much time in the infirmary as I did, under her cloak of course. If I had to guess, she's flying on the Quidditch field," the blonde said goodbye with a kiss as she headed to her common room.