Harry Potter: Awakening the Unknown

Chapter 20: Hogwarts Express

The excitement of stepping onto Platform 9¾ had barely settled before the trio of Harry, Hermione, and the boy who helped them were weaving through the bustling crowd of students and parents.

Harry adjusted his grip on his owl's cage, his snowy companion watching her surroundings vigilantly. Beside him, Hermione held her cat close, while pushing her trolley. Their new friend clutched his toad firmly but didn't seem to walk with much confidence.

The platform was alive with movement and sound. Families exchanged hurried goodbyes, some parents wiping away tears, others patting their children on the shoulder in encouragement.

Owls hooted from their cages, trunks clattered as they were loaded onto the train, and excited chatter filled the air.

As they navigated they made their way to one of the train doors, Neville finally spoke up, offering a shy yet friendly introduction. "I'm Neville, by the way. Neville Longbottom."

Hermione gave a warm smile. "Hermione Granger."

Harry nodded. "Harry Potter."

Neville's eyes widened for just a moment before he quickly masked his surprise. "I thought you looked familiar," he admitted. "Gran's mentioned you before."

Harry wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, but before they could continue, the train's whistle blew, signaling that it was time to board.

"Well, we should get on," Hermione said, shifting her grip on Crookshanks. "I'd rather not be stuck standing in the corridor the whole ride."

The three of them climbed aboard, making their way down the corridor in search of an empty compartment. They passed several that were already filled with students chattering excitedly about the upcoming school year.

Eventually, they found one near the middle of the train. Neville slid the door open, and they all stepped inside, settling into their seats just as the train gave a small jolt and began its slow departure from the station.

Outside the window, the platform started to drift away. The sight of parents waving goodbye became a blur as the train picked up speed, rolling out of London and toward the countryside.

Neville held up his toad with a sheepish look. "This is Trevor. He… tends to wander off."

Hermione reached over to examine him with interest. "A toad? I read that they used to be common pets for Hogwarts students, but not so much anymore."

Neville sighed. "Yeah, Gran got him for me. She says my dad had one when he was at school."

Hermione stroked her cat, who had sprawled comfortably across her lap. "And this is Crookshanks." The cat gave an unimpressed flick of its tail before closing its golden eyes.

Harry glanced down at his owl, who peered back at him expectantly. "I haven't named her yet."

Hermione tilted her head thoughtfully. "You should pick something fitting. She seems clever."

Harry nodded, mulling over possible names, but before he could decide, the compartment door slid open.

Draco Malfoy stood in the doorway, flanked by two large, thickset boys who hovered behind him like bodyguards. His pale hair was neatly combed, and he was wearing an expression of practiced arrogance.

Neville averted his gaze, clearly recognizing him. "Malfoy."

Draco smirked. "Longbottom." He looked toward the other two occupants of the compartment. His eyes lingered on Harry for a moment before flicking to Hermione with a look of mild disdain. "And you two are?"

Harry kept his expression neutral. "Harry Potter."

Draco's eyebrows shot up, though he quickly masked his surprise with a cool nod. "I thought I might see you here." He glanced at Hermione, his smirk deepening. "And you must be a Muggle-born."

Hermione frowned but lifted her chin. "Yes. Hermione Granger."

Draco's smirk didn't waver. "Figures. A Longbottom, a Potter, and a Mudblood. Quite the group."

The three were quickly abhorred.

Harry felt a spike in irritation, but he quickly collected himself, Neville's jaw tightened, his hands clenching around Trevor, and Hermione's expression remained composed, but her knuckles whitened where she gripped Crookshanks.

"I'd be careful who you insult," Harry said, his voice steady but firm. "It says more about you than it does about us."

Draco gave a short, amused laugh. "Oh, I know exactly who I am, Potter. The question is—do you?" His smirk lingered as he began to turn. "Enjoy the train ride." With that, he strode off down the corridor with his two lackeys trailing after him.

As the compartment door slid shut, Neville let out a breath. "Well… that could've gone worse."

Hermione crossed her arms. "I don't know how someone so young can be that insufferable."

Harry exhaled slowly. "We'll just have to deal with him at school."

Neville gave a nod, then hesitated before adding, "For what it's worth, thanks for standing up to him. He's always been like that."

Harry simply shrugged, he made a mental note: Malfoy was someone to keep an eye on.

A few minutes later, the sound of a trolley rolling down the corridor interrupted the lingering tension. The trio slid open the door revealing a kind-faced witch pushing a cart stacked with sweets.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" she asked with a warm smile.

Neville perked up, glancing at the array of chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, and pumpkin pasties. 

"You've got to try a chocolate frog," Neville encouraged, pulling out a few Sickles from his pocket. "They come with collectible cards."

Harry considered it for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'll get a couple of those."

Hermione opted for a pumpkin pasty, while Neville grabbed a small assortment of treats. As Harry unwrapped his first chocolate frog, it gave a sudden leap toward the window.

Neville quickly reached out and snatched it mid-air. "They always try to escape," he chuckled, handing it back.

Harry flipped over the card that had come with it, reading aloud. "Merlin…"

Hermione leaned over, peering at it with interest. "Fascinating. Are all of the cards historical figures?"

Neville nodded. "Most of them, yeah, some aren't from too long ago. Our Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore has his own card. I've got a whole collection at home."

Hermione leaned against the window, watching the scenery pass by. "So," she said after a moment, glancing back at Harry, "have you thought of a name for your owl yet?"

Harry looked at the snowy bird, who tilted her head as if awaiting his answer. After a moment, a name came to him.

"Hedwig," he said finally. "I'll call her Hedwig."

The owl let out a soft, approving hoot.

Hermione smiled. "That's a lovely name."

Harry stroked Hedwig's feathers, feeling a strange sense of contentment settle over him.

As the train continued its journey north, the tension slowly faded. The three of them turned their attention to the passing scenery, Hogwarts drawing closer with each mile.

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