Chapter 74: Reflections of the Heart
"Short answer, no," Fleur began in a dismissive tone of voice. "Long answer... All of the men that I've met at school become incapable of rational thought around me, and my father would probably murder them if they could," After a short pause that was similar to Harry's, Fleur also expanded on her answer. "There's also another issue that I rarely ever talk about. I don't like, trust, or find most men appealing... I... I don't socialize well with either sex..."
"I've always been deeply afraid of rejection, so I've never extended anything... to anyone... ever," Harry added.
"I am afraid of deep water... and being accepted for all of the wrong reasons. I don't accept anyone because I question their motives," Fleur explained.
"I want a wife and a couple of kids someday, but it's hard to imagine... I frequently think that I won't live a very long life," Harry admitted.
"I want a family as well, but I also find it hard to imagine... Finding a very strong wizard who can function around me is one thing. Having him come to accept that our children will most likely end his family line is another thing entirely."
Fleur seemed to sag into Harry's back as she continued her explanation. "Hybrid Veela like my mother and myself almost always have daughters, thus we are very rarely chosen to be the primary wife in an old or noble family. I already know that I'll never accept being merely a concubine. My mother has suggested that I find someone with a humongous family with many sons so that the issue isn't relevant..."
"I was obviously never able to, but if I could have I'd have played the muggle sport football (soccer)," Harry injected into the newfound silence.
"I took dance, equestrian sports, figure skating, the piano, the cello and I'm very good at football. I am tall and fast." For a single second, Fleur smiled at her win over Harry, but then she felt bad immediately after. Damn the boy.
"You would be beautiful dancing and figure skating, but I can't seem to picture you playing football," Harry admitted.
"I'm a center forward in football, all offense, not helpful in any other way," Fleur immediately countered. "Yes I am beautiful while dancing and figure skating, naturally. Veela remember?"
"Just take the compliment, Fleur," Harry said mildly. "Today's the very first day in my natural memory that I don't need to wear glasses to see. I've been staring at everything in wonder all day. Even while stunning the goons."
"There has never been a Veela that needed glasses until they are several generations removed from the bloodline. There's a beauty focus in our genetics and it dictates that we be free of physical problems. It is all very convenient." Fleur sounded satisfied and kind of wistful at exactly the same time.
"I have no particular desire to disappear from the muggle world," Harry added, in an attempt to move away from the subject of the physical. "I like the music and movies and the world is absolutely enormous. I want to see it all, not just the so-called reputable magical locations. I have no idea what my favorite movie is. I haven't had the opportunity to find out yet. I suspect it'll be Star Wars."
Fleur shook her head at the stereotypical movie choice before she responded. "Muggle fashions are always a hundred years ahead of the magical world, thus, I will always be current in muggle matters. I dislike wizarding music in the extreme and prefer muggle all the way. My favorite movie is Princess Bride. We have a media room underground, well outside of our wards, and accessible by tunnel. My father's a genius."
"That's the single coolest thing I've ever heard," Harry enthused with a laugh. "You know, spending time with your family is like the ideal that I always thought living in a magical world could be. Ron, the guy that I described before, he has a large magical family and they're all good people, but they act like muggle technology is bizarre or as complicated as rocket science. I've never seen Princess Bride, but it makes me want to ask if you were ever a princess for Halloween. Do you celebrate Halloween?"
"Yes, my family is very progressive and current in muggle matters, but since my papa deals politically in both worlds that's only natural. No decent parent would keep their children away from Halloween, and yes I was a princess twice and a ballerina and every other stereotypical girl costume you can imagine." Fleur didn't need to ask if Harry had taken part in Halloween, so she didn't.
Harry shook with quiet laughter into Fleur's shoulders as he thought about Fleur dolled up like a princess. Then he really did picture it and the laughing abruptly came to an end. "I don't think my heart can even take seeing Gabrielle in a ballerina costume. I know it's at least partially the allure but she's so damned cute it hurts my heart. Did you look exactly like her? She looks like a younger you."
"If Gabrielle is giving you problems, I would've killed you," Fleur declared with extreme levels of confidence. "I used to bankrupt our father at Christmas."
"When I first met Gabby, I thought she'd cause me money problems too. Turns out I'm extremely wealthy and it was a house elf that told me..." Harry rallied from his darker thoughts and then blasted Fleur with positive emotions. "Do you want to be rich and influential? I was about to say or happy, but that's not quite right. It's just that the wealthy people back in England seem to hate each other and take satisfaction from their perceived superiority. I don't think that's a life, it's just a sham. Your parents seem to achieve both and it's helping me change my attitude."
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