HARRY POTTER :flash forward.

Chapter 189: CH 189

"However, the surprising thing is, they also believe they've developed an anti-Imperius curse ward that they've added to it."

"They what?" he exclaimed with a near squeaky voice.

The witch then handed her Charms colleague the documentation Luna had handed her that morning.

The little Professor eagerly took the documentation and began reading through it as if it was worth ten times its weight in gold.

While he was reading, he almost absent-mindedly called a house elf to serve them tea. And Bet sat back and enjoyed her tea while watching her colleague read.

When he'd finished he sat the document on the desk before him and looked in wonder at his colleague. "It works?" he asked.

"It does," she replied with a small nod. "The only part we cannot test is the anti-Imperius component. However, their reason, as written there, gives it a strong likelihood it'll work." "This is NEWT level work," he said.

"Beyond NEWT," she corrected. "Merlin! If the anti-Imperius ward works, it's beyond Mastery. However, I've not told them that."

"Why ever not?" he asked.

"Because, I don't want them to think about how hard something is to do, just go ahead and do it," she explained. "If they're not told something is either improbable to accomplish, if not impossible, they won't be hindered by the knowledge."

"Simply amazing," sighed the little Professor, sitting back and sipping his tea, thinking. "I believe there was a muggle general centuries ago... Alexander, I think... who was not told it was impossible to cross the Alps in winter. So, he went ahead and did it." She thought about that for a moment before she said, "Same idea; yes."

"Those four seek your permission to set the same ward set around the Ravenclaw common room entrance," she continued. "They hope to eventually be allowed to set them around the entrance of each of the four Houses, then move on to the personal staff offices and then the various apartments.

"Our three bonded were quite incensed that the Headmaster had set a listening charm to listen to what their password was. They've changed it now, of course. And, with the ward, another cannot be placed."

Sitting up straight, Filius said, "I think I'd best go and have a look at this ward of theirs."

"By all means," she replied. "I believe they're in their apartment, studying. However, I won't be able to accompany you. I, too, have assignments to grade."

With a smile the little Professor stood, handed the report back to her and escorted the Runes Mistress to the door of his office. "Take care, Bet," he said. "I'll speak to you soon."

"You, too, Filius," she said, before leaving.

Quickly, the little Professor set his office to rights and locked his door as he stepped out; placing a password protected locking charm on it as he did so. Then he practically jogged up to the Ravenclaw tower area before walking across to the entrance to the bondmates' apartment.

Before approaching the statue he quickly looked around for the runes, finding them tinier than he expected but exactly where the report said they'd be. "Eight!" he muttered. "Highly unusual. I wonder if it's the number of them that makes it work so well."

Returning to the alcove he said to the statue, "Hello, Wilford."

"Hello, Professor," replied the statue with a smile.

"Could you please let your guests know I wish to see them?"

"Of course," the statue replied before it stepped aside and knocked on the door.

Inside, the three were working on their transfiguration homework when they heard the knock on the door. "I'll get it!" said Harry, rising from his work and going to the door.

Opening it, he was greeted by Professor Flitwick.

Professor!" Harry happily exclaimed before stepping aside. "Come in, please."

"Hello Professor," both girls said.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, sir?" asked Daphne.

"I've just had a most amazing discussion with Professor Babbling," he said. "Plus, she allowed me to read that report you three and Miss Lovegood wrote."

"Your views?" asked Daphne, perking up. "As I told you," replied the Professor. "Simply amazing. I've come to ask if you can demonstrate it for me."

"We'd love to!" beamed Hermione. She'd always favoured the little Professor, thinking of him as a rather boyish favourite uncle.

All four again left the apartment and stood in the Hall. This time Daphne and Hermione described the ward and its various facets before demonstrating them.

By the time they'd finished, the little Charms Master was almost jumping up and down, giddy with glee.

"So, Professor," began Harry. "We wanted to ask your permission to..."

"Yes!" the Professor said, before Harry had even asked the question. "You can set up a similar ward outside the Ravenclaw common room entrance. I heartily approve!"

With a snort, Harry looked to his wives and said, "Well, that was easy."


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