Chapter 76: The Trial of Dolores Umbridge
Just short of the black door, they turned left and walked down the staircase to the tenth level. Fudge looked around in frustration as the seats of the Wizengamot filled. As his eyes fell upon Harry, Flitwick and Snape all sitting next to Madam Bones, his shoulders slumped in resignation. He stood up and said. "Since it is a member of my department who stands accused, I must recuse myself from these proceedings. I turn the matter over the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia Bones," The look on Umbridge's face at those words was priceless to Harry. She looked like a toad who had just swallowed a very rotten fly.
When Amelia took the spot vacated by the Minister, her first act was to require Umbridge to sit in the chair of the accused. Harry remembered the feeling quite well of sitting in that chair.
"Dolores Umbridge," Bones started. "You stand accused of several violations of the law. Today you have been brought before the Wizengamot..."
"BE QUIET!" Bones interjected with a voice that commanded authority and Umbridge shrunk back in the seat. "You have been brought before the Wizengamot to determine if, under Veritaserum questioning, there is enough evidence to remove you from office. The violations are attempted murder of a juven..."
"I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!" Umbridge cried out again.
Bones lifted her wand and a silencing charm was sent toward Umbridge. "You will have your chance to respond, but I cannot permit you to keep interrupting these proceedings," She said. "As I was saying, you are accused of attempted murder of a juvenile, one Harry James Potter by use of Dementors on August second of last year."
Harry was watching Dolores Umbridge and he could see her eyes widen in fear.
" are also accused of excessive abuse to a juvenile that would equate to torture. Again that juvenile is Harry James Potter," She lifted her wand again and reversed the silencing hex. "What do you have to say in response before we administer the serum?"
"Lies," Umbridge replied in her girlish voice. "Nothing but lies from a self-serving brat. Everyone here has read his delusional accounts about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. It's just another one of his attention-seeking attempts," She smiled as she noticed a lot of murmuring start among the Wizengamot.
Amelia quickly regained silence as she spoke. "I personally witnessed the testimony given by Mr. Potter under Veritaserum as did Professor Flitwick, Professor Snape and several of my Aurors."
"Dumbledore probably gave him an antidote," Someone shouted from the crowd.
"I will admit we did not check him for counter-veritaserum, I had no reason to suspect it," Bones replied.
The people started once again to murmur until Harry got to his feet. "Ma'am," He started. "I am willing to be tested for any counter-serums and to reaffirm my testimony once again under truth serum if that is what is required."
Hermione got to her feet as well. "Ma'am, I was present when we found out about her attempt and I am also willing to be questioned."
Severus Snape sighed. He couldn't believe he was actually going to help Harry Potter but he knew he had to. Getting Umbridge out of Hogwarts was necessary if he were to continue to be useful to both Dumbledore and Voldemort. He stood as well. "Members of the Wizengamot," He said, turning to make eye contact with as many of the Wizengamot members as he could. "I am the Potions Master of Hogwarts. Most of you are familiar with my abilities. I can and will attest that when a counter-serum is active in a person's system and they are given veritaserum, there are certain indications that can be observed by a trained eye. I can verify that Mr. Potter showed no signs of those indications. He did answer those questions truthfully."
Amelia looked at the Wizengamot as well. "Members of the Wizengamot, do you concur there is enough evidence as it stands to administer Veritaserum to Dolores Umbridge or do you need further testimony? May I see wands in favor of going forward with Umbridge's questioning?"
Harry breathed a sigh of relief and could feel Hermione do the same when a solid majority of the wands lit up. Again he looked at Umbridge who now looked like a toad getting ready to be run over by a hippogriff. Her wide panicking eyes were looking over at Cornelius Fudge who was looking anywhere but at his Senior Undersecretary. Her looked changed to terror when Bones ordered the administering of the serum.
"NO!" Umbridge shouted and tried to run when the Auror who had the Veritaserum was next to her. A leg locking hex sent her sprawling as she smashed her face on the stone floor. Two Aurors forced the struggling toad back into the chair and the drops of clear liquid were put in her mouth. She struggled for several more seconds, then ceased as her look of terror gave way to an unfocused stare.
"Is your name Dolores Jane Umbridge," Amelia started the questioning.
"Are you the current Senior Undersecretary of the Minister of Magic."
"Were you the one who sent Dementors to Little Whinging Surrey, a muggle neighborhood on August second of last year?"
"Yes," Came the response and an uproar started around the room as everyone started speaking at once.
"QUIET!" Madam Bones bellowed and again the room sunk into silence. She again turned to Umbridge. "Why did you send the Dementors?"
"Harry Potter had to go away," She replied. "His lies were becoming too distracting to the Ministry."
"Did you intend for the Dementors to kill Harry Potter?"
"Of course," Umbridge replied.
"You almost killed another person there as well," Bones said. "Was that your intention as well?"
"The Muggle? Who cares about muggles? They can all die for all I care."
As the uproar started up again, Harry noticed the panicked look on the face of the Minister of Magic. He remembered what Sirius had suggested and Harry knew he had to act or the Minister would face the backlash. He stood up and addressed Amelia Bones. "Ma'am, when I found out about what she had done, I also found out that the Minister knew nothing about it. Could you pose that as a question?" He turned and looked at Cornelius Fudge who had turned his gaze toward him with a questioning look.
"Of course Mr. Potter," Bones said and then speaking to Umbridge. "Dolores Umbridge, did the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, know about this attempt on Mr. Potter's life?"
"No. He was busy trying to find other ways to discredit Mr. Potter."
Harry glanced at the Minister and noticed the long breath he let out in relief. "Fudge owes us one so far," Harry said to his wife.
"Have you killed or attempted to kill anyone else?" Madam Bones asked Umbridge.
"Yes," Came the reply.
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