Chapter 82: Suspicions and Strategies
"So we know the Order came immediately when Snape told them, so they must have been told around two or three am? Definitely not earlier than that," Hermione explained. "Can you imagine Snape waiting up until two am to see if you were fine after going into the Forbidden Forest? FIVE hours after we disappeared with Umbridge? And then it is the Forbidden Forest and it is the middle of the night…do you remember our first year? If we didn't come back would your first thought be 'Oh Harry Potter must have found some way to get out of the clutches of Dolores Umbridge and flew off to London' or would it have been 'The Forbidden Forest is really dangerous. More than likely Potter has got himself in some kind of trouble in there?' "
"But Snape did notify the Order and possibly Voldemort so he must have had a reason to believe we did go."
"Like he followed us? Or at least maybe followed Neville and the rest when they caught up to us?" Hermione asked. "Either Snape is a damn good Seer or he had reason to believe we had left Hogwarts on a relatively slow transportation system," Her eyes widened. "Didn't you tell me that Dumbledore said Snape suggested that Sirius stay at Grimmauld place?"
"Yes, so he could tell Dumbledore."
"I don't think that was the real reason," Hermione replied darkly. "If the Order had found us before we got to the Ministry and Sirius hadn't been with them, would you have believed them that Sirius was fine? Or would you have insisted on going into the Ministry, especially wanting to know about the orbs you kept seeing in your dreams."
"I... probably," Harry admitted reluctantly. "But why would Snape do that? What would he gain?"
"The more Death Eaters that died or captured, the better his position is with Voldemort." Hermione suggested. "Look what happened last time. Lucius lost his place as Voldemort's most trusted person. If Order members died, then Dumbledore would need Snape even more."
Harry contemplated that night and it made sense. His eyes made contact with his wife's again. "I'm going to gut the bastard," Harry said dangerously.
"We know he's not to be trusted but we might be able to use him as well. It's possible we can use him to get information to Voldemort and Dumbledore," Hermione replied. "But he is a slimy git and I do think it's safe to assume we won't be naming any of our children after him."
The last statement caught Harry off guard and he looked to find Hermione smiling. It wasn't long before they found themselves laughing at the thought. Finally they caught their breath only to have Harry start them back up by saying:
"Maybe we should name one Albus Severus."
It was one of those laughs that just looking at the other person set the laughing going again. It was ten minutes before the laughing ended that time. Finally Hermione returned to the serious discussion. "It does mean we are probably going to have to let him know that we are going. If he is the one who relayed it to Voldemort he'll need to again," She said.
"One more thing to do next week," Harry sighed.
*** June 12-14th ***
The next day and the weekend passed rapidly. Hermione completed her Arithmancy OWL with no troubles while they both started working with Luna and Neville on the spells they were going to need in the battle. They decided that they had to keep the spells to typical fifth year spells to prevent any suspicions if their wands were checked after the battle. Harry had remembered something else that had happened in the previous timeline that allowed them better use of their spells.
"Last time Umbridge tried to capture Hagrid and McGonagall went to defend him. She was hit with four stunners at once. That required her to spend several days in St. Mungos and Pomfrey was surprised it didn't kill her," Harry explained. "So if we are going to stun anyone, we're all going to hit the same person at once. That should keep them from just being revived again. If we get a chance we can also follow up stunning with a nice 'Reducto' to their ribs or arms. Remember if you are in danger, don't hold back," They all knew the plan and knew most of what they were going to be doing was shield work unless their lives were in danger.
"Sirius suggested we need a couple of them alive to prove we were tricked there," Hermione added. "I agree, but there are some of those Death Eaters that are going to die," Harry and she had discussed it. All of the Lestranges, Dolohov, Rookwood and McNair were on that list. They were still in disagreement over Malfoy. Harry wanted the man dead for all of the things he had done, while Hermione argued that with him being very senior to Voldemort, he would have the most information to give.
"It didn't happen last time Hermione," Harry reminded her. "They had all twelve of them and it did no good."
"True," Hermione finally agreed.
Harry had also worked on his Occlumency and it came as no surprise the knowledge of how to allow thoughts in was there waiting. "Thank you Miranda," He silently said into his mind.
"You're welcome Harry," The Goddess replied. "Be careful and take care of your soul mate next week."
"Next week and every week for all time," Harry replied.
*** June 15th ****
On Monday morning they were preparing for their potions OWL. Though Neville was doing very well making the potions in the Room of Requirements, he still had a hint of green in his facial color.
"You'll be fine Neville," Hermione said in encouragement. "You've been making the potions near perfection in practice."
"I...I know but this will be for real and I…I keep thinking of Snape," Neville admitted nervously.
Luna leaned over and whispered something in Neville's ear. The young man immediately blushed and his eyes went wide as he turned to stare at the blonde-haired witch, but he slowly nodded and a determined look appeared on his face along with a far away look and grin.
As they were leaving the Great Hall Hermione whispered to Luna, "What did you tell Neville?"
"I noticed how Harry seems fascinated with your breasts, so I told Neville I'd show him mine if he did well on his OWL," Luna said casually. "Though I'd show him anyway if he asked."
"Oh..." Hermione replied surprised.
"Yes, Neville is very smart and he very well might get an O with the right encouragement," Luna stated. "If showing him a part of my body helps him do well. Then it would be silly of me not to."
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