Harry Potter: Raised by Wolves.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4:

When Harry stood, Gorrak snapped his fingers, and the chair he'd just been sat in turned into a low bed, like the kind in a doctor's office. "Please lie down on your back." Harry did, heart racing. Letting a goblin he'd only just met perform magic on him made his survival instinct snarl, but he refused to spend any longer with a block on his magic. Besides, what was he going to do, write to Dumbledore about it? Not after everything he'd discovered today!

"This may hurt, Mr Potter." That was all the warning Gorrak gave before he began chanting. It again was in an unfamiliar language, and as soon as the chant started up Harry's body began to glow white, his skin growing warm. He gripped the edges of the bed, forcing his eyes to remain open, even when the sensation turned sharp. A cry escaped his lips — it felt almost like something was sucking at him. No, biting. Like a creature had sunk their teeth in and refused to let go, while Gorrak was pulling it out of his body. Above his heart, the glow turned darker, and Harry watched in horror as a ball of black magic began to form above him. The ball grew bigger and bigger, Gorrak's forehead glistening with sweat as he chanted and moved his hands, fighting against the foreign magic in Harry's body.

Harry couldn't have said how long he was on the table for, but eventually Gorrak's chanting grew louder, and he wrenched his hands up high, sending the ball of black magic careening away from Harry and towards a crystal Harry had just noticed on the desk. The crystal turned from white to black in an instant, and the glow around Harry faded. "You may sit up, Mr Potter," Gorrak declared, sounding breathless. Harry did so. The goblin sank into the chair opposite, leaning heavily on one elbow. "Whoever placed those curses certainly did not want to give up without a fight, but it is done. I took the liberty of retaining samples of the magic — should you reach a time where you wish to press charges against an individual, this can be used to compare magical signatures and prove guilt."

Gorrak looked him in the eye, and it was clear the goblin also had a good idea of who placed the spells. Harry grimaced. "Thank you." He didn't know if he'd ever need it, but it was good to know it was there. "I… how can I tell if the spells have been replaced? Or something new put on me?"

"Wizard magic is different to goblin magic. Most wizarding detection spells wouldn't pick up on something like that," Gorrak informed him. "However, I believe there are books explaining how to learn to recognise your own magic, and see any signs of alteration. In future, should you ever have concerns, any Gringotts goblin would be happy to perform a scan of your magic. Congratulations, Mr Potter; your family magics are strong and healthy, despite their tampering."

Harry closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. He might have been imagining things, but if he concentrated he felt… lighter. Like he'd been wearing weights, and suddenly they were gone, his magic buzzing faintly under his skin. "If I were you," Gorrak continued, "I would be very careful when doing magic for the next few months, while your body adjusts to having access to its full magic reserve. You may find new spells come easier to you, and old spells a little more… forceful, for a while."

"Right," Harry murmured, nodding. He'd have to test that once he got back to Hogwarts. It wouldn't do to suddenly be exploding things all over the place, especially if Dumbledore was keeping an eye on him.

"While you are here, Mr Potter, might you be interested in taking a Line Test?" Farlig spoke up from his place at the door. "As we explained earlier, some family lines have since died out, and heirs are turning up in all sorts of unexpected places. Most purebloods take the test before they begin schooling — you'll want to know the breadth of your inheritance long before you come of age." He hadn't realised that inheritance and family lines were such a big deal in the wizarding world, but then he thought about how Malfoy and some of the other Slytherins talked about their families, and even how people spoke about the Weasleys. A family name seemed to hold a lot of information about a person, to purebloods. Perhaps there was more to it than just tradition and prejudice.

"What do I have to do?" he asked warily. Farlig strode across to the desk and rifled through a drawer, coming out with a square of pale purple parchment.

"Just three drops of blood on this, Mr Potter," he explained. "The results are entirely confidential." Well, that didn't sound so bad. Harry approached the desk, accepting the small knife from Farlig's hand and pricking his finger, dripping blood onto the parchment. It began to glow. With a snap of his fingers, Farlig healed the small cut, offering Harry a toothy smile.

At the top of the parchment, black ink began to form words.

Harry James Potter. Parents: James Charlus Potter, Lily Juliette Evans-Potter

Harry hadn't known either of his parents' middle names, and his heart clenched. After all the shocks of the day, he felt a small measure of relief knowing that at least this part of his life wasn't a lie. He truly was the son of Lily and James Potter.

There was a beat, then more words appeared.

Blood Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Again, not a surprise. He expected that to be the end of it, but the parchment continued.

Named Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

His mind automatically flashed to the man in the newspaper, Sirius Black, with his gaunt face and wild hair. What a funny coincidence; it was a fairly common surname, after all.

Blood Heir to the Ancient House of Peverell

That was a name he'd never even heard before. Who were the Peverells?

Conquering Heir to the Ancient House of Slytherin

Harry choked. Heir of Slytherin? How could that possibly be? What did it mean, conquering heir?

He waited for a moment, to see if the parchment would throw anything else

"It's been a long time since someone claimed the Slytherin vaults, Mr Potter," Gorrak murmured, looking thoughtful. "How very interesting."

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