Harry Potter: Returning from Hogwarts Legacy

Chapter 93: The Map's Hidden Chamber, Reunion (1)

Harry remained in the school hospital for three days before Madam Pomfrey finally allowed him to leave.

During that time, many people came to visit him, only to be sternly turned away by Madam Pomfrey.

Seamus and Ron regained consciousness that same afternoon and also stayed in the hospital for three days, leaving together with Harry.

Had it not been for his two friends accompanying him, those days would have been utterly miserable.

Upon returning to the common room, Harry was welcomed like a hero.

"Potter is our Lion King!"

That was the Weasley twins stirring up the crowd, with Fred being the loudest of them all.

Every young boy and girl harbors a longing for heroic tales.

And in Gryffindor—where courage is the highest virtue—Harry's solo effort in stopping Professor Quirrell's scheme was precisely the kind of feat that the house revered.

Perhaps it was Dumbledore's intention, but those who spread the story did not mention Voldemort's involvement, only Quirrell's role in the events.

But even that was enough to cause a stir—after all, he was a professor!

A first-year student, with the help of his friends, managed to overcome the obstacles set by Hogwarts professors, and in the end, faced Quirrell alone, successfully thwarting his plot...

The Boy Who Lived indeed lived up to his name!

It wasn't just Gryffindor students celebrating—several students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were also in the common room.

Cedric Diggory, leading a group of his fellow Hufflepuffs, joined in the applause for Harry.

"Harry! Well done!"

Harry, however, did not let the overwhelming praise get to his head, nor did he indulge in arrogance.

He raised both hands, signaling everyone to pause.

As his classmates looked at him in confusion, wondering what he was about to do, Harry began to speak.

"Everyone, thank you for your support, but I didn't make it to the end on my own. I had friends who stood by me and helped me along the way. It was their support that brought me to the finish line."

The room fell silent as the students eagerly awaited Harry's next words.

"First, Hermione Granger!" Harry beckoned Hermione forward, and she stepped up beside him.

"If it weren't for Hermione figuring out how to get past the three-headed dog and using a spell to play the harp and lull it to sleep, we wouldn't have even made it through the first door—"

Cheers erupted at Harry's words, and the crowd chanted Hermione's name.

"Granger! Granger!"

"Hermione! I knew you were amazing!" Lavender called out excitedly.

Hermione's face turned bright red, her prominent front teeth making her smile resemble that of an overjoyed beaver.

Once the applause settled, Harry grabbed Neville, who was attempting to sneak away, and pulled him to the front, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

"And let's not forget Neville Longbottom! It was he who discovered the weakness of the Devil's Snare, allowing us to pass the first challenge!"

"Longbottom! Longbottom!" The crowd roared, their applause filling the entire common room.

Neville bit his lip, his eyes reddening as he looked around at his classmates cheering for him so sincerely.

All his life, he had lived under the pressure of his family's expectations, even believing at one point that he was a Squib.

But now... was he truly worthy of such applause?

"Neville, do you see?" Harry said loudly. "You are amazing!"

"Neville is amazing!" Ron clapped enthusiastically, shouting his support.

"Neville is amazing!" The others joined in, and the atmosphere grew even more fervent.

"Thank you, thank you, Harry!" Neville could no longer hold back his emotions. He hugged Harry tightly, tears streaming down his face.

Harry coughed a few times, pretending to struggle as he shouted, "Alright, Merlin, Neville! If you squeeze any harder, you'll wring out last night's dinner!"

Neville immediately released him, and when he saw Harry wink at him, he finally broke into a smile through his tears.

"And then we have Seamus Finnigan!" Harry pulled the excited Seamus forward. "Seamus used a spell to destroy the Devil's Snare and bravely stepped up at a crucial moment, securing our victory!"

"Finnigan! Finnigan!" The crowd cheered and applauded.

Seamus grinned widely and waved his hands enthusiastically before pulling out his wand. "Anyone want to see me cast the spell that destroyed the Devil's Snare?"

"Oh no, please, Seamus, don't—"

His classmates shouted in unison.

Everyone burst into laughter, and Seamus, realizing they were just teasing, tucked his wand away with a chuckle.

Once the applause settled, Harry finally pulled Ron forward.

"And last but not least, Ron Weasley! You are the greatest chess player I have ever seen. You took to the board yourself, battled through the game, and in the critical moment, you and Seamus made the ultimate choice to secure our chance at winning. I have to say, Ron, you are the bravest person I have ever met—a true Gryffindor!"

"Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!"

The crowd erupted into wild cheers. The image of Ron stepping onto the chessboard, engaging in the battle, and ultimately sacrificing himself in the game was a testament to his extraordinary courage.

If he wasn't a true Gryffindor, then who was?

"Oh, little Ronniekins, little Ronniekins, oh, oh!" The twins wiggled their hips in a ridiculous dance, mimicking Veela cheerleaders at a Quidditch match, showing no shame whatsoever.

"That's my brother! My youngest brother!" Percy proudly declared from within the cheering crowd, his face radiating happiness and pride.

Such a scene was something Ron had only ever seen in his dreams.

And in the Mirror of Erised.

Yet now, it had become reality.

He snapped out of his daze and turned to embrace Harry tightly.

"Harry, is this real?"

"Of course, it's real." Harry chuckled, patting Ron's back. "Come on, we still have a celebration to enjoy!"

Ron released him and nodded firmly.

It wasn't just his dream coming true—it was also the joy of having a friend like Harry.

Among the cheering crowd, the loudest voices didn't come from Gryffindor.

They came from Hufflepuff.

The Hufflepuff students especially admired Harry's humility, his refusal to take all the credit, and his unwavering loyalty to his friends.

These qualities were rare and embodied the very essence of Hufflepuff House.

So they cheered for the Boy Who Lived with all their hearts.

"Alright, everyone!" Harry called out. "Let's raise our glasses to our friends and their courage!"

"Cheers!" The students shouted enthusiastically.

The celebration lasted from morning until evening, with Ron and Seamus recounting their adventure over and over again, along with the things they had learned from Dumbledore.

Even when it finally ended, no one wanted to leave.

After all, how often do you get to witness the adventures of the Boy Who Lived and his friends firsthand at Hogwarts?

Cedric, while drinking his butterbeer, seemed to want to say something to Harry several times but hesitated each time, ultimately remaining silent.

Harry didn't notice Cedric's hesitation. He was too caught up in the joy of celebrating with his friends.

And he had every reason to be happy—he could now use Ancient Magic, which meant the hidden chamber of the map was finally open to him.


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