Harry Potter: The art of divination

Chapter 260: Brotherly bonding

Morpheus sat in his parlor drinking a glass of wine as he flipped through the pages of an old and worn tome he brought his glass slowly to his lips and then stilled. 

"Salem." he whispered 

"Brazil." he swore 


"Kyoto." he rattled off feeling the alarms he set long ago on their protections shatter 

Morpheus stood his frown of concern slowly morphed, twisting into a disturbing expression of elation, "Finally." he breathed, "We can properly begin!" 

*Morpheus pov* 

From my manor I left directly for Salem using a portkey I had stored. I appeared a short distance from Salem's magical community. 

Masking my prescene with a plethora of spells I set off to get a better look, crossing over to the magical side of Salem I was greeted with the sight of carnage. 

The night was still young and the war had just begun. The people of Salem retreated as best they could from the angelic assault. Some apparated, others portkeyed, and some hastily used the floo.

The brave tried to stand and fight but it was for naught, the angels attacked too suddenly no one was prepared for a frontal assault of this magnitude. 

"Its starting isn't it brother?" Herpos voice reached my ears and I turned, "You always could spot me brother." I replied with a warm smile 

His face was set into a frown as he looked at the carnage, "I felt the others go down as well, at this rate the no maj will see the war." 

I shrugged, "Im sure they will eventually but it won't be until later." 

"Shall we step in?" Herpo asked

I laughed, "If you want to brother, I'm afraid this isn't my kind of battle." 

Herpo smirked at me, "After all of these years and you still prefer to fight like a snake." 

A scoff left me, "The irony is palpable brother." 

He sighed, "Its lost, there is no point in fighting now they have this corner of Salem." 

"Yes but, we can deal with the pesky thing letting them in." I enlightened my dull brother with a brilliant smile 

He shook his head at me, "Your habit of waiting to reveal key pieces of information is still strong I see. Well what is it, I already looked into these peoples minds they saw demons pour out of the sky and an angel appear from thin air." 

I laughed, "Illusions I assure you, they have set up a portal somewhere near that is allowing them to come through slowly. I have seen this set up in other areas near magical communities. The theatrics is to obscure the fact they only have one entry for now." 

Herpo nodded in understanding, "It will be a long night then." he remarked I could see him mentally counting the stops we had to make tonight

"Shorted than you think, our friend in Kyoto can deal with his problem I would think." I said as we both left to find the portal 

"He's still alive?" Herpo asked in astonishment 

"Yes and he is still a hard ass." 


We found ourselves not far off from the magical community of Salem, it turns out Salem woods wasn't far from the location, and it reeked with magic. 

We crept through the trees spotting at least twenty angels and demons surrounding a lake, every ten seconds or so another demon would join the group and then head toward the slaughter. 

"How do you want to play this?" My brother asked softly 

"You don't have a Baskalisk yet, what have you been up to fool." I jested 

He bit back a laugh trying not to disturb our hiding spot, "Ive been fixing the mess of Tom Riddle, what a fool he was wasting far too many resources." 

I chuckled softly while taking my ritual dagger from my hip and slicing my palm, "place a suppression charm around us this ritual draws far too much nature magic." 

Herpo nodded quickly layering several charms as I used my blood to paint runes onto the surrounding trees, "Alright," I muttered as I finished painting on the fifth tree 

Four of the trees had symbols with thick slashes and straight lines connecting to make a wide arching symbol. 

The fifth tree farthest to the back was different, the symbol had no straight lines. I created a spiral with jutting lines that resembled waves or tentacles. 

Dropping to my knee I hurried my hands into the dirt, "Expergiscimini custodes silvarum." my blood began to glow on the bark 

"Milites mei lignea." I could feel the magic begin to gather in the air seeping into the earth, the trees, and the roots

"defende silvam!" The trees shuddered 

The first four tore from their resting place their branches moving and twisting together to form giant arms, their roots doing the same to form legs as they charged into the clearing toward my enemies. 

"Go." I uttered to my brother but he was already in motion letting out a deep belly laugh as he swished his wand conjuring a swarm of snakes 

Closing my eyes I began to see through the last and fifth tree, I saw an angel fly behind one of my warriors. With a thought I caused a root to rip from the ground spearing the angel cleanly through the chest. 

I saw Herpo turn into a giant Baskalisk tearing into a demon. He must have been anxious to finally let loose if he is already using his animagus transformation. 

I commanded the roots distracting and surprise-attacking my targets while my warriors used their physical strength to turn our enemies to paste. 

A demon arrived from the lake its eyes widening in surprise at the sight of its comrades being butchered, quickly I wrapped a vine around its torso locking its arms as Herpo struck tearing its head off. 

Lifting my hands from the dirt I stood, "We have ten seconds." I uttered as Herpo turned back

We quickly went under the water and blasted the portal circle. Rising to the surface Herpo laughed, "One down." 

A smirk formed at my lips, "And many more to come." 


"Four?" A figure spat, "Only four of the main attacks worked?!" 

"The others were tampered with it seems." a silvery figure said wincing, "We lost a good amount of ground troops." 

A short demon snarled, "I lost an army!" 

"We know who is to blame, that damnable man." 

"We must assume he knows as much of our plans as we do, the fact we had four successes means he doesn't know everything." another murmured 

"We might have only succeeded in four raids but our secondary portals worked well, only a couple of them were unsuccessful." 

A hulking demonic figure appeared among the group, "My son is gone, and legions destroyed yet you are happy? HAPPY? To barely be scrapping by against a mere mortal pathetic." 

"Silence Kor, if I remember correctly you stayed back in the past wars. You have no idea what you speak of, the mere mortals you speak of are more dangerous than anything we have ever faced! They are starving our homes and yet you still underestimate them!" 

Lord Kor controlled his anger snorting in disgust, "Their tricks wont matter in front of my strength." 

A golden figure erupted into painful laughter, "Which do you think is stronger Kor? Herpo or Morpheus." 

Kor snorted, "Herpo obviously his strength is superior Morpheus is only good for tricks and deceit." 

Odin laughed again it grated Kor to the soul, "Kor, you stayed safe protecting your lands unconcerned over what they were doing to our lands, now you only fight when you must." 

He paused, "And even then you do not even know what you are fighting, have you paid no attention! Herpo would be content in winning pushing us back into our homes without the hope of ever coming back. Morpheus? He would be furious to even know we still drew breath, he wont be content until every last one of us is dead. He has killed and betrayed some of the strongest mortals because they even thought of helping us. If you face him on the battlefield assume he has prepared for that very moment months in advance. I too was arrogant like you and lost my wife." 

"Do not make the same mistakes as me, if you meet him go for his soul and rid the universe of his taint." 

Odin blurred disappearing from the clearing. 

A/n: sorry for late upload I am swamped rn

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