Chapter 70: A Day of Reckoning
Having enough of terrifying the boy, Harry cancelled the illusion which was looming threateningly over the downed Malfoy and simply cast a disarming charm, "Expelliarmus!" from his original position. The boy was sent back with his arm far away from him.
"I expect a written letter of apology tomorrow or I will send one to your parents," Harry spoke up before turning and leaving for his dormitory.
The following morning, Harry woke up to something pecking his head. He tried to shoo it with his hands but hit nothing. He let out a tired groan, and muttered, "Stop it!"
And yet the pecking didn't stop. Having lost his sleep entirely decided to see who was bothering him. Slowly sitting up, he was accosted by a white figure that seemed to be glaring at him.
Harry frowned at the figure and put on his glasses to see more clearly, "Hedwig?"
The owl's glare seemed to have intensified. It was far too intense for a bird to have. Harry immediately realized what was wrong. He really hasn't visited Hedwig for weeks and he was feeling a bit guilty at the thought of his negligence towards his friend.
He gave the owl an apologetic look, "I'm sorry Hedwig. I haven't hung out with you for a while."
The snowy owl let out a reproachful screech in response and Harry grimaced, "tell you what, I don't have classes with you today, so why don't you hang out with me all day? Spend some quality time together. We can even pass by the kitchens to get some breakfast before anyone else. We might even get some yummy bacon. You'd like that, wouldn't you, girl?"
The owl hooted softly, which the young Potter interpreted as an agreement. Harry gave his companion a warm smile and continued, "Tell you what, I'll take a quick shower, get dressed and we'll leave."
The snowy owl bobbed her head in agreement and Harry decided to get ready. While taking a shower, a thought entertained his mind. His fight with Draco was somewhat expected, but Harry would have thought that the blonde would have tried to ambush him or at least do it privately in case something goes wrong, and not in the common room. It was a risky manoeuvre, and the boy had embarrassed himself immensely.
Oh, Harry knew that Draco was stewing at Harry's superiority in practically their classes. Even in potions - which he had heard from Crabbe that the blonde was tutored by his godfather during his childhood - where Snape visibly hated Harry, the Malfoy scion was overshadowed by Harry's talent. Draco's father was probably the one pushing him to excel so far. Maybe the boy thought that Harry's painful unlocking of his family crest was a sign of weakness, or that maybe Harry hadn't unlocked his at all. But family crests do not make wizards better at magic, especially when Draco's father still held the primary crest.
Honestly, Harry didn't know what was going on in Draco's head. He seemed insistent on aggravating everyone. From Longbottom to Harry himself, the Malfoy scion seemed determined on making enemies. The worst thing is that Harry had tried being cordial, and even befriending the boy, but he was insistent on continuing this petty one-sided rivalry.
Deciding not to ruin his morning with thoughts of Draco Malfoy of all people, he finished showering and put on some clothes. The moment he exited the bathroom, his own immediately flew to his shoulder and gave him an expectant look.
Harry chuckled at his owl's antics, "You really are a diva, Hedwig."
The owl preened proudly and pecked him on the head once more. He was going to have some breakfast first, and then go to the Room of Requirements for his daily bath. Harry had gotten rough directions to the kitchens from one of the upper years a round a week back, and he was going to abuse the hell out of it.
Harry walked to the Great Hall and went to the passage under the entrance. Technically, the kitchens were in the dungeons, but for some reason, they were no direct way from the common room without going to the above floor. It was probably because it was close to the Hufflepuff dormitory.
Still, Harry had gotten a bit lost after he went down the stairs, and instead of asking the paintings, decided to take out his wand and murmured, "Point me, Kitchen Entrance!"
The wand immediately levitated itself and spun around pointing towards Harry's right. But the Potter scion didn't care; he was too preoccupied with the telltale burning of his condition but suppressed the urge to scream. His flinch however was noticed by his companion who gave him a penetrating look. For some reason, Harry felt as if he had to explain himself, "Don't worry, Hedwig. It's a temporary condition of mine. A side effect of unlocking my family crest. After breakfast, I'll take care of it for the day."
The Owl nodded and pointed towards the floating wand. With a chuckle, the Potter scion followed the wand's direction, and a few minutes later, the wand pointed to the painting of a giant painting of various fruits. Harry tentatively put his hand up against the painting and tickled the painted pear.
The damn thing actually giggled and turned into a giant doorhandle. Harry grabbed the pear and opened the door revealing a giant high-ceilinged room as large as the Great Hall, on the other side. There were four long wooden tables that were positioned exactly beneath the four House tables above, in the Great Hall. They already seemed to be full of food, ready to be sent up through the ceiling to their counterparts above.
At least a hundred little elves were standing around the kitchen, beaming, bowing, to Harry. They were all wearing the same uniform: a tea towel stamped with the Hogwarts crest and tied like a toga.
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