Harry Potter: The Chronicles of Black.

Chapter 38: CH 38

"And how would you do that?" Remus demanded furiously. "Force him to fight? He's a sixteen-year-old boy; he's not even a legal adult in this world! If he doesn't want to fight then I don't see how we can make him. He's scared! He's had enough of having his life put in danger and after what he's been put through, what teenager wouldn't? He came into this world only five years ago and since then he has been attacked and hurt and in constant danger, he's afraid and he's in pain. He's had enough and I don't blame him. We need to find another way."

"There is no other way!" Emmeline Vance burst out. "If there was then we would have used it already. We need the boy."

"He doesn't want to fight anymore! You can't just force him to do it when he won't!"

"We're going to have to, Remus." Albus said quietly. "We need him to fight Voldemort; we need to get rid of him once and for all. Forcing Harry to fight is for the good of the wizarding world." "Do not say that to me!" Remus shouted loudly. "Do not sit there and tell me that forcing Harry to fight is for the good of the wizarding world because, unlike everyone else here, I am more concerned about Harry than I am about anything else."

"Do you not want the Dark Lord stopped then?"

"Of course I do! As Harry himself does, he said as much in the headmaster's office! I just don't want it to be at the expense of Harry's health or happiness. He doesn't want to fight, he's never been a violent boy anyway and forcing him to fight and kill is going to destroy him. I won't let you do that to him. If you can't convince him to fight willingly, then you're going to have to find a different way. Harry has been through too much as it is, he's tired of it."

"But what else can we do?" Bill Weasley asked. "We can't allow Voldemort to win." "How would you feel about becoming Lord Weasley?" Dumbledore asked the oldest Weasley son. "You'd be the Order's eyes and ears on the Wizengamot."

"I can't be though; our family gave up the lordship decades ago."

"If you personally disown Bilius Weasley then your feud with the Malfoys will be resolved and if you then announce that you, and you alone, agree with the pureblood ethics and traditions and denounce all blood traitors, then you'll be able to claim the lordship for yourself. With the loss of the Black and the Potter seats and with Lord Shacklebolt refusing to reveal the topics of the meetings, it is now imperative that we know what the members of the Wizengamot are voting on."

"We have refused for decades to disown one of our ancestors for something so ridiculous." Arthur said softly. "How can we disown someone from our family just because they loved a muggle? Because they loved children and wanted more of them?"

"I understand, of course, but the circumstances have changed drastically. We need to know what the purebloods are planning and what laws they're passing so that we can counter them. The Wizengamot is mostly made up of pureblood lords and with a Chief Warlock who is now a suspected Death Eater, there is no telling what laws they are passing. We need to know and we need to expose them and their plans to the public. I imagine that they are, at the least, trying to increase the regulations on muggleborns. Lucius Malfoy proposed such a thing two years ago and as the Chief Warlock at the time, I shut that dangerous idea down immediately. I fear that without me there and Runcorn as the Chief Warlock that things will be very different if the same proposal is brought before the Wizengamot again." Arthur nodded. "I'll go to Gringotts tomorrow morning. The Wizengamot would never accept me as Lord Weasley, so I understand the need for it to be Bill, but it's going to take a long time for this to go through the bank and that's if the Ministry doesn't make things difficult."

"As long as it is eventually accepted, that is all we need. There is nothing we can do about the length of the process." Dumbledore sighed, wishing fervently that there was some way to speed it all up. It would likely be the New Year before he had any insight into the Wizengamot at all and that was at the earliest. "I'm still unsure about what we can do with Harry, but I'll think of something and I'll approach him again once it gets further into the school year. Minerva, can I trouble you to keep an extra close eye on him and who he's talking to, this dependency on the Malfoy family might stretch to young Draco as well." "Of course, Albus." The elderly witch agreed immediately.

"Then, I believe that this meeting is concluded. Good evening to all of you."

Albus stood quickly and swept out of the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, thankful that Harry hadn't closed it off to them and that he seemed to have not told Lucius Malfoy their whereabouts. Perhaps there was still hope after all and this was just a phase of a teenage boy rebelling. He didn't have much time left before he was sure that Tom would strike and he needed to tell Harry about the Horcruxes. Perhaps that would incite the boy to fight?

Even so, everything had gone wrong this summer and Harry had been damaged more than he'd first thought if he was truly serious about not fighting in this war. He hadn't thought that seven weeks was long enough for Lucius Malfoy to do so much damage to all of his plans and his carefully constructed path, but he had been very wrong and now he was paying the price for it.

He should have tried harder to get Harry away from Lucius Malfoy sooner, but he'd trusted that Harry would protest more than he seemingly had. He had expected him to fight the Malfoys and to stay true to his own parents, but he hadn't. Harry had just accepted it all easily and he had integrated himself with the Malfoy family so completely that he was even defending them and was now declaring that they were his own family.

A mere seven weeks, not even two months and everything had gone so completely wrong. He had to act fast now and he had to get Harry away from the Malfoys if he had any sort of hope of righting the wrongs that had been done in the last month. His plans had been ruined so completely by Lucius Malfoy that he now had to get rid of the man, and quickly. This couldn't continue, he had to get Harry to fight and he had to have the boy take a killing curse from Voldemort. It was the only way to right the wrongs that had been done. It was the only way to shift everything back to how it should be. One way or another, he would make Harry fight and he would put everything back to how it should have been. It was the only way.

Harry was drowning under a sea of homework and essays. It did not help that he was also taking two brand new subjects this year either as he had to get used to the new Professors and their teaching style, which was naturally different to Draco and Lucius', and he was behind his other classmates in said new subjects too; he was struggling a little with the workload and all of the assignments he was given, not only in Arithmancy and Ancient Runes but in his other lessons too as the subject level became harder in preparation for the N.E. . The only subject he wasn't having any problems with was Defence Against the Dark Arts, but then, he'd always had an easy time of that, even if nonverbal spells were incredibly difficult and a new subject matter for him.


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