Chapter 175: Bonds Formed
"Shush!" Harry hissed to Madam Pomfrey the second he entered the tent, knowing how loud the woman could get. "Don't want to bother the baby." He said as he gestured to the thunderbird in his hands.
"Mr Potter, I think that you should..." Madam Pomfrey began, only to trail off when she noticed what was in Harry's hands. " that a thunderbird?" She gasped as she and the other champions looked at Harry with disbelief.
"They sent you out to fight a baby?" Fleur asked with disbelief.
"No, they sent me out to fight a big one, the big one gave me her baby." Harry corrected before he turned to Madam Pomfrey. "Please do me a favour and just make a small nest for it, next to my bed please." Madam Pomfrey still looked like she had no idea what was going on, but she did create that nest. "Thank you," Harry nodded to her before he gently placed the bird in the nest. "please just stay there for a bit." Harry told it. The bird let out a soft trill which, as far as Harry understood, was an agreement.
"I need to get some more potions." Madam Pomfrey suddenly said, snapping out of her shock. "Mr Potter, lie on the bed, I'll be right back." She said before she turned and left the tent.
"It gave you its baby?" Cedric asked, before looking at Krum and Delacour with a look that quite clearly said 'do either of you believe this?'.
"What happened has happened and I'm not going to repeat it just because you can't believe it." Harry sighed, he was about to plop down onto the bed when the tent flap opened and he saw Daphne enter the tent with Jet still resting on her shoulders. "Hey Daph," Harry smiled. "I..."
Whatever Harry was about to say was cut off as Daphne quickly rushed over, Harry had opened his arms, expecting a hug. What he did not expect was for Daphne's arms to wrap around his neck, Harry fell down on the behind him with Daphne landing on top of him, Harry had almost let out a grunt but was stopped when Daphne's lips crashed against his. His own eyes widened in surprise, he was also even more surprised when Daphne hadn't pulled her lips away after a few seconds.
"Okay, this is lovely and I am very happy but you're squashing my tail." Jet protested, having his tail stuck in-between Daphne and Harry's shoulder. His hissing had apparently woken up Daphne who had shot away from him like she was burnt and was now sat next to him, with a face so red that Harry thought she might actually be burnt. Harry sat up and tried to think up a response, but he was struggling to think up one.
"I..." She coughed, looking quite embarrassed, her eyes were facing downwards as if she was hoping that the ground would swallow her. "'m sorry. I was...I was just so happy that you made it and...I'm sorry." She apologised.
"No, no, no!" Jet suddenly hissed loudly, causing Harry and Daphne to look at him. Jet, who was still on Daphne's shoulder, used all of his strength to push Daphne's head closer to Harry, then he shot his tail out and grabbed Harry by the neck before pulling him closer to Daphne. "Do it!" Jet yelled. "Just do it! Kiss damn it!"
" he telling us to kiss?" Daphne guessed with a blush on her face.
" little bit." Harry admitted.
"DO IT!" Jet yelled.
"Daph, I..." Harry was cut off when Daphne leaned forward and kissed him again, more softly and much more shorter than last time. When she pulled back she had an odd look on her face, like she both wanted to and did not want to look at him.
"Not that good but it will do for now." Jet hissed as he transitioned himself from Daphne's shoulders to Harry's.
"Okay, first of all, thank you guys for enduring that." Harry said to the other champions, Daphne frowned and looked around, only to remember that there was indeed other people in the tent, which did not help the embarrassed feeling she was experiencing. "I'd appreciate it if you don't mention that to anyone." He said.
"We won't." Krum grunted with the other two nodding in agreement.
"Thanks," Harry said before he turned back to Daphne. "I..." Whatever Harry was about to say was interrupted as Angelina, and the other Slytherin's in Harry's year entered the tent. "we'll talk later." Harry whispered to Daphne. She nodded, both pleased and a little bit disappointed by the distraction.
"Harry, you were amazing!" Blaise grinned as they all stopped in front of him.
"Thanks, I..." Harry stopped and hissed in pain.
"Are you okay?" Angela quickly asked.
"The numbing charm on my foot has worn off." Harry explained before he gestured Daphne to get up, once she was off the bed Harry raised both of his feet and placed them on the bed and his back was now leaning against the head rest.
"I thought Madam Pomfrey had fixed your foot before you went back out." Tracey said.
"Nope," Harry shook his head. "she hadn't finished before the time I was supposed to go out and face the thunderbird."
"You went to go and face a dragon - an actual, alive, fire breathing dragon? Not just that but a Hungarian Horntail the most deadly breed of dragons alive - with one good foot?" Theo blinked and looked at him with disbelief.
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