Chapter 32: 32. Harry," Severus replied.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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"But certainly you remember the time James cast that clever spell on…now who was it? It made them roar like a lion all day."
"I don't remember, Albus as it was several years ago," Remus hedged.
"Oh! I recall now!" Albus laughed cheerfully. "It was you, wasn't it, Severus?"
"What is your point, Headmaster?" Severus asked. He was not going to allow the headmaster to see his annoyance.
"Point? I have none, but you must forgive an old man's reminiscing." He started chuckling again. "James was such a delightful prankster! He even topped me at my best. I recall the time he cast the spell on the Slytherin table so when you all stood up, your trousers uniformly fell down. He would never tell me how he did that one!"
"Could we get back to reason why we're here, Headmaster? I do have other things to do besides listening to you reminiscing," Pomona complained.
"Of course, Pomona, of course," Dumbledore replied agreeably. He discussed mid-term tests that were given just before the Christmas holidays and then veered off into another story about James Potter's brilliance at pranking and relating another one of James' successful ones on Severus.
In the middle of the meeting, the door to Dumbledore's office opened and Sybill Trelawney, looking as bizarre as ever, wandered in and announced. "The Inner Eye urged me to come down. It let me know somebody has been questioning my prophecy about Harry Potter." She fixed Severus with a nasty look.
"He is now Harry Potter-Snape, Sybill or did your inner eyes forget to inform you of that?" Severus inquired.
"Do sit down and have some lunch, Sybill," Minerva said impatiently with a roll of her eyes. Divination was such an imprecise subject and why Albus would fall head over heels at this one's rambling twaddle was more than she understood.
Severus was furious with Dumbledore by the time he left the meeting. What kind of fool did the headmaster think he was? He knew exactly what he was trying to do and the old barnacle would not succeed! He decided he was going to eat dinner in his quarters. If he went upstairs, Dumbledore would definitely end up streaking down to the lake with his bum on fire! He prepared himself a light meal and read the evening Prophet while he ate. He cleaned up and then started on the pile of homework sitting on his desk. He was making good progress on them when he was interrupted by the door to his quarters opening and Harry coming in. "Dad?"
"Yes, Harry?" Severus said looking up.
"I didn't see you at dinner and I was worried."
"I am sorry I worried you. I had a bit of a headache after the staff meeting and I decided I wanted a short period of quiet."
"Is your headache gone now?" Harry asked.
"Yes, I am fine now." Severus got up from behind his desk. "Come over here and sit down. I wanted to talk with you about our visit to your parent's grave site."
"We're still going, aren't we?"
"Yes, but I would like to go after your last class when it is still light outside. I am worried about the possibility of Death Eaters lurking about if we go after its dark. Even though the ones now are pretty much 3rd rate, they still could do damage.
"That's okay with me, Dad."
"Good. Are you going to the Halloween feast?"
Harry made a face. "I don't know. On one hand I've heard the older kids talking about how much fun it is, but on the other hand I'm thinking it's the day my parents were murdered by You-Know-Who and I shouldn't be celebrating that."
"Well, if it is any consolation, Harry, I do not believe your parents' would want you to spend the day mourning them. They would want you to remember them, yes, but they would want you to have fun and enjoy the day too."
"You don't think people would think I didn't care or didn't feel bad about my parents if I attend the Halloween feast?"
"There will always be small-minded people, but anybody who thinks that; well, it says much more about them than it does you."
"Thanks, Dad. I guess I will attend the feast then," Harry said giving Severus a hug.
"So, how was your first Defense class with Professor Lupin?"
"It was great, Dad! He's so much better than Professor Quirrell was," Harry replied. "He taught us the Knockback Jinx today. He said even though it's a simple, basic spell; it can be really effective because the other person will probably be expecting you to use a more complex spell."
"He is right and I am glad he mentioned that fact because it could save your life someday."
"That's what he said that a simple spell like Expelliarmus could make a difference."
"But you do not want to get into the habit of using the same spell all the time either. It is best to vary them so your opponent doesn't know what to expect from you."
"That makes sense, Dad," Harry agreed. He got up. "I'd better be getting back to Ravenclaw. I promised Greg I'd help him with Transfiguration. I just really wanted to make sure you were all right."
"I am, but thank you for checking on me, Harry," Severus said with a smile.
"Okay, Dad. Have a good night and I'll see you at breakfast. We're sitting at the Gryffindor table tomorrow."
"You have a good night too, Harry," Severus replied.
When he was getting ready for bed Severus glanced at the picture of Lily on his nightstand and said, "You should be very proud of your son, Lily. I believe he shows great potential and will go far in whatever career he chooses."
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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