Chapter 25: Chapter 22: New Bark Town II
Luke Ketchum's Current Party
1. "Asch" - Charizard
2. "Leonardo" - Squirtle
3. "Fafnir" - Dratini
4. "Yogi" - Teddiursa
5. "Aurion" - Riolu
6. "Custard" - Gible
"Welcome to the New Bark Town Battle Club!"
To be frank, I wasn't expecting too much. Call me a jerk but when the words "Clubhouse for Youngsters" popped up in our breakfast chat, I expected something a little more…ramshackle. You know, sort of like a hastily put together treehouse or shack. Like the little clubhouse that the Youngsters at Pallet Town made for themselves.
But this. This place was like a full-blown facility. My expectations were blown out the water as Cal unlocked the Club doors and led me into the stuffy interior. The inside was undoubtedly spacious with a standard battlefield smack down in the middle of the room. Surrounding the battlefield were various lockers, desks, boards, and posters. Heck, the place even had an automatic glass ceiling above the battlefield.
It wasn't super state of the art, but the set-up was leagues beyond what my perceived idea of a clubhouse should be for Youngsters.
"Yeah, sorry about the mess. Honestly, those kids can be a handful with how they keep forgetting to clean up after themselves." Already, Cal was gathering the mats and pillows that laid in a circle around a big chalkboard in the middle of the field. Seems like Status Effects were discussed in their last meeting.
"The mess?" I gawked around the place in disbelief. "I barely noticed it with how freaking huge this place is!" I didn't even bother to ask if he needed help since I rushed over to help him roll up the mats as he collected the pillows. "Just how was any of this possible?" New Bark Town wasn't a bustling city so a facility like this really looks out of place.
Cal laughed as he chucked some of his gathered pillows back to the nearby couches. "A while ago, the old Club building broke down after a wicked storm hit the town. Everyone in town was busy doing their own things to pitch in to fix it, the Rangers are deadest on fulfilling their patrols rather than expend any more than 1 ranger at a time to help in town, and Dad was being…"
"Prof. Elm, yes." I nodded and gestured for him to go on.
"So, while I was in the middle of a pretty bad losing streak in my ACE matches, I decided to take time off and put my savings into rebuilding this place. Then I stuck around to give pointers to the kids after they used up all of their allowances to throw me the best thank you party that they can afford. After that, I just sort of stuck around to help out after getting attached to the little tykes."
"So, teaching became a passion for you?" I began to follow his example and slung pillows to any empty seating I could lay my eyes on.
"That among other things…" He began to push the large chalkboard away before stopping with a jerk. "The hel-?" Our eyes fell onto a stray pillow that lay in the board's path. I rushed over to help remove it.
"I got it."
"No problem." I gathered the rest of the pillows and followed him to the area where he'd leave the Chalkboard to stand. "So, if teaching wasn't the only thing that made you feel comfortable about losing your top spot on the ACE trainer leaderboards than what were the other reasons?"
Cal rolled his eyes. "Being placed at 25 isn't the top spot especially in the ACE trainer scene. That's only reserved for the Top 10 and even that's a nigh impossible threshold to breach that you'd find yourself sitting comfortably as Number 10 and everything imaginable to keep your spot." Cal groaned and wiped the stray amounts of chalk onto his pants. "And stepping away from the ACE trainer life is one of the reasons why I'm comfortable with where I'm currently at in life."
He points upwards with an exhausted look in his eyes. "The climb to the top lost its luster and brought nothing but stress, ruined appetites, shattered friendships, and bitter rivals. When you get high enough in the leaderboards, you'll get your first glimpse of what being a competitive battler is like and it is not fun for the unprepared."
Cal shook his head. "But don't let my opinion of it ruin your own views of the sport. I just became disillusioned to it and found more fulfillment in ensuring that the local kids can have some structure and protection while Johto and it's Rangers are too busy scoping out for crime and Pokémon Hunters."
I blinked in surprise at that, "Wait, hold up, care to run that by me again?"
Cal glanced at me, hesitating for a moment before speaking again. "It's not as bad as it sounds, but it's still a reality out here lately. The Rangers are spread thin, especially with Pokémon Hunters becoming more active in the region these days. Someone has to step up for the kids, and well... I guess that someone became me."
I nodded, taking in his words. It made sense why Cal would put so much effort into this club. "I respect that, Cal. Not everyone would set aside their ambitions to help others."
He gave me a small smile. "It's not all selfless. The kids are like little siblings, and I get to stay sharp by training with them. Speaking of which, they should be flooding in any minute now."
Right on cue, a rush of excited voices filled the room as the kids poured in, eagerly taking their places around the battlefield. Wow, they were well taught. It takes me and Daisy a load of effort just to get Ash, Gary, and Blossom to sit still whenever we were made to babysit them.
As they settled in, I began to follow Cal to the battlefield until I noticed a bulletin board off to the side, covered in various photos and papers. Curious, I wandered over and found myself looking at pictures from my previous Conference Battles—shots of Asch mid-air and Tempest launching Hydro Pumps, and even a few of me giving commands in the heat of battle. Detailed stats about my Pokémon and training techniques were pinned up alongside them.
"Whoa... who put all this together?" I asked, genuinely intrigued by the amount of information displayed.
Cal joined me by the board, a knowing grin on his face. "That's the work of one of the kids. He's a big fan of yours, you know."
I raised my eyebrows, impressed. "Seems dedicated."
"He definitely is," Cal replied, his grin widening. "But I'm not telling you who it is—gotta keep some mystery, right?"
I chuckled. "Fair enough." Whoever this fan was, they had done their homework. It was odd seeing so much of my history laid out like that, but it was also flattering. I had no idea someone out here in Johto was following my journey that closely.
Before I could ponder further, Cal finally dragged me away from the board to introduce me to the kids. While a few looked excited, I noticed that most seemed indifferent or even disappointed.
One kid muttered, "But hey isn't he just a Kanto trainer?" And like that a series of other kids made their own displeased comments about me.
"Yeah, I thought we'd get to see a Johto ACE until you sent us that pic of him," another added.
"He doesn't even seem that much older than us!" one of them indignantly huffed.
I bit back a sigh; this wasn't so surprising to me especially with how blunt little kids can be.
Guess Kanto trainers aren't exactly the hot topic here, I thought.
But I pushed through, putting on a friendly smile. "Hey, everyone! I'm Luke Ketchum, and I'm here to give you some tips and experience battling with my team." The kids' attention perked up slightly, though I could see some lingering doubt.
"What kind of pokémon do you have then? One of them asked.
Welp looks like I should earn their approval the fastest way I knew.
I looked at Cal, who remained back to let me lead things. I placed my hand on my belt and grazed my fingers over two pokéballs and Cal, understanding my unsaid message, nodded his approval.
"Well, I've got some new partners I'm training, and I know you'll be interested to see them in action." I tossed out two Pokéballs, and with a flash, Aurion and Custard appeared. Aurion gave a quick, confident bark, while Custard sniffed the air curiously.
A wave of gasps and excitement swept through the crowd. "Is that a Riolu?" one of them exclaimed. "I thought they only lived in the Rota Kingdom!"
A kid with glasses sniffled and pushed the frame of his eyewear up as he excitedly gazed at Aurion, "Fascinating!"
"And what's that one?" another kid asked, pointing at Custard. "I've never seen anything like it!"
I held a finger to my lips and grinned. "Secret~!" That earned a few "boos" and disappointed "awws" from the kids. Until I wagged my finger at them, "But you could find out if you battle me since I intend to be using him."
Now there was some life returning to the group as what were once disappointed faces were battle hungry, and curious to crack the mystery of the unknown pokémon before. Hook. Line. And Sinker!
I grinned. "That's right. I've been training both of them, so you might get to see some new moves today." The excitement was palpable, and even the kids who had been skeptical earlier were now leaning forward, eager for what was next. I glanced through the crowd, and though I couldn't see a sign of the mysterious fan Cal had mentioned, I was glad to have their attention.
Just as I was about to answer some questions, a voice called out from the back. "Pffft, like we need advice from some loser who only made it to second place at a Pokémon Conference."
I looked over to see a backwards-hat wearing boy standing confidently with his arms crossed. At his feet was a Totodile trying to look tough and mimic their trainer's pose.
Cal's frown deepened. "Ethan, that's enough. Show some respect."
But I waved it off. "It's fine, Cal." I gave Ethan a friendly smile. It may be a surprise to meet a prominent character at such a young age, but it wasn't an unwelcome one. "Hey, Ethan, right? How about you be my first battle today? Let's see what you and that Totodile of yours can do."
Ethan's eyes lit up, and he smirked. "Fine! I'll show you what a real Johto trainer can do." His Totodile snapped its jaws in agreement.
As Cal and I began preparing the battlefield, I noticed a young girl with a large hat waving excitedly at me. "Mr. Ketchum!"
I turned to her. "Yes?"
She pointed towards a group of kids, her eyes glancing at one particular spot where I caught a glimpse of bright red hair. "Someone here wanted to ask you a question."
"Really?" I said, scanning the crowd. "Hey, whoever it is, feel free to ask."
But the boy she pointed to ducked behind the others away from my sight. "N-No, I don't have a question," he mumbled, barely audible. He was clearly trying to stay hidden, making it impossible to get a good look at him.
"Hey, no, it's okay. What did you want to ask?" I gently tried to urge whoever it was to continue but to no avail, I barely made out what they said next.
"N-No, I don't have a question," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, which was soon drowned out by the snickering of some of the other children.
Ah…well, I can't force him, but I can still leave the offer on the table when they get the courage to ask me again. "No problem. Feel free to ask anytime." I didn't get a response beyond some snickering from Ethan, a few other boys huddled around him, who were definitely not the kid I was talking to.
Looks like there's a story there, I thought.
I narrowed my eyes at that before turning to take notice of the girl, who was angrily hissing for some reason. Ah, she was all flustered while angrily batting away the arms and hands of her teasing friends.
Hm, she seemed familiar. Hey, isn't she also a protagonist from the gam-?
Before I could investigate further, Ethan's impatient voice called out again. "Are you done talking, or what!? Let's get this battle started already!"
Well, it looks like I shouldn't keep him waiting.
I gave the girl a grateful nod. "Thanks for letting me know." I turned my attention back to the group, hoping to spot the kid who definitely had a question for me, but he had already melted back into the crowd.
A real shy one, eh, I thought. I'll have to try and catch up with him later.
I glanced back at Cal, who had the field ready. "All right, Ethan. Let's see what you and your Totodile can do."
The kids gathered around, buzzing with excitement. As I got into position, I glanced one last time through the crowd, hoping to catch that kid. But with the crowd's energy building and Ethan raring to go, I decided to focus my attention on the coming battle. Time to show these kids what a Kanto trainer is really made of.
"To ensure a fair and safe match, I will be proctoring the battle between Luke Ketchum of Pallet Town and Ethan Gold of New Bark Town!" Cal imperiously stood way off to the side facing the field's center. "Now trainers how many pokémon are you willing to use for this battle?"
Ethan redundantly adjusted his backwards cap and jabbed a finger to his chest. "One on One's just fine with me. Besides, Totodile is all I need. Isn't that right, pal?" His Totodile excitedly snapped their jaws as they danced their way onto the battlefield.
"I'm fine with a one on one." I snagged Yogi's pokéball off my belt and chucked him out. "Yogi, I choose you!" My little cub pokémon emerged with their cute tooshie on the ground while licking off the honey that remained on his paws from this morning's breakfast. Yogi took notice of the Totodile threatening them with their snapping jaws and after sizing them up, confidently stood on his feet with his claws bared.
The two pokémon looked ready to battle save for my opponent who looked stomped his feet in a huff. "What the heck is this!? I thought you were going to use the other two cool pokémon behind you not some lame old Teddiursa!"
Yogi glared and growled at the trainer which resulted in Totodile growling and bearing their teeth at the Teddiursa in defense of their trainer.
"Ah, right sorry." I scratched my cheek. "This one is named Yogi. I have also been training him with the other two. Say hi, Yogi." Yogi simply growled at the opposing pokémon and trainer. "See, you and everyone is now introduced to him. Let's battle."
"As if! I didn't step up to outclass you just to handle some pipsqueak Teddiursa!" Says the pipsqueak commanding the pipsqueak Totodile.
Ugh, kids…
"Well since you're so adamant about outclassing me, then once you beat Yogi then maybe I'll beg and cry for you to make it a two out of three and use either one of my other pokémon." Step one of controlling an overly confident kid: Play to his ego.
Based on the wide smirk on Ethan's face, it worked. "Feh, sure that's if I even think you're worthy enough for a second chance."
"Dear Ho-Oh, you're gullible…" I barely made out the exasperated whisper of the girl from earlier.
"If both trainers have decided on their choice of pokémon, then lets commence with the battle!" Cal continued to referee by raising his arms up then slashing them down. "Begin!"
"Scare 'em!" "Baby-Doll Eyes!"
Despite how small and cute it looked, Totodile's expression contorted into a menacing mien, its jaws snapping loudly to intimidate Yogi. My little partner hesitated, his initial aggression faltering for a moment. But despite the intimidation, Yogi's large, glistening eyes widened with an innocent shimmer that seemed to freeze Totodile in its tracks, as if guilt had crept into its heart.
Scary Face? Well, seems like Ethan was beginning to blow my low expectations for Youngsters out of the water. He was actually setting things up status effects rather than just blatantly purely using attack moves.
"Don't let that fuzzball trick you, Totodile! Soak it with a Water Gun!"
Ethan's voice snapped through the air.
Totodile shook off its hesitation and fired a precise jet of water. The attack slammed into Yogi, dousing him, and sending him skidding backward. My stomach tightened, but I knew Yogi could handle it. He shook himself dry, his fur fluffing out comically. Despite the hit, he glanced back at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, ready for the next move.
"All right, Yogi, show them your charm! Use Covet!" I called.
Yogi's demeanor shifted in an instant. He trotted forward with an adorable wobble, his paws clasped together as if pleading. His honeyed gaze even made me feel a pang of affection. Totodile blinked, visibly thrown off by the sudden cuteness. It lowered its guard for just a second—exactly the opening Yogi needed. With a swift leap, he swiped at Totodile, sending it stumbling back.
"Totodile, don't fall for it! Use Leer!" Ethan's frustration was beginning to show.
Totodile's eyes gleamed dangerously, the sharp glare slicing through Yogi's playful act and sapping his confidence. Yogi's shoulders slumped slightly, but I was not about to let this phase us.
"Fake Tears!" I said, staying composed.
Yogi dropped to his knees, covering his face with his paws and letting out a pitiful sob. It was a masterful performance, enough to make me almost feel bad for orchestrating it. Totodile hesitated again, its attack faltering as it stared at Yogi with visible confusion.
"Enough of that! Bite, Totodile!" Ethan barked.
Totodile surged forward, its jaws clamping down on Yogi's arm. I inhaled sharply as Yogi cried out in genuine pain, flailing to break free.
I needed to act fast. "Yogi, use Fury Swipes!"
With a determined growl, Yogi lashed out repeatedly with his claws. Totodile was forced to release its grip, retreating under the relentless assault. The momentum shifted as Yogi drove Totodile back to the center of the battlefield, and the cheers of the kids filled the air.
"Shake it off, Totodile! Use Screech!" Ethan yelled.
The ear-piercing screech made me wince, and Yogi visibly flinched. The poor Teddiursa recoiled back covering his cute little ears. With his defenses utterly lowered, Ethan smirked. "Now, Aqua Tail!"
Totodile's tail glowed a bright blue as it spun into a powerful swing, striking Yogi hard and sending him tumbling across the battlefield. My fists clenched as Yogi struggled to his feet, bruised but still standing. I had to believe in him.
"You've got this, Yogi! Use Charm!" I called.
Yogi puffed out his chest and struck an irresistibly endearing pose, his cuteness once again chipping away at Totodile's resolve. Ethan's frustration was palpable.
"Totodile, don't let that stop you! Water Gun!"
The jet of water shot forward, but Yogi was ready. He dodged nimbly to the side and rushed in close. "Now, Fury Swipes!"
Yogi's claws slashed in a rapid flurry, catching Totodile off guard. Each swipe chipped away at its stamina, leaving it wobbling. I could see Ethan's confidence cracking.
"Totodile, one more Aqua Tail!" Ethan screamed, desperation in his voice.
Totodile's tail glowed again, swinging with immense power. Yogi dodged at the last second, leaving Totodile momentarily unbalanced.
"No!" Ethan cried.
"Now, Yogi! Finish it off with a Scratch!"
Yogi let out a fierce cry and delivered a final swipe across Totodile's chest. The blue crocodile staggered backward before collapsing to the ground. For a moment, the room was silent, and then the cheers erupted.
"Totodile is unable to battle. The winner is Teddiursa!" Cal announced, raising his arm in my direction.
The room erupted in cheers, though Ethan's face was angrily scrunched up. He recalled Totodile and turned away.
I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and rushed over to scoop up Yogi into my arms, interrupting the little cub from further spiting Ethan with a series of mocking faces. As I lifted him into my arms, he gave a tired but triumphant growl. "You did amazing, buddy," I murmured, ruffling his fur.
Making his way to me, Cal clapped me on the back. "That was some impressive battling."
"Thanks, but Ethan sure pressed the heck out of us." I chuckled then turned to face the boy, who was undoubtedly refusing to look in my direction. Losing sucked, but I could tell that he had some fun from it despite acting so cocky. "Hey, Ethan!" I began walking toward him with my hand raised. "Good battle. You and Totodile were amazing out there, I mean your combination of Screech and Aqua Tail was brilliantly well-timed and executed!"
I had thought that the praise would be enough to ease the loss. "Like it matters!" Unfortunately, it didn't. The boy spun around to straight up scowl at me. "Besides, this match ended up being a fluke! If Totodile hadn't have slipped, we would've sent your little furball packing."
"Ethan!" The boy flinched from Cal's call and withered under the older trainer's gaze. "Enough. Take your loss in stride and review what you can do to improve. Remember, never grow complacent. Ever."
Ethan's face turned red. "Whatever!" He stormed out of the club, followed by a few kids who were no doubt his friends.
"Oy vey…" I sighed out in exasperation.
"Y-Yeaaaaaaah…" Cal rubbed his cheek with a tensed look. "Don't mind him, Luke. The kid's been needing a proper kick in the butt for a while now. Passing the professor's aptitude tests to get that starter of his and being the #1 ranked battler at the club really inflated his ego."
That would explain his attitude. "Oh, well that sucks. I can't really say that I would have gone through with battling him knowing that." Sure, I'm always up for humbling kids, but you can't just be straight to the point otherwise you'll tank their self-confidence. It certainly didn't help that I used a Teddiursa to defeat his Totodile, which he may have seen as me looking down on him.
"I wouldn't worry about it." Cal patted my shoulder and beckoned someone over with a half-smile. "Besides, it's up to me to handle it at the end of the day. You just focus on giving advice to those who are willing to listen."
Right, my time here was already limited so I should help out when I feasibly can.
"That was so cool, I never saw Ethan lose like that before!"
My thoughts were cut short when I noticed the sudden crowd of children huddling around me lighting up like watts in a lightbulb.
"Hey! Hey! Can I battle you next, Mr. Luke? If I can beat your Teddiursa with my Ratatta, I can easily rub it in Ethan's face!" exclaimed one of the boys.
"C-Can I ask for help when you're done, Mr. Luke? I also have a Teddiursa, but her moves aren't strong enough. Could you show us how you used Charm like that?" meekly muttered one of the girls.
"After I clobber your Teddiursa, that Riolu is going down!"
"If I defeat your Gible could you please tell us its real typing, sir?"
"What is it like being a Kanto trainer? Grandpa says that you all suck at battling but that battle just now was so wicked!"
"What kind of super training did you do to reach the Finals?"
""""""Yeah, tell us!"""""""
Huh, my battle with Ethan did better everyone else's opinion of me. I looked for Cal and noticed him outside of the sea of Youngsters, cheekily waving at me. The bastard pretty much cast me to the Sharpedos with a smile on his face.
"Well, you're today and tomorrow's guest of honor. Feel free to pick your next opponent."
I rolled my eyes at him and returned to taking in all of the children. Their eyes wide and expectant of me with a couple of them carrying some innocent mischief in them. Although their numbers far surpassed the amount that I usually watched over at home, I still had a feeling that they would cause less trouble than Blossom, Gary, and especially Ash combined. So, wearing my best smile, I began looking for my next opponent (specifically the kid, who wanted to ask me something). "Well, to start…"
And that is how my day guiding and battling the prospective Youngsters of New Bark Town began.
Taking up the momentum from the first battle, Yogi was the first to take the stage. His mischievous energy perfectly was suited for the eager challengers while his appetite for battles was as insatiable as his hunger for berries, and he quickly became the star of the early matches.
The deal I struck with him was simple: for every victory, he would get a berry. This arrangement motivated Yogi to push through match after match with surprising tenacity.
But there was a downside because of course there was.
Yogi's enthusiasm often overshadowed Aurion and Custard's opportunities for growth. While Yogi thrived in the spotlight, my Riolu and Gible stood on the sidelines, watching as their lone teammate hogged both the battles and the berries to himself. Aurion watched on in annoyance while Custard was off in his own world staring at something in the air.
By the fifth match, Yogi was visibly exhausted, his steps slower, and his once-cheerful growls replaced with tired huffs.
That was when I called things off before he fainted.
I crouched beside him after a particularly close match against a surprisingly strong Sandshrew. "You did amazing, Yogi. But I think it is time to let Aurion and Custard take over for a bit. I'll make it up to you with an extra treat at dinner, okay?"
The mischievous glint in Yogi's eyes returned, and with a nod, he allowed himself to be returned to his Pokéball. The kids cheered for his effort, and I could see a few of them making notes on how to motivate their own Pokémon.
With Yogi resting, it was Aurion's time to shine. The kids were immediately captivated by the Riolu's speed and precision. Aurion's first five battles were a masterclass in endurance and strategy. Despite his smaller size, he held his ground against opponents like Mankey, Machop, and Growlithe, using his Quick Attack enhanced speed to outmaneuver their attacks.
After the fifth battle, I noticed Aurion's movements becoming sluggish. It was time to give him a break. But before he rested, I decided to introduce the kids to a new element of training.
"Alright, everyone," I said, holding up a small disk. "This is a Technical Machine, or TM. Sponsored Trainers like me use these to teach our Pokémon new moves. Today, Aurion will learn Brick Break."
The kids leaned in; their eyes wide with curiosity as I used my Pokédex to initiate the process. Aurion's expression was a mix of focus and determination as the TM transferred the knowledge into his mind. After a brief moment, he stepped forward and delivered his first Brick Break with a clean, powerful strike against a stray boulder that was a result of a kid's Geodude using Rock Throw.
The kids erupted into cheers as they saw the small pokémon split the boulder in half. "Can my Pokémon learn that?" one of them asked excitedly.
"They can if they're compatible with the move. Ask Cal or your parents about TMs and which ones work best for your team," I chuckled.
Custard was up next, and his presence alone commanded attention. The kids were eager to battle him, but there was one problem: Custard's strength far outmatched most of their Pokémon. To make the matches fair, I instructed Custard to focus on using his less destructive moves and to hold back his power.
Despite this, Custard's battles were still one-sided. His Tackle and Rock Smash were more than enough to handle most of the Youngsters' teams, and his playful demeanor made him a hit with the kids.
One trainer, a boy with a Rattata, managed to hold his own for a while by using Quick Attack to outpace Custard's slower movements. I was ecstatic to see that the kid was borrowing the same tactic that I used with Aurion not too long ago. And unlike Youngster Jimmy, he knew how to conserve his pokémon's stamina and had even trained them to maneuver themselves when enhanced with Quick Attack's speed.
However, in the end, I commanded Custard to use Rock Smash on the ground and decimate the Rattata's path to corral them just enough, so he gets close enough and land a single Rock Smash.
One hit and the pokémon was out like a light.
I praised the boy for his strategy. "You've got a great eye for speed-based tactics. Keep working on that, and you'll go far."
The boy beamed at the compliment, and I noticed a shift in the crowd. The kids weren't just watching the battles; they were learning from them. It was exactly what I'd hoped for.
Between battles, I took the time to share advice and stories from my travels. "Every Pokémon has its own unique strengths and quirks," I told them. "Part of being a good trainer is understanding and working with those differences."
At one point, I released Asch and Leonardo to give the kids a closer look at my more experienced team members. Asch, became an instant favorite, allowing the kids to climb on his back while he napped contentedly. Leonardo was less enthusiastic, especially when a group of girls tried to cuddle him. He ended up fleeing to the safety of my arms, much to their disappointment.
"H-Hey, it's fine everyone. Just be sure not to crowd him, he's very friendly if you take your time, okay?" I tiredly laughed with Leonardo soon joining me.
"S-Squirt-Squirtle…" He wasn't averse to playing with others but he's quite small as a runt so too many people surrounding him would obviously make him uncomfortable.
"O-Okay, Mr. Luke." One girl sniffled followed by a cacophony of apologies from the others around her. This time they did listen, and those frowns turned back into jubilant smiles as Leonardo began doing tricks with his Water Gun and spinning about like a clumsy top just to cheer them up.
He was even pretending to fall on his back and struggle to his feet just to make them laugh.
…Oh, he was not pretending…
…Welp, I am sure that he'll be fine.
Amid the chaos, I kept an eye out for the shy kid who had caught my attention earlier. Despite my efforts, I could not seem to find him. Until a tug to my pants caught my attention and soon I was looking into the curious blue eyes of the big hat-wearing girl, wearing a sly smile.
"Mr. Luke, I know who you're looking for," she said with a sly smile.
"Do you now?" I tilted my head in question.
She vigorously nodded her head. "Yep, but…"
"But…?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I'll only tell you if you battle me first. Quid pro quo as they say, right?" Okay, these kids were starting to make me question what they were feeding them over in Johto.
"You know, I'm not even going to ask how you know that." I laughed at her cheeky demand. "But you've got yourself a deal, miss…?"
"Lyra C. Spring, Mr. Luke." The girl happily adjusted her hat with a bright smile before it turned a little vicious. "Also, thanks for putting that dummy Ethan in his place."
"Your welcome?" Huh, I would have thought that the two of them would be friends. Welp can't always assume things even if they both are indicative of the games' protagonists.
"So, hey, Mr. Luke, can I battle against Custard?" She excitedly bounced in place.
"Sure, but fair warning, Custard can be a bit rough. As you can tell from the other battles."
"Oh, don't worry about us, Mr. Luke, we can handle it," she replied confidently, holding up a Pokéball.
The warm afternoon sun streamed through the glass ceiling of the New Bark Town Battle Club, illuminating the battlefield below. The air buzzed with excitement as the kids gathered around, their chatter filling the room with a palpable energy. Cal stood at the center of the field, his whistle gleaming in the sunlight.
The kids crowded around the battlefield, eager to see how this match would unfold.
"This will be the final battle of the day!" Cal announced, his voice carrying over the crowd. "A one-on-one match between Luke Ketchum from Pallet Town and Lyra Spring from New Bark Town! Trainers, are you ready?"
I glanced at Custard, my Gible, who was staring blankly at the field. His posture was casual, but I knew better than to mistake that for a lack of interest. He was as ready as ever.
Lyra and I nodded at Cal, who immediately swiped his arms down.
"Then let the match begin!"
"Go, Custard!" Custard hauled himself onto the field as fast as his little stubby limbs could take him.
Across from us, Lyra adjusted her wide-brimmed hat and smiled confidently. She held her Pokéball tight. "Chikorita, let's make this a battle to remember!" Her Chikorita appeared in a burst of light, landing gracefully. The leaf on her head swayed slightly as she took a ready stance.
Lyra wasted no time. "Chikorita, Sweet Scent!" she called.
The air around the battlefield grew heavy with a cloyingly sweet aroma. Custard sniffed once, then shook his head with a dazed groan, eyes growing droopy. His straightforward nature made him particularly susceptible to distractions, and I could tell he was already losing focus.
"Custard, focus! Use Rock Smash!" I commanded.
Snapping out of it, Custard let out a grunt and charged forward, his claw glowing faintly as he prepared for the attack. Lyra's eyes narrowed. "Vine Whip, go!"
Chikorita's vines lashed out, catching Custard mid-charge and halting his momentum.
Clever girl.
The impact of the thick vines was not enough to damage him significantly, but it was a clear reminder of Lyra's strategic approach. Custard stumbled back, shaking his head as if annoyed by the delay.
"Don't let her control the pace, Custard! Dig!"
Custard responded immediately, burrowing deep into the ground with impressive speed. The battlefield grew tense as Chikorita scanned the area, her leaf twitching slightly.
Still though, Lyra wasn't panicking. "Poison Powder, cover the field!" she ordered.
A cloud of purple spores spread across the battlefield. It was a smart move, creating a hazardous environment for Custard when he reemerged. I smirked. "Custard, now!"
He burst from the ground directly behind Chikorita, avoiding most of the spores. His Rock Smash landed cleanly, sending Chikorita skidding across the field. She scrambled to her feet, clearly shaken but not out of the fight.
Lyra's voice remained calm. "We're not done yet. Chikorita, Razor Leaf!"
The sharp, spinning leaves flew toward Custard. "Brace yourself and counter with Dragon Breath!" I called.
Custard inhaled deeply, exhaling a stream of fiery blue energy that incinerated the oncoming leaves. The attack continued toward Chikorita, forcing her to leap aside with a well-practiced Vine Whip. She landed awkwardly, and I could see her energy waning.
"Sweet Scent again!" Lyra called, her tone unwavering.
The battlefield filled with the alluring aroma once more. Custard stopped in his tracks, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air. I groaned. "Custard, snap out of it! Use Tackle!"
With a grunt, Custard refocused and charged at Chikorita. Lyra countered swiftly. "Tackle, Chikorita!"
The two Pokémon collided head-on, the impact sending both of them staggering back.
"C-Chika…!" Lyra's Chikorita flinched back in more pain than my pokémon while Custard recovered first. His thick scales gave him the edge in durability. He shook himself off and growled, his blunt determination shining through.
Lyra's eyes narrowed. "Chikorita, Growl!"
The sharp, high-pitched cry from Chikorita made Custard hesitate. His attack stance faltered, and I could tell his confidence had been shaken slightly.
"Don't let that stop you! Use Bite!" I shouted.
Custard lunged forward, his jaws snapping shut on Chikorita's side.
"N-No, Chikorita!" Lyra cried out in panic. For a moment, she looked frightened as she watched her pokémon get torn into by Custard's sharp teeth. Thankfully, she did not freeze up for long. "Use Vine Whip on its face to break free!"
"Gib!" Chikorita's vines desperately smacked Custard's face over and over until they smacked his eyes. Custard recoiled from the pain and thus his jaws grew lax.
With an opening to escape, Chikorita managed to wriggle free, her movements sluggish now. Lyra's frazzled expression managed to calm down albeit with a small frown lingering on her brow as she called, "Poison Powder, one more time!"
The purple spores spread again, and this time Custard could not avoid them entirely. He coughed and growled, shaking his head as the poison began to take effect. I snapped my finger. "Custard, hang in there! Use Dig again!"
Despite his growing fatigue, Custard burrowed into the ground. The kids watching the battle were on the edge of their seats, their eyes darting between Chikorita and the faint tremors in the earth.
Lyra adjusted her stance, her focus sharp. "Chikorita, stay on the move! Don't let him predict your position!"
A good tactic but a little too late to use it now.
Chikorita began darting across the battlefield, her movements erratic. It was a clever tactic, but the damage that she accrued throughout the fight made her more sluggish and slower. Sure, you can still be moving, but exhaustion often makes you cut corners to save what remains of your energy, and soon enough you become predictable to read.
I trusted Custard to determine Chikorita's location from underground and proclaimed my command. "Now, Custard!" I called as he erupted from the ground. Chikorita attempted to dodge, but Custard's timing was perfect. His Tackle landed squarely, knocking Chikorita off her feet.
"C-Chi-Chika…!" She struggled to rise, her energy depleted. Quite the stubborn one, eh?
Then much to my surprise, Chikorita was engulfed in a red light and sucked back into their pokéball.
"I withdraw Chikorita from the battle and concede the match." Lyra sighed, a small smile on her face as she recalled her defeated partner. "You did wonderful, girl."
Cal stepped forward, raising his arm. "Chikorita is unable to battle. The winner is Gible!"
The crowd erupted into cheers, and Custard stood in the center of the field, panting but triumphant. I walked over and knelt beside him, rubbing his head. "You did great, Custard. Really great."
"Gib-Gible." He crooned and leaned into my touch.
"I know pal, I'll make sure you get a glorious meal when we go back to the professor's place. Just rest up until then, yeah?" I chuckled and returned him to his pokéball.
Lyra approached; her sad smile carrying a hint of pride despite the loss. "Thank you for the battle, Luke. You and Custard are incredible."
"You're pretty amazing yourself," I replied honestly. "Also, good call back there."
"Huh?" The girl looked up in thought to translate my meaning before it hit her. "Oh! Nah, I wasn't about to leave her out there to get a beating. Chikorita likes to act tough sometimes even when she really shouldn't. So, I'll have to deal with her pouting later on."
"Y-Yeah, I can relate to that." Macaque came to mind. "It's not too much trouble for you though?"
"Not really. All I have to do is give her some treats and keep scolding her if she wants to act up like that. Hopefully, it'll stick before my journey." Lyra shrugged.
That's…surprisingly a mature approach for her to take. Huh…
"Still though your strategy was amazing for someone of your skill level, Lyra. Keep working with Chikorita, and you'll be stopping bigger pokémon in no time."
"Thanks, but…we still have a long way to go." With a blush, she rubbed the back of her neck. "Although I'm glad to see that our stall tactics were capable of tripping you up a little. It means that we can handle anyone at our current level pretty easily."
My smile grew.
"That's a fantastic mindset to have." I chuckled.
"It really is." Cal approached us with a big, proud smile. "It's hard for some trainers to find the satisfaction in their progress when trying to take bigger steps. As long as you can grow to be the better you than you were yesterday then you'll find that you are changing and if not, you can identify areas that may be hindering your growth."
He patted Lyra's head. "Good work, Lyra."
"T-Thanks, Cal." She beamed at the compliment, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction.
Cal turned to the rest of the children with a grin as he took their energetic faces after watching the battle. "And that is all, tykes! Start cleaning up the field and packing your things because its clean up time!" The collective groans and "awwws" made the man's grin grow a tad. "No complaining, Luke and I will help you out! That is…" Cal raised a single finger. "If you're willing to stay a little later until the evening to clean up yourselves!"
The children perked up at that.
"I'll stick around the Club and continue to act as referee for those who still want to do battles and gain my advice." A couple of hands shot up, but Cal shook his head. "Luke isn't beholden to stay to continue battling after all the help he gave you lot already. He can if he wants to but just remember that he'll be here tomorrow too."
That earned some satisfied nods and grunts from the kids.
"Now then, who wants to go first?" Suddenly the room became saturated with the excited noise of battle hungry children once more. "And be sure to work on any moves that you think will help when we go out for the Capture Exploration in two days!"
And that was the last time I saw of Cal before he was swarmed by the Youngsters, he waved me off to go save myself while I still could. Shrugging, I figured that he would text or call if he needed any help but since he's a pro at corralling these little hellions by himself, I was free to do whatever I wanted.
"Ahem!" I felt Lyra tugging my sleeve with a wide smile.
Ah, scratch that. I still have to look for that shy kid. "So, you willing to spill on where that kid is?"
She nodded. "Definitely!" She began to lead me away until she noticed something from afar in the Club. "Aha!" She pointed at something, and I followed her finger to spot that it was just Asch lying around in a corner of the Club, but he wasn't alone.
"…?" My Charizard tilted his head questionably at the little creature sizing him up.
Was that Cyndaquil trying to roar at Asch and pick a fight? Looking closer, I noticed the small fire mole pokémon trembling despite its aggressive(?) roaring, so it couldn't be the latter, but still it left me questioning a variety of things regarding the scene before me.
Eventually the poor thing tired itself out that it was now panting with beads of sweat on its head. Concerned, Asch got up and patted the little guy on the head with a curious smile, but this only served to anger the Cyndaquil to continue its adorable roaring.
Giving a proud and satisfied nod to itself, the adorable little thing plodded off, leaving a confused Asch staring after them and an impatient Lyra to drag me along to follow it.
"C'mon, lets tail him before he gets away!" She quietly screamed.
"Okay?" Apparently that Cyndaquil must belong to the shy kid. Good to know after piecing the subtle cues together. As we passed my Charizard, he could only give the two of us the same odd look it gave to the Cyndaquil. "I'll be back, pal. You just watch things here and help out Cal if he needs it! Tell Leo to do the same!"
My faithful Charizard all but nodded, tossed me a thumbs up before curling himself up on the ground for a quick nap. Heh, if I was him, I'd do the same thing but if something does happen, he'll no doubt step in to help.
As for tailing a pokémon like Cyndaquil, we really didn't have that much trouble. Yeah, we kept ourselves at a distance and watched as the adorable little fire mole squeezed past the cracks of the Club's backdoor. Our little trek did not last very long because our target soon stopped once they toddled an old crate near the trash cans.
Silent, Lyra and I crept closer to hide on one end of it. The sound of faint mumbling caught me attention and their voice were very similar to the shy kid from earlier. Lyra had to silently shush me upon noticing my expression before pointing to her ears.
Listen in? I wordlessly mouthed to her, and she nodded with a thumbs up. Humoring her, I decided to raise one ear up to sky and make sense of the constant muttering.
"-stillcan' ' 'sactingsomuchdifferentlythantheConferenceandhisCharizardwow!Itlookssomuchcoolerinperson!Iwonderifhe'llletmecatcharideonit?Nothat'sstupidtheyprobablywouldn' !Why'dthatnoseygirlhavetocallmeoutlikethatItotallycouldhaveapproachedhimlatertoaskmyquestions…Eventually."
O-Okay, so I couldn't make out most of what was said but thankfully I've had two lifetimes worth of dealing with motormouth little siblings so parsing word vomit was second nature to me at this point.
"At least that jerk and his Totodile got to eat dirt for once. Told him that Luke would toast him, and he didn't even need to use his Charizard…okay, that would have been overkill. Still though, I got one over on him…w-well, I technically did not do anything, but I told him that Luke was a big deal. I mean, he doesn't look quite as cool anymore, but his skills prove that I was right!" There was more life in the kid's voice than I expected.
Huh, it looks like this kid really was the one who made that collage of data on me and my team in the club. Also, what did he say about me no longer looking cool anymore? Although, I am flattered to have been seen in that way, it did make me curious about what image he had of me in his head.
"Also, all of the pokémon he showed today were so awesome! Like that Riolu and definitely whatever that Gible is! Ugh, if only nosey Lyra didn't butt in like usual, then I could have asked him all of the questions I have!"
Ah, Lyra was pouting now.
"L-Like where'd he get those pokémon, and what pokémon would he recommend for a first capture, and-and how come he didn't field Charizard against that foreign trainer in the Finals? And now I can't cause everything's ruined…I mean, it is right, Cynda-? Huh, Cyndaquil, you are back!?" The voice gasped.
"Quil! Cyndaquil!"
"O-Oh, okay. Sorry for not noticing, I was caught up in updating my Journal? But what did you even leave to go do?"
"Why do you look so proud? You don't have to pretend to be a Charizard just because they're better than you, ya know." I winced at the boy's poor wording while Lyra sadly shook her head.
"N-No, wait, I didn't mean it like that-!" The boy gasped. "Look, I'm glad that your my friend, Cyndaquil. H-Hey, let's see if we can snap a picture of Luke while he's here." Some rustling occurred before it picked up in a panic before starkly stopping. "Gagh! I left my Pokégear at home! Ugh, mom's going to be teasing me all day today! How annoying…at least Big Sis isn't in town otherwise it would have been unbearable."
Unsure feet scratched against the ground as they picked the boy up to stand. "Ugh, its either go back and deal with mom to get my pokégear or ask any of the other kids here to let me borrow their phone… hm, getting mom's teasing out of the way sooner sounds better…" Does…does this kid not have any friends here? I turned to Lyra, who is pouting only grew more pronounced from puffing up her cheeks.
"But that could eat up more time…maybe I can ask Cal to…nah, then he'd just call over Luke and have him talk to me and when he does, I'll choke up and look like a complete dingus! …And that miss nosey is a definite no-go, she definitely would make things worse if I even were to ask for her help."
Yep, this kid was a definite loner. He's even at odds with himself over where to snap a picture of me rather than going down the simple path of approaching me. Well, good news for him, I'm plenty capable of making the first move and being as discreet and approachable as possible.
But before I could think of a subtle way to pop out and introduce myself, the now red-faced Lyra chose that time to pull me out from the side of the crate to reveal ourselves to the Cyndaquil and the bo-!
Red hair. Brown eyes widened in shock/surprise. Unique hairstyle.
Catching the kid's full appearance, a mixture of exhaustion and self-satisfaction welled up within me. "Looks like being a loner naturally checks out, huh?"
"Y-You-!" The boy yelped back as Lyra tugged into his line of view. While he flinched back his Cyndaquil jumped forward, doing another imitation of Charizard's roar in a bid to look intimidating.
"Mr. Luke, this is Silver. He's been like your super fan since the last circuit!" Lyra exclaimed while pointing at the boy, who's mouth was gaping so wide that it nearly touched the floor. "Here." Pulling out a pink pokégear, she tugged me to stand in front of the shocked boy and his "roaring" Cyndaquil to snap a quick photo of us. "Now I have a picture of both you and Mr. Luke. I'll ask Cal to give me your number to send to you later. Now do you have anything to ask Mr. Luke?"
"I-I…" Silver squeaked; his bulging eyes still stuck on me.
Pausing for a moment, I had to work myself up to smile despite how awkward I felt. "…Hi?" And to add to that, I sounded awkward too. Way to go me…
"B-B-B-B-!" The boy began to stammer and tremble.
"Huh?" I blinked in confusion, turning to Lyra for an explanation, but all I got was an exasperated eye roll.
"BYEEEEEEEE!" And the moment my gaze fell back on the red head, he was already running off into the distance.
"Quuuuuuuuuil! Quuuui-Cy-Cy? Cyndaquil! Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~!" Mid-roar, the boy's poor Cyndaquil noticed the apparent absence of their trainer and ran off after them with a piteous cry for being left behind.
Huh…I expected a lot from this small detour but not that.
"Ugh, there he was talking himself up and getting all mad at me for supposedly ruining things for him but when the opportunity pops up, he crumbles. Typical Silver." Lyra clicked her tongue and facepalmed. "Don't mind him, Mr. Luke. He's actually super shy…"
"I noticed…" I scratched my cheek.
"Not too hard, huh? Well, most of the other kids don't see it that way because he keeps away from the rest of us. Apart from that one battle against Ethan, he doesn't even try against the rest of us. But besides that, he's actually pretty a pretty nice guy once you really get to know him."
"Can you say the same for yourself?" I referenced the boy's not too pleasant words he had for the girl.
She shrugged. "Well, he's annoying but what boy isn't? They can all be stupidly obnoxious sometimes. Its just that Silver is the least obnoxious from the bunch, especially compared to Ethan. He had even helped me-!" She stopped herself just short of telling me what was on her mind before furiously shaking her head and pulling down the brim of her oversized hat to hide her face. "Nevermind."
"I see…" I squinted hard enough to notice a touch of red on her ears. Ah, now there was definitely a story behind that, but I was too caught up with the fact that I had technically met my probable cousin to care.
"J-Just-! Please be patient with him and just answer his ridiculous questions. He only really gets excited when he's watching your old matches or raving about how strong your pokémon are. So I'd like to-I mean, I'm sure that Cal would like to see him be happy for a full day for a change y'know?" Stuttering to herself, Lyra coughed and bowed her head to me. "Well, sorry for pulling you away and thanks for listening to me! I'll see you back in the Club!"
And like that, Lyra took off, leaving me to lean against the crate in deep contemplation.
So…Silver's here in New Bark Town.
…Man, what am I even worrying about. I highly doubt that Team Rocket would have the balls to set up camp in this town much less after if what that bastard said is right about his resignation as it's boss. But he did mention the new leader being worse than he was. Gah! I don't want to trust his words but there could be some credibility to it…
You know what?
"Fuck it." Again, I have to remind myself to just focus on what I'm here to do. Train up my pokémon and for my time being here, battle and assist with teaching these youngsters which include Silver. Now whether he's Giovanni's son or not doesn't matter to me because at the end of the day, he's a kid like any other kid out there, who apparently idolizes me as my #1 fan.
I can figure out the rest later with Cal during my late-night training at Prof. Elm's reserve, then tomorrow I'll talk to the kid and see what happens next.
There. A simple solution that leads to away from any lingering drama that I desperately don't need at the moment.
Heaving out a large sigh, a certain leather journal came to mind along with the unneeded dread that the thought of it filled me with. "Ugh, at least I have a reason to procrastinate on not reading that thing." Pulling myself together, I slipped back into the Battle Club and decided to resume with helping Cal with the youngsters.
I needed something to take my mind off of things, and helping with the kids and clean-up did just that. It also allowed me the opportunity to ask Cal for his help in assisting with the training of his pokémon and if he was willing to share any tips and tricks that he picked up as a much older trainer and formerly competitive ACE trainer.
Apart from a minor hiccup, the day felt pretty A-Okay.
I can only hope the next day will be better though. Maybe it will and fortune will be in my favor.
"Yes, it's me. I'm here to give an update on the events in regard to the current job."
"Very well. Twin Leaf Town as it has been over the past week has seen no activity beyond the usual Ranger patrols in the wilds surrounding it. Less patrols have been documented on the Route leading inward to Johto."
"Knowing the full breadth of resources and personnel at your organization's disposal, I'm sure you can figure out the "whys" behind the occurrence for this yourself. If you require more information then double my pay."
"Then I'll continue. There's been recent activity in town, particularly one of the areas of interest, Prof. Elm's lab."
"A trainer from Kanto strolled in just the other night and headed straight for Elm's lab. This morning, he was seen walking through town with Elm's son, Cal, an inactive ACE trainer and current head coach in charge of training the town's youngsters."
"Though I could not accurately assess the new trainer's threat to the job, I could get a rough estimation based on the data I gathered on them. Now whether they improved or worsen since the last Conference is a mystery."
[… …]
"Their name? Luke Ketchum, why?"
[…! … … …]
"Did I just mishear you? What?"
"I won't complain about my pay being tripled, but why the added objective once this particular trainer was brought up?"
[… … …]
"Fine, I can take a hint. However, you do realize that the amount you're going to pay me now will finally give me the opportunity to leave the region. Thus, my debt and partnership to your organization will end after this job. Are you certain that you are willing to let me go this easily?"
"…Then if this trainer is really a top priority, then I'll take care of it. I'd be a fool to pass up such easy money. Now is there anything else you would like to add, my report is now over."
"Alright. This is Jenesis, signing off."