Chapter 3: Chapter 3
Eventually, the Professor and I had to go back to being responsible and handle the little Arbok problem. According to Samuel Freaking Oak, this was the fifth time this week that this Arbok attacked another pokémon. Now this issue isn't at all rare to be found at the Sanctuary since as a Pokémon Researcher, the professor is always down to research new and exciting pokémon no matter their species.
Except here's the thing. You can't feasibly expect predatorial pokémon like the Arbok to behave around other pokémon that it could see as easy prey. Now the issue of them being fed here is never an issue. The professor and his aides have never left the various pokémon here severely wanting, I should know because I trusted them to watch over my batch of problem children for me. But sometimes nature and nurture can have an effect on whether they'll behave.
Like take this very extremely convenient Arbok as an example. It's been reported to have attacked Pidgeys, Rattatas, Caterpies (ew, but you do you, Arbok), and multiple smaller pokémon. Once it had even slithered into the lab when one of the aides forgot to close a window to almost snack on an incubating egg. That should have been a clear sign that this Arbok should been balled up and placed in stasis amongst the other pokémon in the lab's basement.
But Professor Oak being the nice guy that he is, gave him one last chance. He contacted the trainer in town, Mr. Greene, retired trainer at 14, long time rancher since birth. Married with 2 kids and grows the best Pecha berries in town. I once had to babysit his kids along with Ash once, so we're cool.
Joey once raided his orchard during the academy days and onwards. So, the two of them archenemies, and it was hilarious.
Mr. Greene's Arbok was actually trained to snuff out and eat smaller pokémon since pesky Rattatas, Murkrows, and Pidgeys would always flock to swipe his produce. Yes, pokémon do eat other pokémon. While we humans can also eat certain types of pokémon as well. You can have a Tauros beef steak, then later go on to train your very own Tauros.
I wouldn't advise eating it in front of him lest you deal with a heavy heart and a ruined appetite. From the outsider's perspective when watching the anime, you'd be freaked out by this news, but after living life on the other side. It's basically normal, and I'm not going to keep using my ethics from my old life to compare to this one. Since humans have basically lived with pokémon for countless centuries, it's sort of become a Circle of Life kind of deal.
Now this affair isn't as one-sided since pokémon can eat humans too. In fact, in the wild or in some criminal cases, 5% of trainer mortality rates at the hands of pokémon occur by getting eaten. It's a rather smaller number compared to the startling 45% of deaths that occur from getting crushed (with Gravelers being the common cause), but rather significant to ignore.
After all, I was almost a statistic of that 5% during my journey…
…Anyways! I'm getting off topic.
Arbok was trained to be a pokémon warder for its trainer's ranch, now officially placed away for the time being, it seeks out prey in the preserved pokémon in the Sanctuary. It's not allowed to do that, and with its final warning being broken, Professor Oak called Mr. Greene to inform him of this and with his permission placed the pokémon's pokéball in the basement along with the others.
You know, standard procedure.
You'd be surprised how big the basement was to hold over 100 pokéballs, and the estimate to how many retired trainers lived in Pallet Town. Professor Oak's place may be huge, but it wasn't that accommodating, and that's also taking into consideration the months of planning needed to segregate certain predatorial and prey pokémon from each other, in their individual habitats.
In comparison to the Arbok, the Servipers are all well-behaved. Mostly because they're too busy settling a blood feud with the Zangoose faction in the Sanctuary. It's like every other 3 months that they find a reason to try to go to war, and then we'll have to step in to stop whatever feud they were having and solve it. But those guys would just fight over anything like that lone berry tree that had one berry left while there were countless others around.
It was ridiculous.
"Oh, good morning, Luke!"
"G'morning, Mr. Cerise." I happily waved back to genial, professor's aide.
"Aw, it's nice to see you up and early, Luke! Tell your mom that I said thanks for lending me that Hondew berry Sorbet recipe of hers. Both Aiden and Zella were gushing about it after their patrol."
"Thanks, Mrs. Mary, I'll be sure to tell her for you! And say hey to those two whenever you have the time for me, okay?" I happily waved to the Professor's local Pokémon Breeder, who getting ready to join the others to feed the local pokémon.
"Hey, look who's among the living once more! What do you say, Mike? Want to join me on my recent research haunt to Mt. Silver? I'm certain the Rangers won't steer you away, what with you now being given permission to traverse the land now."
"Eh, I'll think about it, Mr. Willow. Stay safe, sir, and good morning." I waved goodbye to the professor's aide in the lab with the most wanderlust.
Yup, entering the Professor's lab was just another round of familiar greetings and warm smiles. Being a student who was chosen to be a sponsor naturally had us visit this place countless times. So you were just bound to know the aides and assistants going into their respective field of research.
There were a few more that came up to give me a greeting as Professor Oak led me and Daisy to the lab's cozy lobby. For what reason you may ask? Simple. There's a naughty little culprit causing up a fuss and locked herself in there. Again. For the 27th time since I've been back home.
"As you can see, she's-" Prof. Oak tiredly smiled and directed his hand to the door.
"Throwing another hissy fit. Could you please get her out of there for us. She's been like this since yesterday, and she's not letting up on leaving anytime soon either." Blunt, but I appreciated Daisy getting to the point.
She also seemed a bit nettled. Probably something else happened yesterday too.
Welp, I better hurry and take care of-of-of…
…Huh, false alarm.
…But I'm still in sort of a yawning mood so…
I shrugged and yawned as slowly and loudly as I could, much to my friend's exasperation. "Suuuuure, I-I've got this. Just what was the problem this time that had her act up like this?"
"Ahem!" I looked to the professor who was doing his best to find something on the ceiling while scratching away at his cheek. Hm? I smell shenanigans. "Well, to be truthful with you, Luke. I haven't the foggiest of ide-."
"Grandpa…" Daisy glowered.
I dutifully waited between the grandfather and granddaughter pairing as they exchanged a silent conversation.
Can't you see me be super invested in all of this sweet, sweet silen-?
"And you take this seriously."
"But I am…" I chuckled and rubbed the forming "yawn" tears out of my eyes. Going up to the door, I decided to just get to the heart of the issue than wait for a full explanation since I didn't want to stand around all day much to the two's appreciation/exasperation.
"Hey, Sylvie, I'm he-whoa!"
"Hey, wha-!?" I heard Daisy behind me before a loud smack echoed with a pained yelp.
"Luke!? Daisy!?"
I barely had my hand on the doorknob before the door opened in a flash and with it everything happening those few seconds. The selfsame adorable ribbon-like feelers that just loved to hone in on my wrists with such impressive accuracy pulled me into the room, and carefully swung me onto the leather couches. The time it took for me to blink, I felt overly affectionate crooning and nuzzling of my cherished "Psychic" (Fairy) type pokémon against my legs and kneecaps.
The ever present look of adoration in those "innocent" sky-blue eyes of hers was a nice indicator that she was doing fine since my last visit. Picking her up in my arms, I chuckled at how those clear sky-blue eyes of hers were shimmering once I brought her up closer to my face. "Good morning, Sylvie. You miss me?"
"Syl-Sylveon! Syl-Syl~!" She was very enthusiastic to answer that by wrapping her ribbons around my arms tighter, and breaking free of them to stand on my lap and aggressively nuzzle her cheek onto mine.
"I'll take that as a yes." I laughed and had to help settle down my touchy-feely troublemaker.
Yep, you may be asking, why am I referring to Sylvie as a Psychic when she's a Fairy type? How come I even have a Fairy type when I'm in Kanto?
And why she always locking herself away at the Professor's lab.
All good questions, and to be frank. I have no clue. I mean for the second question. Sorry for skipping a few steps there. So, it's not quite official yet, but Fairy typing doesn't exist yet. Well, it hasn't been scientifically established then released to the public as common knowledge. The world of pokémon is huge, but right now it's not as straightforward as it is in the anime.
The Kalos Region, home to Prof. Sycamore, who was able to discover the typing…I have no clue what he's doing. No idea if he's close to making a breakthrough or is nowhere near the concept of it in his studies. Unless you're a well-known and contributing professor, a Champion, Elite Four member, or any other high official League member, you're left in the dark.
Regions from Kalos, Sinnoh, Unova, Galar and any other were either still in the process with communicating with the now open and cooperating Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions, or refusing to give a response. Again, politics is at work here. Some regions are just stingy on what information they want out to the rest of the world. Which makes travel to these regions next to impossible if you're thinking about joining their circuits.
To even be eligible, Professor Oak explained that you need at least the backing of one VERY influential professor from that region's Pokémon League. A professor is an investment and asset to the region that they're inhabiting and making their discoveries in. If you can get a vouch from them, then you're pretty much golden. Just don't screw up or cause trouble, otherwise you'll get banned from that region and censured from any other professors (and especially their easily influenced Pokémon League) who catch wind of the potential trouble you could bring.
So long tangent on the complications of this world aside, until it's officially announced, Sylvie will be dubbed a psychic type for the time being.
Now how I was able to evolve Sylvie from an Eevee to Sylveon?
I pretty much lucked into it. Heck, it really wasn't my goal to get her to evolve. Not with the stigma she had toward the concept of "evolution" at the time…and trainers in general. It's funny, if I didn't drop my pokédex near the Celadon Casino's alleyway's garbage dumpster, I would have completely missed her.
"Funny how life turns out sometime, eh?"
A hand that wasn't gently brushing the luxuriously soft fur of the deeply moaning (okay, girl, stop…) Fairy type went up to brush the scarred bicep of its opposite right brother. Doesn't hurt anymore, but the memory of the sensation always stuck with me.
"S-Syl?" Brushing past my hand, Sylvie timidly wrapped her feeler around the old scar and worriedly look me in the eye. Ah, right, she could sense my melancholy. Sorry.
"Don't worry, Sylvie. I'm fine." I did my best to cheer the guilty little thing up by scratching underneath her chin in that way she loved so much. It sure did the trick as she soon became placid in my arms and languished against my lap.
There that should be enough. "You can come in now."
With the spare key they obviously had, Professor Oak and Daisy entered the room. Yeah, Sylvie was annoying to deal with based on how clever she was. Exactly how I trained her, and my pride aside. She would mostly lock the room, and tightly keep the doorknobs in place with her extending feelers, which can sense emotions by the way. And also, she can detect who those emotions belong to through the knob.
So, until I can come along. She wouldn't let anyone in.
Not to mention she was super affectionate towards me and pretty much a bitch to most everyone whether they be human or pokémon. Especially, Daisy for some reason.
"A-Are you okay?" I worriedly asked the girl, who had a slap-mark the shape of my "innocently" smiling Sylven's ribbon-like feelers across her face.
"Do I look okay to you?" No, no you don't.
I sighed and looked down to my smiling Sylvie, who's now giving me the Growlithe dog eyes. Nice try. "Apologize."
"Syl?" Don't tilt your head at me.
"You know what? Say you're sorry to Daisy." Ah, don't you dare "hmph" at me, little miss. "You've caused Professor Oak and everyone a whole lot of trouble and had me come ALL the way here to fix it, so apologize."
I swear, it's not going to kill you to admit fau-.
"No, do it again and mean it." I ignored Sylvie's cries of "betrayal" as Daisy was fuming from my pokémon's blatant horrible attempt. "And this time, don't spit on the floor."
And so, she did apologize to Daisy, Prof. Oak, and any passing professors with a deep bow. Now in a sour mood, she selfishly took up the whole of my lap with that cute angry look (you know the one where they're not looking at you) plastered all over her face. I'm firmly rooted down by her feelers, and she's not showing any signs of getting up either.
Fine, fine.
Keep pouting until you feel better, haughty little thing.
So with the lobby now officially open to everyone to relax, we soon got to doing…huh? Guess with the issue dealt with, there isn't anything to do now.
"Hey, Luke, my boy. You wouldn't mind…?" Professor were you carrying that measuring tape with you the whole time?
I shook my head. "Professor hear my words echo out to you." Then dryly deadpanned at the old man sitting across the coffee table from me. "There's a time and place for everything, but not now."
"I see…I understand." Don't act so sad about it! Didn't you just see me work Sylvie up from earlier tiff? Anymore and I'm gonna be here all day.
"Grandpa, you're pouting."
"And what if I am? Can't an old man pout every once in a while?"
"Sure, but…" I happily started.
"It just looks weird on you is all." Daisy happily finished.
"Che! Children, no respect or decency to let their elders sulk to themselves."
That gave us a rousing round of laughter (save for Sylvie), until the mood of the room got a little serious once the topic of "sponsorships" was brought up by the professor. Since it was him of all people, I had to at least hear his advice on what was at least here for any future interests of mine.
I laid out all of the offers on the coffee table as best as I could with my stubborn pokémon on me and allowed Prof. Oak shift through them while Daisy continued to glare at said pokémon on my lap. Yep, she's still holding a grudge.
"Hm, yes…I guess the labors of your effort from the last circuit have continued to bore fruit, my boy. These are all such grand opportunities for you to look into. Ah, like this one here, the Emerald Acres foundation at Mulberry City are offering a full year of stabling rights as a trial run, and an extended five years if you fully consider their offer."
"Plus, I'd have to continually advertise myself through professional battles every 3 months and log myself in to become an Ace trainer and rise up in the regional leaderboards." I yawned and crossed my arms. "No thanks, I'd prefer my freedom."
"That's fair, but weren't you already advertising for your mom's café, especially during the League? What makes this so different?" Daisy asked, innocently.
"That was out of willing obligation for my family while this offer just sounds like work. Complete difference. Pass."
"Hehe, well, I'm at least glad that you've read the full contents for the offers rather than foolhardily signing in the first one that seems too good to be true." Prof. Oak heartily laughed.
"Yeah, you mean like that one trainer? Um…Fergus! Right, Grandpa?"
Seeing the professor let out a huge sigh like that was almost weird since it's like looking at him lose all the life in him.
"Yes, Fergus. The young lad did so well on his first Kanto circuit that he made it to the Top 16, like you my dear." He patted Daisy's head. "However, the moment sponsorships started pouring in, he latched onto the biggest one imaginable, Devon Corporation."
Damn, that was big.
"They offered him a solid 10 year stabling rights for 50 pokémon, along with professional advising, lodging, and being one of the first to be updated on the corporation's breakthroughs regarding their new developing Revival technology for bringing back extinct pokémon. It all seemed like the best deal imaginable. Except…"
"Except he probably didn't read the fine print?" Prof. Oak answered me with a solemn nod.
"The poor lad was always one for competitive battling and registered as an Ace Trainer after his three years of being on the Kanto Circuit. He took pride in it, and was even aiming for the Top 50 ranking after countless grueling matches. And now, he missed out on that chance since he took on that sponsorship with the Devons."
Piecing it together, both Daisy and I came to the same conclusion. ""Oh…""
You see, being an Ace Trainer, you're technically paid by the League for up keeping your ranking and for providing local support to the towns of your designated region. The higher your ranking, the higher your payout and prestige. That falls apart if you're in some other region for more than 3 years. If you're not active in the Ranking matches of your own region, then you'll immediately be reranked and cast to the bottom of the leaderboard.
If you're absent for 5 years, you'll lose your opportunity to enlist for a return match against someone with your same rank and reclaim your old standing.
More than 10 years? Well, you're stricken off the records with all of your past recorded Wins and Losses.
Now the League isn't cruel to outright oust those who can't or don't want to participate in it any longer. Like those retiring, or for trainers who aren't 100% on board to the Ace trainer scene, you can just turn in proper withdrawal form and your progress will be kept in tact until you changed your mind.
Too bad that reasons like going to participate in another region's Ace trainer's bracket requires you to still make it to your original region's challenges on top of that. The amount of stress of doing that while getting your first debut on the Gym Challenge in a different region would just tear you apart, emotionally and physically.
"Don't worry, he's doing fine. He was just severely devastated with the loss of all of his progress." He looked to the both of us, seriously, with that authoritative grandfatherly voice of his. "Remember children, no matter if these corporations have your best interests in mind. Any offer given should always be gleaned over for every fine print, lest the ones mostly benefiting from your partnership is them instead of you, the sponsored. Understood?"
"Yes, Professor." / "Yes, Grandpa."
"O-Oh, and please be sure to keep an eye on Joey and lend him some needed second opinions please." Prof. Oak awkwardly coughed as we nervously laughed at the damning implication that our hardheaded friend could 100% run into the same issue.
With that solemn bit of wisdom dropped on us, we continued my dressing down of each sponsor sent my way. None of them really could compete with the relaxing gig that I had with the Professor. He could already accommodate half of the League's maximum 50 amount of pokémon that a trainer can keep: 100 in all.
Plus, he's well connected to other regions and their professors, plus, he's guaranteed top-tier protection over his lands and quite frankly the town given his history as the first joint Pokémon League Champion between Kanto and Johto.
I already had it made as is, and so no number of stall offers would sway my mind. Not even the super accommodating ones that are only intrigued with gaining my permission to have authority on studying "any" pokémon I captured and brought in. As if their intentions weren't clear enough.
I gently stroked the now napping Sylvie, who fell asleep through our whole conversation.
"Luke, while I'm glad that you're insistent on continuing your sponsorship with me, I'd really like for you to at least consider some offers beyond stalling rights. Denying everything won't do you any good, and at having the opportunity to further make your own connections beyond some through me will be worthwhile. Like with Daisy, she's already chosen quite the name to sponsor herself under."
"Really?" I incredulously looked to the brunette give me a shy smile.
"Y-Yeah, I kind of accepted to be sponsored by Erika's Aromatic Boutique in Celadon City. Venus and I are sort of big fans of their soothing aromas." Huh, that was the Gym Leader's business.
"That sounds cool, but…" I scratched my head and sat my back onto the couch's back cushions. "I think I'm fine with the current arrangements I have. After all, I'd rather just kick back and relax before worrying about all of that. I'll leave all of the sponsor talk for later when I've finally decided on where I want to go..." I yawned and wiped my eye. "When I feel like it."
"Bu-." Daisy, the worrywart, obviously was against my lackadaisical style, but Prof Oak thankfully stopped her from prying any further.
"And…that's fine, my boy. You've more than earned your reprieve, but it would hasten the process along when you've gotten the energy back in you to tell me of any choice that you may have for your Circuit." Prof. Oak smiled.
It was that weird knowing smile of his that kept me in the dark multiple times during my journey and studies under him. He probably has some sort of surprise up his sleeve, huh? Well, I'll trust in it for now. But until then, I just want to rest and prepare myself for my other set of business before even thinking that far ahead.
"I'll be sure to do just that lat-." "Now."
I barely had a moment to breathe before the professor set himself upon me with a lecture against falling into bad habits of procrastination while I quietly wrote my choices from "Most Wanted" to "Least Wanted". Heh, Daisy tried to peek, but I made sure to cover my paper the whole time. I would have bit back at the lecturing old man that he's no better than me what with his own personal office being an unorganized pigsty, but I didn't because my mother raised me better and because I didn't want to get yelled at anymore.
Having fallen into a deep slumber, I chose that moment to reclaim her back into her Premier ball. I'll just give the folks here a break and take her back home with me.
After some more talk and pleasantries, I figured since I was already here I'd help out a bit in the Sanctuary before stopping by to check on Mom and Jubilee. Joining Daisy, we walked out while engaged in a very important conversation.
"What do you mean you guys will have to relocate Tempest?" I voiced my disbelief to the groaning brunette.
"Luke, he's too big, scares the other Gyarados down at their lake, and virtually never surfaces from the portion where he stays."
"Yeah, but he's keeping to himself and being quiet, so shouldn't that be enough to leave him alone and live his best life?"
"No because whatever abnormal conditioning you put him through is causing unease, and we can't have that in a lake full of Gyarados!" Daisy exclaimed while blowing her whistle for her dutiful Arcanine, Valentine, to come bounding over the nearby fences to her master's faithful side.
"I told you before it's not abnormal. What's so weird about training your Gyarados to being the most destructive sea monster that it could be?"
"THAT. That right there is the issue."
"What issue? You mean make my boy be great? Because he certainly proved it at the Indigo Conference, remember?"
"Rrgh! Look-." She mounted her Arcanine and deadpanned down at me. "That's just what Grandpa suggested, but if you really want to convince him and prove that's not the case, then be my guest. But first, let's survey the area and check for any disturba-."
"Hup!" Without a word I hopped up on the back of her Arcanine, right behind her.
"W-What are you doing?"
"I didn't want to bother, Epona, while she's in the middle of her run." I pointed out in the very far distance to see my #1 runner leaving a harrowing cloud of dust from her nonstop running. "So, I'll just kick it with you for the whole trip."
I wrapped my arms around her waist, and ignored the way she squeaked/jumped to resolutely nod. "Cool with you?"
She coughed and nodded, refusing to look me in the eye. Hah, your ears are red. "F-Fine, but next time give me warning, okay?"
"I only promise to try." I shrugged.
"Okay, then I only promise to try to not kick you off if you manage to fall asleep and drool on me for the whole ride."
"Sheesh, you don't have to be petty, I was just joking." I blew a raspberry at her.
"And I was half-joking, wise guy. Nyeh~!" And she retaliated with a louder raspberry of her own.
Well played, Daisy. Well played.
"Go!" And with the command of her master, the Legendary Pokémon took off with extreme speed (eh, not the move, but a general description) as we went toward our first destination.
…Ah. "Hey, do you mind if I check in on a couple of my guys during the patrol!?" We to shouted to each other through all the heavy force of the wind hitting against us.
"Sure! Just tell me which area they're in and when we're close to it, I'll steer Valentine toward it!"
Welp, lets see how a couple of my pals are doing.