**chapter 3:- Ichiro and my acquaintance.

Ichiro's car stopped near a big building, on top of which "U Association" was written.

Then they entered through a large blue gate.

After entering Zavian saw a lot of people there.some were fighting with each other for practice. Some were practicing magical powers.

"Who are these people?", Zavian asked to Ichiro.

Ichiro said this is a association to train ULMs like you. This is the place to train the one who is blessed with supernatural powers to protect the normies.

And from whom you are protecting normies. From the bad creatures of nature and mankind and from the ULMs who are using their power in a wrong way.

Don't you know that your mother was murdered by an ULM. Zavian asked again with a empty look on his face. How do you know that?

Then the association time was over and association's kid began to live for their house.

I will tell you later. First go in that last room on the left and eat up something.

Zavian said, no! Tell me now. But then his stomach interrupted and started growling with hunger.

Ichiro laughed at this and said, first go and eat up something. And there is also someone like you in that room I hope you both made good friends with her.


Then they both went into the room. The room was not so big and has a king size bed in it. And a girl was lying on the bed.

She at one came to them at the very moment she saw both of them and hold elina's hand and said are you going to live with me.

My name is "Isha" and what's your name. It's so lonely alone. Is that boy also going to stay here. She asked all of these questions in one breath. Elina was confused which question should I answer first. After taking a deep breath she said my name is Elina. And his name is Zavian we both are going to stay here for now. And after that Zavian jumped on the bed and lay down.

"I am so tired it's so comfortable", Zavian said.

Isha said where are you from Zavian.

I am from "Velmora " he said.

So, you live here. Then you will go to your home everyday, Isha said.

I don't have one, Zavian said with painful expression.

With his expression isha decided not to ask further questions from him.

Then a lady came with food and said eat up.

Elina and Zavian were so hungry. That when the woman served food they started eating like starving people.

Isha was watching them shockingly.

And after eating Elina and isha started chatting. But Zavian was sitting crouched in the corner of the bed. And after sometime it was night. Isha and Elina both fell asleep. But Zavian was unable to sleep. He kept thinking about her late aunt and after thinking too much, tears welled up in his eyes.

After sometime he wiped his tears and went to walk in the corridor.

When he was wondering around in the corridor. Ichiro saw him and came to him. What happen my boy.

Unable to sleep Ichiro asked.

Zavian didn't say anything. But Ichiro wanted to distract him.

Then after thinking sometime Ichiro said hey! Zavian aren't you forgetting something. Zavian said, what.

So, "you really forgot", Ichiro said.

Weren't you asking me in the afternoon.

How do I know your parents?

Well, have you ever seen a photograph of three men in your album?.

In which your father was standing in the middle and a stranger in right is me .And "Zen" is standing on the left.

We three were best friends until "the humanity eclipse tragedy" it was the tragedy in which your parents died. The tragedy was so intense that almost 80 lakhs people died. Don't know why but zen wants to destroy Ulms. he hypnotize

Thousands of people and distributed them his power his power was so intense that every one of his man was so strong even after having a small piece of his power. How did he become so powerful?, Zavian asked. Don't know, Ichiro said. This photograph is the last photo of him with us. We had never met him after that. And when he was gone away. We got a news of her little sister's death. We felt so bad.

So, how did the tragedy stop?, Zavian asked.

The tragedy was stopped by the former chairman of this "U" Association. He was also so powerful. Their fight end in two days and the "Muchirou" the former chairman was died in the end. And Muchirou had cut off one of his hands .

Zen decided to return in the end. And he announced that he will return after twenty years. And that will be the end of Ulms and powers .

So, I was quite frightened as I saw everything with my on eyes. He also refused to recognise me and your father.

He was looking quite a different person.

After that I decided to run "U" Association myself to train the people like you to protect the innocent and normal people and there are still fourteen years. So, you should train so hard that you become so powerful to protect people from devil's like zen.

And I think you should revenge your mom and dad.

Yes, "I will",Zavian said willingly.

Then go to bed . And your training will start tomorrow. Okay!

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