The principal of the high school where Precy graduated in Mombasa called to ask after her, Lousia wept all through the call explaining to him what she was going through'' as an invisible man has taken over her world hurting her she used to cry out every night at a particular looking with agony and fear and she will say please help me he is hurting me and she will just drift back to sleeping gradually with deep sorrow and misery in her face.

He took a deep breath, and encouraged her not to cry again, that one of the reasons she called her is to let her know that a vigil was going to be organized for Precy at the school hall, but he told her to stay at home with her and just keep praying with them, as friends, Alumni and students gathered at the ''Precy Hall'' the school hall was just recently renamed after her due to her kind and big heart how she has been single-handedly donating for the development of this high school, her educational and sports achievements.

Principal gave a short speech before leading the attendees to a series of prayers, THE TITLE NOT GONE TOO SOON'', He said they should thank the lord Jesus Christ that is not gone too soon, they are there to do, they have not come to her graveside he encourage them that if they can pray according to the word of the lord in Matt 7v7 that says ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened.

He encouraged them that they are the future, and because of this the enemy is after them, he let them know how he use to work subtly and how he to crept in, he comes in a small deceptive voice telling you that Pornography', gambling, drinking, premarital sex, addiction to social media is nothing, just to mention few, he used the opportunity to tell them some truths the devil has been hidden especially for the youth of this generation, Principal make it know how the enemy the devil use to work and after gaining access to their minds and heart through all this addictions and deadly-habits he will begin to use their minds again them.

He said he was saying this because of what is going on around the world and how the youth Especially are so ignorant'' of their arch enemy in this lost world running wild to judgement' some through their way of life '' their lives is like dining and wining with the enemy'' He let them know he is talking out of his heart like a father to them'' he let them know he feels the challenges they are facing especially in this world of high Tech, in which a teenager can be addicted to anything through the use of Android phone.

During our time there are no challenges like this, they are all good but if one is not careful in handling technology, it can turnout to be a hazard for the users. if they are not careful and be mindful of how they are using it. I speak to you today as a father pouring out my heart to you because you are all my children, don't let Technology take the place of your maker in your youthful and blessed hearts, live a balanced life.

The two vigil days were so emotional, the second night after prayers, with tears Precy best friend Andy during high school days said he had a poem written for her he had travelled from Nairobi to attend the two days vigil.

It has been so dark,

We are missing your shining light as a star,

Our hearts are like a ship tossed in the waves of life,

Precy wherever you may be, the dark sky is waiting for your light once again, and the world.

The stage of figure skating awaits,

Your flame and flavour, you and Josh your pair,

Brought to the world of figure skating,

Must not die off Please arise,

You both are stars that deserve to twinkle,

For a long time to come.

This put tears in almost every eye, The Principal encouraged them to believe that the Lord they have come to cry to will surely return her to them again he warned them" About moments of lord why? to ask Lord why? Is not a sin but that should not push them to offend the one they have cried to, because too many times he does warn us but we are just ignorant because we don't know his loving ways. 

Josh felt like if he was in the belly of the fish who is he going to meet? that can give him the lead that he needs, the urge is so strong within him to make some investigation concerning Zengo, he believes that he is the man that his secret wife Precy and Pair was seeing hurting her and making her live miserably since she was discharged from the hospital, he knows this is not the case of police again, he knows if he should show up to the police sergeant that was assigned to them by the police commissioner that he is back in town they will put him back into the next flight for the fear of anything happening to him.

He felt like Jonah in the belly of the fish, he could not pick point who he can go and meet to explain to him. he looked so confused almost all the female air hostesses came at one point or another to offer him something he gently smiles and let them know he is not needing anything at that time, He looked more handsome, more than ever, he will always blame fate why is it that whenever he is going through turmoil, or any unpalatable experience he became noticeable handsome more than before, he made up his mind to fight the distraction that has risen against him like waves of the ocean trying to separate him and his wife.

Lousia wept the more because the small voice kept whispering to her she should forget it'' Josh has gone for good forever, It is only her alone and remaining two most important people in her life and they are dying off, the tormenting voice even told her to pick one that will die first, she called back the Principal, after praying with her she could see that her peace was restored, she stood up from the corner of the sitting room she has turned to her weeping corner.

she scrolls down on her phone with her shaking hands'' lifting up her phone and crying Lord please lead me to mail any international prayer hotline'' I can see that whenever the Principal pray for me I have peace' but lord I don't want to use my challenges to board him he is such a busy man, but lord at the same time the two parts of my heart is dying off, nothing should happen to them, Lord am lonely Please bring Josh back to me is the only son I have in this world she bust out weeping as the thought hit her again that he has use wisdom to done her and Precy because of the challenges.

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