The village heads council in the district of Nongo that Moriya, Precy grandma belonged too, because she was a village head wanted to use the council membership button to get Moriya and her household out of detention, many of them still believes that there is nothing wrong in cultural practices like ritual of sexual cleansing'' but a particular woman advocate an activist from the city Lilongwe informed the rest of the team what the head of council are planning to do, their moved to release this culprits were stopped so Moriya and her daughter -in-law and the twins her grandchildren that Eden her daughter in-law had been lying that they belong to ken her late son up till that moment she never knew Moriya has gotten to know the truth that they are not her legitimate grandchildren.
Kwada cab stopped in front of a big cathedral in the center of the town of Nongo though old it looked beautiful because it has just been repainted, Josh checked it time it was 2 oclock in the afternoon, his throat felt dry, Kwada led him inside the cathedral, pls sir sit down'' let me go into the vicarage at the back to call priest Fernadez, he quickly followed him into the church, as Kwada tried to introduced Josh, Kwada no need he said' i know him am a lover of sport as well as he gave Josh a big warm hug''and he whisper son you are welcome you are one of us.
Kwada excuse them to talk, My son what brought you he led him to alter, son this as been my practices for decades as a priest, I invite the creator, our lord into any issue someone is bringing in into the church, He owns the church because he is the one that knows all thing, he is the ancient of day,'' as they knealt down by the alter' oh! our creator hear what your son have to say' 'Amen. Josh wonder 'within him what a short prayer' he led him to the one of the front pews, My son you can now speak, Josh took a deep breath looking into his eye I thank God that you know me, at the same time been a priest it means you will know how to keep matters confidential sir, Priest fernadez nodd to say yes' Kwada brought me when I told him I wanted to know more about Zengo that who can I speak too. He narrated the dreams he had been having.
The call of Grandma shinba to him, on her sick bed, telling him that she can't explain but the solution to Precy's problem lie with him, he told the priest Fernadez what happen to Precy Priest fernadez was the first person that got to know about their secret marriage, how they planned to consummate after winning the goldmedal at Tokyo Olympics 2021, Josh so much believed in this dream that had been his goal, that even brought him to Africa in search of a pair when Ruthgina dropped him in the middle of preparation for Rio in 2016.
He made up his mind'' that when the going gets tough the though get going that he will achieve his dreams, but I can't just understand priest what is going on, we have trained so hard me and Precy, we have won so may competitions before Olympics that is the reason why fans gave us Hearts of Gold because of our dazzling performances am not saying this for been proud, but sir my heart bled for what happened to my wife, she was just so innocent, I tried to take if off my mind that her paternal grandma and zengo robbed me of the gift of that precious night of turning her into a woman she really deserved to be he looked away with tears in his eye he brutally raped her in the name of tradition she did not want it, Priest frenadez draw close to him and gave him a hug.
We are in this together son, he said in a low sad voice' I want to ask you some questions, Josh looked surprise when he heard him saying'' we are in this together' Is Precy tested for any STDs no; he answered' 'Priest Fernadez looked up and do a thank you gesture to heaven, son thank you stars on daily basis I pray to the Lord to help not to be a Prisoner on the Pew'' because is what we preach about almost on daily basis, I don't want to be a priest that preach to the sheep as a sphered but living another life.
Josh looked confuse "Priest what do you mean by prisoners on the Pews'' My son is not only people that are having an addiction or bad habits are in the prison of those addictions, many parishioner are in the Prison of unforgiveness despite they don't drink, they don't fornicate, some are in the prisons of bitterness, some furious anger and they sat on the pews, Pews are the church furniture like this one we are siting on, eight years ago, I lost my only daughter and child my beautiful Alicia, she brightens up everywhere she found her self, she was just an angel.
So what happen to her, Josh could see the sadness setting in on his face as he began to share his story, It took us ten years after marriage for me and my wife to have this bundle of Joy that the Lord gave us maybe the lord has seen how the end will be that is the reason why we had that delay in having her'' she just turned 18 that time I was even planning how the church will celebrate with us, surrounding this town are villages it was huts they are still living in thousands of miles away some even extend to the rural coastal area is always a beauty to behold.
My wife has gone to one of this villages to go and visit her mother who was sick, without telling me she had called Alicia our daughter to join her in the village not to come from school to the vicarage in the town, when the situation has gone out of hand I received a call from the hospital that I should come to the city government hospital that Alicia was bleeding, till tomorrow my son I don't know how to describe the fear, I change from my cassock and travel down cape Maclear.