Chapter 7: chapter 7

The advice that the herbal man gave to Moriya settles her fears, she hates the love Josh had for Precy out of envy this is the love she desired between her and her husband who had left her many years ago and surprisingly found it with her granddaughter she is trying to settle score with. The bond between Josh and Precy will never stop to amaze her been a hypocrite and a pretender showing the world how loving but within her she is the the sneakiest serpent. 

Still seeking to break the love bond between these two people fate has brought together; Papin promises her the herbal drink will be ready the next fortnight, she is happy with the plan because Precy has been alive has started to give her concern and is like fear in. now creeping into her heart. Her wicked heart has begun to fear the loving heart that was sustaining Precy's heart to keep living despite all the wickedness poured out on her twice she Shedd her blood, she starved her with water, tortured her with mosquitoes and Malaria, Zengo used back of his hand that was hard like a clamp to slap her that she had a black eye when she was refusing him from having oral sex with her; her left eye become blood stain he secretly told Eden, the weather was hash, they stole all her things, deprived her of her freedom, wasting her time but she is still calling out to this boy "Ummh! Papin must be quick about the herbal drink she packed her farm produced into the barn.

Gina came the following morning to check on Precy. Josh felt like he should have a superpower to locate his secret wife and turn the hands of time so they could adequately prepare for the upcoming Olympics in July. Gina said they should not have allowed Zengo to do the ritual cleansing with her she could see that She had a severe viginal tear she recommended some drugs which Moriya gave her the money to get them, on her way back she met her mother Gina said she had been to the next town to get drugs she was not living with her mother again when they meet like that her mother Nandi Moriya's childhood friend will like to know how her only daughter was doing Oops! Mother I have gone to get drugs for your friend's relative who has been sick for a while Nandi looks surprised which friend are you talking about, Gina too looking surprised Mother please stop this jesting am tired I want to go and administer the drugs so I can get home on time my daughter am not joking with you, wait so you want to tell me that you don't know that Moriya's relative had been sick. But Grandma Moriya told me two of you have even planned to take her to the herbal man, Nandi still confused me touching her chest with her fingers when was that ha! daughter please there is a cause for alarm Please follow me don't go yet to administer the drugs Gina had to follow her mother. She said to her daughter recently Moriya had been hiding things from me even in an embarrassing way as usual I would follow and enter but now she would see me off by the door as if I want to steal from her little house but as friends I did not allow that to offend, she was hiding something my daughter and do you know that am beginning to suspect her because she was lying something she will be talking alone to herself, please try and found out who this person is how can she behaving like this she must be hiding matters from me and now involving me only daughter what if everything should turn out the way it should not, please do me this favor use wisdom to ask who the person is and I will know what to do I want you to be involved in a case that can later cause you problem now so some extent you are involved already but please do that for me, she still looking confused about all what her mother was saying, she left having in mid what her mother has begged her to do after the drugs she did not have the chance to do it, but she will still be going for the next three days to administer the drugs the following day as Gina approach the house she could see that despite the afternoon time the the twins are in their hut sleeping the fence gate open and the door to Moriya house to open.

Fortunately for her the room where they kept Precy was open but she was still tied down, after giving her the drugs she went back to the main door and locked the door" Please I just want to know who you are please don't be afraid am a good person Precy was sacred of everyone she refuses to talk'' please I don't know the reason why they kept you here just to show to you I want to help you here is my phone do you want to talk to anybody tears rolled down her face I will like to speak to Josh do you know his number she nodded to say yes, we must be fast about this she called the numbers as she dialed it at first maybe because it was a foreign number it was not going but as she tried the second time it rang Josh at the other end look at the number with surprise, he could not believe the voice like a whisper Josh is me Precy she busts out weeping am in Malawi but No more he shouted Precy please where are you? Malawi tears streaming down her eyes please hang on am coming for you, hello sir Gina said may it first she needs help, Please don't cry help is on the way Josh told Gina is safe can she talk Gina told him to call back in thirty minutes that she will quickly leave where she is now she did not go back to go and wake the sleeping twins she heard straight to her mother's house.

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