Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Hazbin Hotel Pilot Part 1
Across the multiple planes of reality, it seemed that no one was safe from the gripping revelation that spread like wildfire in the wake of this catastrophic broadcast. Every human, demon, and angel held their breath, bracing for the unknown as chaos enveloped both the living and the afterlife, all orchestrated by the mysterious entity known as Kieran.
In the living world, the streets of Earth buzzed with murmurs, chatter, and shouts as people gathered to theorize the legitimacy of the broadcast. As time passed, it became increasingly undeniable that this broadcast, no matter how unnatural or absurd, was becoming more and more real with each passing moment.
"Are you kidding me?! First, we have to deal with fucking COVID, and now this?! I'm so done..."
"What the hell is the 'Hazbin Hotel'?"
Across the beachside bar, Lucas listened in shock to the broadcast, just like most if not all of his patrons had been for the past few minutes since Kieran began explaining the reasons behind his hijacking. By now, the California bar was completely full, alongside many other establishments. Word had spread rapidly across the beach, leaving it eerily empty save for a few uncaring souls.
With the timer in the TV began counting down, many beachgoers leaned in with morbid curiosity, while others engaged in conversation, their voices reflecting a mixture of fear, curiosity, and a hint of excitement at what was to be revealed as Kieran initiated the streaming process.
Then he looked down and saw a Kitsuna staring up at him with curious eyes.
Of course, it's presence was a shock to everyone, so the customers began taking pictures and videos of the tiny yellow creature.
Lucas didn't know what to do to with it, he just found it rummaging behind the locker room where he kept all of the booze and liquor he stored there but he's not sure on what he should do.
On one hand, he could hand it over to the government, but then they would probably experiment on it to which he absolutely despises. But on the other hand, he could keep it, maybe the creature can help boost the bar's popularity like acting as it's mascot.
That's a problem for future Lucas as he served drinks animatedly to the people, hoping to dull the intense emotions with the buzz of alcohol, as he listened intently to the conversations unfolding around him.
"So, God is real... damn. I should've listened to my parents, you know how religious they are! I am so screwed!" One of the jocks spoke nervously to his friends, his burly frame a stark contrast to the hushed tones in which they conversed. Pushing away their bottles of beer, which Lucas knew that they were too young for, hunched over in the face of this revelation, undoubtedly rethinking their life decisions up until this point.
"Same dude, I should've gone to summer school like my parents wanted me to. I mean, what if we go to Hell!?!" Another jock yelled out.
Beside them, a third friend who seemed to have taken the opposite approach as Lucas dubbed the 'Welp, I'm too far gone now, might as well screw it up further' attitude. He began taking shots as if they were water, embodying the reckless abandonment that some patrons had adopted in response to the shocking revelation.
"Ahhh well then fuck it! I'm not gonna live like some tight ass just because a higher power said so!" He exclaimed, slamming his glass against the hardwood of his table to which some of the other jocks cheered him on enthusiastically.
"Do you think we'll see someone we know?" A female asked from another table.
Turning to refill another tray of beers for the nearby jock group, Lucas listened curiously as he walked within earshot to a group of young girls who had gathered due to the unusual broadcast like moths to a flame.
They were all what he'd call the stereotypical 'beach blondes,' with overly tanned skin and skimpy bikinis on display to attract attention. Their bleach blonde hair flowed around their faces. However, David noted that some of them were usually smarter than they let on, but they were still suckers for drama.
"I mean, it's plausible, girl. Remember that chick Jessica from high school? Like, no offense, but she was a bitch though she did hardcore shit. She died when she drove her car into a tree, she could totally be down there." One of them mentioned.
The idea hit the barkeeper like a ton of bricks, freezing him in his tracks. He hadn't considered the implications of seeing the afterlife in such a way, being reunited with loved ones previously thought lost. Lucas then imagined his parents who died in a car accident, he would do anything to see them one last time.
Almost collectively, the group of girls hummed in agreement before another spoke up. David listened intently as he continued to prepare a handful of drinks towards the group.
"Maybe my uncle! He died of a drug overdose in 1998. I never got to meet him, but I heard he was sweet. Maybe some good will come out of this?" Another girl said in a hopeful tone.
It seemed a different girl within the flock disagreed as a redhead played with the straw in her drink, the ice clinking inside her fruity cocktail beverage as she spoke with an obnoxious, bitchy tone that left no room for contest.
"As if! Can you imagine what life is gonna be like if this is real? Legit world crisis on our hands, and even if we did see our families down there, doesn't that mean they were bad people?" She asked the group.
"Pfft, as if you can talk, Amy, given the amount of people you've slept with this summer-"
"Aaand I'm outta here." Lucas swiftly moved on, swiping his tray to navigate across the now cluttered main floor of the bar while the Kitsuna following right behind him as the TV volume blared, filling the space with as the timer is still counting down.
In other corners of the globe, hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists and philosophers found themselves collectively grappling with the revelations brought forth by Kieran. His words shattered the age-old questions that had been cultivated over thousands of years, theories and beliefs that had fuelled conflicts and disputes throughout human history.
Yet, while the revelation of Heaven and an afterlife's existence answered some long-standing queries, it simultaneously gave rise to millions of unanswered questions. The minds of scholars, philosophers and thinkers raced as they all tried to comprehend the implications of this newfound knowledge,
And the fact that he is going to show them the future and that God is an employee to someone like Kieran just left them dumbfounded.
"I can't believe it, the afterlife does exist, does this confirm the stories from the Bible to be viable and true?" A scholar asked.
"Would that disprove the theory of the Big Bang?" A student asked his friend.
"Surely not! Then again, how do we explain this entire new concept of another plane of existence? The photos that were shown depicted an entirely separate realm from our own. The implications this has on physics are huge!" His friend exclaimed as he swung his hands.
Gathered in the once empty auditorium, scholars from across the city had quickly filtered into the facility as word began to spread of this unnatural phenomenon. The projector beamed the timer upon the enormous screen, captivating the multitude of students, professors, and other academics who had gathered to watch.
An older man, his eyes filled with enthusiasm, conversed eagerly amongst his peers. He seemed to tremble with excitement as he and his colleagues began to take immediate notes, their minds racing with theories and hypotheses to explain the unprecedented revelation unfolding before them. In the hushed atmosphere of the auditorium, the buzz of intellectual curiosity filled the air,
"What does this mean about the world's biggest religious institutions though? The impact it will have socially and economically is catastrophical! And does this indeed prove that Christianity is the one true religion or are we talking about a combination of beliefs having stemmed from one event?!"
"Well by the looks of it, it could be the case. Though what really should we be asking is that God is an employee to Kieran!" A blue-haired student slammed down on the table.
"Calm down, Jacob!" His girlfriend, Samantha placed a hand on her, "You heard what he said, he said he was occupying for someone else, maybe there are different Gods who are in charge of this universe."
"That still doesn't change the fact that God is working for someone!" He retaliated, slightly scaring Samantha, who he noticed it, "I'm sorry Sammy, but it's just.. hard to process all of this."
She doesn't mind as other students and professors were busy discussing their own theories about all of this as the timer is still counting down.
Jason can feel the shock run through him in the house, confusion and fear running through their bodies as they are trying comprehend the shocking news Kieran had just told them. While Jason was dubious of the future being shown through television, he felt even more doubt knowing that Heaven and Hell is real. The real thing.
He never believed in those spiritual or paranormal things, often wanting to see proof and these creatures are proving they are indeed real. He didn't know what to think anymore.
He thought of those moments where he mocked spirits and thinking they weren't real and moved on with his life, he wondered if he had angered any paranormal entities with his mocking and now, he was weary of it.
Sarah, his sister, was on her phone, her expression showing shock and surprised as she scrolled through her phone and began reading the media. She flipped her phone around and Jason can see that everyone around the world was watching the same thing on their own television, mobile devices and other electronics, that just proves that this is indeed happening and it was not a dream.
Jason pulled out his own phone and began to scroll through the media, Kieran, the God of Light, was trending on twitter as there were more and more posts being about him which is over 3 millions mentions.
"Are we really believing that Heaven and Hell are real?" He typed on his phone. There were replies to his post, stating that Christians were right about God being real and that heaven and hell were real and they always believed it.
"Heaven is real people! Believe in the word of God and save your soul! Pray to God now before it's too late." A post replied with a horrible edited picture of Jesus with dozens of crosses.
He sighed, and looked towards his left and see a Kitsuna playing with his old action figures.
He was surprised to see that creature just appeared out of nowhere like in a video game, though both he and Sarah didn't mind it's presence as it is quite cute. Sarah even nicknamed it, 'Lucky' despite everything that they have just seen.
He wondered if his dad was in hell, he was an abusive bastard who regularly beats his wife until they were finally old enough to move out and he died in the middle of a gang war. Good riddance if that's his honest opinion.
Still, he wondered what was going in the rest of the world right now.
United States of America
The White House:
Former president, Donald Trump was busy dealing with phone calls that were suddenly began ringing after Kieran's unexpected broadcast and his revelation that Hell and Heaven exists.
"This must be a trick! I refused to believed that something like Hell and Heaven actually exists!! Now if you know what's good for you, you will never call this number again!!" He slammed the phone down on the receiver, feeling stressed out about the situation that has been unfolded.
"Geez, Trump I didn't know that someone like you can get so flustered." Barack Obama commented, which irritated the former president.
"Shut the hell up, Obama! I just refused to believe that God is real unlike Sleepy Joe there!" Donald Trump pointed at Joe Biden, who was busy playing with a Kitsuna.
"Oh, come on Trump. Get your stick out of your ass already." The current president of the United States of America, Joe Biden, replied. "Besides, I think that it's nice knowing that our Lord and Saviour does exist."
Speaking of which, Donald Trump narrowed his eyes at the Kitsuna, despite not believing that God is real, he can't deny that creature just pop out of nowhere in his office and was looking around like a lost child.
He almost wanted to call the scientists to have it run some tests on it if weren't for Obama and Joe suddenly stopped by that day.
"Enough Joe, I just think that we should address the current situation right now, that Kieran guy just confirmed that the afterlife exists and I am receiving calls from other countries non-stop to supply them with weapons!" He shouted at the two of them, which they were left confused.
"But don't you supply weapons to fight against the Chinese?" Obama pointed out.
"That was different, this time they want those weapons because they're afraid that these so called 'demons' might start to attack Earth." Donald Trump answered.
Joe Biden for once was actually thinking straight, "But why though, as far as we all know, those Demons are currently in hell and that they have no way to access our realm?"
Donald Trump shrugged, "Beats me, then again maybe they're just paranoid that some Demons managed to be spotted on Earth or something."
The three men all agreed, its impossible for some demons to suddenly appeared from hell and kill anyone right?
666 News Studio:
"Oh, Satan! Could this gaudy bitch give it a rest? I bet that princess set this up! This 'Redemption' bullshit again?!"
Spitting out a rogue tooth she'd planned on munching, the praying mantis demon, also known as the Head News anchor for Hell's most notorious news station, Katie Killjoy, screeched with her usual bitter tone, causing the crew to wince. The demoness was already infuriated over the fact that her own segment had been interrupted, leading to a few more casualties among her crew.
"First, that prissy gay bitch couldn't keep her damn ideas to herself on my...."
"Our...." Tom Trench muttered with a painful groan, nursing his wounds from Katie's fury.
"My show, yet now we're going to have to listen to this crazy bullshit again!? She needs to stay in her own damn lane!" , She proudly screeched above the chatter of the crowd who had been watching the 666 News.
"Oh shut your trap you pompous bitch! Some of us are trying to watch the fucking thing! We don't need you yapping!"
Suddenly an unknown voice piped up from the crowd; stating with a frustrated and uncaring tone as they threw a paper cup of coffee at the woman, instantly soiling her dress.
She lunged at the demon, instantly starting another brawl as Tom Trench sighed, glad to not be the punching bag this time as the timer on the screen is still counting down.
V Tower:
Deep inside the tower, the Vees looked at all of the screens with various reactions. Vox froze and snarled as Velvet rolled her eyes. "That bastard managed to override my whole damn service, and he uses it to broadcast to Earth?! " Despite the TV demon's powers, nothing would remove the so called God of Light from his domain.
Velvet, chewing on her bubble-gum was unfazed by her co-worker's antics as she looked at the various tweets, all about Kieran and he brought the existence of Hell and Heaven to the living world.
Valentino sneered, but raised an eyebrow. The moth demon took a drag of his cigarette. "It is... unusual that this happened. As frustrating as this is... I say we let him continue."
Vox gripped the expensive couch with his claws, growling. "What do you mean?!"
The moth demon grinned sharply, and tapped his claws onto the table. "This... Kieran. He has access to Earth's signals, and managed to override ALL of them. Which means he's not just more powerful than us... he's directly challenging Lucifer and Heaven."
Velvet gaped, " What the fuck. Even I'm not that crazy. " Vox slowed his breathing, his digital eyes still furrowed in a glare.
"You don't believe that he's more powerful than God himself right?!" He demanded.
Valentino then took a large of his cigarette before he exhaled, his pink smoke filled the room. "I don't believe that, however let's just wait and see what happens first."
Vox then tried to come up with a response before he relented, "Fine! Not like I'm going to like it though!"
Unbeknownst to them, they were unaware of a Kitsuna who was hiding in the corner, watching and observing the three of them.
Hazbin Hotel:
"Uh oh..."
Across the Hazbin Hotel, most of its residents sat frozen, their eyes glued to the screen as Kieran announced the title of his upcoming revelation. Charlie, in particular, began to sweat, her usually porcelain-white skin turning a bright shade of red in what everyone assumed was embarrassment. Sensing her distress, Vaggie placed a comforting hand on her girlfriend's arm, attempting to reassure the hellborn despite her own concerns.
"Hun, maybe... maybe this is a good thing? More people will be able to see the Hotel and might consider joining!"
Sliding down the velvet fabric of the couch they sat on, Charlie seemed to want the material to consume her as she covered her face with her hands, groaning. Though her voice was muffled by her limbs, her distress was palpable.
"But Vaggie! This is so awkward! Oh goodness, what if he shows me utterly failing to save everyone from the extermination?" She asked her girlfriend, who was trying her best to calm her down.
Vaggie's embrace tightened around Charlie, offering solace as she stroked her girlfriend's hair, trying to ease her distress. Charlie, visibly panicking, let out a whimper, her emotions threatening to spill over into tears.
The two Kitsuna who were next to them just looked at each other and nodded as they both ran to the couple and embraced in a tight embrace.
"Oh! Wh-what are you doing?" Charlie was caught off guard by this as well as Vaggie who was trying to shove it off of her leg.
The Kitsuna just looked up at her with pleading eyes, wanting her to calm down.
"Aw, I can never stay mad at you, come here!" Charlie hugged it back as they both wore happy expressions on their faces.
Meanwhile, Angel Dust, who had been frozen in shock, sprang into action, causing the pink pig in his lap to tumble onto the couch.
Pacing back and forth, Angel's usually flamboyant demeanour was replaced by anxiety. He ran his fingers through his hair in a frantic manner as his mind was racing with worry. Finally, he made his way to the bar with a sense of urgency.
"Shit, shit, shit! That's the least of our worries, toots. I mean, what if Val sees me like this? It'll ruin my entire image, people having to see me go clean, and he'll be sooo pissed... ." He said, scared at what Valentino was going to do to him.
"Fuckin dammit! I'm gonna need some hardcore shit. Hey Husk, can you pour me a drink?!"
Glaring at the spider demon, Husk groaned as he slid himself from the countertop of the bar to begin mixing the sweet concoction he knew the porn star loved, the feline knew most of them would need the alcoholic buzz to keep them from spontaneously combusting from embarrassment or awkwardness if this entity truly were going to show them to the entirety of the living and dead.
All the while the third Kitsuna was at Angel Dust's side, alongside Fat Nuggets as they both looked up at Angel Dust with concern.
"Oh yay! You think we'll really be on TV?! Do you think I'll become famous?! Ooo I hope so!" Nifty exclaimed loudly.
It seems that besides Alastor, Niffty was the only one of the hotel residents not afraid or worried as she practically vibrated in excitement at the idea of being broadcasted across the TV's of millions across the planes of the universe. Twirling happily, the tiny cyclops bounced eagerly towards her boss, hopping up onto his shoulder.
"Would do you think Alastor?! You think we'll be famous?!" She grinned madly at him.
Alastor turned his warped demonic smile towards Niffty as he let out a amused, yet intrigued static hum despite having stayed strangely quiet since the broadcast.
"Why Nifty Darling I wouldn't see why not! With your charming personality you'll make the crowd swoon! Though I don't have much hope for the rest of them! Ha! Ha! I'll be finding this wholly entertaining~" He said with his jovial yet methodical voice rang out throughout the room.
Listening to Alastor's rather blunt and uncaring words, Charlie peered over her hands with furrowed brows before she spoke up.
"Alastor, this could mean serious trouble for us, what if Heaven decides to move the extermination even CLOSER because of this broadcast?!" She asked the manager of the Hazbin Hotel.
Laughing animatedly, the seemingly heartless sound causing shivers across the room, Alastor responded with a wave of his cane as he picked Nifty off of his shoulders and onto the ground.
"Dear Charlie, do you really think Heaven will be concerned with us right now? If what this fellow says is true, we won't have any trouble for a while, they'll be doing damage control! Humans finding out about us?! There simply will be carnage!"
Alastor laughed out loud at this hilarious predicament, it seems that whatever goes his way, he'll always face it head on with that smile of his.
"And I believe that your father is busy doing that right now!" Alastor pointed out which immediately gathered Charlie's attention.
"Oh shit, you're right! I better call Dad about this right now!" Scrambling to get her phone out of her pocket, Charlie began frantically trying to dial her dad's number, hoping that he'll pick up this time.
While she's doing that, Alastor's eyes narrowed down at the Kitsuna that was next to Charlie, wondering just what exactly that thing is and how does it taste. He licked his lips, imagining the flavour that he will hopefully get to eat it.
Lucifer's Palace
The sound of notifications on his phone jolted him awake, the various pings of private messaging's from his many other acquaintances that he gave his number too. He glanced at his phone he left on the table behind him. His phone was buzzing, vibrating all over the table.
He snatched his phone before it dropped to the floor. He frowned as he scrolled through the messages, all leading to the same topic.
Something had happened and he didn't even realize it.
He ignored most of the messages and opened up Charlie latest text.
He tilted his head when she explained what was going on and to call her when he managed to get this message, that was only a few minutes ago. How odd, normally he gets her messages instantly and he always replied fast when it comes to his daughter.
So this situation was about the hijacking of the network was all over hell huh?
He doesn't normally care about anything related to technology, he'd never found entertainment in watching shows nor does he care about the social media, as he has his employees to deal with that matter.
But if Charlie is asking him for guidance about the hijacking, he better get to work and fix it for her.
He walked out of his room and any lingering imps that he had hired years ago are still working for him, making sure that his place was clean and tidy scattered out of his way, bowing down to him as he passed by. Their expressions showed surprise and shock. It has been a while since Lucifer walked anywhere besides his workshop.
He went to the living room, and turned on the television and watched the replay of the incident that caused the entirety of hell to panic.
He frowned when this 'Kieran' finished his speech and the timer was counting down, probably to get as many people to comprehend on what had just happened.
He sat down on the couch, thinking.
An imp shyly approached him, holding a tray of his favourite tea and cookies. Lucifer smiled, thanking the imp as they poured his tea before bowing and leaving him alone.
"I shall bring you your favourite lunch, your majesty." The Imp said before closing the door.
Lucifer sighed, while shaking his head fondly. His employees were all loyal to him, never once quitting their jobs to find another master to serve, instead they stayed by his side despite locking himself in his workshop. He still paid them for their work though.
He slapped his cheeks. 'Come on you fool! It's time to concentrate!'
He hummed, thinking about what the hacker called himself. 'An Observer'. Tacky name aside, he briefly remembered reading about something with that name somewhere. He was always curious about everything, wanting to learn new things and helped create new projects.
He frowned, thinking about the times he spent in the heavenly library, reading book after book before he came across a book about them, beings that existed long before time itself. How there were many entities that existed long before Fath.... He created life.
Before everything that happened to lead to his fall... Lucifer exhaled, eyes closed as his heart was pounding in his chest. Now is not the time to remember...that..
He once asked... Him, about the Observers and the lack of information about the entities but he didn't really get an explanation, only a few bits.
The Observers were beings that didn't have an actual physical body, they just took the form that their most comfortable with, though they mostly looked human and they act like them. From what he heard, their job was to observe the countless dimensions that they had created and made sure that it's peaceful.
Though, he once overheard....him mentioning about a particular Observer.... Vivziepop was it? Strange name.
There was no information on how to get rid of those screens. His intention was explained already, he intended to show them his knowledge of the future and wish to be entertained by watching their reaction to the future ahead of them.
Lucifer sighed, he's going to have a lot of work to do once this is all over.
He didn't realised that a Kitsuna was already next to him and it squeaked which startled him so much that he actually fall down from his couch.
"Sera? What is going on? Who was that?" Emily asked, looking at Sera for guidance, her expression worried. "What does he mean about exposing the future? Is that really possible? What does he mean he's an Observer?" Sera bit her lip. She took a deep breath before sighing.
"I'm not sure, but it seems familiar." Sera replied, "I'm going to have to go to the library and research. I'd sworn I heard the term 'Observers' somewhere." She turned around and began to fly out the door. Emily yelped before flying to catch up with her, while holding on tightly to her Kitsuna.
"He said that God is an employee to them, is that true?" Emily asked, not believing on what she just heard, "I didn't know that God would work for someone like... him."
"Father has mentioned that he had worked with the Observers." Sera admitted, her face calm even though her mind was buzzing with panic.
"I didn't really know much about that topic, only the Archangels and Jesus himself knows."
Emily frowned before she sighed, while she was the youngest of the Seraphims, she felt like everyone was treating her like a baby. She is as grown as them, she had just turned into an adult Seraphim! She wished that the others would treat her as equals. Sure, she was still tiny but that doesn't matter! She was an adult!
Emily knows that Sera doesn't really know what's going on but she can't help but feel like Sera is purposely leaving her out of it. She was part of the order! She has to know as well!
"Then what about the future? Can they really have the power to do that?" Emily asked.
Sera sighed, "I don't know, Emily. It shouldn't be possible to know the future, let alone broadcast it to the entire world."
Emily looked at her sister before following her into the giant library she used to always visit before her job was to entertain the winners and keep them happy and safe.
"Kieran... he looked like a human, can they possibly change their forms?" Emily asked, watching as her older sister go through the books one by one, picking some and adding it to the pile that was on the table.
"It's possible, though my theory is that they can change into whatever form that suits them." Sera answered as Emily dropped the Kitsuna onto the table.
"I thought the librarian would take care of the books." She mumbles, tracing her fingers on the cover. 'Unknown Entities and their mythology'." She muttered to herself.
"Are you saying that there are entities even heaven doesn't know about?" Emily asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Sera looked at her before nodding, "Yes, our father may have created life, but there were always other...entities lurking in the shadows. They had always been here, even before us."
"How is that even possible?!" Emily exclaimed, as she opened the book and began to read. She only had a few minutes to spare before the screens showed what Kieran wants to show them.
She had always thought that Father was the creator of everything.. To think that other entities had already existed long before Father, it seems...frightening.
Emily wondered if that is the reason why Heaven is so strict on staying within their golden gates. There were runes written on them, a language that she doesn't understand. No one knew what it meant except the Archangels, Jesus, and Father himself. It's as if it was to protect them from whatever was lurking out there.
Except it seems to have failed.
Emily looked at the Kitsuna that was sitting next to her, she smiled and patted it's head as she traced the words that are fading with time on the book.
Across the multiple planes everyone watched as the timer slowly begins to count down, signalling that the first broadcast was about to start.
The timer reaches zero as everyone watched with baited breath as the screens soon began to show them the first broadcast.
[Fading from the Screen, the audience watched as a full screen title sequence began presenting the words: 'Hazbin Hotel']
"What is this, a fucking movie?"
A dinosaur sinner exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief as a chorus of laughter erupted from his fellow demons across the bar floor as they watched the broadcast truly begin. By now, hundreds of demons had jammed themselves into bars or any place with a TV and alcohol.
Word had spread like wildfire across the pentagram, and it seemed that, for the first time in centuries, the city had frozen. The streets were empty as crowds formed around the TV'S, intrigued by the hijacking and the secrets being revealed by this livestream.
[Opening the sequence the broadcast begins by depicting a figure falling amongst shades of grey, eyes drawn into the background of the screen, as a soft tune plays a burst of colours shoot up whilst a harmonious voice plays]
[♫ At the end of the rainbow, there's happiness~♫]
"Oh, this is lovely. I-I mean, it's still slightly eerie, but I like musicals!"
Amidst the growing crowd of angels, a soft-spoken voice spoke out timidly. The feline angel huddled amongst her fellow heavenly inhabitants, and while many shared her sentiment, others held their breath in anticipation as the music continued, filling the now almost silent celestial streets of Heaven.
A pair of spider-like angels sat whispering amongst a group of friends, side eyeing the crowd as they conversed about the new, unusual event that happened merely minutes ago, one of the angels have long flowing hair her glowing halo hovering above the dramatic flair of hair, her 4 legs highlighted her spider like characteristics whilst a pair of two small wings peaked from behind her; she seemed jovial as she spoke with the woman, her two unusual bunny like ears poking from the top of her head bouncing happily.
Her angel companion, despite being more human like in appearance, evidently shared familial qualities, She has big voluminous hair that is supported by a hairband, she wears a double shoulder-padded suit with sleeves that extend to the palms of her upper set of hands, she wears striped gloves that reach the arms of her lower pair of hands. Despite being curvier than her companion, she exuded an air of maturity defined by the subtle marks on her face. Yet, she still maintained the heavenly youth that Paradise supplied them with.
"Well, if that's true then this is a good thing right Molly?" The taller demon asked her daughter.
Molly was still skeptical about all of this, the hijacking, the Kitsunas appearing all over Heaven, and now this? This is too good to be true.
"I don't know Ma, but I don't think that this is a good thing." She said, which made them more concerned and worried about the broadcast.
[♫ And, to find it, how often I've tried. ♫]
[Shown through cut out puppets, the audience watches as a female character is surrounded by other- rather unnatural, hellish figures with horns seemingly being told off by them]
"What the hell is that?!"
As the scenes unfolded across the world, confusion plagued many people as they watched the broadcast. Some viewers found themselves utterly lost, unable to place the characters or comprehend the unfolding narrative. Meanwhile, others were quick to voiced their disdain for the direction the broadcast seemed to be taking.
"Godammit, is this gonna be a musical?! I hate musicals! What is this, a Disney movie?!" A man shouted.
Outside an electrical store, a crowd had gathered to witness the spectacle, as the man's frustration echoed through the air. Nearby, a woman, concerned about the presence of children, shot him a sharp glare.
"There are kids here! Show some respect!" She yelled back.
Meanwhile, in the University of Chicago's auditorium, Jacob pointed out among his classmates and scientific peers rather loudly as the room erupted into instant chatter amidst the ongoing scenes.
"Could that be Satan? Or Lucifer? I mean, they must play important roles in Hell, right? Why wouldn't they show him? And why this kind of film style, it seems counterintuitive to do it like this to prove a point!"
Jacob seemed to be vibrating with enthusiasm, his energy fueled by immense quantities of caffeine as mugs of coffee surrounded him. Laying a comforting arm upon his hand, Samantha then soothed him with concern.
"Jacob, you gotta calm down. It's only just started..."
[♫ But, my life, is a race. Just a wild goose chase. ♫]
[♫ And, my dreams, have all been denied. Why have I always been a failure? ♫]
[As the scene continues, a presence is shown looming over the main female figure in almost a manner that depicts her being overshadowed before tentacles cover the screen in a transition]
"I thought we were going to see Hell! Who's this bitch?!"
Nestled closely together, students in an American high-school cafeteria leaned in closely to watch the live feed from one of the schools local news TV's many had already missed the bell as they all ditched their classes in favour of this unusual interruption.
"Ooo I bet that's the devil! I bet demons look so cool, I totally want horns!" An emo teen, clad in black with pentagram motifs spoke amongst his friends with curious yet excited tone.
"What's with the top hat? I mean he looks intimidating sure but why is it so big?" He questioned his design choices.
"Don't know, maybe it's a common thing down there in hell?" One of his friends commented.
[♫ What can the reason be? I wonder if the world's to blame ♫]
[As the tentacles proceed to envelope the screen, a white image of earth is shown revolving around while pairs of eyes begin to appear watching the planet eerily.]
"That's definitely not creepy as fuck. Why the hell would they be watching us?!"
Seated amongst his patrons, Lucas couldn't help but noticed the unease spreading through the bar. An older gentleman and many others proclaimed their distaste for the imagery, their discomfort palpable in the air.
Lucas felt a chill run down his spine, the hairs on his arms standing on end as he shared their sentiments. Glancing across the bar floor, he observed many of the female guests beginning to hold themselves, a feeble attempt to cover the exposed skin on display due to their bikinis.
[♫ I wonder if it could be me. ♫]
[Replacing the planetary imagery; five unknown figures stood in an almost sinister manner surrounded by corpses; though all five were depicted to have angelic like characteristics, they seemed to be warped. Eerie and Menacing smiles were etched onto their faces, horns atop of their head curled whilst a few even proudly wore the blood of their victims.]
Loud gasps erupted among the congregation of a monastery, the once peaceful atmosphere was shattered by waves of shock and disbelief. Their holy establishment like countless others across the world was suddenly thrusted into a state of chaos and fear as the images of Angels, were unlike any they had ever envisioned, flashed before their eyes.
Seeking to comfort her fellow sisters, especially the younger, more unsure ones, an elder, more senior nun stepped forward, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her heart.
"Ladies, let us remain calm." She urged, her words were a beacon of reassurance amidst the chaos, "The feed has only just begun, and we cannot afford to jump to conclusions."
"But Sister Mary!" One of the younger nuns interjected, her voice trembling with fear. "How can we preach peace and love if angels are... are..."
Her words trailed off, as the horror of the images rendering her momentarily speechless. Others in the congregation joined her in a mixture of panic and fervent prayer, while some remained frozen in disbelief, their faith shaken to its core by the revelation before them.
Across Heaven, a profound silence descended as the population beheld the broadcast, depicting images of angels unlike any they had ever known, even amongst themselves. Confusion and fear rippled through the celestial realm, mirroring the sentiments of those on Earth.
"Who are they?!"
"No angel looks like that! The broadcast is lying!"
"Wait a minute... don't some of those angels resemble Mr. Adam's assistant, Lute, and her sisters?!"
Chatter erupted amongst the masses, with speculation running rampant. Saint Peter was rendered speechless by the scenes unfolding before them. Calls for explanation fell on deaf ears as he was too stunned to reply, leaving the inhabitants of Heaven adrift without answers.
[♫ I'm always chasing rainbows. Watching clouds drifting by~♫]
[As the puppeteer sequence drew to a close, real footage of the Pride Ring began across the feed. The streets of hell were ransacked, soiled with the remains of sinners passed and their corpses while the blood red sun beamed down. Graffiti and signs are shown saying "Fuck You, Heaven", "Punishment" and "Your Days Are Numbered" across the pentagram.]
"Bloody Hell! That's disgusting, even if it does just look like a shitty neighbourhood, those corpses..." A scientist muttered.
Despite the gruesome sight, the audience remained transfixed on the footage of Hell. Unlike the images provided by Kieran, these close-ups had scientists and philosophers feverishly taking notes, attempting to capture every minuscule detail.
Seated amongst his friends, an off-duty sociologist couldn't contain his excitement as he delved into his analysis mode.
"This is magnificent! We've only seen what, a minute and eight seconds of content, yet it's already revealing so much! There appears to be a clear hierarchy within the afterlife, and the behaviour exhibited by these so-called angels is intriguing. What if they aren't angels at all? Oh, this is fascinating..." Surrounded by a flurry of notes, he spoke rapidly, his enthusiasm contagious with a hint of obsessiveness.
"Timmy, mate, take a breath. You're getting carried away," His friend interjected, concern evident in his voice as he attempted to temper Timmy's fervour.
The denizens of Hell paused, "Wait... that's... actually Hell! That fucker actually managed to get footage from here to Earth!" The crowd erupted in shouting, some cheering raucously while others gaped. "Holy fuck, we actually have a chance! They know we're here!"
The sinners were absolutely rioting with malicious and ecstatic glee, they were humans first and foremost after all. They missed their life on Earth, some more than others.
Hellborn demons gaped at the recording in disbelief. That God Kieran actually managed to link Hell to Earth. This was either going to be very good or very bad for all of them.
[As the images fade, the audience is then introduced to Charlie- though only briefly as she remains partly shadowed, walking upon her balcony with a solemn posture. Leaning against the railing she then proceeds to use her magic to blast fireworks into the sky, signalling the end of the recent extermination.]
[♫ My schemes are just like all my dreams/ Ending in the sky! ♫]
Doomsday District:
"God dammit! That bitch is gonna get us killed!"
Echoing across the wastelands of the Doomsday District, cries of agreement rang out from its panicked inhabitants. Sinners who were accustomed to chaos and despair, found themselves throwing fits at the looming threat of an early extermination and another reason for Heaven to rain down punishment upon them.
Chugging from a large bottle of straight liquor, a shark-like demon bared his sharp teeth in a predatory display of frustration. With a violent toss, he hurled the glass bottle against the wall, the sound cutting through the tense air.
"This bitch is so dramatic! She can take her looney tunes shit somewhere else because so far, she hasn't done much for us other than putting us in deeper shit!" He voiced his discontent.
"Who do you think that is?!"
Inside of a bustling laboratory, a scientist's eyes widened with excitement as they witnessed Charlie's display of abilities.
Despite its seemingly small scale, that demonstration has defied numerous laws of physics that they had spent their entire careers studying. A flurry of questions erupted among the gathered scientists, all eager to unravel the mysteries behind such powers.
"I mean, where is the energy stored? Surely the thermal and kinetic energy would accumulate. Are there any potential drawbacks from wielding such powers?"
"Perhaps the thermal energy is transferred through heat sinks considering the environment they inhabit, we could assume Hell is as hot as they say..."
As hypotheses flew back and forth, the laboratory buzzed with the energy of intellectual curiosity, each scientist grappling with the implications of Charlie's abilities on the fundamental principles of science.
[♫ Some fellows look and find the sunshine. ♫]
[The scene changes, breaking forth from there respective safe havens, two demons are shown opening their windows to gaze upon the streets after another daunting extermination, though many don't seem to cared about the bodies litter the streets- one even smoking a cigar nonchalantly.]
[♫ I always look and find the rain. ♫]
[Camilla Carmine then proceeds to enter the scene opening the blinds to her room with a dramatic flourish of her arms, revealing the display of fireworks. Shadowing her was the four eyed demon, Zestial, as well as the silhouette of Lucifer himself]
Across the world of the living, humans paled significantly as their eyes fell upon the appearances of real-life demons. Lucas noted the wide range of reactions these creatures elicited. In one instance, a girl in her late teens was quick to empty the contents of her stomach while her friends gathered around her, sharing the same sentiment.
"Eww, did you see some of them?! I mean, that tall she-demon looked cool but gross!"
In another instance, David watched in stunned silence as an older gentleman froze in shock, his face a mask of disbelief and introspection. It was as though he was grappling with the weight of his entire existence, each moment flashing before his eyes in rapid succession.
Nearby, a group of Chads, their usual bravado was shattered by the sight of the demons, they slumped in their seats feeling dejected and defeated. Their hands reached for the shot glasses Lucas had been supplying, a futile attempt to drown out the overwhelming reality unfolding before them.
"Fuck, did you see that one with long ass claws, and the one with four eyes, fuck we are so screwed!" One of the jocks exclaimed which was shared by everyone who was watching.
Carmilla Carmine's Office:
"Verily, 'tis a matter of great concern that a god hath acquired such footage without our notice, or that of Lucifer himself, dear Camilla," Zestial remarked, his voice dripping with a regal tone as he peered over at his fellow overlord. Placing the fragile teacup in his claws upon its saucer with a delicate clink, he exuded an air of composed authority despite the situation as if he's merely intrigued at this development.
They were seated inside the arms dealer's office, having previously been engaged in conversation about the upcoming overlord meeting. While Camilla appeared her usual business-forward self, Zestial couldn't help but notice a newly formed tension around her as she tapped her long nails against the hardwood of her desk.
"You're right, Zestial. It's just not adding up, the early extermination, the..." Camilla paused momentarily, seemingly catching herself, glancing at her daughters amongst them briefly before resuming her steadfast gaze upon the feed.
"I do not think this is a coincidence. This Kieran figure definitely knows more than he's letting on. I suggest we tighten our defenses..." As Camilla's voice trailed off, a heavy silence settled between them, punctuated only by the faint hum of machinery in the background.
Zestial nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation.
"Indeed, my dear Camilla," He replied, his voice low and measured. "The timing of these events is too convenient to be dismissed as mere happenstance. We must remain vigilant and prepare for any eventuality."
Camilla's gaze shifted back to the screen, her brow furrowing in deep contemplation. Across the room both Odette and Clara both sent each other concerned glances, knowing the newly formed guilt placed upon there mothers shoulders in the past few months.
"Mother?" Odette mumbled, walking up to her and taking her arm. "Mother, everything is going to be okay." She reassured her. Clara grab her other arm as they gently lead her towards the couch.
"We are going to be okay." Clara softly repeated. She leans her head on Carmilla's shoulder and Odette does the same.
Carmilla took a deep breath before exhaling and relaxed in the presence of her daughters in her arms. Taking in their scent and closed her eyes.
"Yes, everything will turn out fine." She repeated as she opened her eyes, glinting with determination.
[♫ Some fellows make a winning sometime. ♫]
[Transitioning to the entertainment district, the camera zooms into a large building holding an illuminated 'Porn Studios' sign- inside three beings of importance sat. Velvette, the youngest of the V's enthusiastically taking a selfie with the tv headed Vox whilst Valentino exasperatedly texted his 'employee'.]
V Tower:
The Vees's all tensed up as they see themselves on the screen, and Vox cursed even louder. "That FUCKER! He managed to get a hold of us too! How the fuck does he do that?!" The TV demon whips his screen around, looking around the room in anger and paranoia. Valentino is similarly angry as he crushes his cigarette in his grip.
Velvette shrinks back a little as she narrowed her eyes. "Damn it all..." She gripped her phone, her attention now fully on the TV broadcast. "He knows how to get to us, without us knowing. That shit was days ago! We should have seen him!"
A professor looked up from his notes, muttering to himself as he watched the TV in his college office. His fellow sociology and history majors gathered next to him, analysing the scene.
"They've got human tech, human services... And the porn studios is like what we have here, albeit a bit more publicly explicit. But that's expected, considering that it's Hell." He muttered.
His colleague nodded, gesturing to the three overlords. "They seem to be in a higher position of power compared to the other demons on the street, they have nicer clothes and a private room, all in the top suite of that studio."
Another chimed in. "Maybe they were all humans, before...? Maybe people transformed into those demons once their souls reach hell?" The academic group murmured in disbelief and excitement at the theory.
[♫ I never even make a gain. / Believe me. ♫]
[ Odette and Clara, the dutiful daughters of Carmilla, pull out an angelic spear from a corpse and leave as the cannibals waiting nearby pounce on her dead body to feast. Above them the overlord known as Rosie eagerly crossed Franklin's name from the sign above their business.]
"Ew what the actual fuck!"
Cries of disgust and horror echoed amongst the living, humans dining in restaurants all felt their stomachs churn as the contents threatened to swim from their mouths. For many that is what happened as a upper class woman who had been dining with her lover spilled across her skirt, screeching like a banshee.
Scrambling to help the distressed woman, her partner peered down at the vomit upon her lap with extreme distaste, around them a few people chuckled while others remained glued to the feed, unable to look away in both disgust and shock.
Inside the kitchen of the restaurant, the staff have all gathered to watch, uncaring of their patrons in favour of feeding their growing curiosity.
"Kinda badass not going to lie. That old timey looking woman, girl boss does not give a shit that her partner's dead." One of the tired female waitresses spoke as she watched the two demoness walk away,
"Rachel! Those are legitimate cannibals on the TV, maybe hold off at the moment?"
Patting Genevieve on the back comfortingly, May observed with maternal concern as the moth-like angel gagged in the kitchen sink, overwhelmed by the grotesque scene playing out on the television. Besides them, others had also succumbed to nausea, as they retched into buckets and plant pots.
Despite sharing the general revulsion towards the man-eating demons, May's thoughts were consumed by an even deeper dread. She couldn't shake the images of her son enduring such horrors, lost in the depths of Hell. The mere idea twisted her stomach into knots, filling her with a sense of helplessness and despair. May presumed and hoped that he didn't died long enough to succumb to such a cruel fate.
"Hm?" May responded, her voice distant as she wrestled with her inner turmoil.
"A-Are you ok?" Genevieve asked, despite her own pale features and weary tone, she seemed truly concerned for the other woman as she wiped her mouth delicately with a wet napkin.
"Oh I'm fine sweetheart, don't' you worry bout' me. Now why don't you take some water before we continue? I think we all need it." She replied gently to her neighbour to which she nodded.
[♫ I'm always chasing rainbows~♫]
[A rather gruesome corpse is then presented on screen being picked apart by a scavenger, in the streets sinners begin to mingle and continue their unlucky afterlife many seemingly unfazed by the body carcasses scattered across the city]
Amidst the frenzied reactions of his colleagues, a biologist professor's eyes gleamed with fervour as he directed his assistant to capture every detail of the demons displayed on the screen. To him, this unexpected revelation was a treasure trove of scientific inquiry, an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of demon biology even in the aftermath of witnessing a rather graphic scene of cannibalism.
"Eugene! Get pictures of this stat!" He exclaimed, his excitement palpable as he attempted to process the details of each demon's appearance.
Around him, his peers buzzed with discussion, their shock overridden by an insatiable curiosity. Despite the grisly scenes they had just witnessed, their scientific minds raced with questions and hypotheses.
"Those remains... What I wouldn't do to get my hands on them!" The professor exclaimed, his voice a mix of fascination and morbid curiosity. "Each demon seems to exhibit unique characteristics. I wonder how their biology adapts to sustain such warped appendages!"
[♫ Waiting to find a little bluebird... in vain. ♫]
[Upon her balcony, the audience watches as Charlie, in tears, gazes up and into the face of Pentagram cities clocktower spinning back to begin the timer once again, a daunting reminder of the next cleanse.]
The humans murmured. "Yearly cleanse...?" Someone makes the connection to the exterminator angels and the practice. "Wait, is Heaven sending those creepy angels to kill sinners every year?!"
Lucas stared wide-eyed at the bar TV. "Fuck... no wonder it's so messed up. It's like The Purge, but worse..." A person next to him mumbled in shock and agreement. "I guess the angels up there really are fucked up..."
The atmosphere in the celestial promenade turned tense as angels grappled with the shocking revelation displayed on the feed. Confusion and disbelief rippled through the crowd, mingling with tears and sobs as they struggled to comprehend the implications of what they were witnessing.
"What do you mean, 'cleanse'?!" One angel exclaimed, their voice trembling with emotion. The question echoed by the sentiments of many who found themselves overwhelmed by a sense of injustice and horror.
"Why don't we know about this? Aren't they already paying for their sins by being in Hell?! What's the purpose!?" An alpaca-like angel clad in a lab uniform cried out, her voice rang out amidst the murmurs of disbelief and confusion, articulating the frustration shared by many. The fact that Heaven decided to send angels to kill people who have already died seemed incomprehensible and unjust.
"M-my daughter! She should be here by now- oh goodness! What if she's down there?!" Another angel woman spoke out, tears spilling from her single eye, she was small with cute ladybug like characteristics that paired well with her tight bright red curls. She wore a dress reminiscent of the American 1920's that flowed around her,
"Why the fuck don't we know about this?!" A Snake Winner shouted, furious by this shocking revelation. His skin is orange with a pattern of large, red blotches outlined in black down his back and his eyes had red sclera with black pupils, and a mouth with sharp yellow teeth and he was wearing a white top hat.
"Sera, do you know this?"
Stepping away from the elder seraphim, the once spirited and lively angel was overcome with shock, disbelief, and a sense of betrayal. Her four perfect white wings fluffed and poofed with the intensity of her emotions. Her perfect human guise began to crack, revealing her true nature, her formally dark purple skin turning a snowy white hue whilst her hair receded revealing a third glowing eye in the centre of her forehead.
Attempting to maintain her stoic expression, Sera breathed calmly In the wake of her younger sister's slow transformation. Though she too felt the intense emotions this revelation was causing, a sense of panic ensuring she had a slight shake in her usually perfect posture.
"Emily, I must implore that I.. didn't know that this was about to be revealed like this."
Emily's eyes widened in shock as Sera was implying that she does know about the extermination and she actually allows it to happen. The thought that her own sister was behind the exterminations sickens her to her core.
Within the ethereally decorated room, both seraphim noted how the intensity of the brightness in the room increased as they both let there emotions get the better of them yet neither of them conceded as they glared at each other, crack forming in there formerly perfect sister relationship.
"You must see Emily- if they are in Hell- they must've done some deserving of such punishment!"
"No Sera- I... I can't do this right now... I'm going to help Saint Peter, calm the people... "
Wiping the tears forming in each of her eyes, Emily shook her head firmly while she reinstated her human disguise, and flew swiftly out the door, not bothering to turn back at once.
Little does she know that the Kitsuna managed to hold on to a tiny part of her dress and was hanging on for dear life as Emily flew towards the promenade.
The void
The Void was a different dimension altogether, for it was specifically designed to keep only one person contained, for if she were to get out, the three planes of reality will collapsed on itself and disappear forever.
And the only sounds that was in the Void was laughter.
"Ahahahahaha!" Roo laughed, as she was thoroughly entertained by the revelation that Kieran has brought forth and she was enjoying this.
"Ahahahaha!" She wiped a tear from her eye and was trying to composed herself.
"Who knew that their looks on their faces was hilarious! I need to thank Kieran for showing such glorious entertainment!" She exclaimed as the Kitsuna that was with her was still trembling in fear.
"Oh, don't be afraid little one." She pats it's head, "I only wish to talk to him, can you do that?"
The Kitsuna was thinking about this for a moment before it nods it's head.
Roo smiled, "Good, now let me speak to him at once."