Heir of Primordial Darkness & The Shadow Realm

Chapter 1: The Last Son of House Orpheus, Pt 1

The moon hung a crescent in the night sky of a forest, part way blocked by the clouds that rain down water overhead onto the forest floor below.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The rain may have been mild to heavy, but it wasn't the only sound heard in the distance. The labored sound of breathing accompanied by the sound of rushing footsteps could be heard as a cloaked figure was running across the forest floor at blurring speeds, almost like a phantom. Across the forest floor they ran, blurring the line between normal running and supernatural speeds, rushing as if being chased.

Cloaked in a black flowing cloak, a thin short sword in hand, a female shaped figure was rushing through the forest floor, oftentimes limping with a cloak full of holes, and, in some areas, painted red and stained with blood. She was injured.

As the figure constantly looked back at whatever was chasing her, she never stopped running. Not even once. She was someone on a mission.

"FIND HER!" a voice boomed off in the distance, but she never stopped to look back at the monstrously loud voice that didn't sound entirely human. "BRING HER TO ME!"

Thunder rumbled overhead, startling her, causing her to flinch and trip over a root of a nearly dead tree. She groaned, gasping in pain, but she got up and continued running. Not even the ruthlessness of nature could keep her from completing her mission.

Dashing away in a blur, she looked behind her, towards whoever, or whatever, was chasing her, then looked above her head and around her again, as if some strange winged beast were also chasing her. She did this a few more times as she continued to run, the most animalistic roar in the distance triggering her to become even more of a blur of movement, nearly reaching sound speed in her dash.

After a while of running, she reached a small hut barely the size of a bedroom, made of wood and stone. It was seemingly an insignificant little building, if it could be called that at all, but, for her mission, it was vital to her success. And, as she entered the hut, she quickly discarded her cloak and rushed to a computer screen, where she began typing.

She was dressed all in black; well, almost in all-black. She wore a white blouse, black jeans and a pair of well0-used running boots. She had pale white hair, a youthful face and wore a tiara made of gold upon her head that covered her forehead with a black ge, in the middle of it. She was covered in injury, cuts, scrapes and one of her leg tendons was fractured — all were wounds quite gory for a beautiful woman such as herself, yet she did not complain about them. They would not serve her or help her in any way, complete her mission.

The screen she rushed to was embedded into the wall, its digital keyboard, an interactive hologram as blue as any digital hologram could be. She quickly tapped on the keyboard before looking to her right, where a cradle layed, and, inside the cradle, a baby lay sound asleep with a strange pendant tucked away in the cradle: It was of a symbol, a black, circular ring with two black angel-like wings connected to each side of this ring. It was a metallic black necklace.

Looking at the baby, the woman picked it up,after typing on the keyboard, filling in vital information. She cradled the baby back and forth, as it began to stur from the movement.

"My my little nephew, Blake Nexus Nox Orpheus," she said softly, with a smile on her face. "Shadow Realm is tearing itself apart. Only you, my child, can save us. Your mother is doing what she can, but she can only do so much. She's entrusted me to your safety. The Sealing will be at its weakest any minute now. Another opportunity won't present itself for another few hundred years, but we can't wait that long. 

"Find the key. Unseal us, and House Orpheus and the Shadow Realm itself can reclaim the power and prestige it once had. The other realms seem to have forgotten us and our enemies plot to destroy us, but, to do that, they must kill you. You are the Last Son of House Orpheus, and a king with a powerful bloodline that has attracted both gods and demigods alike. Only you can save us. Be strong, my nephew. You see us soon.

"You will bring House Orpheus back from the brink, I just know it. When you grow the power necessary for the requirements, find the key, and make your mother, your father, me and our house proud."

As the baby cooed to the woman's soft words, a robotic computer voice spoke "Enemies inbound, 2 miles, and approaching fast."

"Your father's enemies are approaching quickly," the woman said, more to herself. "They're nearly here."

The mysterious lady looked up at the sound pf nearing roars and strange creature cries, before turning back to the baby. "Be well, my precious nephew, my precious boy. Be well, grow strong and find us, and maybe, we'll meet again."

Setting the baby on the circular platform next to the computer, the woman tapped a button on the keyboard as a blue light began glowing around the baby. On the screen, numbers in percentages flashed below the words "Interdimensional Teleportation Sequence Initiated. Beginning Teleportation Sequence. Wait Time: Three Minutes!"

"They won't find you," the woman said, making her way to a wardrobe closet, in which she opened. "I won't let them. Compute?"

"Yes, Madame Orpheus?" the same robotic voice from earlier sounded throughout the hut.

"Initiate Self-Destruct Sequence in T-minus three minutes and five seconds," Madame Orpheus said, with steel resolution. "This Sequence should cut off any cosmic trace you'll leave in your escape, my dearest nephew. I love you."

"Command Acquired," the voice spoke, as a beeping sound began. "It has been an honor serving you, Madam."

"The honor was mine to have, Computer," Madam Orpheus said. "You have served me well. Now serve my nephew when the time comes."

"Command Acknowledged," the voice said.

"You will have to find them, but there are allies that escaped the Sealing all that time ago," Madam Orpheus said, thoughtfully. "Then again, they'll likely find you. You won't be alone."

Madam Orpheus gave her nephew one last look before strapping a silver breastplate to her body along with a black spear to her back and a short in-hand. A single tear falling from her dark eyes, as she steeled her resolve.

"Enemies Located WIthin The Perimeter," the same computer voice spoke again.

Hearing the sound of roaring and crunched gravel, Madam Orpheus let out a deep breath. It was time. She exited the hut.

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