Chapter 13: Bizarre Dreams, Part One
Blake's dreams were bizarre.
First, he found himself before a giant red volcano, spewing hot red, molten lava into an ashy sky, the smoke being used as a smokescreen to haze out a pair of gigantic, yellow, serpentine-like eyes that glowed through the haze of smoke an ash, each the size of an entire city, which only served to highlight just how big the creature they belonged to were and just how big this volcano was.
Blake couldn't see what this creature really was, nor could he get his bearings other than the field of fire and lava below the volcano he stood upon, but he could sense the chaotic maliciousness of this creature even from the spot he stood. He'd reckon he'd be able to sense its wicked, chaotic aura from hundreds of thousands of miles away. He was certain that wherever he was, he was no longer on earth — Wherever this realm was, it was not one that he's intending to go to anytime soon.
Blake looked at himself. He was a like a dark purple and black apparition. See through and transparent, like a ghost, his dream self reminded him of a spirit he'd read about in all his novels and webnovels he'd read about ghosts and whatnot. It was an intriguing notion, though he tried to focus on the giant pair of eyes before him. He wasn't sure how, but all his instincts were screaming at him to leave this creature, and he'd do it to, if he knew how.
The eyes seemed to study Blake, as if assessing him and measuring his worth — it reminded Blake of a hungry beast with an inability to sate its insatiable appetite. Everything about this being was both wrong and unnatural, both chaotic and twisted, both malicious and downright devious. If there were ever a such thing as chaos personified, this creature checked all the boxes Blake would've had for it. It was an existence of unfathomable power, of this, Blake was certain.
Then it spoke.
"So… the Great Darkness has a child," it chidded, chuckling amusingly at Blake. "An Orpheus, if I ever smelled one. Endless Nightmother must be so proud… Through you, I'm sure she hopes to create a new race of powerful primordials, but what if I swallow you before her plans come to fruition?"
It's voice somehow didn't melt Blake's face off, but the heat it produced sure did stir the volcano before them. Blake knew he was only a dream ghost, but something about this creature just made him want to vanish from his surroundings before something unexpected happened. He wasn't sure why, nor how, but he knew probability wasn't on his side when standing before this creature. He knew that if he wasn't his dream self, but his physical self, just its voice would've burned him, cooked him tenderly from existence. The agitated lava below was a pro,e example of its power — Just its voice shook and agitated the environment around them, and Blake wasn't enthusiastic about finding out what it'd do to him physically if he were here.
"My children will com for you, boy!" it's voice shook the landscape, as it continued. "They will feed on your flesh! Your father will know grief and pain like no other before when learns of—."
"Bullshit," Blake said, interrupting the giant creature shamelessly.
"WHAT!" it sounded, enraged by Blake's audacity.
"I call bullshit," Blake cross his transparent arms, definitely. "If I'm gonna die, I'm not dying to a bunch of monsters. The fuck I look like falling to minions? The fuck! You can miss me with that bullshit and suck my dick."
"W-what?" the creature seemed even more confused.
"Wait, pause, hang on," Blake shook his head. "I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I don't swing that way, and I'm not into beastiality, by the way."
"Wha-?" the creature was speechless, before finding its voice. "I am the mighty—."
"I don't really care who the fuck you are, man," Blake interrupted, waving his hand dismissively. "If you could kill me, you would have already done it. I'd already be dead by now, so I;m guessing there's some kind of universal laws set in place, preventing you from doing so, so whoever you are must be limited within this place to follow said rules, huh?You can;t do anything to me in this dreamscape, can you?"
"You arrogant bastard! You Dare!" the creature exclaimed, rearing in anger, causing even more lava to explode from the volcano below. "I am a Chaos Primordial! You dare to speak to me in such a vulgar—."
"It sucks to suck, which I'm sure you must know all about, seeing as you are imprisoned here," Blake laughed in the face of this creature. "I take it, it was you who sent those monsters after me, huh? What a bitch you are. I, personally, of course wouldn't know anything about sucking — I'm fucking awesome. Say, how does it feel being a bitch and sucking D? It can't be that good, right?"
The being released a mighty hiss, shaking the entire realm they were in. Blake just looked indifferently at the creature, as it threw a fit. It still didn't attack Blake, which only added to his suspicions.
"Damn the Cosmic Binding laws of the Dream Realm," the creature's hissing voice sounded barely cohesive.
Blake smiled innocently at it, as it eyed him angrily. "Your days are numbered, Blake, of House Orpheus," the creature released a terrifying pressure, causing Blake to fall to his knees and sweat fiercely. "My minions have your scent. My children will come for you, and they won't stop until your body is lying before me dead with no hope of entering the cycle of reincarnation. Of this, I promise you. They'll find you no matter where you hide. Know that your father can't keep you safe forever. When I return, so, too, will my brethren, and the Era of Chaos will begin!"
Blake felt true terror. This creature was such an asshole. He wondered how it tasted, though. Maybe, if it really is a giant snake, he could cook it and make something delicious from its corpse.
Blake shook his head. He wondered when he started to think like this.
The creature, thinking Blake was beside himself with fright, had no idea what Blake was actually thinking. It suddenly looked to the side with a far away look. "It seems your time here is fleeting. We will meet again, seed of night and darkness."
Then, like the switching of scenes in a movie, Blake's environment changed and the giant eyes vanished.