Chapter 12: Strong Advices The Weak
I I followed closely behind Amelia as she frantically ran to the infirmary. When we arrived, we saw Jeffrey's unconscious body lying on a stretcher. As the medical staff removed his combat uniform, the horrific sight of dark purple bruises and lacerations came into full view, with some areas beginning to swell. Amelia fell to her knees and let out a loud gasp.
"How could this happen? How could the school let this happen?!" she wailed, tears streaming down her face.
I stood over her, unsure of what to do. What would Lucifer do in this situation? I thought. He'd probably laugh and say something like, 'See that, Sin? The pattern of his bruises almost resemble the Horologium constellations.' He wouldn't care about the suffering of the person in front of him.
Did I care?
Part of me thought that Jeffrey's bruises did resemble the Horologium constellation. Another part of me was curious about how Jeffrey would change from this point on—if he would change at all.
I got closer to Amelia, stooped down, and embraced her in a hug. This was something Nina would do. She would hold Amelia in her arms like this, lovingly stroking the back of her head and whispering sweet words into her hair.
"It'll be okay, Amelia. Feel free to cry into my arms for as long as you need. I'll be here until all your tears have dried up."
Amelia wrapped her arms around me and began to sob even harder. Holding her so closely made her feel fragile. Her body was small, her skin soft, and the scent of lavender tickled my nostrils. Her light brown hair was so smooth that it melted away under my fingers with every caress. I had never noticed this side of her before.
"Sin... you're so warm," Amelia said, her voice so low it could be mistaken for your imagination.
"What are you guys doing?" a voice called out.
We shifted our focus to Jeffrey, lying on the stretcher, staring at us with a suspicious look.
"Jeffrey, you're awake! I'm so glad!"
"What were you two doing, and why are you crying?!"
"I'm crying because of you, jackass! Your body is so beaten up; you're covered in bruises."
"You didn't look worried. In fact, I don't even want to know what that look was."
"Asshole! That's the last time I ever worry about you."
"I'm just glad to see you're okay," I decided to speak up.
"You didn't look worried either!" Jeffrey said, his tone questioning. "Tell me, are you in love with my sister?"
Amelia jumped at Jeffrey's question waving her arms frantically, "Wha—That's not it at all! He was just comforting me because he saw that I was worried about you, right, Sin?" Amelia's face flushed red as she hastily came up with an explanation. In response I gave a small nod to agree with her.
Right then, one of the medics approached Amelia and I, "I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to leave. We have more patients coming in," she informed us.
We said our goodbyes to Jeffrey and left the infirmary. Upon exiting the room, we bumped into Liam and Mia, who seemed rather close since they were holding hands.
"Is Jeffrey okay?" Liam asked us.
"He's a bit bruised, but he'll be fine."
"Thank goodness. Sin... I think it would be best if you don't show up for your match today. You saw what happened to Jeffrey, and he was up against someone from Class C. I don't mean to poke fun at him; in fact, I think he might be the strongest in your class. I urge you to drop out of your match its the what's best for you."
God... his self-righteous attitude is getting on my nerves. I can't stand the way he strolls around the school like a messiah or something. Truthfully, I find Rizor much more likable.
"What gives you the right to determine our strength? As I said to Rizor, you Class A students are frauds. Your power comes from making the rest of them think they're weak. I think you should withdraw from your match; Zane won't go easy on you."
"Liam is just trying to help," Mia spoke up in his defense. "He's been trying to call this match off ever since you started it. I even gave you information on Rizor. It doesn't matter what you think of us; the fact is that you're in Class D, the weakest class. We're just trying to help you."
"I don't need your help if it means being called weak."
"But you are weak. You proved that to everyone at the entrance ceremony. For some reason, I thought you were cool before you went on stage and made a mockery of yourself."
"That's enough, Mia," Liam called out, trying to calm the tension between us.
"She is right, Sin," Amelia chimed in.
"I don't want the same thing that happened to my brother to happen to you. If it were any other person, it would be different, but this is Rizor we're talking about. He won't stop until he breaks you. It's not smart to rely on the school to protect you."
"I'm not your brother. I'll fight on my own terms. Tell you what, Liam... I'll withdraw from my match if you can prove to me just how weak I am."
"Is that a challenge?"
"Stop being stupid! Liam is the strongest first-year here at this school!" Mia shouted at me.
"Call it whatever you want," I said, addressing Liam while ignoring her outburst.
"I didn't realize it before, but you and Rizor are very similar.... I won't fight you; I just wanted to give you a warning. Rizor has gotten even more violent since Mia and I began dating."
"Thanks for the warning. I wish you luck in your next match," I said before making my way back to the training hall.
They were in the 9th, 10th, and 11th matches. The matches took place one after the other, with Classes A and B dominating. Class D had yet to win a single match.
We were close to victory in the 20th match, where Oliver fought against a member of Class C named Leto Manasseh. The entire match gave me a strange feeling. Both of them practiced karate, but their match was largely uneventful.
Leto was perfectly clumsy. His clumsiness almost seemed coordinated. It became apparent—at least to me—that he was putting on a show. The two traded blows for what felt like an eternity until Leto won in an unspectacular fashion. He was definitely trying too hard not to stand out.
Next was the 21st match, where Liam would face off against Zane.