Hell's Empress (books 1-4)

Chapter 4: 3: My Master Plan

 By the time you turned four, your previous life felt more like a dream. Still one you could very clearly remember...


 This was your reality now. No longer did you just feel like some puppeteer, instead finally accepting this new body and life as your own.

 Took you long enough, but at least you were here in the present just in time to get things done.

 You were on a mission after all.

 If your dad was right and you really did have to be careful about which quirks you stole...then you guess it would be crucial to prioritize the ones that were important to your mission.

 Early access to the internet was a godsend.

Google search: Endeavor's family

[No information found.] Probably for safety reasons.

Google search: Todoroki family

 __The Todoroki family is one of prestige and honor. The head of the household, Enji Todoroki, is currently the #2 hero, Endeavor. He has a wife and four children. Though they are very secretive about their home life.__

 "No s###..." You mumbled while at your mom's computer. Immediately after, you looked around frantically for her. Sighing in relief, you returned to browsing for more information.

Google search: Todoroki household

 After gaining access to their address and a map of the surrounding area, you looked for that mountain mentioned in the anime... It had been a while, so you had forgotten many of the finer details. But, it was probably your best shot at interfering.

 The numbers frightened you... Four children meant Shoto had already been born and Touya was still considered alive. Meaning this was probably the most critical part of his life.

 No time could be wasted. Immediate action had to be taken if you wanted to prevent him from becoming the terrible villain he was known for in your past life. And there might be no time to try to befriend him or talk him out of it either.

 The only way you knew how to fix this was by using your newly awakened quirk.

Google search: anime convention near Seketo Peak

[Search history later deleted.]


 "Ooo, I'm so excited!!" Chloe kicked her feet in the passenger seat giddily. You laughed at her excitement. At the wheel, your dad drove with a pleased smile on his face. He had dyed his hair black and used a special quirk to shrink himself to a more manageable height. Still, he was pretty tall at just over six feet.

 It was a happy day for the Shigaraki family. Very rarely did you three go out as a unit. You kicked your feet about in your little booster seat, staring out the window happily. It was like a little road trip.

 Getting your parents out here was fairly easy. All it took was you showing a little interest in anime, which Chloe loved. Because, despite all of her years on this planet, at her core, she was still a weeb. Then all you had to do was mention to her the anime convention, claiming you heard about it from one of your friends in pre-k. (Btw Pre-K was a total nightmare most of the time. Wasting your life away learning basic shapes, colors, and words you already knew!) And your dad decided to tag along since it was a rarity to see his wife this excited about something.

 Once you had arrived, you played excited with your mother, jumping around about things you didn't even understand. There were booths, treats, games, and most importantly, lots and LOTS of people. So many bright colors and loud music that it was easy to get distracted in all of it. About thirty minutes into the event, you slipped away while both your parents' backs were turned to you. With your small size, it was a quick and easy escape.

 From there, you hurried. No doubt your dad had a plethora of searching quirks, so you time was not on your side. Nor was just about anything else. Because if Touya wasn't on that mountain for whatever reason, your whole plan would fall to shambles!

 Your four-year-old lungs were sadly not used to the strain of hiking. Being cooped up in a small suburban home most of the time, you had few chances for sport and exercise. A real shame, because you used to be quite beefy and capable! Good thing by "mountain," they meant a tall hill. You reached its peak at about midday.

 You had no idea where to look, so you cupped your hands together and began calling for help. Hopefully, then, the right person would find you.

 "HELP!.. HHEELLLPP!!!" Your small child voice wailed, so mournful and urgent. Surely, if anyone was here, they would run to your aid.

 After about ten minutes, your voice about to give out, another child rushed to your cry. Age seven or eight, Touya Todoroki, jogged up the mountain, panting but eager to help. His hair was still a mix of white and red. Looked pretty cool, actually.

 "What are... What are you doing up here..?" The boy called, hands on his knees and panting as he stood a few feet in front of you.

 Your voice was scratchy now, but the effort was worth it in the end. Weakly, you answered, face and eyes downcast. "...I'm lost..." You muttered. The older boy mumbled something and rubbed his own face tiredly.

 "Do you know where your parents are?" You shook your head, still staring down at the earthy ground. "Hhh... Follow me. We have a phone in our house. Do you know what your parents' phone number is?" Still acting the lost shy girl, you nodded again. He started to trot back down the mountain, but you remained still. "What's the matter?!"

  "I dunno..." You tugged on one hand with the other, an obvious signal that you were nervous.

 "...Here. You can hold my hand!" Stretching out his hand, the young boy offered you exactly what you wanted. The moment you grabbed his hand, you activated your quirk but made sure it was very slow. A slight tingling entered your hand. His hand subconsciously flinched as well. But, he made no fuss, so he must just be thinking you have a strong grip or something.

 The two of you walked in complete silence while you slowly drained away his quirk. You wished you could say something more that might actually help him. Something that might guide him down an even better path. But... you knew how little he cared for the opinions of little girls, and there wasn't much you could say without revealing how much you secretly knew about his personal life.

 "...Thank you..." It was the only thing you could think to say.

 "No problem!" He was so nice... You felt kind of bad about this. But, at the same time, you knew that now, whatever path he went down...at least it wouldn't turn him into Dabi. Even if it was by just a little, hopefully, he would be a better man.

 A few minutes after the last of his quirk had been drained, the sound of a nearby road entered your ears.

 "Oh! I-I- I recognize this road!" Pointing to it. You pulled your hand out of his and began to run that way.

 "WAI- wait! What?! That's not very safe though!" The boy called after you. You smiled brightly over your shoulder.

 "My mommy and daddy must be looking for me everywhere! They will find me! Thank you!!"

 Jogging through the forest away from that boy, you couldn't tell if you'd just saved that boy's life or ruined it... Nothing was certain past this point.

 Finally breaking free from the woods onto the empty sidewalk, you zipped your head around for anything resembling the way back to the convention.

Bwaa! -- some strange portal sound from behind

 You spun around, your mother already only a foot away, pouncing you quickly. "(Y/N)!!" She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closely into her, arms trembling with fear of letting go. "Don't you ever run off like that again!!" Starting to cry. Your big eyes began to tear up as well. You never meant to hurt her this badly. Guess you had been missing for a while now.. maybe even a couple hours now. Certainly wasn't as bright as it was before.

 "I'm sorry, Mommy.." Crying too, you hugged her back and buried your head into her shoulder. Her hold on you was so tight. Made you wonder if she'd ever let go!

 After things had settled down a little, your dad placed his hand on your head and playfully messed up your white hair. "Looks to me like you've gained your very first quirk!" He remarked with such pride. You nodded and smiled up at him.

 "Yep! Can you tell what it is??"

 "Hmm, not quite. But I can sense that it is very strong. You chose your first quirk wisely, my angel." Your smile broadened even more.

 Maybe you could put Dabi's flames to good use someday.

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