Helluva Boss: The Better Boss

Chapter 20: "Moon Harvest" part 1

Driving across hells highways everyone was prepared for todays big event. The harvest moon festival.

A few days ago, shortly after we finished updating our communication devices, Stolas gave me a call to remind me of our arrangement and to engage in some light flirting. We were of course prepared to keep our half of the bargain. After assuring her that we would arrive, I resumed my work.

Here we were now, bouncing in our faithful van around the destroyed and flaming highways of Hell. Each member was ready. Well mostly, anyway.

Moxxie, ever the worrywart, adjusted his tie for the fiftieth time. "This transport sshould be fast but there'll likely be congestion."

Millie had a proud smile on her face. "That's wrath for ya, they know how to move folks around."

The van rolled to a stop in front of the gateway, rolling out of the van we entered the building met to the hybrid of an airport terminal and a red-and-gold-decorated concrete chamber. We saw the enormous Wrath Rings giant elevator transport. Demons of all shapes and sizes bustled around, pushing past each other, arguing with guards, or just standing in line with the kind of defeated patience that screamed "Hell."

Once we made it through the checkpoints with Loona almost biting a guard, we boarded the massive elevator. The whole thing shuddered and groaned as it rose, gears grinding like they hadn't been oiled since the dawn of damnation. Through the clear sides of the elevator, I watched as the Wrath Ring came into view. Red-ish orange Sky's, towering spires of volcanos, and farms full of Hellbeasts stretched as far as the eye could see.

"Home sweet home," Millie said, squeezing Moxxie's hand. The way she looked at the fiery landscape was downright sentimental.

Leaning on the railing, I let my mind wander. This festival, and us being there was extremely important. The Harvest Moon Festival brought out the best, the worst, and everything in between. Deals, rivalries, and maybe even potential alliances—all of it was up for grabs. And I wasn't about to let IMP miss out.

When the elevator finally stopped, I turned to the team. "Alright, let's make a impression."


We piled back into the van and bounced along the dirt paths that cut through Wrath's jagged landscape.

Moxxie looked like he was being driven to his own execution. He adjusted his tie for the now billionth time, muttering something about "composure" and "first impressions," even though we all knew this wasn't his first rodeo with her parents.

Loona, sprawled in the back seat, didn't even look up from her phone. "Bet they're gonna roast you alive, Mox," she drawled.

"Loona," I said, grinning as I glanced at Moxxie in the rearview mirror, "if they do, make sure to film it. We could use the footage for promotional material."

"Very funny," Moxxie deadpanned, shooting me a glare.

"I can't wait for y'all to meet my kin!" Millie said, practically vibrating with excitement. She had the biggest grin on her face, and I could feel her enthusiasm filling the cramped vehicle.

"Yeahh, great," Moxxie muttered, looking like he was already bracing himself for whatever awaited him.

Millie didn't seem to hear, too busy giving directions passing by a sign labelled "Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch", we pulled up to a sprawling, rough-hewn ranch house. The place looked like it had been cobbled together from every material Wrath could offer: scorched wood, and twisted metal for good measure. Fields stretched out in all directions, dotted with hulking Hell hogs and other massive beasts grazing lazily.

Standing on the porch was Millie's family: her dad, Joe; her mom, Lin; and her towering, battle-scarred siblings, Sally Mae and an intimidating older brother whose name I couldn't quite remember. All of them were armed to the teeth, even for Wrath standards.

"Mama! Daddy!" Millie leapt out of the van, practically tackling them in a hug.

"Well, look what the hell dragged in!" Joe bellowed, patting her on the back with enough force to knock most imps flat. His grin faltered, replaced by a look of thinly veiled disdain. "And you brought... him."

"Good to see you again, sir," Moxxie said, straightening his tie and offering a polite smile.

Joe crossed his arms, leaning against the porch railing. "Still lookin' like a stiff breeze could knock ya over, boy. Don't they feed you where you're from?"

"Daddy!" Millie scolded, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Lin, ever the quieter counterpart to Joe's bluster, gave Moxxie a polite but cool nod. "Afternoon, Moxxie. Still playin that tiny piano, I assume?"

"Uhh, It's called a violin, ma'am," Moxxie corrected, his smile tightening. "And yes, I am still pursuing my musical interests."

Joe snorted. "Pursuin' music while Millie's out here wrestlin' Hellhogs. Real impressive."

Moxxie stiffened but didn't rise to the bait. "I assure you, sir, I contribute in many ways to our endeavors."

Sally Mae leaned casually against the doorframe, her smirk sharp enough to cut glass. "Relax, Moxxie. Daddy's just funnin' with ya. Mostly."

Chaz said nothing, his eyes flicking between Moxxie and Joe like he was waiting for the first spark to ignite.

"Alright, enough!" I stepped forward, clapping Moxxie on the back a little harder than necessary. "Listen here, cowboy. Moxxie might not be the biggest or the loudest, but he's got brains and guts—two things that are damn hard to come by in Hell. He's saved all our asses more times than I can count, and frankly, if you can't see that, then maybe you're not as sharp as you think you are."

The porch went dead silent. Joe's eyes narrowed, his hand twitching toward the shotgun slung over his shoulder. For a second, I thought he might actually pull it on me.

Then, Lin chuckled. "You must be the infamous boss, Blitz I've heard so much about!"

"That's right," I said, flashing my best grin. "Founder and CEO of Immediate Murder Professionals, at your service. Millie's been a rockstar on our team, by the way. Couldn't do half of what we do without her."

Millie beamed at me, and Joe's scowl softened—just a little.

"And this," Millie added, gesturing toward Loona as she finally sauntered out of the van, "is Blitz's Hellhound, Loona. She handles all our bookings and communications."

Loona barely glanced up from her phone. "Sup."

Joe looked her over, his gaze lingering on the spiked collar around her neck. "Mean-lookin' hound you got there, Blitz."

"She's the best," I said proudly. "And she bites, so don't get any ideas."

Lin gave a small, approving nod. "Well, ain't this an interestin' bunch you've brought, Millie."

"They're family," Millie said firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Joe sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, come on inside, then. Food's on the table, and we can see what this bunch is made of at the festival."

We all began to enter, Moxxie shot me a grateful look as we followed Millie's family into the house but that was only natural or it should be for me as their boss to help out when I'm needed.

Now that we have a place to stay until the harvest festival begins it was the perfect time to prepare for their new farmhand, Striker.

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