Herobrine in Marvel...again

Chapter 58: 47 Marriage 5 Fan Fei- Avengers

Fan Fei wandered through the grand corridors of Herobrine's palace, the elegant dress Ender had gifted her flowing with her every step. The more she explored, the more she realized this place was nothing like K'un Lun.

Here, nobles weren't just strong—they were humble, respectable, and actually worthy of their status. Unlike the arrogant clan leaders of K'un Lun, these people—who were far more powerful than any Elder or Master she had met, didn't see themselves as gods over others.

And Ender…

She frowned, recalling her loss against him.

He had beaten her purely through skill, without relying on brute strength or flashy techniques. Even that ugly lizard's power hadn't helped her land a single hit.

That alone wounded her pride.

And now, here he was, attending an event that even many Elder Gods weren't allowed into?

"Tch. Just who are you, Ender?" she muttered under her breath, smirking.

She would figure it out.

And when he finally tried to smugly reveal his true position, she would just fold her arms and say, "I already knew."

That image alone made her excited.

As she turned a corner, Fan Fei suddenly froze.

Her brain needed a moment to process what she was looking at.

A skeletal horse, its body wreathed in ghostly green fire, wearing a perfectly tailored black suit like it was attending a divine business meeting.

Next to it was a massive black wolf, also in a suit, strutting forward like it was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

And beside them…

A monkey, standing upright, dressed in a warrior's outfit eerily similar to the legendary Monkey King's garb.

Then, behind them—

A Giant. Ball. Of. Fluffy. Nine-Tailed Fox Fur.

Fan Fei slowly turned her head to the side, eyes wide.

The moment she did—

They all turned towards her at the same time.



The monkey sniffed the air, squinting at her.

"…Are you by any chance related to Fin Fang Foom?"


The monkey scratched his head. "No? Great Protector, maybe?"


More blinking.

The monkey finally deadpanned.

"Okay, then why the hell do you smell like a lizard?"

Fan Fei snapped out of her daze, pointing at him accusingly.


That was apparently the funniest thing these creatures had ever heard.

The monkey exploded into laughter, the skeletal horse let out a ghostly snort, and the wolf howled in amusement. Even the massive nine-tailed fox laughed its tails swaying elegantly.

One of them, probably the wolf, grinned.

"Hah! I thought she was going to say 'Courting death'!"

Fan Fei's brain struggled to catch up.

This was not K'un Lun.

And she had absolutely no idea what she had just walked into.

Fan Fei rubbed her temples and decided to do the most logical thing—

Ignore the talking animals before her sanity crumbled completely.

She strode forward, pretending she didn't just see a giant fox chuckle, and entered a different chamber.

And there, she found her teammates, as Herobrine called them.

First, Mosi—Black Panther/Protector of Wakanda.

A tall, graceful warrior, his gold-trimmed black suit clung to his form like a second skin. His piercing golden eyes locked onto her instantly, observing without emotion—but Fan Fei had fought enough warriors to know the kind of lethal precision hidden behind that calm demeanor.

He gave her a slight nod—the universal sign of mutual respect among warriors.

Then there was her.

The Flying Disaster.

A woman hovering just above the ground, surrounded by small, orbiting asteroids that looked suspiciously like broken pieces of an anvil. Her body glowed faintly with cosmic energy, and she wore an expression of perpetual amusement, like someone who took absolutely nothing seriously.

And then—

A presence above.

Fan Fei's senses tingled as she subtly glanced up.

Sure enough, something lowered itself from the ceiling, descending slowly on a thread of webbing.

A boy, masked from the nose up, eight eerie, glowing eye-like markings covering the upper half of his face.

He dangled upside down, casually spinning in place before offering a mock salute.

"Nice to meet ya, Karate Aunty."

Fan Fei's eye twitched and the urge to punch him in the face was… overwhelming.

'Deep breathe. Ignore him. Do not commit a homicide.'

"You should be respectful to your elders, Cave," said another voice.

Floating beside them, calm, composed, and far too regal for this nonsense, was Highwalker. His elegant robes barely moved despite him hovering midair, and his expression was one of long-suffering patience as if he had dealt with this a thousand times before.

Cave Spider shrugged dramatically, still swaying upside down.

"Hey, man, respect is a two-way street. She hasn't earned it yet."

Flying Disaster snorted. "You called her Aunty within five seconds of meeting her."

"Okay, fine," Cave Spider sighed as if this were some massive burden. He flipped upright, landing with unnecessary flair, before placing a hand over his chest in mock seriousness.

"Miss Karate Cousin, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Fan Fei raised a fist that was glowing with energy, Cave Spider yelped and backflipped out of range.

"Joking! It was a joke! Gods, why are martial artists always so aggressive?!"

Highwalker sighed, glancing at another figure standing quietly nearby.

At last, Black Panther he spoke.

"You bring this upon yourself, Cave."

Cave Spider groaned. "You guys are no fun."

Flying Disaster grinned, floating over to Fan Fei.

"Eh, don't mind Cave. He is like a walking talking caffeine overdose. Highwalker's the responsible one, and Mosi is just waiting for the day Cave says something so dumb it gives him an aneurysm."

Fan Fei sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"…I just wanted to explore the palace."

Cave Spider perked up. "Ohhh, well, in that case, allow me to be your highly questionable, questionably trustworthy tour guide! There are many wonders to see, like—"

He gestured dramatically.

"—the Ghost Horse CEO in a Suit, the Big Fluffy Nine-Tails, and oh! My personal favorite—your impending fight with security for punching a minor."

Fan Fei exhaled slowly.

"Self-control… self-control…"

This boy was going to drive her insane.

As Fan Fei was still debating whether or not to commit a crime against Cave Spider, the ground rumbled.

A shadow loomed over them.

Standing at least four meters tall, a towering mass of iron and stone, was Bulk.

His massive body was reinforced with dark iron plates, veins of glowing emerald energy pulsing through his form. His glowing red eyes stared down at them with a mix of stoic indifference and silent menace.

Even she, who had fought dragons and warriors of K'un Lun, had to admit.

This thing looked like it could punch mountains into gravel.

Naturally, Cave Spider ignored all common sense.

"Hey, Bulky!" Cave Spider called out, waving as he casually strolled up to the living war machine.

Bulk grunted.

Cave Spider grinned. "You been working out? You look more 'crushy' than usual."

Bulk snorted, clearly unamused.

But the Spider was not deterred.

"You know, you really should consider a different skincare routine, buddy. Ever heard of exfoliation? You are looking a little rocky—"

Fan Fei grabbed him and yanked him back before he could finish whatever suicidal sentence he was about to utter.

"You are seriously going to get yourself killed," she hissed.

Bulk huffed, cracking his massive knuckles, causing the ground beneath them to shake.

"…Bulk, welcome the attempt," he rumbled.

Cave Spider snapped his fingers. "See? That's the spirit!"

Flying Disaster was laughing so hard she had to wipe a tear from her eye. Highwalker rubbed his temples, exasperated.

"Bulk, forgive the child. He was simply born without fear." Said Black Panther.

Bulk grunted again. "Bulk fix that?"

Fan Fei actually considered letting him try.


I thought I would upload when I have 5-6 chapters ready but I have only written two so far cause I have a lot of important stuff to do IRL now.

Also guys I have a new idea.

What if Ender had transmigrated to modern world Marvel?

Are you guys interested in it?

It will be probably some reaction type fic his background will be like this but the girls and family stuff won't be there.

Like no Gaia, Firehair, and other girls but Odin will remember him as a figure similar to Surtur/Dormamu and the same case for the Ancient One. And he won't be VERY OP, I am thinking of some nerf.

It is just a random thought.

Maybe I will make an entirely different Marvel fic in modern world.

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