Heroic Gambler

Chapter 1: The First Gamble



 Nothing... That is all I saw no matter where I looked- wait, no... I'm seeing too much to process any of what I'm seeing. I don't know how long I have been in this space, possibly minutes? Days? Years? My sense of time or rather my lack of one was driving me crazy, when suddenly it felt as though the very fabric of the space around me was welcoming me. The sensory overload easing up on my mind, slowly receding and granting me enough clarity to organize my thoughts and process everything I just witnessed... I was dead and got flash banged by reliving 16 years of life from different perspectives over, and over, and over again yet it was all focused on one individual.. me and it's almost laughable how I died.

 My name was Ueno Kichiro and I was going about my day, on my way home from school, I heard some yelling from the window of a house I had to pass from a couple floors above. Then there was the sound of glass breaking and something rubbery had struck me in the temple, and SOMEHOW it hit me in just the right spot to burst a blood vessel and I died from it before I even got home. My rubbery offender in question was a bright pink dildo and I was NOT ok with that being my cause of death, I was hoping for something more heroic or badass but no, death by dildo for me.

 My biggest concerns however was if my dog would be ok without me, hopefully my family doesn't grieve too hard... I won't even be around for my little sister's graduation, now that realization hit me a little hard. Thinking of the things I have left behind only left me feeling worse about my own death, yet my silent sobbing, though it was only silent due to my current lack of a body was interrupted by a somewhat transparent yellow screen appearing in my metaphysical face.

[Hello Ueno Kichiro, your luck has ran out after pouring it all into gacha games and your fate has brought you to me, would you like a new lease on life?]


 What kind of idiot would I be to deny the chance to go back, I couldn't leave my precious Coco behind like that. Calming down as I quickly pressed the accept button or more aptly mentally selected it, the screen disappeared and another took it's place. And I could only wish I actually thought this through.

[CONGRATS, you will be given a small number of tickets to try your luck before being sent on your way to entertain me further!]

[Items Acquired!]

[1x Ability Ticket], [1x Random Category Ticket], [1x Perk Ticket], [1x Familiar Ticket].

 Shit, so it wasn't a new lease on life. Instead it was likely another one of those random isekai tropes, maybe I'm gonna become some character in a fanfic... I'd rather have gone to a normal afterlife... and I'm not seeing any options to cancel my choice, maybe I can eventually make a way back. Lets roll these tickets and hopefully RNGesus does me a solid and helps me out with this ability ticket, or any of the tickets for that matter.

[Rolling Ability Ticket]

[... .. .!]

[Angel Form!]

[Angel Form: allows the user to take on the appearance and qualities of an angel; white feathered wings, a golden halo, pale skin, golden eyes and the user gains the ability to use holy power.]

 Holy shit... literally, this ability sounded amazing to have. and the fact that this was my first roll spelled good things for me so I decided to roll the perk ticket next.

[Rolling Perk Ticket]

[... .. .!]

[(Rare Bonus!) Strong Legs!] 

[(R)Strong Legs: The user has stronger legs than normal. Allowing for stronger kicks, faster runs, higher jumps, and easier falls]

 That's underwhelming, hopefully it being the Rare Tier makes this more useful for surviving. Onward to the next roll with my metaphysical fingers crossed, I rolled the Random Ticket.

[Rolling Random Category Ticket: Familiars]

[... .. .!]

[Bird: Harpy Eagle!]

[The harpy eagle is one of the world's largest and most powerful eagles. It has talons that are the size of a grizzly bear's claws, and can lift prey that weighs more than its own body weight. Normally found in rainforests.]

 Can't say much about this one but it sounds alright, hopefully the actual Familiar ticket gives me a better one though.

[Rolling Familiar Ticket]

[... .. .!]

[Ghost: Banshee!]

[Banshee: A female spirit who heralds the death of a family member usually by screaming. wailing, or shrieking.]

 This better be a coincidence, I won't find out till I can manage to experiment with everything but I didn't get to dwell on my thoughts for long as I was suddenly jolting out of bed in what looked like my bedroom... except there were tons of posters with some random buff guy in a Halloween costume giving motivational quotes. I didn't even have a vague idea of who he was though. Regaining my train of thought I started looking around, checking around the house to get an idea of my current situation.

 The house was like a 1:1 of my families home, every room, every photo, everything was the same except for one detail.. Nobody was here, the other rooms minus the living room, bathroom, and kitchen looked as though they weren't touched in years, covered in dust with cobwebs in some of the corners. So I'm assuming that whatever world I have been sent to wasn't gracious enough to at least let me pretend that things are normal and that I am actually alone, going back to my room and looking around I found my wallet in my nightstand drawer. Thankfully where I normally put it and looking through it gave me at least some semblance of understanding my current identity and my mind blanked a bit when I saw an ID that's design was completely foreign to me but my investigation was put on hold as a yellow screen appeared once again.

[ID Acquired! Status Panel unlocked!]


Name: Ueno Kichiro

Level: 1

Difficulty: Hardcore

Birth Quirk: Bark

MP: 30/30

Stamina: 35/35

Money: $250

Strength: 6

Agility: 4

Intelligence: 6

Wisdom: 5

Vitality: 7

Luck: 10

Stat Points: 0


 So this was really happening, I've read enough fanfiction to know the gist of this, time to start checking for the stuff I got from the gambling, Skills... that page is empty, Abilities- oh now we're cooking with gas.



Quirk -> [Bark LV7]

Active -> 0/1

1- N/A


1. [Angel Form LV1]


I can work with this, I already know what angel form is so I'll slot it now and test it later but lets what this... quirk is, whatever that means. 

[Bark: when the user touches any kind of wooden material their body transforms and becomes made of the touched wood, things like hair become leaves. In this state the user can change the shape of certain body parts like hands.]

So quirks are apparently some kind of ability that people are born with, if my status and this ID are anything to go by. I didn't even notice till now but the money in the wallet is in Yen so I'm definitely in Japan and apparently I know Japanese now, the address on my ID says my house is in Musutafu... Didn't know that was even a city but I guess it is now. Going over to the computer to see if I could research some more about this world, I reached a problem being that I didn't know the password for it meaning that my research would have to wait. Shutting off the computer I leaned back in the chair and finally let out a frustrated groan, the reality of me being in some other universe that has super powers of all things finally crashing down on me. I quickly repressed it those feelings however, I don't have the luxury of time to process them.

Grabbing my wallet and quickly finding my phone that thankfully unlocked with face ID, I looked up the nearest library and thankfully it was in walking distance so I knew what I had to do now before anything else. In hindsight it's a good thing that I couldn't get through the computer password, the less signs of me not knowing things that are basic common sense in this world the better so learning from books was definitely safer. Finally leaving the house and being met with a new city environment I took a deep breath before following the map on my phone, though my situation quickly turned out more bizarre than I had hoped. Seeing people that outright didn't look human, or had features that left them looking like a picture straight out of uncanny valley and it took all my willpower not to stare.

Arriving at the library I double checked with the front desk if I would need a library card in order to read the books and thankfully I only needed a card if I planned to take books home. Quickly looking for the history section I soon ended up sitting at a random table with a pile of about 7 books give or take, and so my study session began... Two things I know for sure is that I am in the future compared to my previous life, way in the future- and finishing this first book from my pile gave me a surprising reward.

[Due to reading a book you feel a little smarter]

[Intelligence + 1]

'Oh yeah, it's coming together.' Now having even more reason to read up on this world's history I soon spent the rest of the day reading, I didn't even realize how much time had passed till the Librarian came to tell me that the library was closing. Though an entire day was spent reading, it feels 100% worth it. Checking my system notifications to see just how much I gained, I was definitely coming back though maybe I should have chosen some shorter books to see if maybe I could earn stats faster.

[Due to reading multiple books for an extensive period of time you feel much smarter]

[Intelligence + 10], [Wisdom + 5]

[Congrats! You have gone from having no knowledge of the world to having formed a decent understanding of it's history!]

[+1 Bronze Random Category Ticket]

It was very worth it, my intelligence stat jumped from 6 to a solid 17 and my wisdom doubled from 5 into 10. Though it probably isn't that high compared to most people in this world, I walked quickly since it was dark and I did not want to get caught lacking by some random shmuck of a villain. I'll roll my new ticket when I'm safe at home but in the meantime I looked up different heroics schools on my phone as I walked, trying to figure out how I would apply to one of them when a specific school stood out to me on the list of potential places. 'UA? Isn't that the school from that one anime?' I thought to myself and immediately started planning to apply there. Despite having not watched the anime- and not even knowing what it was called, I knew that the protagonist's class went through a lot and if my recent system notifications told me anything. Accomplishing things and overcoming challenges rewards me with more chances at the gacha, the gacha that might have something to get me back to my real home. 

Eventually making it home I made sure to lock the door before making myself something to eat. Nothing complicated, just a sandwich since I didn't actually know how to cook. Taking a bite out of the sandwich I pulled out the bronze ticket, and nothing happened... I tried thinking of different ways to use the ticket when I noticed there was a tear here mark along the middle, hoping that it actually works I tore the ticket in half and one of my system's usual yellow panels appeared in front of me spinning like it was the wheel. When it eventually stopped and I saw what I got from the ticket I could only look between the panel and my sandwich in silence....

[The ticket has fallen into the skills category! Congrats on the common rarity Cooking skill]

[Cooking LV1]

[Cooking is a necessary skill for human survival and is a basic yet complex task, the higher the level of this skill the easier it becomes to cook and any result will turn out better tasting than normal.]

A little late isn't it? I already made the damn sandwich, deciding to not think about it to save my own sanity I dismissed the screen and finished the sandwich before heading to bed.... but first I had to take down those posters, I get that he is supposed to be the the number one hero but the way the posters feel like they are staring into my soul creeps me out.


That's all for the first chapter, I wrote the last bits around 2AM and had to try not to laugh when the wheel spun for cooking right after I mentioned Kichiro not knowing how to cook. a little confirmation: yes, his cause of death was also random. And Hardcore in the difficulty part of his status will be explained here and in the next chapter, everything is scaled higher. people are stronger, quirks are more potent, details may not be the same for certain events.

And yes, Kichiro in his past life never paid any attention to MHA. he is going through this with almost no foreknowledge. And if I find a better cover image that fits the story then I will change the cover.

If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask, any criticism is welcomed to help improve my writing quality as this is my first time writing a fanfic.

And if you have any ideas for stuff to add to any of the wheels feel free to pitch them in the comments just a little lower, the wheel categories will be listed just bellow this bit.



Temporary Debuffs



Temporary Servants



Temporary Buffs




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