High School DXD : Amen

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

[Omniscient POV]

Ezekiel gazed at his new guests, both stronger that his previous three. Two high class, one low-high and the other medium-high. Although the back haired priestess has more control of her magic energy.

The red haired one that looked somewhat familiar to him looked at the three individual on the floor and a tears left eyes before her gaze hardened and a murderous intent was focused at him. "How dare you do this to my cute servants priest" she shouted.

"There not dead devil.... not yet" he said and she felt relieved, if only a little. The may not be dead but there conditions we any but good." But healing them with be impossible..for you" he added and the relief she felt stated to dwindled." She condensed a ball of black and red energy in her hand. "Can you heal them".

"Yes...but I won't" he said while looking at the nun on the floor to his right. Did he not see them as a threat or was it his hubris. He waved his hand and several silver magic circles with runes and a sigil the duo did not surrounded the nun before vanishing.

He took a book out of his coat and open in.


The nun turned into motes of golden light with a hint of green in the middle and was sucked into the page displayed. The previously blank page, now filled with writing in a ancient. He closed the book and returned it to his cloak.

He full attention now directed at them. "I'm surprised you didn't attack me during the process".

"Your left hand was still behind your back the entire time and an obvious opening is more often than not a trap"

The red heads response drew a smirk from the priest. "Your more level headed than I expected considering your entrance" he commented.

" Why did you attack my servants priest?" she ignored his comment and asked her question."This is a church, Incase you haven't noticed. They trespassed, claiming they were here to rescue the nun"

" Ufufu you quit the uptight priest to attack someone for that" said the black haired one, speak for the first time." Perhaps.. perhaps not. But this is the house of the lord. If matters not if fallen use it as refuge or that it's currently in this dilapidated state. I will not allow devils to barge in a disrespect it further with there very presence" He said with his eyes literally glowing with conviction.

This response cause the duo to frown. They needed him to heal the other. He could have be lying when he said that she couldn't heal them. But what if they tried and it made this worse."Are you the only one that can heal them".asked the red head hoping the answer was no.

"No" they brightened up slightly. "But unless you have an high class or higher angel on speed dial or a pet unicorn stashed away... then yes." he added smirk still present.

Dread returned to the duo. The three sides of the biblical faction was currently in a cold war. And no unicorn would ever let themselves be tamed by a devil or any being affiliated with the dark side of the spectrum.

"How about a wager" said the red head. Her raven haired companion glanced at her but said nothing. The priest rose a brow. "What kind of wager... miss...?" The red heads eyes twitched.

"It's Gremory... Rias Gremory and I propose that when we defeat you you heal them" pride apparent I her tone. The ravanettes brown scrunched after said declaration but again said nothing.

"Gremory huh.... you must be the current Lucifers little sister then".The priest replied after a second."Regretting your decision now priest". Said Rias believing her brothers reputation scared the priest. "The name's Ezekiel and no you are not Lucifer miss Gremory" said Ezekiel "Your just his little sister."Rias scowls and her companion frowns." How da".

" However" Ezekiel continued cutting off her retort and depending her scowl."I do want to see the power of destruction." he states with interest clear in his tone.

" If you and you companion can last for five minutes. Then I will heal them. " he said.

The offer belittled her and her queens capabilities it also gave them an advantage. One she'd be sure to exploit and make the priest regret ever underestimating her or her queen. Rias charges booth and s with orbs of POD "Akeno cover me from above". He queen now identified as Akeno spread her bat like wings a lifted of the group and hovered just below the ceiling yellow magic circles Infront both hands crackling with electricity.

"Hmm" Ezekiel with both arms behind his back accessed both combatants. "Let's dance". A dozen golden magic circles with various symbols and runes appeared behind Ezekiel.

Rias and Akeno eyes widen as there instincts screamed danger. The potent holy and light energy leaking from the magic circles promised a quick and painful death. Was this priest even human, the holy and light energy leaking from his circle was to potent for a human. Then various weapon constructs made of holy light begin to exit the magic circles but remained hovering.

"I do hope you survive this Gremory. I'd be a shame if Lucifers little sister couldn't handle this much." Ezekiel was staring into her soul and each word torn at her insecurities. But she refused to let him see that. She fires if her to orbs, but there were intercepted by light swords causing a cloud of smoke to form. Six light spears pierced through the smoke cloud heading straight for her and Akeno who launches lightning spells at them defending her King. Seven more spears were already Infront of Rias after the previously volley was destroyed. She created a barrier but cracks appeared upon the second spears impact, third it breaks, Forth she leans left to dodge but it grazes her cheeks. The fifth spear was heading for her heart but Akeno erected a barrier just in time to defend her. Sixth and seventh evade Rias's barrier and homed in on Akeno who erected a barrier to defend herself while simultaneously firing lightning to intercepted them. The spears increase in speed evading the lightning an hitting the barrier at the same time.


"Ahhhhh." Akeno shrieks in agony.

"Akenooo" Screamed Rias concern obvious in her tone. A smoking body fell and hit the floor creating a dust cloud. Akeno's miko outfit was missing pieces and smoking. Her skin was burned and she had a hole in her shoulder oozing blood. Rias ran up to her friend but before could reach her, she felt a prickling sensation on her neck. Death was closing in, she had just enough time to turn her neck and she saw several light spears and sword closing in ok her. She couldn't erect a barrier in time. Is this how it ended, her peerage dead because she didn't do her job. She didn't research her opponents, she let her pride get the best of her and it would cost her. She closed her eyes and accepted death, hoping it would be quick.

" Not even a minute..... ah well....hmm" Ezekiel sighed with disappointed. But then a barrier of ice erupts between the volley of light weapons and Rias right before impact. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes. He only sense the individuals arrival just before they deployed the ice barrier. This means there at least ultimate class, troublesome but still with range of his capabilities. If necessary he'd summon one of his true arsenal.

The smoke clears and a white haired red eyes voluptuous women in a made costume stood Infront of Rias . A barrier was erected over Rias and Akeno, which defended them from the shockwave.

The maid narrowed her eyes as she assesses the Ezekiel who mirror her actions.

"My name is Grafiya Lucifuge, Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer. Is there a good reason as to why you attack miss Gremory. " questiones Grafiya.

" She made and offer... she lost. " states Ezekiel. If his response caught her of guard it didn't show on her face." And her peerage. "

" Trespassed on holy ground. " he's heard of Lucifer's queen before and her expertise in ice magic was surpassed only by Serafall Leviathan.

" I see... we will be leaving. Will you impede us," she asked.

" No... this sanctuary has suffered enough damage. You may leave. " Ezekiel responds.

" Very well then. What your name priest," she asked hoping to gain some information on this unknown.

" Ezekiel, soldier of the heavens, bane of all those that besmirch his name," he responds as the glow in his eyes intensifies before fading and returning his pupils to their natural state.

Ultimate class, mid or perhaps even high was what she could tell from his display, but that was all there was to him. It was why she chose this outcome instead of a confrontation. She knew nothing about him or what skills he possessed, but her instincts honed from years of training, and conflict told her he was not to be underestimated. Besides Rias was safe, unconscious but safe. She would relay this info to her King and he would decide what the next move would be.

Magic circles appeared under her, Rias, and the rest of her peerage before they teleported out.

After verifying that they were gone, Ezekiel finally lowered his guard. The magic circles behind him powered down and disappeared. He looked at the damage done to the church and signs.

"What a mess."

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