High School DXD : Amen

Chapter 9: Chapter: 8

[Ezekiel POV]

I find myself in contemplation more and more these days. Especially during this mission. But how could I not? Kokabiel is a problem on his own but two heiresses and sisters of two satan in the same location as a known warmonger is unsettling, to say the least. But it also can't be a coincidence. He strikes soon at the school where they are no doubt. A force of excommunicated exorcists, priests, and even nuns along with those who followed him as he left The Gregori.

However if what sensei said is true the mad bishop is in his employ. And his known obsession with all things holy sword must play into Kokabiel's plans somehow.

I got up and looked through the windows of the church at Xenovia and Irina sparring. Upon arriving at the church we were greeted by Asia. Xenovia became confrontational until I explained the truth behind Asia's banishment from the church the links to other nuns and holy women in churches around the world and the devil belonging to the Astaroth Clan. To say she was pissed would do her outputs justice however when I told her Lord Micheal said he'd personally take care of it she ceased immediately. Ever since she's been training nonstop with me giving her a few pointers and her dragging Irina to practice sessions.

That's been her routine for the last three days.

Asia was cleaning the church and was happy to do so. I'll need to let her experience Japan's wonders once this is over. To do that I'd have to anticipate Kokabiel's next move to minimize the damage of or inevitable confrontation.

If Satan Leviathan was still here it would be easier to mitigate the damage. But because of the tense relationship with the youkai. One of the devil-kind leaders can't be here without a good reason.

With her gone Kokabiel should be moving soon. If I had to estimate. I'd say within the next 48 hours.

~Time Skip - 10 pm ~

I felt a magical signature skyrocket in the direction of the Kuoh High before it was gone. Someone had launched an attack before a barrier was placed around the area. Xenovia and Irina burst into the room they had also felt it.

"Get your things and let's go"

"Yes Sir"x2

A few minutes later we left through the front door.

"Asia I'm leaving Ramiel here. Should try to do anything they'll pay for it."

"Thank you, Father" I nodded at her response.

"Teleportation directly to the school and the area a quarter mile around it is blocked off. I teleport us as close as I can and will move on foot from there" I said to which they nodded seriously. A magic circle formed underneath us and we vanished in a burst of golden light.

[Rias Gremory POV]

She was bad luck she had to be. First, the incident with the priest caused her to avoid him when he dropped by the school. Now He and Sona along with three peerage members were getting overwhelmed by an attack force of excommunicated church members and fallen angels. Some mortal enemies happen to be very proficient in using light and light-infused and light-constructed weapons.

As I dogged another light I can't help but wonder what I did to deserve the series of events. The only good news was that her peerage members' conditions were stabilized but Satan Beelzebub said prolonged exertion would cause their conditions to return. The conclusion he came to was that the priest himself had to undo what he did. Any attempt to remove it made it worse but suppression was somehow allowed. Satan Beelzebub was described as Light with a mind of its own a dangerous concept for devil-kind yet still fascinating to the man.



As she felt the power course through her. She concentrated before firing a potent bias of the Power of Destruction. Kokabiel merely laughed before unleashing the largest light spear she had ever seen with what seemed like minimal countering the strongest attack. She felt despair he peerage was being over power and Sonia's peerage members weren't fairly much better.

"Is it. I had hoped the crimson Satan sister had more to her." mocked the fallen angel Cadre.

"Was the all you could manage after being empowered by the Red Dragon Emperor" he continued. I grit my teeth. He was right was that it. Even with the addition of Issei's Boost she still couldn't do any damage. The fallen angel pointed his hand toward the sky and light spears covered the sky above the entire school. The individual fighting her and Sona's peerage members disengaged and teleported out area the spears covered. Something they could not do as the enemy had blocked them from teleporting. She looked at Sona who was looking back at her. They couldn't run in time and they are too many to shoot down even from their collective effort.

"With your deaths, the gears of war will turn once more AND THE FALLEN WILL TAKE THE RIGHT FULL PLACE AS THE VICTORS" smugly declared Kokabiel. He swung his arm down and the rain of light spears descended.

She and Sona along with their peersages fired at the incoming attack as expected it proved futile. But as they were feeling their skins crawl from the holy and light energy from the spears searing heat was felt before a stream of reddish-hued golden flames incinerated the attack before receding along with heat.

Kokabeil's eyes narrowed in the direction of the school entrance and I along with everyone else followed his gaze.

Three individuals leisurely walked through the gate dressed in matching outfits with a red and black color scheme. Leading the trio was someone Rias and Sona as well as their peerage members recognized the individual had a sword in his hand off at his side as he walked. The sword had a black blade with red runes running across the blade surface. A golden hand guard and hilt with a black grip. The duo behind him broad swords on their backs and hope respectively.

(Clothing Image)

(Weapon Image)

"I see you brought the swords willingly. You have my thanks" said Kokabiel with a chuckle.

"I see you brought yourself and the rogue bishop you have my thanks" replied Ezekiel causing Kokabiel to scowl.

"You church dogs and your hubris"

"Like you're one to talk"

Having enough of this Kokabiel summons forth four Cerberus.

The mad bishop was behind the rogue cadre army fusing the Four Excaliburs in their possession. The combination of his and the sword's presence had her beloved knight seething with gritted teeth. But had to focus on protecting himself and her as the enemy army had re-engaged.

"Irina, Xenovia show the fruits of your labor. Before we leave her I want the bishop in change and those swords retri-"

Ezekiel was cut off as a blinding light emerged from the area where the mad bishop was working. He had finished fusing the swords.

"I did it," he said with glee" incomplete it may be. But it's superior to any individual fragment and can unleash the power of its fused parts"

"Good work Valper"

"Change of plans handle the dogs and the stray fallen. If you see an opening get the sword and detain Valper. I will handle Kokabiel"


"Handle me" chucked the fallen"Very well let's see it you can entertain me"

He condensed a light spear in his hand and divided down at the priest who enveloped himself in a golden aura and charged at the fallen cracking the ground.

Like the toils of the evening bells. Their clash signaled that the battle would soon come to an end.

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