High School DxD: The Game Master

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 : "Again, the fuck?!"

He was looking at a scenario that had not only already been made but run and completed by... Gremory Rias, Himejima Akeno, Shinra Tsubaki, and Sitri Sona, "Again, the fuck?!"

He quickly pulled up the recording of the scenario and watched it from the beginning. As he did his eyes widened, "Hyoudou Issei? Who the fuck..."

Throbbing pain lanced through his skull. His eyes slammed closed while he gripped his head in his hand and screamed in agony.

It felt like a railroad spike was being driven into his brain, pulled out, and driven into another spot. Every beat of his racing heart sent a throb through his entire brain that made it feel like it was swelling and trying to break out of his skull.

The torment continued until he felt something literally break within his mind and a flood of memories slammed into his conscious mind.

He jerked from the shock causing his chair to tilt over and throw him onto the floor. He groaned on the floor, his body covered in sweat as he breathed heavily. It didn't help with the slowly receding pain, but he knew what had happened.

Fucking memory magic.

He hadn't even thought about it, but clearly, he was not immune to one of the most insidious kinds of magic.

His memory had been altered, just like everyone else, but seeing the incongruity of the facts presented by his power and his own mind broke the spell, painfully.

It took him a while longer to recover enough to stand and sit his chair back up properly. Once sitting, he resumed watching the recording of his scenario being run.

He continued to rub his temples as he reviewed the information. Remembering how weak Issei was managed to raise his blood pressure and cause a throb of pain in his skull until he could get it under control.

Seeing how excited Rias was and how much she enjoyed his scenario brought a smile to his face.

He could really grow to like her if she kept that up! He liked his power because it could be fun for everyone! Sure, he could go full villain and make super hard deathtrap scenarios, but then who would run them? He might be able to lure people to them, but the lure could be resisted and he was certain the Devils could easily resist the lure and ignore his scenarios if they were super dangerous.

No, he was much better off making scenarios that were challenging but fair.

Once he finished the review, he leaned back in his chair and contemplated what he'd learned. Innovate Clear? He'd never heard of it but if there was a Sacred Gear out there that could do everything he could? Ohhhh that pissed him off a little.

It took him three Essence's to do what he did and some chump with a cheat code could do it easier? Screw them!

Still, he knew nothing of the Sacred Gear or who had it so he wasn't going to be visiting sweet justice on them anytime soon.

Alternatively, having the Devils instantly suspecting him was not a good thing. He wanted to stay under the radar and having them staring at him would make it harder.

He was also a little disturbed when Sona explained why she was suspicious of him. Calling him a Gremory lookalike and talking about his magical power. He didn't have Innovate Clear so at least there was that.

Unfortunately, he had no idea he was broadcasting his magical power, let alone how to stop doing so.

Now, even if he did learn how to mask his power, it would only make them more suspicious because it would clearly show he was aware of it.

He sighed and checked on the energy he'd gained from the scenario being run and completed. The amount wasn't massive, but it was a good amount.

He supposed that should be expected from having four powerful beings standing around within it. So, just having people in a scenario doing nothing would give him some energy?

His eyes widened at that thought as a plan came to mind to abuse that little aspect a bit. A smile curled his lips as he got to work designing his next scenario. This was going to be awesome!

Rias stood still as she stared at a familiar-looking portal. It had just opened moments ago, right in the middle of the old school building where she ran her Occult Research Club.

The club room interior is a wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls. One side is set up to be able to be used as a bath, and a large Gremory Family magic circle is also there to allow teleportation to and from clients.

Specifically, it had opened right inside of her bathing area. That was kind of annoying and clearly targeted specifically at her. She was joined by Akeno within moments and soon after that, the remainder of her peerage had joined her.

Kiba Yuuto, her Knight and Toujou Koneko, her Rook. She had one more member, a Bishop, but he had severe agoraphobia and trouble controlling his Sacred Gear so he was currently sealed off.

Kiba is a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a mole underneath his left eye. He is the 'prince' of Kuoh Academy and wears the school uniform more often than not.

Koneko, on the other hand, is a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears black cat-shaped hair clips on both sides of her hair.

"What do you think is inside this time?"

Rias looked to Akeno, the one to ask the question, and shrugged, "No telling for sure. If it follows the theme so far, then it should be a small adventure outdoors or an errand run.

If it's an outdoor adventure then it would likely be something small and weak, like goblins. That's a classic trope, a cave of goblins just outside the burgeoning heroes village."

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