Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Chapter 76: The Big Three, coming face to face with Death.

Third person pov

Interdimensional Room


"So.....what should we do now?"


Irina said as she pointed to the scene in front of her.


The other five girls were also looking at the scene in front of them with either curious or amused expressions.


"When did she come?"


Xenovia asked curiously


"Well, she still seems happy where she is."


Akemi snorted in amusement.


"Well, should we wake up Dany-san first?"


they finally nodded as Asia voiced her opinion


Shigune reached out and started poking Daniele's cheek


Daniele didn't respond at first, although he just frowned.


He slowly opened his eyes as he turned his head and looked at them when Shigune finally reached out and pinched his cheek.


"Wwat awe yow wowng?"(What are you doing )


"Shhh! Darling! Be quiet and look to the side!"(Whisper)


Shigune let go of his cheek as Irina intervened and whispered


As Daniele became even more confused, he turned his head and looked to the side, and right in front of him was a perfect face, as if created with the most meticulous efforts of God.


Gabriel in brief


The other problem was her outfit


She was wearing Daniele's shirt for some reason


'Have my shirts become nightgowns or something, why is everyone wearing them???'


Despite this, Daniele had to admit, the scene before him was critical damage for any man, even if he was taller than Gabriel, but the woman's ridiculously large breasts made up for it.She had even made sure the shirt was too small for her, deep cleavage was visible as if it were endless , her bottom half was completely bare except for a pair of white panties, showing off her thick but firm thighs and fertile wide hips.


Despite this seductive view, the woman's facial expression was overflowing with innocence as she hugged the pillow. The difference between the two sides did not create disharmony, on the contrary, there was a seductive sense of perfection.



"Via, can you pinch me?"


Daniele sincerely requested


"Of course"


Xenovia didn't hesitate as she reached out and pinched his cheek roughly.


"...it hurt so much, I mean it's not a dream, right?"


Daniele muttered as he nodded, unable to look directly at the woman next to him, she was just...too poisonous for a man


"She wasn't here last night, was she? Or am I the one who doesn't remember?"


Lavinia asked as she tilted her head to the side.


"No she wasn't "


Everyone looked at the figure while Akemi nodded in agreement.


As if she felt the gazes on her, the source of the problem opened her eyes.


She stood up, her blue eyes slowly opening as if the ocean itself was hiding her, she put her hand in front of her mouth and raised the other up.


"*Yawn~* good morning!"


She yawned as she stretched and involuntarily emphasized her voluptuous body.


"Hmm, what's the problem?"


She asked with a surprised expression


"We were just surprised when you suddenly appeared in bed this morning, Gabriel."


"Oh right, this topic---"


*Stomach growls ~*


Gabriel suddenly blushed a little


"Let's eat something first~"




 Daniele pov


"Lady Gabriel!?"


"Good morning, Rossweisse!"


We set the table while Rossweisse screamed in surprise when she suddenly saw Gabriel at the table.


"Your clothes"


"I wonder that too, Gabriel."


When Rossweisse was wondering what she looked like with her shirt on, I asked, and the shirt was still there, even though she was wearing jeans underneath.


"Well, when I came in last night, Lavinia seemed comfortable wearing this, so I stole one from Dany's closet.By the way, you can't take it back, it's mine now~"


She said the last part while winking at me


*sigh* seriously this woman


[Please know that we both enjoy the view]



"Why did you come late all of a sudden? Normally you come earlier."


Everyone was completely seated at the table while Via asked curiously


"Important figures from Greek Mythology will participate in today's match "


Ah yes Griselda mentioned it


"Who's coming?"


Akemi asked curiously


Gabriel's smile widened.


"The Big Three, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades, will attend as spectators, with the aim of using the event to deepen the alliance "


"Well, what does this have to do with you being late?"


I said as I took a bite of the pancakes, damn it delicious!


"I had to make final arrangements with Michael, oh right Odin asked you and Rossweisse to be his escort "


.....Rossweisse looked like he had swallowed a bug


"Do we have to?"


Rossweisse asked in an exasperated voice


"No, you can refuse. After all, the decision is yours."


"I will accept"


I raised my hand and said




Rossweisse let out a startled scream, I just shrugged


"Well, these are the Main Gods of Greek Mythology, it will be interesting to see, of course If you don't want to, you don't have to. "


"...*sigh* Fine, I'll come, well at least I won't be alone"


I reached out and patted her shoulder as she looked at me with a small smile.


"Trust your seniority in such situations"


".....I shouldn't have told you this"


I grinned at her as she looked at me with disgust


"But you did it and it was too late, my dear subordinate "


"Never mind, I give up"




I continued to caress her silver hair...so soft


"Bad Dany, don't bully Rossweisse "


I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand away while Gabriel was sweetly scolding me


"But it's fun"


"Yes, it is, I personally like doing it to you too"


I sat down in my seat with a fake cough while Akemi gave me a suggestive look from there.


...it's not a good idea to provoke her now


I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out to check.


"Is it something important?"


I just smiled as Lavinia asked me


"Well, just an acquaintance "




Underworld - Agares city / Agares Stadium


When the time finally came, Gabriel left us and let us wander around as much as we wanted until the time came. Of course, this was more true for me and Rossweisse


Luckily Lavinia, Shigune and Akemi were also free, so we all came together.


"This place is huge!"


Asia screamed in surprise when she saw the giant arena


The surroundings were crowded, which caused her to receive many stares.


As she bowed her head in shame, I just chuckled and reached out and stroked her head.


"Don't joke around, Dany-san."


While she was looking at me sullenly, I leaned over and stole a kiss on her cheek.


"I can't stop myself, Asia is cute after all"


It was obvious that she was pleased with the kiss as her lips curved upwards.


"Bro! I've been looking for you!"


When I heard the sound we saw a figure of Riser and Ravel walking towards us , followed by Yubbeluna , Siris and Karlamine


I was about to open my mouth to smile at them but two people acted first


"It's you! Exorcist Girl / Devil-san"


Irina and Karlamine shouted while pointing at each other....what the hell is going on?


"Karlamine, have you met?"


Riser asked as he raised an eyebrow at his knight.




I also looked at Irina in surprise


"I told you before, Darling! We met before during the mission to hunt Stray, I mentioned that there was a devil who helped me!"


"Wait is this girl that girl?"


I couldn't help but show a surprised expression, is the world that small?


"Is that true, Karlamine?"


"Yes Lady Ravel, we had a sword fight right after that, she was a strong woman"


Karlamine also confirmed the situation and praised my chestnut


Riser suddenly burst out laughing 


"Well, I was planning on introducing our Harem but whoever thinks they've already met, well...they part of the harem right ,Bro?"


He said as he put his arm around my shoulder


Before I could say anything, Via lifts my chin with her index finger and thumb and pulled me into a kiss.


"Does this answer the question?"


"Fufu~ I like her"


Yubbeluna said while grinning


"Well, you're as good as Bro's bragging about, although personally my own harem would be better"


I elbowed him in the stomach


"Do you want another beating? We already talked about that."


"Hoh~ that's fine with me"


He said while grinning at me.


"Onii-sama, Daniele-sama, please don't start a fight!"


At that moment Ravel came between us and complained


Me and Riser looked at each other and then chuckled


"Don't worry Ravel, we're just joking"


Riser said as he stepped back and slapped me on the back


.....it hurt you bastard


"Haha, yes Ravel, no problem."


I elbowed him harder than before towards his stomach.


There was a moment of silence between us, then we stared at each other.


"Do you want to repeat what you just said, what do you mean your harem is superior to mine, my fiancés are the best!"


"Oh, Bro, Bro, Bro, you're still young, I understand, but one day you'll understand the truth,"


This bastard is itchy!


Just as I was about to take a step forward, I was prevented from moving by the extreme softness that hit my back.


"What are you doing, Suzaku?"


Akemi grabbed me from behind and pulled me


On the other side, Riser was also subjected to similar treatment by Siris.


"Lord Riser~ let's not fight now. When I get back I'll do that thing to you with my tongue"


I gave him a dry look as Riser froze for a moment and took a step back with a fake cough.


"It applies to you too, after all we came to visit together, let's spend time together before you and Rossweisse leave"


Akemi said while kissing my cheek




Akemi smiled at me and released me


Her gaze turned to the Phenex household


"I am Suzaku Himejima, the Chief of the Himejima Clan and the fiancée of this sweet idiot."


The idiot part was unnecessary!


"So you are the host of the Vermillion Bird"


Ravel said as she stepped forward, for some reason.... she looks combative???


"That's right, and you are the only daughter of the Phenex family who possesses the properties of the phoenix ."


The two shook hands firmly, no seriously, an audible sound was heard!


Akemi is smiling at her and for some reason lightning is flashing between her eyes... what's going on?!


....bird competition—ow!




A small fireball hit my forehead


The fireball quickly grew larger as it bounced back and was replaced by a bird made of red fire.


"Oh.... What's up Suzaku? "


For some reason it's angry at me, for no reason , weird~


"Suzaku still mad at you for plucking one of it's feathers."


.....I still don't know why, weird~


"Also, Daniele-sama, you just thought of something rude, didn't you? "


"Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say."


As the gazes of the two phoenix girls fell on me, all I could do was stay calm, otherwise it would be terrible!




"Well I hope so"


Akemi came to me and pressed my arm to her breasts while Ravel was giving me strange looks, are you jealous, don't worry, you should definitely have it when you grow up


Wait she's squinting at me! Are these girls reading minds!!!


A finger poked my cheek as another softness hit me from the other side.


"Dany, you really not learning~ it's pretty easy to read your face"


Lavinia, not make fun of me, damn it!!!



"Oppai Dragon! Get your Oppai Dragon items here and support the Gremory Family!"


"Hellcat, hellcat masks!"


"Get some cheer flags and banners for your favorite Trap!"


There were many souvenirs and fan items in front of us, but how should I say this?


"Is this too biased?"


Shigune finally stated


That's my girl!


"Indeed, Oppai Dragon and Gremory products are in constant demand and are quickly sold out compared to Bael's side..."


Sairaorg's small toys and a few hats or flags were taken but the difference was staggering, almost 100 to 1!


"Well, after all, that kid's show is very popular, lso, the Gremory Peerage is relatively full of pretty boys 'tsk' and sexy chicks, oh and there's also the lizard"


Riser said carelessly


A certain lion in my soul especially liked the fact that he referred to the dragon as a lizard.


[I changed my mind, I like this bird]


"Karlamine, send a servant and get things from Bael's side, make it almost equal to the Gremory side"


Riser gave his knight the command


He turned to me when he noticed my gaze.


"Don't even ask Bro, politics is pure shit "


"We have a formal business relationship, I hope it doesn't affect me"


"Nah, it's just something between the New Satan and Great King group, after my engagement day , my father chose to give them some support "


So the scales are tilted, well it can't be my fault.....right?


"Darling, are we going to buy it too?"


Irina came up to me and asked, the sparkle in her eyes showing her interest in buying


"They're probably still too expensive, though."


While Rossweisse was whispering next to me, Bael clerks suddenly pulled out a 50% discount banner


"Let's get it!"


Aaaaand she lost herself too


She is seriously weak to discounts


"So Bro, who do you support?"


Bael or Gremory....




Third person pov


There were 20 minutes left for the match to start, but that didn't mean the teams couldn't meet with anyone, quite the opposite.


Teams were free to negotiate before the match started


Gremory waiting area


Rias wasn't receiving visitors at the moment, or rather, her mother and sister had just left and she was doing a final status check.


The other members of the team were mentally preparing themselves as they took their final breaths, this was going to be a tough fight and they all knew it.


But suddenly a notification came to her phone


When I looked up with one eyebrow raised, the notification on my phone came from an unexpected address.


Rias had signed up for the site because she found it interesting, definitely not for a specific 'Lion King', anyone who says otherwise is a liar


Rias froze for a moment when she saw that the incoming post was from Daniele.


Of course she knows about Gremory products, maybe Daniele posted to wish team ... to her , good luck


A small blush covered Rias' cheeks, which she quickly suppressed.


When she open the post...


PoD was reacting around her body as her hair rose!



★Good Luck Sairaorg!


The Holy Axe of the Church (Confirmed Lion King )


İmage à ( PNG. Daniele and Riser shoulder to shoulder wearing Bael souvenirs.)






The first to react was the surprised Issei


"Rias, are you okay?"


Akeno also looked at her king for some reason.


Rias was smiling brightly at her Peerage.


"We're winning this thing, we will definitely win!"


Rias was even more motivated than usual!


Bael waiting area




The same message was seen by Sairaorg and he was laughing


"Okay, everyone, it looks like we have a supporter, let's win this and show the underworld the power of the scorned!"


The Peerage members screamed in excitement as Sairaorg raised his fist into the air, after all the guy had charisma


'I wish you were here to see it, mother'




Daniele pov


Right now we were all sitting in a cafe there and consuming dessert or drinks.


"Dany-san, shouldn't we support Rias-san?"


"That's right Darling, we are quite familiar with them after all"


I just shrugged as Irina and Asia looked at me.


"Bros over hoes, Also, I've known Sairaorg longer than Rias"


[Isn't there less than twenty-four hours difference???]




"That's my Bro!"


Riser said loud


"The drinks are on me!"


"Onii-sama, don't draw attention from the surroundings."


I was watching with amusement Ravel's attempts to stop her brother


"Well, it's your choice who you support, I still support Gremory after all Akeno-chan is there"


Akemi said as she leaned on my shoulder


I didn't hesitate to put my hand on her waist


"Of course honey you can support whatever you want--"


Then I turned to the girls


"--the same goes for words "


"Then I support the Gremory's"


"I'm too Dany-san"


"I guess me too.Dany"


Asia, Akemi, Irina and Xenovia choose to support the Gremory


"I can support the Baels, I'm not that close to either side and it's sad that almost no one supports them. "


"I agree with Lavinia, I can support them too"


Lavinia and Shigune support Bael


"What about you, Rossweisse?"


Rossweisse thought for a moment and then nodded.


"I'll go with Gremory too, in Kuoh , they very kind to me after all."


Wow, Bael's support is woefully low


At that moment, as I felt a tug on the corner of my outfit, Ravel gave me a small look, her cheeks a little red.


"Daniele-sama.....I will be supporting Bael with you too..."


I blinked a few times and threw a small, secret glance at Riser.


He waved his hand as he sighed and told me to continue.


I reached out and stroked Ravel's head


"Thank you Ravel, let's do our best together!"




She said while raising her little fists, it was really cute, but why are you looking at Akemi's side with a smug expression , so it's really a bird fight, right?


"So Bro, where are you going to watch the match?"


I shrugged as Riser asked curiously


"Me and Rossweisse will accompany the V.I.P's and the girls will join the audience --"




Riser suddenly shouted, what's going on?


"How can my Bro's women stay in the audience, we'll give you one of our V.I.P rooms!"


I've got my eyes on Riser, he's planning something, I don't know what but he's definitely doing it.


I asked in a low voice that wouldn't be heard by anyone else, even with supernatural senses, as I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer.


".....What's your purpose?"(super whisper)


Riser responded after a moment of embarrassment


"You see Bro, all my girls will be in the room, it won't get any view from the outside, only the ones inside can see out and you know... there are things I can't do when Ravel's in there "( super whisper)


I gave him a dry look


"You owe me" (super whisper)


"Of course!'( super whisper)


Riser and I separated as the girls looked at us with interest


"*cough* Ravel, when Rossweisse and I leave, can you keep the girls company, Riser offered a spare room"


"A-ah, of course!"


Ravel, who was suddenly called, responded in surprise


At that moment, Rossweisse checked her watch.


"Daniele, almost it's time "




As I stood up, light shone around me


As the light faded, my casual clothes gave way to a tight white suit with black tie, more like the kind worn at parties than the ones worn by luxury private security.



Rossweisse also wore a similar suit to mine, making a similar move to mine as she stood up



Her beautiful long legs and large breasts were beautifully hugged by the suit while the red tie was quite stylish


Riser looked at her with a thumbs up


It was surprising that he had no pervert expressions.


"Bro, you have good taste in women"


Oh wait, he's misunderstanding!


"Dude, stop, you misunderstood"


"Yeah yeah I know"




Third person pov


While Riser and Daniele were arguing, Siris, Karlamine, Xenovia and Irina were talking about the swords.


While Asia, Shigune and Akemi were examining Rossweisse's suit, Yubelluna quickly pulled Ravel to the corner.


"I must admit you have a good eye for choosing your man, Lady Ravel."


Yubbeluna said while pointing at Daniele in a suit with her gaze


Ravel turned in surprise as she blushed as an apple


"W-what are you talking about, I don't like Daniele-sama that way!"


The purple-haired beauty rolled her eyes


"Come on, do you think I'm stupid, an Italian stud with a good body, don't miss this and hurry up, there are already 6 girls ahead of you and I'm sure there will be more, if the first 3 are taken, get in the top 10!"


Yubelluna had been Riser's Queen for a long time, naturally she had been by the side of the young Phenex girl for a long time, she couldn't deny that she saw the girl as her sister. That's why she wants her to be happy


"T-that's not the case, Yube!"


"Don't worry, leave it to your big sister Yube, I'll give you some advice"


Yubbeluna quickly leaned over to whisper something in her ear.


Ravel's face, which used to resemble an apple, started to darken gradually, and started to extend to her ears and neck.




Daniele pov


I couldn't convince this guy in the end, the bastard is so stubborn!


Me and Rossweisse are not like this


I said as I turned my gaze to the silver-haired angel, now surrounded by other girls who were also deep in conversation, occasionally letting out a small laugh.


.....she's really beautiful


"Has your heart fallen to the girl~"


"I'm seriously gonna punch you"


Riser burst out laughing as I narrowed my eyes at him.


"Don't start again"


Riser just shrugged.


"Okay, Yube, Siris, Karlamine let's go, the girls are waiting~"


Riser left while addressing the girls


"Ravel then please guide us"


I called out to Ravel but ... Why isn't she answering?


When I looked at Ravel, she was just standing there blankly, but why was her face so red?


I walked up to her and quickly touched her shoulder.


"Ravel, are you ok—"


"It's too early!"


Ravel covered her body with her arms as she stepped back, tears in the corner of her eyes.


...Too early for what?


"Ravel? Are you okay?"


While asking in a slightly more gentle tone, she quickly stepped back as soon as I stepped forward.


"A-at least take me out to dinner!"


....What's happening!?




Suddenly, a person tapping me on the shoulder interrupted me.


When I turned around Lavinia was looking at me


"Leave it to me"


After saying this, she came in front of Ravel


She grabbed the still astonished Ravel and buried her in her big Breast




The girl looked shocked and waved her hands in the air while Lavinia hugged her tighter, hugging her head


"There~, there~, calm down Rav-chan~"


Rav-chan?? Is that the nickname Lavinia came up with for her?


After about two minutes, Ravel's shaking hands suddenly dropped down.....is she dead?!!!!!!?


When she finally let go, Ravel was just standing there blankly


"Are you okay, Ravel?"


"Daniele-sama life.....isn't fair"


....did her breasts make you question life?




VIP room


When we entered the room, only one word was enough to describe it.....Luxury


Everything was just sparkling


There was a giant glass in front of everything


"Well, let's go then "


When I told the girls they quickly said goodbye to me


"Then good work, Dany-san."


I leaned down so Asia could reach me comfortably while she wrapped her arms around my neck and stood on her tiptoes.


She pressed her lips to mine... She really got brave, didn't she?




I said as I gently caressed her head


I also got quick kisses from other girls either on the cheek or on the lips


"Good work, Daniele-sama"


Ravel, her cheeks red, turned her head and said


Tsundere Moe!


I reached out and caressed her head


"Thanks Ravel~"


I thanked him in a polite voice and turned around and left, maybe this is a strange place to say this but for some reason I felt like a husband sent away by his wife( or in my case , wives)




High-level V.I.P area


"You arrived just in time! Also your outfits are perfect!"


Gabriel greeted us cheerfully while playing with the collar of our suits, as for me...


"Dany! Why are you avoiding your gaze again!"


*Sigh* I have nothing else to do when you look like every priest's wet dream!


"Gabriel, just...why are you wearing nun's clothes?"


Gabriel paused for a moment, then stepped back.


She winked at me as she turned quickly


She was wearing a nun's outfit, which was mostly black with white on the front, and it perfectly hugged her abnormal curves, which were definitely not befitting of a nun's outfit.




"So, is it good?"


Excellent! Great, you are undoubtedly the goddess of our goddessless religion!!! I would like to say that


"..... Good "


But for some reason she smiled even deeper as if my answer was already sufficient.


"Let's go now, the others have already arrived!"


When we walked through the door, there were five figures I recognized and three I did not recognize in the room.


The people I knew were Azazel, Michael, Serafall and Sirzech , Odin


"Dany-tan! How are you!"


Serafall greeted me as she jumped up from her seat, she was wearing a very nice outfit that fit her and was the same color as her eyes, the tie looked especially adultish.




"Hello Levia-tan, it's been a while "


"Yeah~ but Dany-tan should be happy after all you has many beautiful lovers"


I just laughed dryly as she sneered at me.


"And so what, a man should have many lovers, of course "


Odin said from the corner, then grinned as his gaze turned to Rossweisse


"So how are you my old bodyguard, you're probably fine after all you have a reason to be single since you're an angel~Oh wait , you're not! Hahahahah!"


The corner of Rossweisse's smiling mouth twitched as the vein on her forehead pulsed.


Wow, he really pushes her buttons so easily.


"Oh, is the girl single? If she wants, I can offer her a nice night"


At that moment, a figure I didn't recognize spoke.


He tall , very tall, around 1.90 a middle-aged man with a handsome face and a muscular body. He had shoulder-length brown hair, a neatly trimmed brown-and-gray beard, and bright electric blue eyes. He wears blue and white robes with threads of gold and golden accessories.



It emitted a lightning scent that reached my nose the moment I looked at it and made all my hairs stand on end.


[Zeus's himself, Tsk!]



[He's a jerk]



But the way he looked at Rossweisse was getting on my nerves for some reason


His eyes were clearly and filled with lust


I quickly positioned my body in front of hers.


Zeus' gaze lingered on me for a moment as he grinned.


"Hey kid, move away, you're blocking the view."


"I humbly decline"


I would do it like hell, you bastard!


"Do you know who I am?"


He said while pointing to himself




He nodded


"And you are the Lion King, the wielder of who died at that time little Nemean Lion "




"Oh, so you don't know—"


"Don't mess with the kid, you son of a bitch, or I'll give your wife the address of the brothel you're going to tonight."


Azazel said while grinning from where he sits


Zeus snorted in amusement as he turned his gaze to Gabriel.


At that moment my body once passed in front of the his gaze


"Seriously? "


He looked at me with his eyebrows twitching


"Let's say the silver-haired woman your girl , but why are you preventing me from seeing Gabriel!"


I shrugged as he let out a scream of surprise.


"She is my King.Of course I have to protect her."


I ignored Serafall's Tsk sound


I didn't even try to clear up the misunderstanding about Rossweisse, it works to my advantage


Zeus looked at me for a moment, blue lightning flashed in his eyes


Even though I felt a heavy pressure on me, I didn't move.


We both looked at each other for a while.


My foot sank a little as it created cracks in the ground


Still, I looked at him while I stood upright as best I could




Michael suddenly clapped his hands loudly, he was wearing his usual clothes....nice cases


"I think that's enough jokes for our Joker "


Even though he still said it with a smile, there was a certain dissatisfaction behind his gentle voice.


This is my boss! Wait, what does he mean by 'joke'??


"...How boring"


Then suddenly all the pressure was gone and he turned to Odin with a bored expression. 


"It's really as you said, one-eyed. "


"Look, I told you so"


They both talk at each other


So was this planned....


.....I seriously want to punch them


"Hahaha look at the way his eyebrows twitch, he's definitely thinking 'I want to punch them'!"


The other person who said this was another middle-aged man who looked like Zeus with long blue hair and beard. While he was slightly shorter than Zeus, he was still taller than me.



Unlike Zeus, his scent gave me a strange sense of calmness, like my nose and body were relaxed, but at the same time, a strange chaos feeling, like... like the sea


[Poseidon ]


As expected


"So, do I need to introduce myself, the Joker of Heaven?"


He asked with amusement


I resisted rolling my eyes, why are these gods picking on me in particular?


"Of course not, Lord Poseidon."


He looked at me for a while


"Have you been to Onigashima recently?"


As I stiffened he continued


"There is a feeling of the sea around you , Have you visited the spa? It's wonderful."


How does that happen?


[Don't be surprised, just like me smelling supernatural things, a Poseidon level god would surely notice this]



[He is the weakest of the three brothers, but the difference between them is not that big ]


"Hmm, did you sleep there with the elemental you mentioned? "


Poseidon waved his hand as Zeus asked


"Nah, but there was a very attractive Oni, it was a new experience"


My eyebrows twitched as Serafall ignored them.


Seriously..... are gods usually perverts, I know the legends but come on!


So the last brother....


"Oh, you're here, Hades? "


While Poseidon was saying this, I felt a terrible presence behind me


I didn't even notice!!


Before I could even turn my head, the first sensation that hit me was the scent of the supernatural.


..... death


This is what I felt, the whole area seemed to turn grey, countless hands shot out from the ground and grabbed me, as if pulling me towards my death, a scythe held by a grey-robed ghost that was pointed right at my neck.....I felt like I was face to face with death.




All this was dispersed by a roar that shattered everything


My whole body felt like it was breaking out in cold sweat.


"Are you thinking of getting out of my way?"


It was thanks to Regulus that I came to, half-shaken, and turned to look at one of the most powerful beings in the world.


The thing in front of me was a skeleton dressed in high priest's clothes that had been altered and gave a more demonic feel. Even though the skeleton's eye sockets were empty, the lights shining from there looked like eyes, the all body was surrounded by a spooky feeling but somehow the feeling of something you can't escape....death


He had a staff with a three-eyed skull on top, which was staring at me for some reason.



But how should I say it, when I saw it, I completely unconsciously and unintentionally let a name slip out of my mouth.




As soon as I finished, four different people started laughing loudly behind me.


While Zeus, Poseidon, Azazel and Odin were laughing, Serafall, Gabriel and Sirzech were suppressing their laughter, Michael's lips just curled up.


But I wasn't laughing, no I certainly weren't, especially not with the pressure rising from the god in front of me!


Right behind Hades was a figure dressed in completely black robes and wearing a strange mask.



For some reason, even though I couldn't see his face, he was looking at me with satisfaction, what the hell was going on?


"Do you have anything else to say?"


When Hades' words brought me back to myself, I began to think about what to say.


[Be honest and let it go' trust me ]


Well, if my partner says so




I apologized, well I was wrong here and I really don't know what to say


He looked at me with his eyes of light, a movement that pierced me.


".... Not again"


He said it as he passed me....wow, is that really all?


[Hades is such a person, contrary to what is actually assumed, he is relatively the best among the three brothers, we can say, well at least he causes less trouble ]


At that moment, that figure behind Hades approached me, now I can feel it coming, at least he has the power of a low-class god


"Fake Angel, you realized that we honored Lord Hades with that series we made, I see you above the other fake beings


.....what did he say just now


[Apparently, they were the ones who made that anime]


I opened and closed my mouth, such a shock!


"Fake being, grant me your name so I may remember it, unless you are happy with being fake, kekeke"


[Someone who makes worse jokes than you...ugh someone kill me!!!!]



[Oh right ]


"Fake being?"


"Daniele, I'm Daniele Berti, this generation's Lion King and the Joker of Heaven"


"I am Pluto, Lord Hades' most loyal general, I will remember your name! I am not pleased at all, kekeke"


[Someone stop him! This is torture!]


He said nothing more as he passed me and stood behind Hades with pure respect and devotion.


I rolled my eyes and was about to turn around when suddenly the softness and pleasant smell that hit my cheek caused my eyes to open.


Guilty, the most powerful angel in heaven smiled at me in a way that made my heart beat faster


"Thank you, my hero~''


While blinking, he quickly went towards where Serafall was.


"Why do you come here you cow!"


"Come on Sera~ don't run away~"


"Who's running away from you! Besides, I just saw what you did to Dany-tan, you Shotacon!!!"


I walked over to Rossweisse while chuckle at the two of them arguing.


When I reached Rossweisse, silver hair passed by as a softness quickly hit my other cheek that Gabriel had not touched, and the words 'thank you' were faintly heard in my ear.


It was obvious that Rossweisse couldn't even look at me without I turning to her , but her ears were bright red.


As for the four perverts in the room, they were staring at me, Hades just rolled his eyes (Or the lights in the eye socket)


And finally the big event began



Third person pov


A man's face appeared on the big screens in the packed arena


He had purple hair on top of his shaved black hair and an oddly shaped beard.


"Hello everyone from the underworld! I'm Naud Gamigin here as your announcer! Before we start, let's talk to our two special guests at the match , As referee , Lord Rudiger Rosenkreutz, Lord Diehauser Belial as commentator and a special surprise guest as another commentator"


After Naud said that, Azazel came out from the magic circle that opened next to him.




"General Governor Azazel"




It's clear that Naud has a talent for getting the crowd excited.


Especially with the cheers that resounded in the arena without stopping upon the people who came


However, the popularity of these people was of course a separate, important factor.


"Well, first of all—"


Just as Naud was about to open his mouth, a phone call was suddenly heard.


"Oh, excuse me, this is mine"


Rudiger said as he pulled out a rather nice looking slim mobile phone from his pocket


"Oh yes"



"Really *Chuckle*"



"Buy me some souvenirs~ but tell Raul to be careful, you know he might get hurt "



"Yes honey, we'll see."



As Rudiger hung up the phone, he took a deep breath and turned his head to see three curious face staring at him.




"No, you just know, you seemed really VERY happy, it was intriguing."


Azazel mocked as he leaned on his hand.


"Oh well, my wife and son went to Spain, I was talking to them, I'll join them after the match"


When Rudiger said this, everyone saw it live on screen and, as they say, many fans saw the happy and sincere side of Rudiger instead of his evil and cunning side...


....most especially women fainted with a red face, once again Rudiger was REALLY popular


"Wait a minute Spain, I didn't sense any demonic or magical powers, how did you even talk to them?"


Diehauser drew attention to the issue while asking curiously


"Oh, thanks to this phone"


Rudiger showed the phone in his hand


"A technological company for the supernaturals by EDEN Corporation, the phone can basically be received anywhere except for a few absurd nonsense of course "


"I've never heard of such a company, Lord Rudiger, and if there is, where can I get one!"


Naud jumped up as he asked excitedly, to be honest, most communication in the supernatural world was of course through supernatural means, but of course there was reserve consumption


The largest all-inclusive event without any reserve consumption is Devil.net, which was the secret of its popularity, but now there is a phone for communication!It's especially perfect for devils with low Demonic power!


"The company will be officially opened in the days after this match, the owner is a friend of mine, it will be announced on Angel.Net "


"I'll buy one as soon as this is over, I shouldn't miss out on popular culture!"


Naud said this while winking at the screen, on top of that the EDEN Company, given to the entire stadium (and those watching remotely via live broadcast) was engraved in their minds


As for Daniele, who was watching all this from afar, he was grinning with joy, as if the jingling of money was constantly ringing in his ears.


"Okay then, I'll leave now."


Rudiger said as he left with the magic circle


Naud also faked a cough to clear things up


"So let's get started! First of all, the Bael family Heir and the strongest Youth! Sairaorg! Bael!!!!"


With Naud's voice, Sairaorg and his peerages entered the field, each with determined expressions on their faces while Sairaorg grinned widely.


"And their opponents are our rising stars, the relentlessly successful Ruin Princess of Gremory! Rias!! Gremory!!!!!"


Rias also appeared on the platform with her peerage 


The two kings looked at each other with smiling eyes and unyielding eyes


"So let me explain the type of rating game that will be played today, it will be a Dice Figure Game. The kings of both teams will send their servants, whose total value matches the six-sided dice they throw, to the artificial dimension where the battle takes place. As for the dice values "


As Naud's appearance instantly disappeared, pieces and their valuables appeared on the screen


Queen = 9 Pawns Rook = 5 Pawns Knight = 3 Pawns Bishop = 3 Pawns Pawn = 1 Pawn (Base value)


As his face reappeared on the screen, Naud continued speaking


"The value is added to the number of pieces a person has consumed, Lady Rias Gremory's Pawn, Red Dragon Emperor Hyoudou Issei, has consumed 8 pieces so his value is 8. Lord Sairaorg Bael's pawn Geld Nebra, which has taken 4 pieces, his value is 4 , As for our most important rules, they were decided according to their strengths as a result of these comprehensive evaluations. Lord Sairaorg Bael's value is 12 points, while Lady Rias Gremory's value is 8 points. "


Many in the crowd couldn't help but be surprised by the 12 point value. It was so high!


"Well then, now please roll your dice!


With Naud's words, both Rias and Sairaorg headed towards the dice places in front of the platform they were on.


And the first dice of the match was rolled!!!!!




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